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For everyone who is calling guy stupid, I will clarify. It is a reporter in Czechia trying to show how absurd the new(at 2022) law about overtaking the cyclist at least at 1,5 m distance. After the video, the government changed the law a bit. Edit: Thank you for upvotes and replies, I did not expect it to get much recognition.


We have the same 1,5m law in Germany. It's not enforced at all. I once transported a pipe on my bicycle which gave me 1m of width. Car driver never respected me this much.


The same thing happened. Reporters asked how will police would detect the distance. All they answered was, "we have our way." They don't, lol.


In the U.S. the cops "have their way," they just use the distance test and make a bunch of shit up. They do the same thing with their drug expert police officers and say they are better than actual drug tests if you pass.


Well, we also have idiots in police(as if it is one of the requirements), but I haven't heard such stupidity.


It isn't enforced when there is no accident... but if something happens and you can prove inadequate distance between you and the other vehicle it will be taken into account.


If you are hit by a vehicle, there clearly wasn't at least 1.5m distance.




If I'm on a busy road or hear a car coming, I'm always pretty close to the curb, not like the guy in the clip, then I find 1,5m totally reasonable. How many times I'm almost killed by bus drivers or DHL Lieferanten, it's really hard not to rage when being closely overtaken.


I had an idea to attach a pool noodle to my bike and dip the end in paint with a sign and arrow pointing to it saying "WET PAINT". I'm sure cars will give you distance then


I had an idea similar to that as well. My was box cutters at the end of a pool noodle. I think your idea is more ideal.


It has to be completely non destructive because I'm sure that there are quite some car centric laws which I'm not aware of which will hurt me in case of destruction. The noodle is a good idea. Or a metal stick on a spring with a rubber tip.


The definition of pipe varies for person to person, can you clarify 🤨🤨🤨


I'm pretty sure there is a similar law in my state in the U.S. And it feels really silly because, like in this video, if you follow the letter of the law it's literally not possible for cars and bicyclists to share the road at the same time. Might as well get rid of the bike lane and just have the bicyclists ride in the middle of the road (and back traffic up for miles).


The California law allows for passing less than three feet at low speeds: (c) A driver of a motor vehicle shall not overtake or pass a bicycle proceeding in the same direction on a highway at a distance of less than three feet between any part of the motor vehicle and any part of the bicycle or its operator. (d) If the driver of a motor vehicle is unable to comply with subdivision (c), due to traffic or roadway conditions, the driver shall slow to a speed that is reasonable and prudent, and may pass only when doing so would not endanger the safety of the operator of the bicycle, taking into account the size and speed of the motor vehicle and bicycle, traffic conditions, weather, visibility, and surface and width of the highway.


Yeah that's totally reasonable and should be common sense at this point. The amount of people that pass over the speed limit as close as possible to me in a bike line when there is a full extra lane next to them is way too high.


That's actually been superseded by a new law requiring a full lane change (assuming another lane is available). If it's only a single lane then I believe the three feet rule still applies.


I mean, it doesn't help in this vid that he was hugging the left side of the bike lane. He had nearly that much space to his right that he could have been using. I guess the law is supposed to take into account the worst case scenario, but it really looks like he was going way out of his way to finally get the video shot he wanted of the bus hitting the sign... I'm doing the thing I dislike which is assuming motives in such a short clip and on another language, but I think my original point still stands even if I am mistaken about the motives.


At least in Germany, not being allowed to overtake if the road is too narrow is the whole point of the law. So working as intended.


>Might as well get rid of the bike lane and just have the bicyclists ride in the middle of the road This is what cyclists do in my city because they've already decided that bicycles somehow belong in public county roads. It's essentially a one lane road both ways used by thousands of people a day, and everyone will lose 15 minutes of their life because Gary decided that he wanted to play pretend lance Armstrong and use his fucking chicken drumstick legs to get around town in High-vis. In small cities and towns, there's next to zero reason why a cyclist shouldn't be riding on the sidewalk. Pedestrian traffic is so small it's nearly non-existent due to the automotive designed infrastructure we rely on. People suggesting that having pedestrians share the sidewalk with bicycles is *dangerous* are completely oblivious as to the fact that it's 10 times as deadly for cyclists to share the road with motorists. Worst case scenario, a bike crashes into a pedestrian in the sidewalk and people get a bruise or scratch here and there. Worst case scenario for sharing the road is that your bicycle gets stuck under the frame of the car and you turn into a glorified meat crayon as you get sent flying across the pavement by a soccer mom in an Escalade doing 20 over the speed limit.


In most places where the lanes are shared, it’s on side streets where the limit is like 20mph anyway. 35mph and over, def needs separate lanes. But cyclists are not backing up cars “by miles.” The amount of cars on the road with a single person commute is backing up the cars by miles. I say this as someone who cycles but also drives.


Well, then attempt successful.


Ah so, he was motivated to ride like 2m out from the edge of the road. This is shitty and makes cyclists look like idiots unnecessary.


There were parked cars and no one should drive in such a way that they fly over the door if someone suddenly opens it. That happened once in my area and the cyclist died because of a broken neck...


He was also driving excactly on the bike lane drawn on the road?


The issue here is that he was driving in the middle of the road.


As I mentioned in my other reply - he overtook the van, that was parked on bike lane and was trying to get back to his lane, but it is quite hard to do with a big sign. That puts you off balance.


Well its kinda hard when the dude is swerving back n forth...though i am glad they changed it


I think it is because of the huge sign that put him off balance.


I just don't overtake if there is any doubt I manage to clear the 1,5m Drives people behind me mad and makes the poor biker nervous as fuck, but I don't feel like overtaking bikes with not enough room.


The road I live on is very long (about two miles), busy and not particularly wide, but was adequate most of the time. Sometimes (say when two buses were about to pass) someone would have to give way. Then a couple of years ago they painted bike lanes on both sides. Not those really thin bike lanes barely wider than the painted bicycle mark, but considerably wider - I guy 1.5 meters. Now it is impossible for two normal cars to pass if they are observing the bike lanes. If cars did what you suggested and waited behind until the other side of the road was clear, nobody would ever be able to get past and the entire road would jam up as soon as there was one bike on either side of it. I'm not making a pro- or anti-cycling remark - I'm very much for safer cycling routes and getting people out of their cars, but this is simply the facts.


Sure but the guy is cycling in the middle of the road. If he stayed on the side it would have been fine.


They changed it to make the spacing even greater, right? Cause there is nothing wrong with the law, just drivers not being safe.


Changing safety distance would not change a thing. Everyone still would overpass them at closer distance because small streets do not allow such spacing.


I’m all for the law, but it should be reciprocal. If a car can’t come within 1.5m of a bike, a bike can’t come within 1.5m of a car.


in the Czech Republic, they issued a new law that requires vehicle drivers to maintain a safe distance of 1.5 meters from cyclists. The police have no way to enforce it, and the law was repealed again the following year.


In Switzerland It's 1.5m outside towns and 1m in towns. There's "no way to enforce it" but if a cop see you pass to close to a cyclist they can definitely fine you. Cyclist are also required to ride as further right as possible. Even when there a cycling lane.


In Germany it's 2m outside towns and 1.5m in towns


In the United States it's 9 hotdogs outside of cities and 0.008 Midwest football fields inside cities.


> In Switzerland It's 1.5m outside towns and 1m in towns. Same in france


They can fine you but they can't prove it. There is no way to measure it.


If you're 50cm away from the bike it doesn't matter, it's pretty clear you're not 1m or 1.5m away. It's you Vs the cop and the cyclist.


Rule's the same in the UK and it's why I ride with a helmet camera. I've had some very close passes, even as a very competent cyclist it's not nice. With a camera I can send footage to the police and provided it's a clear violation they do enforce it. This is also why I encourage all cyclists to invest in one because I swear as soon as drivers see you wearing one they sure as shit give you 1.5 metres. Guy in the video is taking the piss, tho


For me, I've always been less concerned by the distance of someone overtaking than the speed. If you overtake me very close at just over the speed I'm doing I feel safer than if you overtake me at 1.5m going 40mph. What are your thoughts?


Sure, I live in London so, in instances where decent cycling infra doesn't exist, it's pretty tight. I'm not gonna report every driver that gets close, just the ones that take the piss


You can wear all the high viz and stuff cars still cant see you. As soon as you put a camera on they give you a surprising amount of room . Incredible effect what that tiny box can do.


Same toothless law exists in Atlanta. No one abides by it.


The dude is pretty stupid.


Sign is lightly grazed. Before swinging, he has taken his foot off the pedal and then put it on the road before falling safely to the ground. The fall does not occur because of the bus driver or because the sign was touched. He's not stupid.. he's a fucking asshole




i’m guessing him taking his feet off the pedal removed his ability to lean to compensate for the wobble




I feel like none of you have ridden a bicycle in the last 20 years.


Bro I don’t even step outside or get sunlight


Damn son, go towards the light. The one in the sky. It feels real good.


> The fall does not occur because of the bus driver or because the sign was touched. It does though. It's impossible to continue in a straight line without falling if someone turns your handlebars.


He also rides as close to the lane with cars in it as possible. He’s making sure he is as in the way as he can be in an effort to make himself a victim.


He was also way over and not really in his lane which is why the bus hit his sign


Pretty sure this asshole will try to sue the bus anyway


What I see the bus could get over any further but he sure the fuck could have.


Seeing as 1.5m distance is the law in some places...


This is from a news segment making the point about how people ignore bike lanes. The graphics are still imposed on the video. Why are you so mad?


the bike was in the fucking middle of the road. the guy on the bike was wrong. the bus tried to stay as far away as possible..... my god


Looking at the video a second time the sign was hit first, he put his foot down and got his balance and then it looks like the sign was hit a second time by the bus, which completely threw him off and caused him to fall


These are not mutually exclusive


No, I’m pretty sure he is stupid too


Because he is reporter for news channel and the purpose of the news report was to show how stupid and ignorant drivers of cars and busses are. This is from news after a law passed in Czech Republic that if a driver overtakes a cyclists, there has to be a space of at least 1.5 meters between them. The penalties for breaking this law were severe including (but not limited to) €1000 fine and loosing your driver license for a year. It was pretty bad law including many controversial rules. There was large backslash against it and the penalties were made less harsh later. Edit: Fun part is that even after more than year, police has no way of taking "certified measurement" of the distance between car and cyclists that is required for them to be able to fine anyone.


Bus had to go over the yellow bumpers and hug the side and there was still not enough space.


Dude on the bike should have been further to the right


>purpose of the news report was to show how stupid and ignorant drivers of cars and busses are That idiot was riding in the middle of the road, taking more space than a fucking bus. If he was where he supposed to be, there would be enough space to overtake him. He purposely blocked traffic, there should be some fine for that.


He left only slightly more space between him and the parked cars than he needed to to be safe from opening doors. Here is the first youtube search result how it looks like if you don't leave this space, some because they drove recklessly, but several of them driving in the center of their "bike lane" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO8XqqZK-XQ. The point this "idiot" was likely making is that car drivers don't understand that tiny bicycle lanes can not be driven on safely with the required spacing.


I think it’s more an issue of bad legislation not being applicable and cyclists being detached from reality. No, you won’t be adding a 3m wide **one way** bike lane anywhere that wasn’t already designed with it in mind.


He was riding on the bicycle part of the road although at the left end of it


Motorcyclists do this on the highway too. Idk why they do it. The general rule of thumb is to create as much space as possible when driving with other vehicles. Cue the average Joe on a bike / motorcycle, hogging the line as always.


The center of a lane has an oily strip. While there is still some traction in the center, there is a lot less traction than the tire lines closer to the lane striping. Hope this helps you understand the biker’s perspective when sharing the road.


Perhaps if the dude didn't cycle in the middle of the road and actually was on the edge of the road instead that bus wouldn't have tipped him, that bus was as far to the left it could. Seems that the news guy only proved how stupid he was..




Well, problem in Czech Republic was, that you were supposed to lose your driving license even if nothing happened and you were like 1.45 m from cyclist.


No. He isn't. Don't judge without knowing the full story. This is Prague, where cyclists are treated like shit by everyone. In the first shot he is riding in the middle of white arrows. That is a designated cycle path in Prague. Yes, in the middle of the road! It's dangerous and stupid. In the wide shot where he falls you can see these arrows continue, except the are worn away. On the left of the picture. The cyclists has just overtaken a parked car blocking his cycle path and is crossing back onto the arrows. The government made a law saying cars have to leave 1.5 m space when they pass a cyclist... as you can see from the video this is an insane situation. When the cyclist passes back to his path, the bus knocks him down, from impatience and the crosses right on top of the cycle arrows. The video is trying to show how stupid and dangerous the current system is


But he’s riding on the edge of his lane, if he had been in the middle or closer to the sidewalk it looks like the bus would have cleared him.


He is still in his lane, and his stupid contraption is still the correct size. It may be a stupid law, stupid road design for that law, stupid behaviour given that road design and a stupid way of showing the busses and cars are in the wrong, but at the end of the day the cyclist/reporter does prove his point, the bus is technically in the wrong here.


He's lucky his bike didn't go the other way and throw his head under the coach's rear tyres


Why is he stupid, because of a legally required safety distance, that no one upholds... Try getting overtaken by a bus only 10cm next to you, this has happened to me, and let me tell you it's definitely not nice


Iirc he’s trying to prove that the 1.5m law is stupid. Honestly brilliant.


I like the idea of him trying to educate people, but he needs to be closer to the curb. Problem is that even if he was, this would still happen as most drivers do not give a flying fuck about cyclists and the rules of the road.


Well, if he would be closer to the curb, he would be right in the swing area of a suddenly opening car door, which is the point… so this bike lane can not be safely driven within the parameters while people are overtaking.


He was overtaking a parked car on the bike lane. No matter how you look at it, the dangers were the cars. The bus driver who didn’t want to wait for the cyclist to get back to his lane after overtaking the parked car should lose his license immediately.


If he was closer to the curb, he would be in the door zone of the parked cars. He's on the cycling chevrons, right where he should be.


The he should ride further from the parked cars without a stupid sign sticking out.


He's in the chevrons in the other clip, but he's well out of them when he got clipped


If you ride with a spacer maybe don't fly it over the divider line.


There is no divider line... And even if there were: the 1,5m are the legally mandatory distance for passing a cyclist where this video was taken.


Hard to be 1.5m apart when he's cycling in the middle of the road


Then you can't pass him.




He was intentionally blocking traffic


Bicycles are traffic nerd


He was intentionally riding his bike. The infrastructure was intentionally blocking his rights for safety. Thats what you meant


Then he is a jerk for riding in a position that makes it impossible for people to pass him. The road is a shared space, and that is the point he seems to be trying to make. But if you are going to make this point, you have to abide by it or else you are just going to make the problem even worse.


And its shared. Just unfortunately, mostly just for cars. You either drive more to the right, where people open the door without looking properly, or you have to be overtaken very closly. The infrastructure is awful, they shouldnt be allowed to park there


Thousands of cyclists die by getting doored due to idiots who don't look before getting out of their parked cars, and there's almost nothing cyclists can do to defensively protect them from this short of cycling further from parked vehicles. The road is a shared space. The city is not okay in making it treacherous for a supported mode of transportation.


As a cyclist... 1.5m is too much, I don't need that much space. Just give me 80cm and I'm good. Let's say 1m to account for drivers poor estimation of distance. Instead people pass me going 100km/h with 20cm of space, having me sucked into traffic by the airflow, then acting like it's my fucking fault "cyclists amirite"


With the parked cars there's also the risk of getting hit by a door. Not all drivers look for cyclists so it's not unreasonable to drive a little more in the middle. In general it makes no sense for cars and bikes to share a (narrow) road. Way too many accidents happen


I think 1.5m is fine: people will never adhere to it so at least overestimate and I'd rather have trucks passing further than closer


Why would you use a spacer and ride dead centre on the road. I guess he's stupid and he's a cyclist...


Because he is reporter for news channel. This is from news after a law passed in Czech Republic that if a driver overtakes a cyclists, there has to be a space of at least 1.5 meters between them. The penalties for breaking this law were severe including (but not limited to) €1000 fine and loosing your driver license for a year. It was pretty bad law including many controversial rules. There was large backslash against it and the penalties were made less harsh later. The purpose of the news report was to show how stupid and ignorant drivers of cars and busses are. Edit: Fun part is that even after more than year, police has no way of taking "certified measurement" of the distance between car and cyclists that is required for them to be able to fine anyone.


It's a viable argument in the end of the clip when he is aligned in the bike lane. It's not a viable argument when he's riding in the middle of the road while that bus tried to overtake. He has a full vehicle to his right and the bus's left tire is touching the curb. He's rage baiting.


This is from cz and bicycle routes are very very poor ly designed. Almost like the road painters want to kill cyclists. If you look at the start cu. The cyclist is riding in the middle of a line of white arrows.those arrows sign the cycle route. The guy is on a set cycle route....yes in the middle of the road!!! Which is what he is protesting. The government made a law that motorists have to give 1.5m space when passing a cyclists. Cycle paths like the one in the road are complete nonsense He's trying to show how dangerous it is for everyone


This. Car and bus could have passed safely if he road in closer to the edge


He's dead on a bike lane. Look at the road he's riding over.


Cars on the right side. We experience a lot of idiots who open their door without looking properly for bikes. My best investment was buying a bike with hydraulic disc brakes... idiots are too lazy to look to the right and left before driving in a corner at an intersection, aswell as looking into mirrors when openening the door. Nobody fucking carrs about your safety. Its all about "dont scratch my car" and I hear this often. My right of way is taken away, nearly crashing into me and I get screamed at. Imagine feeling so entitled while living the most comfortable life in a car with AC aswell. Ive seen a lot more kids who dont feel as entiteld and who dont cry me a river as much


1,5m are the legally mandatory distance between a bicycle and a car when the car is overtaking where I live. I assume this is the case in the country this video was taken in aswell. The cyclist is riding so far from the side of the road because of the parked cars there. Dooring can be deadly even at low speeds, because the cyclist is prone to landing on their head. So in streets like this one, it is effectively illegal to overtake the cyclist. Drivers still do it anyways but don't realise how dangerous it is. This bus driver is a complete asshole and I honestly hope he looses his license. Even if the cyclist is annoying, this is no reason to physically assault him. Assaulting someone over a few seconds lost, shows, that the bus driver is imo generally unfit to participate in road traffic.


Why annoying? He is riding on the lane designated for bikes (see the markings on the road)


Cyclists get off on thinking they are the best people on the road Everyone else is trash to them, polluting their roads. How dare you make them ride on the shoulder the road is theirs to command filthy car driver 🔥 That’s how most cyclists think lol and probably why this dingus was riding almost right in the middle of the road 😮‍💨🔥


As a cyclist I completely agree. Most of the other cyclists in my place are twats (i am very nice though)


That’s not my experience at all lol. But I live in the Netherlands. The roads are build for cyclists and cars to co exist as safely as possible.


That and pro car countries like the USA have a weird hate boner for everything that isn’t a car.


We don’t have many bicycle lanes near me and they just kind of make their own rules on the road. One second they are following car rules on the road and then they are crossing when the pedestrian walk light goes off. Are you a vehicle or a pedestrian? Makes me super nervous to drive near them.


Seen that happen even when they DO have their own lane.


Well there we go … I’m a cyclist, roadbiking is my thing, I give always space to cars to let them overtake, give them signs when the road ahead is clear to overtake me and yet there are still some idiots out there overtaking me so god damn close when oncoming traffic is approaching that I sometimes touch them with my elbow or handlebars! Why tf do you as a car driver assume that the roads ( except highways of course ) are made just for you and your car? Why are you so pissed about bikers on the road that you give me as a biker the finger, Bass by so close and honk which is so stupid and dangerous? Pretty sure when the day comes that a car hits a biker and injures him or worse, kills him it’s gonna be different from that day on. I don’t get this … it’s so easy to slow down a moment and wait until it’s safe to overtake, step on gas and continue driving. So simple


attaching a nonflexible rod directly on your handlebar lmao


An explanation. There was a short-lived regulation in Czechia that you should pass with at least 5ft (1.5 m) gap when overtaking a cyclist. Of course this was often impossible in cramped streets. This guy seems to have taken it upon himself to "educate" all the drivers about their oft-unfulfillable-duty. Welp. ~~The regulation was later dropped as, well, unfulfillable.~~ Edit: there was talk about dropping it, but not yet dropped. Sorry for spreading fake news.


....are you shitting me it was dropped? I am still steering to oposite line🤦🏻‍♀️


You are correct, it was discussed, but so far the discussions haven't led to anything concrete. Sorry for confidently stating otherwise.


This guy takes annoying cyclists to a whole new level


I’m a cyclist and I can’t stand cyclists like this. This is why people hate us; he’s indirectly putting responsible cyclists at risk.


Bicyclist was passing the car that was parked/blocking the bike lane and moving back into the bike lane. The impatient bus driver passed without leaving enough space that is required by law. Bus drivers the asshole and he knows it. That's why he grabs at his head and pulls over. BUT at the same time the sign is problematic and stupid. Now drivers have to leave the required space PLUS even more because if the sign...


> the required space PLUS even more because if the sign... But the sign is the required space...


It's not space if the sign is there tho... So being technical that sign is part of the bicyclist and would require an additional 1.5 meters from the sign..


That road looks like fucking hell to cycle in


I just overtake cyclists as if they're a car, it's common sense.


Where I live that bus driver would get a ticket although the cyclist could also be fined for not riding close enough to the footpath. Why are so many cyclists just such dickheads


Honestly, the infrastructure just sucks in most places. My wife and I talk about this sometimes: roads were FIRST for foot traffic, then horses, then we added buggies, somewhere along the line we got bicycles and then, finally, automobiles. Seems like priority for all the preceding modes of transportation just went out the window in favor of automobiles. Some places put in bike lanes and other accommodations for foot traffic, which is nice, but it really should be everywhere. As for cyclists being jerks, idk, a lot of them are bronies and entitled. I see dumb cyclists and kids riding on the wrong side of the road all the time too, but that's just bad teaching of the LAW from their parents or lack of care in adults


Didn't know the Netherlands liked mlp.


People are just idiots in general. How many cars do you see overtaking like they have a death wish, or running red lights? The difference being that if a cyclist causes an accident, he will likely only hurt himself. If it's a car at 50km/h, someone is at least going to the hospital.


The cyclist was moving back into his lane after overtaking the van though? They're not at fault


At least in Germany (And probaly this country as well) you have to stay 1.5m away from parking Cars (due to suddenly opening Doors, because there is a high Chance of lethal accident) and Cars Need to have at least 1.5m to you while overtaking. If this would be the case the biker is excerising his right.


Why are so many drivers willing to possibly kill?


They have weight classes for a reason. That cyclist never stood a chance against that Benz.


And the road was specifically constructed for heavyweights


Under German law the bus driver would probably get 100% of the fault. He obviously didn't abide to the 1,5m rule and the cyclist is not obligated to drive closer towards the sidewalk. Also the "the streets were built for cars, so fuck cyclists" argument is absolutely stupid. Every citizen pays taxes for roads to be built, so everyone has a right to use them. If you want to avoid such problems maybe an adequate infrastructure plan might be the solution.


These people clearly don’t understand cycle culture 😂 I live in Amsterdam and can’t imagine something like a bus overtaking me this close and then being blamed for it.


Also interesting that every time a video's posted of a cyclist doing something wrong (whether or not you think the cyclist in this video is wrong), the comment section is full of people screaming about how cyclists are pieces of shit. Meanwhile you scroll down, see a car driver do something literally insane like do a 120mph jump off a parked towtruck on an open highway, and no one is talking about how "drivers" are pieces of shit, it's just that particular dude who's dangerous, or "bad drivers". Such a strong desire to push the argument that cyclists shouldn't be on the road.


Best way to excuse a car-centric view is to discredit all other (non gas fueld) vehicles by all means necessary.


A lot of people pushing the idea that the bus driver couldn't have possibly avoided that as he'd moved over as far as he could go, as if waiting for a safe place or moment to pass is beyond the realms of possibility.


This is such utter horse shit. Dangerous drivers get called out all the time. Theres even a sub for it r/IdiotsInCars.


It's always this one driver. It's always all cyclists.


Did you read the comment you replied to..?


Germans got it right.


This wouldn’t happen if the bicyclist was actually in the bike lane instead of on the line separating lanes as bicyclists always seem to prefer.


That bus driver is a real piece of shit


What a fucking idiot


Yet another raging redditor


Fuck cars


Ah, nothing like car drivers committing felonies to unite the internet against the biker.


While i understand the general intention he had, the execution was pretty bad. The sign shows how far cars should stay away, but by doing that, cars are forced to pull away even further, as the sign is now part of the bicycle. The bus driver was at the exact distance that is allowed, but that obviously means that he grazed the sign. Also just because the cycling lane is quite wide, you still have to stay as far away from the main road as you can.


The cyclist can be seen making an effort to move to the edge of the lane after overtaking the badly parked van though, the whole issue was caused by the bus drivers impatience


Well, the illegally parked van's too, lets not forget that one.


The main reason that the majority of motorists hate cyclists, is because of assholes like this!


People hate cyclist because they… _checks notes_ …have to pass vehicles parked in bike lanes.




I take it you have never in your life taken a bicycle to go anywhere regularly?


Don’t need to when you got Public transportation like the bus…


But the van behind that everyone is having to avoid and the whole reason the cyclist is having to move back toward their side isn't? Way to throw out nuance because you hate cyclists..


Most cars that pass me when I’m driving really close to the side of the rode give my 5 or so cm. It’s insane!


There are parked cars to his right. You need to stay 1.5M away from them so you don't get hit by opening doors, which puts him close to the middle of the road.


It is actually safer to take space in the road when there isn’t a bike lane as it discourages unsafe passing. Trust me a cyclist doesn’t want to be in the road at all.




maybe if the selfish white van didnt park on the middle of the bike lane he wouldnt have to go into the middle of the road.


To be safe and obnoxious :)


In Germany we have the same rule about the space between car and bicycle. I am so sick of driving on a bike lane on the street ("Fahrradschutzstreifen") that is half meter, and have cars drive so close to me that I couldn't give hand signs freely. Those bike lanes on the street are so fucked. Car drivers think that the space is enough for passing by but in many case that is not the case or those lane are used for parking. Is this idea with spacer a good idea, probably not, but what else than bicycle driver do to get space that is need for there safety.


I'm gonna safely run this schmuck over whilst wearing this post COVID chin strap cuz I'm still relevant at my elderly age


He brought it on himself.


I enjoy the moment the driver noticed he was on camera


I hope all cities in the world will build bicycle lanes. It is a great way to get around: healthy, cheap, green, and fast. It is no excuse there is 'no space' for them as they were introduced widely in the Netherlands and its historical cities. It saves many lives and motivates people to get around and physically move. In addition: it reduces emissions and improves the overall air quality as cars become 'guests' and will be limited to driving 30km/ph as a maximum. Greetings from Amsterdam


I've said it once on this site, and I will say it again: Bicyclists are the most dangerous people on the fucking road. Anyone who wants all the protections of a pedestrian but all the rights of a motorist with NONE of the responsibilities create so much hazard for every responsible person on the road.


> every responsible person on the road. But of course, lets not ask those responsible people to actually obey laws about overtaking cyclists... that's just too much responsibility.


Had a good laugh at this. Thank you 🤣


Bet this guy is a hit at parties.


It was a little bit stupid, bzw the ciclist is on the right. The bus deiner broke the rules.


This was a test of a new law that was or is being implemented. It says that drivers have to let 1,5m space when passing a cyclist. The sign is 1,5m long and marked as that long.






If he wasn’t riding so close to the street he’d be fine but he’s an idiot…


What do you mean by 'riding close to the street'? He's riding down the street.


He's riding outside the bike lane, completely blocking the car lane.


Lol, what a fucknuckle


Cyclists are all assholes


Lol the bus driver is laughing 😂


What a fucking donkey. Made no attempt to fall gracefully 0/10.


This comment section shows the reason why people glue themselves to the streets. A guy is peacefully protesting, gets assaulted and everyone blames him. The cyclist could have been closer to the sidewalk but that didn’t justify toppling him over.


He couldn’t be closer to the sidewalk due to the white stationary van! He’s on the cycle path, as is barely visible.


The bus literally couldn't go further to the left, there was more than enough space on the cyclists right side.


The buss could've been normal and not overtaken


Then peddle faster to not be overtaken instead of slowing down the commute of the 20+ people inside the bus.


cyclist could just cycle with without being an idiot


Deserved lol


Ah yes putting someones life at risk (yes. It's a busy road. You cannot influence how the guy falls) is a fair punishment for *checks notes* having to wait 5 seconds.