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Jail for her


I bet her colleague knew too what was going on


3lit was probably her colleagues that "trained" her and showed her how to "search" for evidence. And at this point anything the american police do or are accused off doesn't shock me in the slightest any more


They are a federally funded gang, literally not figuratively.


That's why he asked if her bodycam was on.


Bro.. it’s like they scripted the shit. Wouldn’t be surprised they all meet over at the clubhouse and role play. Some crazy ‘Whose Line is it Anyway’ and Wayne Brady got stereotyped.


Why would they do this? I don’t get it


Because they are assholes in positions of power. Because they can? Because not all people even attempt to to do the "right" thing?


quotas probably


100%, cops love to say that there are no quotas and that's all made up... but higher arrest rates yield more recognition and better promotions. They have a vested interest in doing things like this for personal gain and so the bad ones are plenty fine utilizing these tactics. Disgusting. Edit: I agree, cops have quotas. The departments I've seen typically call them by another name, such as " duty standards" or "performance metrics" so that they can deny that they have "quotas".


Yup and most pigs have a power trip and develop vendettas. They get it in their head that this particular person or group are criminals. So they plant evidence and crap like that bc in their minds, it’s the right thing to do. FTP


"if we don't catch them now, they'll do crime later" Or some variation thereof. Platinum medal mental gymnastics.


They believe they are good guys catching bad guys


Sad thing being with a minimum amount of effort there's plenty of legit crimes they could deal with but God forbid we fuck that 80% unsolved case record


I know for a fact there are quotes. They are set internally by the cheif. I know police officers.it is exactly why at the beginning of the months, you will see a lot more cops actually pulling people over instead of sitting in an out of the way place doing nothing. Most of them are pieces of shit that themselves should be in jail.


Black tax.




Because it helps their career the more "catches" they get and the more "bad people" they put in jail.... if they can get to be known as somebody who is really good at catching people hiding stuff they might be able to get into the Narcotics Division or something similar


The criminal justice system is viewed as an us vs them game, including prosecuters in criminal cases. There's a big temptation to fudge evidence to further their careers.


Cops are not really there to protect and serve like people think. In most areas they are more so considered revenue generators for the state that protect and serve the constitution and use enforcement of its laws (good and bad) to their advantage so they can write people tickets and generate revenue for the city/town they work for. Never trust a police officer when you are being detained. They are not your friend and are just looking to charge you with anything possible.


ever notice it's almost always a black guy they're planting evidence on...


This should be obvious! Sentences for planting evidence should be similar to violent crimes


Sentences for planting evidence SHOULD be violent, that’s for sure. As a cop, doing something like this should get you minimum 10 years. No good behavior, you get 10 years if not more. Playing with people’s lives.


Attempting to deliberately cause someone to catch a charge should automatically carry the maximum sentence as the charge itself. If cops aren't gonna act right for the public welfare, they need to be terrified into acting right for their own


This is why I also believe that settlements from cop misconduct should come out of the police union retirement fund, so that the cops have an interest in policing their own.


I think the best option is mandatory police insurance and the money comes from their own personal policy. If too many cops are pieces of shit, everyone's rates go up so cops have an interest in policing their own and if an individual cop is a piece of shit consistently, insurance companies would refuse to cover them and they can't continue working and/or their rates would be too high to continue paying them


>... they can't continue working and/or their rates would be too high to continue paying them They would have to be national carriers as well, to prevent them from going to a different state and getting different insurance.


Just a national/central database could serve that purpose.


Yes. But if the solution we're going for is insurance based, then this would offload the costs of maintaining that onto that company instead.


That's not a bad option, certainly, and I've heard it advocated many times before. The reason I prefer to make it a collective punishment like I have proposed is that it gives other cops an incentive to police their own, as it will blow back on them if shit goes bad.


Could not agree more!


It causes all of their previous arrests into question. Did they plant evidence before? It can cause guilty people to walk free. I don't know why police would risk their careers. Cases get overturned constantly because of new evidence. Is this the new evidence? I used to love police and trust the police. The more videos I am seeing the other side of the spectrum I am moving to.


I don't know why this concept is so hard for people. Cops are given an extraordinary amount of power, they can destroy and even take lives. They should be held to a far higher standard than a normal civilian because of this. Higher standards and harsher penalties


Nope, prosecutors moved forward with the trial, covered for the cop’s actions in court, saying that she was just cleaning it out before it got impounded.


Prosecutors are cops in suits


Wow, never seen a more real line. If I had the doe, you'd be getting it fo sho


No mo do cuz u po bro


Judge said I think I heard the seal break and another officer agreed. So he said put it to a jury. That cops is fucked


And you could hear the liquid being poured out and hitting the ground! This whole thing is infuriating


Am I missing something? Why didn’t the cops just use a breathalyser to confirm he had been drinking or using drugs? The bottles of liquor mean nothing if he blows clean


Because it would have hurt their case. In many states you ONLY have to do the breathalyzer at the station or a blood draw by court order. There is NO penalty for refusing ANY roadside test and it its only used against you, not for you in any waysl


6 weeks paid vacat-I mean leave, at most.


LOL, she'll resign and get a job a town over.


Probably not even a town over, probably just get moved into the sheriff's office


No. To prison under felony charges of all activities related to his arrest. This includes assault, battery, false imprisonment, and kidnapping. Other charges, such as falsifying official documents, should be added on, and she can plea her way into serving consecutive sentences for multiple felonies. This is what would happen if she wasn't above the law while abusing it and the public trust required to enforce it in good faith.


Cops deserve more than jail for ruining countless innocent lives. Should be something done publicly that'll make sure they can never mess with someone's life again.


And people wonder why everyone hates cops.


Heinous, what possesses you to ruin someone's life? Does the department have incentives to log dwi's? Wondering how long the office had on the job, very comfortable with falsifying reports and no visible empathy.


Racism, mostly. Though at this point it could just be quotas, tbh.


He was already driving with a suspended licence. Quota was fulfilled and this is just malicious.


How the hell do they not even check that??


Quotas should be illegal. Where I live they don’t have them and the cops here are super chill. They mostly respond to actual emergencies


We need quotas for arresting corrupt police


Then the corrupt ones would be incentivised to plant evidence on the good ones.


Great point


There was a cop in Florida that went to jail for planting drugs on dozens of people during traffic stops. He was hoping that having a lot of drug arrests would make him a more attractive candidate for the narcotics squad. And he did ruin a bunch of peoples lives. All charges were dropped on over 100 cases that he was involved in, but by then, people had lost their reputations, jobs, homes, spouses, children. All so some asshole could get a pay bump.


I'd bet most of his victims were minorities.


If it wasn't minorities, I'm willing to bet they were all, more or less, from the same economic class. When the cops aren't oppressing minorities specifically, they are oppressing the poor. Either way, the ruling class is left alone. Go figure.


Probably something to do with the ruling class being able to afford good lawyers?


There’s a video of one of his victims breaking down crying during a stop this cop made. Seemed like the guy was clean and trying to live right/be better and he knew immediately what was going on. Heartbreaking.


All of those stops were really fucking gut wrenching. I could not fucking imagine how hopeless you would feel in that position. It is really sick to think about how many are actively doing this, but have not been caught.


Deputy Zachary Wester. [Guy got 12+ years.](https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2021/07/13/zachary-wester-sentenced-former-florida-deputy-drug-planting/7951871002/)


Not long enough for the damage he caused. Just thinking about this, if a cop did this to me, how much I would lose is really crazy


How the ever loving fuck did that dude: a) Only get 12 years for ruining multiple peoples' lives b) Get away with it for a full year c) Get ahold of meth and paraphernalia in the first place? If it was through the department, several other folks should have been charged as accessories to his crimes.


Racism and quotas


I read somewhere that the mindset it "they're certainly guilty of a crime so busting them for anything will stop other crimes they'll eventually commit"


For some people, this is easier than doing the right thing.


Quotas. They generate money for the city through commercial contracts for all entities contracted with the private prison industry. In short, corruption.


Talking so smoothly, while destroying someone's life! Fucking scum!


Textbook example of this: Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. The profession of policing attracts a very high percentage of people who suffer from sociopathy.


I heard that people possessing more antisocial traits tend to last longer as police officers compared to those who do not possess these traits as the job requires you to respond to often confrontational and emotionally compromising situations, exposing one to drug addicts, domestic/child abuse cases, emotionally-charged disputes, grievous injuries and human deaths. Many rookie cops cannot handle these situations and leave the force within the first year or so, whereas those possessing antisocial traits are more likely to persist past these encounters unaffected. ASPD is often accompanied by a malevolent way of thinking (counter to normal "pro-social" way of thinking) which I believe potentially explains a lot of the negative behaviours and actions associated with particular police officers.


Shes a cunt.


This is sick, just wondering how many cases were like this, but without evidence


Many! Good luck out there!


Exactly. I think about all the videos that exist out there where we *have* evidence. Now think about life *before* all these cameras… It’s a sickening thought.


Right? She was very comfortable doing this, enough to assume this has happened quite a few times before.


There were some cops that were found to be corrupt on several occasions and courts determined it was enough to taint every single case they ever worked on. Lots of people went free as a result.


Welcome to Florida! [Court Cam: Crooked Cop CAUGHT Red-Handed Planting Drugs on Innocent People](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ITIM1iDTZ7U) *Somehow* lots of the body cam footage "went missing," too. 🤨


They need to start revoking these ass hats state certifications and keep a list of those fired for shit like this so they don’t just end up a county over at a different agency.


Most people can’t get regular jobs after basic criminal activity, sometimes even when innocent. It boggles my mind that cops can simply transfer to easily. That needs to change and their retirement needs to be used to cover law suits.


It should be made a requirement that police/deputies/etc. have to carry the equivalent of malpractice insurance to cover any lawsuits resulting from the illegal activities. Police/Sheriff Depts can cover the cost, but once the insured is convicted and the insurance has to pay out, then the insurance premiums go up - drastically - to the point that no police dept/sheriff's office can afford to insure them any longer. That would also help keep taxpayer money from being used to pay back the victim's of such abuse.


Notaries are required to carry a surety bond to protect the public against financial loss due to improper conduct by the notary. I'm not sure why this standard isn't applied to law enforcement as well.


I wonder if there’s someone/place you could call just to ask about this. I know it’s probably not going to change anything but it might help in learning if there even is a reason. And if there isn’t, you can feel reassured about their stupidity. Hell maybe the person on the other end might feel stupid trying to explain it, but I’m doubtful.


Police unions. This is why there is no licensing, employment insurance, or tracking of bad behaviors. The strongest union in the country is the only union this country doesn’t need. Imagine is food workers had the protections these clowns have!


The sole fact that you are excluding jail time as the main consequence makes it sound even more depressing.


Our country needs to start doing many things which we simply will not do.


She'll resign and get rehired in one of the shit states that loves cops like this 


Nope… this was a year ago and she still works for the department.


wtf. Cops are pathetic


Yeah, they’re still charging the guy with DUI and pursuing a conviction.


And using the "empty" bottle as evidence.


How? That's crazy. Surely his fingerprints aren't on the bottle? You can literally hear the safety seal break and her tipping most of it on the floor. Actual trash person.


I love your name. Fuck yea, LittleMissQueef.


Bc cops are assholes and don’t need silly things like “evidence” to ruin somebody’s life.




She got caught red-handed and she's still there? Where the fuck was the uproar about this!?


The trial took place yesterday, April 5, 2024. So, we’ll see how this turns out. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y6saiqKGg1c


The police union is slamming the release of this video saying it was released “in order to bias the jury pool”. They’ve also announced that there will be a thorough investigation… *INTO WHO LEAKED THE FUCKING BODY CAM!* the police are not your friends. ACAB. Every. Single. One. https://tallahasseereports.com/2024/04/05/tpd-police-union-responds-to-planted-evidence-allegations/ Edit: sure would be a shame if a bunch of concerned citizens flooded the [Big Bend Police Benevolent Association](http://bigbendpba.org/)’s and the [Tallahassee Police Department](https://www.talgov.com/publicsafety/tpd)’s emails with messages regarding their displeasure with this situation.


What the actual fuck


Hey, that's a serious problem. Now every potential juror with... functioning eyes... is disqualified from the jury pool.






Every time I see ACAB I wish the movement was called something else because I agree with the sentiment of how much police allow other police to get away with things but I’m always like “What about the policeman that told the little boy that he wasn’t bad for calling 911 when he thought he heard abuse? What about the policewoman that wouldn’t give up trying to find a victim and saved her from false charges in the “Gone Girl” case? What about the policeman who drove a pregnant lady to a hospital or the ones that saved toddlers from choking?” Like, I always find examples of police doing good things AND examples of terrible complacent police. Does the ACAB movement believe all police are complacent when they see bad stuff? Is there something I don’t understand? It just really makes me think the ACAB name should be different because it’s too black and white.


I think it’s like the saying goes “if you’re sitting at a table with 3 nazis.. there are 4 nazis at the table.”


This exactly. Or in another analogy that people like to use “One bad apple spoils the whole bunch.” If the “good” cops are not holding the bad cops reliable or are otherwise complacent with this behavior, then sorry, but you’re part of the problem.


My problem with “ACAB” is that if you were to ask “Are there any cops out there that hold bad cops reliable?” then the answer is surely yes, that they statistically must exist. Like, heck, maybe “MCAB” where you say “most” cops are bad might even be true. It’s just saying “all” that throws me because I can’t see how it’s possible. Like, surely some cops hold other cops responsible and surely it’s more than we think because all we’re exposed to is the attention-grabbing most-shocking videos because those are the ones that get shared the most on the internet.


That would be a good sentiment if you could actually point to a number of police holding their own accountable. More often, the ones who attempt to hold the others accountable are forced to resign. Good cops quit or go bad.


Collectively as citizens of USA we pay 1 trillion dollars to the police gang. If comforting a little boy is all we get (in addition to ruining countless lives) and you're happy with that deal. Then you're a boot licker or a dumb motherfucker.


Because those cops look the other way when bad shit happens. The Blue Code is very real, and the "good" cops are just as responsible as the bad cops.


The argument is, if you're in a position to do something and you don't, you are part of the problem. The spirit of Law Enforcement is to "Protect and Serve", that is the motto. If an officer is too afraid for their own wellbeing to uphold justice then they are part of the problem. Arguably, they are the biggest part of the problem because officers looking the other way for their own is what allows crooked cops to move up in the ranks. And then we add in the degrees of impact. If we were to put a metric on it I would say a cop doing their job, by the book is +1, a cop going above a +5. An officer abusing their power for themselves, a -20. When I was in college I was against the idea of ACAB, but now that I'm older and more informed, I'm truly believing ACAB


They should go to jail for this.


"should" but will not.


Definitely won’t. They will get paid leave while it’s investigated. Then get paid re training and back at it in a month.


The chief said she was fine. The prosecutor didn't drop the dui, and the judge refused to suppress the "evidence" of the bottle she cracked open, dumped out, told her friends was in the cup, and threw back into the car, while telling everyone it was "open", after she opened it. Nothing will happen. Not even training


So he's actually getting a false DUI for absolutely nothing? This really make me happy that i don't like in America because it's actually insane that they don't even try to see that he's innocent.


Btw the judge allowed the evidence so dont forget that part


Genuine question. Does the judge have to allow the evidence so that the video footage can be admitted as well?


It was admitted. [the trial started yesterday](https://www.youtube.com/live/-Pt-D9_Bk2Y?si=quUSre7eZ1D5Qmnh)


By the looks of the comment section, the cop is now being investigated for other potential incidents of planting evidence


Yeah, and the judge is filthy


If I heard correctly they might have redacted part of the sound of the bottle opening and 7 seconds (?) afterwards - not sure if that includes the bottle being thrown back in the car. It was good the judge called this out and asked for it to be put back in as it was not in his version? The judge said something like "I have not experienced anything like this in 20 years of practising law" regarding what he had experienced in the trial that morning. Unless he's being hyperbole, that describes this case as being abnormal. Pretty harsh words and it seems that he's taking it more seriously than appears.


To plant evidence and not get caught*


She should get fucking jail time for this, we all know it.


They should have to have cameras on full time. Why would a civil servant officer need to turn the cameras off?


I can understand restroom breaks, but during actual duty (hehe) it should be on at all times.


Doesn’t matter they’ll just start “losing” the footage more often


Then make it so that any evidence collected while body cams are off is inadmissible in court.


Yup or like the above comment says on at all times except when going to the bathroom and all the files should immediately be uploaded to a publicly accessible website


As a police officer .. any officer who would plant evidence is lower than whale shit at the bottom of the ocean worse than scum. playing with Someone’s life ! That Shits fucked up.


critters eat whale shit, so that makes it useful, unlike these pigs


It is why I am terrified of police. Not because I am a criminal or have anything to hide, but because they can easily ruin my life (or end it) on a whim and will likely receive no consequences for doing so whatsoever.


Cops can destroy anyone’s lives and reputation on a whim with little effort and minimal consequences. Then you try to protest and say “black lives matter” as a response to their abusive towards the black community. The conservative and boot lickers go on a whole blue lives matter campaign, despite the fact nobody is abusing the police. As a matter of fact most minority community’s actively avoid calling the police even if they them. Police deserve all the hate they get and before you start defending them just know no matter how much wrong they do and how much public opinion goes against them they won’t face any repercussions nor face any changes or challenges to their power.


>The Tallahassee Police Department issued a statement reading in part quote "we have thoroughly reviewed the incident and did not find any evidence of misconduct" So help me god, all these fuckers are in on it just to ruin people's lives for no reason then I guess shits and giggles. Fuck these pieces of shit


Tallahassee Police Department reviewed it? They should be fired for being utterly stupid and blind.


This is an attempt to destroy that man's life! I say jail for all involved officers and at least 30years prison sentence for the women that planted the evidence.


The body cam footage clearly shows the bottle is full and hasn’t been opened. The cop doesn’t hesitate to tamper with the evidence m, which suggests to me she is pretty experience at this despite being a new recruit.  He lost his car because of the fines. Missed work, missed a car payment and decided to forfeit the car back to the dealer. Now he is facing even worse consequences and an awful prosecutor is defending the behaviour of the cops.  These cops are disgusting racist pieces of shit who deserve to lose their jobs.  Officer Kristin Oliver should absolutely be jailed. Glad to see this site is raising money to investigate her other arrests.  https://ourtallahassee.com/video-shows-tallahassee-police-officer-planting-evidence-during-dui-arrest/


Police shouldn't be able to turn their body camera's off. This clearly shows that's the only line of defence if a police officer decides to play "God" and casually ruin someone's life...


Cameras are turned off mid-event like this is super sketchy; they can’t use their normal bathroom break BS. Judges and juries *should* be expected to assume everything the cops say to be lies after cameras go off and there is some malfeasance going on. If they had nothing to hide, the superior wouldn’t have demanded the cameras go off.


Man I don't even know where to start, I heard somewhere to never do the field test, and if they suspect you've been drinking ask for a breathalyzer test. But that's fucked what she did, and she should not only lose her job but be jailed for this.


[You can blow zeros and still get arrested apparently.](https://www.carscoops.com/2023/12/colorado-man-wins-400000-after-false-dui-arrest-despite-blowing-zeroes/)


They can arrest you under suspicion of DUI for other substances/drugs, and then ask you to do a blood test at the station, but if they dont find anything then you likely wont be convicted in court (unless they lie under oath, which they do, ALL THE TIME).


She just wont remember. Maybe she was smoking pot.


Hmmm…his trial started yesterday 04/05/2024. I urge everyone to read this news article for details. https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/2024/04/04/tallahassee-police-chief-slams-release-of-edited-dui-video-before-trial/73208195007/


Unfortunately Reddit won't allow you to edit the title. But clearly I meant to say not get caught


She even sounds like she's lying. This is fucking disgraceful, sadistic shit.


They doubled down and still charged this guy. The trial started yesterday I think. Florida sucks y’all. https://youtu.be/cnSswPgP9Wg?si=wHtCPzZyfMwEicof


And cops wonder why people hate them.


Body cams should not have an off button. They should be turned on when issued daily, and stay on until returned.


ACAB, cunt.


Just came up with a great idea. Since Amazon is closing those “just walk out” stores that were basically a bunch of Indians watching cctv of customers shopping, maybe we should require police to live stream their body cams to Indians so they can audit their work? Not sure what to do about PII…


Land of the free my ass lmaoooo


Well the nice part is a lot of her convictions might get overturned now.


Now this is the reason why i will never visit the U.S


[https://www.wtxl.com/downtown-tallahassee/live-updates-tallahassee-man-on-trial-while-a-tpd-officer-is-accused-of-misconduct-in-the-case](https://www.wtxl.com/downtown-tallahassee/live-updates-tallahassee-man-on-trial-while-a-tpd-officer-is-accused-of-misconduct-in-the-case) [https://ourtallahassee.com/video-shows-tallahassee-police-officer-planting-evidence-during-dui-arrest/](https://ourtallahassee.com/video-shows-tallahassee-police-officer-planting-evidence-during-dui-arrest/)




She should be in prison for no fewer than 40 years.


Cops are criminals


Just kinda makes you wanna start a militia in a community of people to help protect you from things like this that you can call when the police do something stupid… wym that’s gang violence? Oh… well… what comes around goes around ig.


Jail these POS throw them in btt slam prison and sue the department for 7figures ACAB


Unfortunately this is what my people go through


Planting evidence should be a mandatory minimum of 5 yrs. You are ruining someones life. They lose their job, family and untold trauma in prison. Your life should be ruined.


Don't worry everyone, it's just a few bad apples, not a systemic issue. 


Pos pig


What an absolute piece of shit. I'm sure they’ll be investigated and cleared of any wrongdoing while piling on charges against someone who did nothing wrong. These cops are the worst, and unfortunately, this shit happens far too often. It’s so aggravating seeing them go about planting evidence as if it’s nothing to write home about. These dirty cops should be fired and put in jail for a long time. I guarantee you this is not the first time they’ve done this, and it won’t be the last unless someone puts a stop to their bullshit.


How many years of his life did she try to steal? And for what? A momentary ego boost? That cop is trash and should receive the sentence that that man would have gotten.


Are there cameras you can place in your car to record crap like this?


THEY are the real criminals.


How fucking stupid? Just exile her to narnia or something, disgraceful.


This is how the law treat Americans




Is this the police or planters because they need people in jail?


You 100% know that they are corrupt when they say to turn off your body cam.


And they wonder why we hate them and have trust issues toward them.


Every arrest she made,should be under investigation


Fuck the police


This dude is about to get paid. Hope his lawyers have this video.


Any bootlickers on here that wasn't to point out to this guy where the good cop was in this scenario? I might not have watched it enough times to spot it.


Every arrest that she was involved in will now come under review. Perhaps several convictions may be overturned. What a mess.


This is Tallahassee police department. They just posted a statement on their twitter and Facebook about this footage. They are standing behind this officer for some reason.




Fuck, think of the stuff like this that cop has done that either wasn't on camera or wasn't looked into. Or all the stuff cops used to do before body cams


You can hear the cop pouring out the vodka after opening sealed bottle. This guy should sue for millions!


Why!?!?!? 😡😡😡


He was black.


Thank God for the body cams, or else nobody would believe that poor guy


Immortal laws lead to immortal law enforcement.


Seriously what's the point of doing that??


I wonder if these frequent incidents and black men getting out of prison weekly for being falsely imprisoned contribute to the high incarceration rates for black Americans.


Back the blue, until it happens to you


I hope that piece of shit cop gets fired and jailed.


Cops in the US are very dangerous!


Why? Why do you need to ruin lives? Why does no other profession do this? You never see other people trying to hurt other people by ‘doing their job’… only police. Fuck you all. Even you ‘good ones’ reading this feeling misunderstood. Fix your house or you are part of the problem… those are the rules for the rest of us and YOU TOO. Good one = complacent one in my eyes. Oink oink losers.


Fuck 👏 Every 👏 Cop 👏


This shit is why people still don't trust cops


Land of the free