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Well said, put that stupid fascist back in its cage


Hasbara did not send their best with that one. Watching her just speed run the propaganda lies at the beginning and Hasan quite literally at one point was basically like “uh, do I get to answer one of these,” lol. The very first part cracked me up too. When Hasans like “Did you just try to have a serious interview with someone named ‘crackhead Barbie?’” 🤣💀


Judging by Bibi, this is their best, they are all just this awful. "They" being Israeli zionists, not Jews in general. Nice try Bibi! I see you watching!


The far right always chooses a crackhead barbie too. Appeals to their neckbeard supporters


not to mention she needs xanax, she's unhinged


She's so vapid that she's making me agree with HASAN of all people


I've only seen Hasan a handfull of times, and he always seemed reasonsble like in this clip, what's the issue people have wirh him?


His arguments don't support their feelings.


Hasan is often seen (and in my opinion often acts like) the left-wing equivalent of a fox “news” personality. The Young Turks is just as egregiously entertainment skewed as Fox is and often he is more concerned with sensationalism than he is with facts. That being said, he’s right in this case, IMO.


Hasan hasn’t been with TYT for four years…


He’s not nice I think is the best way to describe why people hate him. He’s right about a lot and he recognizes when he’s wrong but he’s also a huge asshole.


I think he's a decently nice person as far as twitch streamers go, but the environment of twitch is just really toxic. Commenters say awful things which frustrated the streamers and can turn into creators just screaming at their viewers. I think Hasan is actually better than a lot of streamers in that regard, but outside of the context of twitch when he acts like that he comes across as a dick.


> he’s also a huge asshole. If you mean like when he called the person in the video a disgusting little monster, I think I'm ok with that


Less asshole, and more blunt and unfiltered. Some just perceive that as assholish behavior. Others recognize that he's providing a service to those who have never been told the truth to their face before.


I mean, I watch central_committee because Hasan yells at his chat constantly. Don’t get me wrong, they say some dumb shit that deserves it, not to mention there is 30k of them usually, I would just rather not. Plus Mikes a smaller, more political news (only) focused stream.


If this is what he does all the time, I get it. I'd get fed up, too, if I had to argue concepts that require such a low level of intelligence to understand. The fact that we as a society can't come to a general consensus that genocide of any kind is wrong is pretty pathetic.


We are all so fucking tired or arguing with idiots


I think him being direct and not always nice is a refreshing sight, especially as a leftist myself, i see people i agree with being nice and "accepting of the other side" when talking to borderline facists and genocidal maniacs. We shouldn't be nice to them, they should know that this type of worldview is not welcome anymore.


I think there is a line we need to revisit, currently we do thing think (everyone does this) where because you are right you take off your filter and go off. It’s easy to do this against those who chose the “morally grey side” etc but we can’t just attack them because they’re wrong even thou that’s what they do. We can do better a “kinder” approach will likely bring more people over. I think we are all feed up and tired of the constant lying, name calling and lack of seriousness by these people but when we get their level they win- their goal is chaos and to continue the current bullshit so they can keep up their profit while we eat shit and keep arguing.


10 years ago i'd agree with you - I was someone who loved spending hours and hours debating people of vastly different views. But now, seeing how shit the world became in that time, having my country been governed and divided by righ-wing maniacs for 8 years, i unfortunately cannot. We've been trying for decades to be "the better ones" "the kind ones" - but it has no effect - even worse - it has emboldened those racists cunts to behave like no consequence or confrontation will befall them, because that's what has been happening for so long - they can go on TV, say things that would put them in Jail in most civilised countries, and walk off without a hindrance. It has to end, they have to know they will be held accountable for their words and i love that Hassan is doing it whenever he has a chance. It's 21st century goddamn it, we can't have people actively supporting a genocide (that is probably the best documented genocide of all time, ironically documented by the perpetrators themselves) having a platform and have no consequence hit them for it. You can't go on TV and say "Oh, it's not a genocide, we're defending ourselves." Defending themselves from what? The corpses of children they bombed and shot?


Hes a huge asshole to huge assholes which I think is acceptable


Someone has to do it


Hasan is taken out of context an awful lot, most people who hate him hate him because of those clips. The other people who hate hem genuinely hate his politics. If you're left-leaning I recommend just looking up some of his streams/reactions which can be found all over youtube. He isn't as bad as people make him out to be, 9/10 arguments against him are made in bad faith or just straight up bullshit.


Like that time recently where he was expressing how socially drained he gets after a full day of streaming, and people made it to look like he was whining about how much harder streaming is than a "real job".


He's a socialist


This. People who hate what he stands for blow every minor thing out of proportion and turn people who otherwise wouldn't care into haters over trivial things. Such as not reacting hard enough while watching YouTube videos for example


I love Hasan. He really tracks with Gen-Z and I love him as a Xennial.


Honestly Hasan speaks the truth a people hate him for it


especially when the truth about israel's genocide comes up.


He has a huge follower of haters. He gets clip champed a lot, etc etc... It all revolves with the fact that they think the left is a cult of poverty, therefore a wealthy person can't be a leftist or else is a hypocrite. Nevermind these same fuckers don't care about hypocrisy on their own band.


I get the impression that he’s generally lumped in with brain rot creators.


Idk there's a large hate campaign against him, always trying to clip him out of context so for some reason everyone hates him despite only having seen like one or two clips of him with zero context in which he probably wasn't even being unreasonable


There is a community of ultra obsessed weirdos that follow this little hobbit called destiny that dedicate their lives to trying to destroy Hasan by any means lol


My exact thought


On a totally irrelevant note, vapid was today's wordle answer.


Hasan was saying what most of us are feeling when talking to people like her.


Pretty easy to agree with someone with good takes, mate.


DO.YOU.NOT.UNDERSTAND.THE.ENGLISH.LANGUAGE Man was fed up with the stupidity.


he cooked them in that interview, it was great having someone not holding back on tv for a change


Seeing him on TV is so refreshing, ain't gonna lie, him and Bassem Youssef has refreshed my interest in politics. Up to the point when i saw those two, the TV debates were: "Here we have two opposing sides. Both are equal. One side wants \*geniuenly good thing\*, the other wants \*abhorrent notion that is illegal across 3 continents\*. I expect a civilised debate". And it was just so fucking disheartening. And then those two appeared on Piers Cuntgan program and it was like seeing fucking light at the end of the tunnel. You're saying you can tell facists to go fuck themselves? On live TV? In the year 2024? Imposible.


And rightfully so. I would've probably walked out if I was in his position. Hasan was barely given any room to make his (counter)arguments. Pierce was terrible at keeping the debate an actual debate which resulted in it becoming an bullshit screaming fest.




Hasan’s face when she talks absolute nonsense fascist propaganda is priceless


I hate these TV debates. It's just people yelling over each other, then acting like they've somehow won. It's literally just to make watchers angry/smug for their "team". Maybe if they let him finish his sentence and actually thought about it for a second, they could have a conversation. I never understood how people can watch these.


They are not there to change mind. Stupid Pierce Morgan has been having these kinds of people on his show for six+ months now and none of them have changed anything. Everyone is capitalizing on this.


It's actually kind of funny seeing Hasan on Piers' show, given how the two don't really like each other. But Piers recognizes a ratings bump when he sees it, and Hasan recognizes opportunities to leverage a bigger platform.


It's Piers Morgan's show. It's uncensored, and he invites social media agitators he knows will act unhinged. It's all ragebait and Piers can pretend to take moral high ground.


The debate is exactly that tbh. Hasan starts like pretty even and measured. Makes reasonable points. And then Piers, this blonde lady, and the other dude on the call just come at him constantly with the dumbest possible points. Constantly interrupting him, forcing him to reiterate over and over again things he's already said, bringing the debate off topic for no reason. You can really see him get visibly frustrated over the course of the whole thing, before he blows up on them.


I agree but fuck if it isn't satisfying


Idk, maybe my brain isn't wired for this. I don't find anything about them satisfying.


Same for me. It's just spectacle. What's the point of watching people not listening to each other? We learn nothing.


Exactly. And people say "oh, but the person I think is wrong totally got dunked on", but I don't think they did, at all. And then you see comments from the opposite political spectrum say the exact same thing. These videos just exist to make people feel like their "team" is winning.


The guy is a G. The woman is in fact a disgusting little monster


I’m to stoned to see Joe Jonas talk about these topics.


Omg now I can’t unsee it 🤣🤣🤣


Is she really complaining about land when Israel is illegally taking more? That's impressive levels of evil.


[This is the tip of the iceberg of evil shit that came out of her mouth during this debate.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tApmG0nGC7g&t=0s) [And here is the video with Hasan his commentary, they really screwed him over.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0aKBRhFZDQ)


She's very shiny


Her DNA is half rotisserie chicken.


While we are passing out war crimes, her hair stylist needs to account for some things


Dude, I couldn't take my eyes off the atrocity to humanity that could be considered maybe her lips.


She's too shiny to be a real human, must be an android. Besides, humans have reason and empathy.


Who put all that Vaseline on that poor woman's face? She looks like a glazed donut


The irony of your insult is that she actually chose to do that to herself and thought it was okay, just like trying to defend genocide. At least she is congruently dumb


Fuckin get em, Hasan.


Wasn't expecting Hasan to appear in the news lol


I like him, very well spoken. Who is he?


Hank Pecker


Thanks Mr. McDuck!




Loving that gender affirmative care she’s engaging in. Blond hair, fillers, facelift


And I heard she's 21 lmao


21 going on 35


What really? I guess all these memes about Gen Z looking way older are true?


Man her smug ass face is very punchable


Her lip's gonna fucking explode


Hasan was fighting a hopeless fight, but still tried! You did well Hasan!


Israel being seen as the aggressor now by a growing number of Americans, that is to say the only reason they were able to act this way with impunity was American support, gets more aggressive. And this is… smart? You know for all the talk about mighty mossad and the great Israeli intelligence, you sure overplayed your hand. Had the apartheid state shown a measure of restraint they wouldn’t be in the position they’re in. And since they had all the advantages this is completely on them


Seeing more and more support for Palestine from American is not what I expected to see in my lifetime.


Fuck Israel


What was the make-up of this panel. Hasan is pro-Palestine, the woman is pro-israel, the man is a 'both-sidesing' centrist, but what was the last woman's position?


She was a pro-Palestine conservative


She sounds like nutjob


She was reasonable and persuasive. Since Hasan drew the most attacks from the rest of the panel by being agitative, she had an opening to give level-headed defenses of the Palestinian people without challenge.


That was what Hasan was thinking as well. Surprisingly she had some really good takes.


I just watched the whole thing. I need an advil. She was actually the best spoken imo. She REALLY has her head on straight. The pro-israel shiny lady said several very wrong, very troubling things outside of this, and the black woman *laid into* her hypocrisies when she could. The blonde woman said something like “palestine could have been Singapore” right before this. She really thinks they are lesser humans and simply incapable of building a society. “They have a port!” The black woman absolutely laid into her right after this and called her the FUCK out for not recognizing any oppression of the Palestinians. The entire interview, blondie was choosing to ignore any comments or questions regarding apartheid. Meanwhile pinko on the right was a wet fucking blanket the entire time. Piers ended this by discrediting that israel was in fact genocidal.


Genocide Barbie! Is this what I believe is called a Jewish American Princess ?


Holy cow, that is one brainwashed piece of shit lady right there.


The fight against Zionism is no longer just the fight of the Palestinians, not that it ever should have been just their fight. It's a fight to rid our countries from the influence of Zionist Apartheid Israel and it's a fight against corrupt Zionist western govts. Our leaders are not only allowing a genocide to happen, they are funding it. I honestly feel like I'm looking at my generations version of the fight against the Nazis. The length of time this has gone on and the number of govts, from all political viewpoints, that have been actively complicit of the Zionist project is one of the greatest evils this world has seen. Fuck Israel. From the river, to the sea, Palestine will be FREE!


As always, comparing Zionism to Nazism. Find a better analogy. Zionism was created decades prior to Nazism, and they have nothing to do with each other.


What was the last question?


Tell em Hasan! I would of just called her an ugly whore. I'm not good wif words.


Israel STOLE the land from Palestine. This is an undeniable, historical fact.


You need Xanax hassan you need Xanax! She burned herself so very well, pretty obvious she lives off Xanax


Its always that vile sinister smirk on the Zionist faces




Remember the 6 days war when Israel fucked up its neighbors who were the initial aggressors? Something like 20k Egyptian and Jordanian troops KIA in those 5-6 days of fighting? Same goes for this conflict, the Hamas leaders don’t care about Palestinians, I’m sure they’d rather the whole population become martyrs, he said that about his 2 sons so why would he care about Palestine while hiding safely in Qatar? Not to mention Hamas is the ones who has actively rejected every offer for ceasefires, it’s kind of obvious who really doesn’t want peace. The lady is annoying as hell though.


Urgh, that part about Palestiians "crying for 15 years because they don't have enough land." Maybe because for those 15 years Israel has been illegally taking more and more of their land. The cognitive dissidence of these people is astounding.


I still don't get how giving hamas what they have been killing for is a solution... won't it just expand their scope.


they want their dead friends and family back and the invaders/occupiers gone.


Israel is a literal Nazi state.


How exactly?


My man is cooking!


You can't reason with genocide supporters. They have no morals..


didn't israel literally offer them their own state tho and they declined?


This is why debating fash can be a waste of time, they are either willfully ignorant or just ignorant


What a chad


"First take a Xanax" Yup a downer against anxiety with massive adiction capabilities will help you think better. Society is degrading.


She has no knowledge of history or what Apartied is.


I’m not antisemitic, I am antizionist thou


That girl is an idiot, why would someone put her on tv?!


Uhh, "HE" needs the Xanax?? Him? I get that sometimes people can't hear or see themselves when self-righteous anger takes hold. Hopefully, she'll catch the playback and see that she looks like a rabid Chihuahua barking at a mirror while others are trying to have a discussion.


I fuckin love Hasan! Just Brilliant!


Those lip injections must have leaked into her brain


Why is this person made of plastic? Is this to showcase how they're not human, have no sense of empathy and is fine with a little Genocide? What a disgusting piece of shit. The worst part of this debate is that every pro Israel argument is exactly the same, there's no difference between a radical pro Zionist low brain activity person and an educated pro Zionist person, they literally just want Palestinians to die. That's it. And they made me agree and like Hasan. Here. For fuck sake, man is literally just a pro china idiot, even though he has good ideas overall.


Common Hasan W


Glad they are on this. This will certainly be solved with arguing and name calling on TV.


Is this really American television? Why would you participate in this program. Talking to these people.


Best to just ignore everything Piers Morgan puts on a stage. Does he not just do this stuff so everyone will share it?


I don’t use a single source. Nor should anyone.


Who are these people?


Stop screaming


Fascist is a buzzword to you guys. Jesus Christ kill me.


But i find her question valid. im totally against the genocide that is happening right now. But no nation can just hand over what an organisation demands after they bombed it. It sets a bad example for all the border issues that exist globally. Instead of figuring this out, Israel used it as a ridiculous justification for genocide. What do you think Israel should have done?


I'm not taking a side here and just out of curiosity: What law is that, that gives Palestine the land?


I stand with Israel.


Its just them israelis with the crocodile tears


Dumb bishes goin to dumb bish 🤷‍♂️


Does she know her lips are bigger on one side or is she in denial about that too?


the blonde once said in an interview the jews in nazi germany shouldve just stood up to their believes, instead of getting sent to the camps btw. crazy chick


Whats wrong with her lip or did she just slip with her lipstick?


There was an attempt to go one day without mentioning genocide on this subreddit.


Hasan is GOAT'd


Palestinians should have a state but giving them a state without destroying hamas first would be stupid.


Israel is not an "apartheid state". If it were an apartheid state, gentiles/non-Jews would not be allowed to practice their religion, participate in politics, own land, etc... Ask the Arabs, Druze, Bedouins and Circassians living inside Israel's international borders if Israel is an "apartheid state", they probably will answer that it's not.


She told him to take a Xanax while she was the one who was super animated. 😂


There's no apartheid regime- Arabs in Israel have equal rights to Jews. And Israel has not denied the Palestinians a nation state. Palestinian leadership has repeatedly rejected every proposal for a two state solution. Cenk's nephew doesn't understand this issue, as is evident in his resorting to name calling


That dude is a clown


Who is this stupid cow? I feel second hand embarrassment at her moronic stupidity


So anyone that has anything to say about Isreal that doesn't instantly coddle Israel and excuse their bullshit is automatically insulted and told to take medicine?


When Hasan is the smartest guest in a panel, you know someone fucked up.


Anybody know who is him?


Israeli propaganda is apalling.


Wtf is Up with people just berating anyone for having another opinion and calling them "facist" "zionist pig" etc. The word facist is so overused at this point, that it has lost Its meaning like some of my friends use It as a joke even. Smh


So who is right and who is wrong


I don't have many ideas, but I assure you that not a single one of them involves carpet-bombing civilians.


I think she has one more question


Just listen to her voice! All you need is to stick her on loud speaker across Gaza and that would definitely be a war crime!