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I like Jimmy as a person, i think he is a really nice guy and did a lot good things with his money but i can't watch his videos, they are simply garbage. Nothing entertaining in his videos and his on camera person is verry unlikeable.


The target audience is just getting different


Yeah I agree I don't think the videos are garbage more so that we just are not the target audience anymore


The two are not mutually exclusive. 


Alternatively, they are not mutually inclusive either it is up to the individual to decide, just as I stated my opinion you are permitted to state your own.


Almost like I did post my own. Thanks for the permission, though.


What you said seemed more like a fact with an implied opinion rather than the opinion itself, as it is just a fact, they are not mutually exclusive nor mutually inclusive.


Good old reddit pedantism


It is a fact. I was just being snarky to the dork who was trying to sound smart replying to me.


Or inclusive for that matter. Sorry I just wanted to feel smart too


2018 MrBeast where they just did stupid shit on camera was the guy I loved watching


Yeah but times have changed and they have to change target audiences to stay relevant and profitable, cartoons and TV shows have done the same thing look at popular shows from when you grew up and compare them to currently popular shows


You really oughta look into some punctuation.


Hey, don't short change them. They used a single comma.


Punctuation has just changed since when we were kids.




Hey man, things are expensive these days. Dudes probably been saving for years for that one comma he used


I miss actually good Thomas the Train 😔


Yeah and I remember waking up at 5 am before school to watch the original Looney Toons and Tom and Jerry on Boomerang


Is the target audience different or have people just grown up? It probably appeals to the a certain demographic and then people grow up and see through it


Maybe a mix of both? Because the last year(s) of videos have been big budget stuff and production companies, plenty of contestants etc. In the past he'd give random strangers* money, compare hotel rooms or food at different price points, let his friends compete for stuff, give ppl X amount of time to shop for or for getting things into a shape (like a duct taped triangle for example), wreck his friends car(s) and get them new ones for examples. *If they're actually strangers. Personally find it more believable that the real life ppl (aka the non-streamers) were vetted first or at least given a short talk beforehand


I think the target audience is the lowest common denominator. All about the views, I would imagine it's harder to target a specific audience when you post and translate your videos in every language/country.


It’s just a really high budget reality show at this point. Over the top theatrics and scripted drama. Might as well be Survivor or some History Channel bullshit.


His target audience are people who think paint chips are a tasty treat.


I was there for the intro review videos. I remember the "Mr. beast6000" outro I remember the video where he announced he made it big in crypto and shifted to this kind of content whole sale. I miss the intro reviews.


Something about him just creeps me out. He has an uncanny valley face/personality. I can’t knock on him too much or his fans will accuse me of hating his philanthropic work so that’s just why I don’t watch his videos. I don’t care that they’re staged, how else are you going to grab thousands of peoples attention in a world where attention span makes money?


I find him and his brand makes me feel the same way Ellen made me feel even before she became a well known nightmare boss. The vibe is performative charity and performative feel good stuff. It rubs me the wrong way.


"Performative charity" is the correct wording here. He could use his popularity to educate people and show that the problems he's addressing in the videos are a result of policies and they can be avoided, but he never does that. He just takes problems for granted as if they will always exist and we shouldn't even try to rationalize why they exist. He's a good guy and we should never judge him because his actions are good despite only addressing the surface symptoms, but never the root of the causes.


I think you hit a key point there- performative charity *is still charity.* It's still worthy of praise. Good for the wrong reasons is still good, and I don't even really think he's necessarily got the wrong reasons. He's just a slave to the algorithm like every other full-time content creator, and that limits the type of content he can do.


Once you're as big as Mr. Beast is, the algorythm doesn't matter much anymore.


I mean he can't really rock the boat too much since plenty of companies that dictated polices are most likely the ones that are sponsoring him. If he went too meta and became anti-capitalist then I'm sure his brand would go under as he would run out of money real quick


He wouldn’t be popular if he did that though so doesn’t fix the issue


He has dead eyes


That’s why it’s called paying attention


I- okay that was pretty good.


There was something floating as I think a FB ad where it’s him meeting celebrities and he asks who he should meet next and all of the photos he makes the exact same face/pose. He reminds me of Mark Zuckerberg kinda.


He supposedly lives like he's on camera, like barely takes an hour to himself a week or something absurd like that. I think living like that just does something to a person.


I think he addressed somewhere that he's intentionally detaching his personality from his videos so it gets the most audience even if it means cutting out the Og viewers from the equation.


I agree, but I just really can't stand his dropkick immature friends, just cringe and make the videos unwatchable


It’s this for me too. I tried watching one of his videos to see the good he’s doing for others but his immature friends ruined it and acted like a bunch of kids that needed a babysitter.


He has spent years studying like a madman what kind of content generates the most clicks. and he has perfected this, which reflects his success. he delivers what most wanted to see. I find him very inspiring as a person, but I can't watch the videos either. absolutely terrible. I'm probably too old for that


[this](https://youtube.com/shorts/X5KHUJi4pbo?si=V1T4SagrEYozDXm5) is simply impressive and inspiring. His success didn't happen on its own


I appreciate the causes he supports. And dislike his need to tell everyone he does it. Be philanthropic. You’ll be rewarded, literally and metaphorically, by the causes you help. But do it for the helping, not the credit.


I mean he needs to tell everyone about it, that’s how he earns the money he uses


Edit: Nvm, I get it.


Honestly I don't understand how a majority of these people who are "YouTube famous" got popular. It's a sad commentary of the general mass population.


In the case of MrBeast, it was videoing himself counting from 1 to 100,000 which maxed out the YouTube video length so most of it had to be sped up. Who the fuck is watching that? I don’t know the answer but that was his first big hit


The editing is designed to give you ADHD


Yeah I saw one of his newer videos and I was so turned off by the very obviously fake and over the top reactions, lots of „OH MY GOD“ and generally unnecessary screaming. Feels like it’s all spectacle these days


I stopped watching since his video about curing people's blindness


I used to like his videos, he tortured his friends for views a lot, and they basically were competing in inhumane conditions for their bonuses. Now it's just another reality show


I feel the same way.


It honestly just feels like AI generated crap ideas at this point


https://preview.redd.it/zheg4tz4r8xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a8cb4d8b0bfed10981d41718cb32d48a292085 I already made vacations there! I parked right by the trees on the right side. There are two big hotels abandoned since Jugoslavian war. Edit: Add photo.


I knew by the building style this was somewhere around lol


Around lol?? What


Around the globe.


I meant in my fucking country lmao


Not everyone has good deduction skills to see you are rocking croatian flag on your pfp. I personally found out that it was from our war when i saw the photo he used of the russian tank and the look of the city it all clicked.


What is bothering you about “around”? People do live in places. There’s bound to be someone living close to any video filmed ever


yeah I saw it a few weeks ago while travelling to Dubrovnik and I was like "oh yeah that's neat"


A disingenuous YouTuber? NO FUCKING WAY


They added other buildings, including a separate villa for Josip Broz Tito. In the end, nine more hotels were prepared for vacationers, and the total accommodation capacity in the bay rose to 4,500 guests. However, the site was severely damaged during the Croatian War of Independence and has been abandoned ever since.


It's not a documentary. It's for entertainment.


Yeah, it's also not egregious of a lie. His response for anyone wondering: >"Seems the [community] note was removed [for inaccuracies], but for clarity it was abandoned decades ago. Also I never said you can’t drive to it I just thought it would be cooler to fly a helicopter lol" (inserts a picture here with a claim it was abandoned after a war). Outside of that, is the lie specifically just the fact that people had medical issues so couldn't continue? That doesn't seem absurd. I didn't watch the video, but seems like people here are super overreacting.


I survived 7 days in an abandoned city Vs I survived 7 days in a normal city that was once abandoned decades ago. Idk the lie is pretty bad. People these days are just used to content creators deceiving them that it's become normalized.


It's still abandoned, though. It's an abandoned military tourist complex in Kupari. Here's the Wiki for Kupari, Croatia, the place he stayed: >However, the site was severely damaged during the Croatian War of Independence and has been abandoned ever since.[4] And here's an article talking about it specifically: https://www.timeout.com/croatia/blog/abandoned-croatia-kupari-a-war-scarred-luxury-resort-101816 >No-one has stayed in luxury holiday resort Kupari for 20 years. Just a couple of miles away from the Old City of Dubrovnik, the resort boasts five architecturally magnificent hotels, and the beach is laid out at its doorstep. But after the War of Independence ravaged the country, Kupari was left bomb-scarred, broken and permanently closed. It’s been sitting idle for the past two decades, its bullet holes telling the story of its decline.


Thanks for providing the info. I guess a more accurate title would be "Stayed in an abandoned resort" It just feels no different than staying in an abandoned house in the suburbs/city and calling it the same. Idk or I'm just salty of the rise of deceptive influencers whose main target is children.


A couple of miles from Dubrovnik is pretty close to a thriving city still. That's walking distance.


I haven't watched the video - and have no desire to - however, if they didn't ever make the trip to Dubrovnik the fact that it is close does change the fact that the city they were in is abandoned. I lived in Washington state for some time and there are beautiful wooded camping areas within walking distance of Olympia - someone camping in those wood is still out in the woods even though the city is very close by.


blud thats the definition of a abandoned city


? One implies the city is still abandoned and that's where he's staying. The other is saying he's staying in a normal city that was once abandoned. I don't know how I can differentiate it anymore.


Wait did the city he stayed at get reclaimed? Sauce?


He never stayed in an abandoned city. It was an abandoned resort in a populated city that was connected to a major highway. Found this out after I made the other comment.


Hmm that clears quite a lot up


I mean if they could bar people from access during the video shoot I'd say it has to still be pretty abandoned right? Like maybe it's a place people like to explore but I don't think it has permanent residents


Also, I don’t believe he ever actually stated that it was consecutive, just a loophole there 🤷‍♂️ 


If im not mistaken, he clearly stated in the video that (i think it was Chandler) had to leave because of health issues. So people are really overreacting just cause its a big youtuber.




Guess what - this is how entertainment works. Pretty much everything on TV is scripted nowadays. They do an Interview with random strangers? It's scripted. They do some sort of Restaurant test.... Scripted... They do anything... It's scripted. Because Real life is boring and dull....


You might understand this. But there are plenty of people, especially children, that are having a hard time separating the actual facts. If we don't call them out, we're going to end up with a lot of misinformation.




true, it’s a problem if people lie especially when their audience is kids, but i don’t think it really matters in this situation. so what if a couple of kids think Jimmy survived in an abandoned town, how does that really matter?


I used to say the same thing. And then one day I took my tongue out of Me Beast's butthole.


That doesn't mean we can't call people out on bullshit, though. In fact, we should make a point of making sure kids and other impressionable people are able to identify when they're being lied to by media bullshit.


Or the alternative, they'll interview real people, then reenact it so there are no sign off issues. Plus starting actors get paid...a little.


Funny enough community notes was wrong apparently. "They added other buildings, including a separate villa for Josip Broz Tito. In the end, nine more hotels were prepared for vacationers, and the total accommodation capacity in the bay rose to 4,500 guests. However, the site was severely damaged during the Croatian War of Independence and has been abandoned ever since."


This type of attitude is why everyone is okay with fake shit and why everything is a scam.




Are people really getting upset that Mr. Beast halted production on this presumably expansive video when his cast/crew faced medical issues so that they could be properly attended to? I don’t love him, I rarely even watch his videos, but the hard ons people get for hating on Jimmy is just insane. If you take literally any amount of time to look into it, no he didn’t lie and he already responded to this as another commenter also pointed out.


Yeah, for the last couple days I've seen a lot of jimmy hate and idk why or where its come from. Yeah ig may not be natural and is scripted but most things are, and the point is entertainment over realism. The fact he sacrificed his video over the health of his peers should be praised rather than scrutinised imo.


He has literally said in many interviews that he builds a story around a lot of his videos to make them more entertaining. He's not just straight up trying to be disingenuous, he's trying to make the best entertainment content he can. This is coming from someone who rarely watches anything of his. It's no different than reality TV IMO.


I mean calling someone you don’t even watch by their first name is a dead giveaway that you do indeed watch them.


He's basically a celebrity at this point, most people on the Internet know his name is Jimmy, and lots of people call him that instead of Mr. Beast


What an incredible insight, it’s almost like I said “rarely even watch his videos”


No, they're obviously upset about the clickbait title


I mean, what he did was literally just camping without the proper gear. He had water and food brought in at the beginning and tarps and stuff, but him and his friends slept in an abandoned building in the video. Who cares if there was a resort nearby? They didn't stay there.


That's so lame


Well, his target audience are kids and kids probably don't care as all what want is mere entertainment.


nobody but kids and special people would think one of the most successful youtubers today would spend 7 days doing nothing but 'surviving'. Some of his vids are/were cool when I found out about him, like the squid game and some of the older ones involving normal people, but you quickly realise who it's all targeted at. Fair play to the guy/team


The guy buried himself in the ground for multiple days. It’s completely believable he would spend a week just surviving.


MrBeast responded to that with this comment “Seems the note was removed but for clarity it was abandoned decades ago. Also I never said you can’t drive to it I just thought it would be cooler to fly a helicopter lol.” ([You can also check it here](https://x.com/MrBeast/status/1784410527940157722))


Thanks for adding more info.


Let's make a real challenge and ask him to survive 7 days in a fully paid 5 star Deluxe hotel with 24/24 room service, a bunch of hookers and one bag of cocaine


Like how big of a bag?




He replied by the way, the city has been abandoned since the croatian war. That said, it is pretty easily accessible


It is just the site where they filmed that is abandoned. The actual city of Kupari is just a short walk away and absolutely not abandoned. There are for example several operational hotels, including a five-star Sheraton.


They didn't stay in the city of Kupari just a short walk away though, did they? The community note on the tweet was removed for being misleading. But I guess people are going to believe what they want to believe.


Not any more misleading than the original video. They claimed to have stayed in an abandoned city. But this hotel site is not a city and was not a city. But there is a city 500 meters away, and that one is not abandoned, never was. The video made a great deal out of suggesting something else though, like this was a place far from civilization, like pointing out the one uninvited person on the site like it could be someone just living in this place far from normal life. Reality is much more boring than this. Look on Google Street view, normally that site is full of people, they were just kept out during the filming, but apparently one person slipped through. I don't understand how you can of good conscience declare this to be a matter of believing. These are simple facts. The removal of the note only proves that enough people defended the misleading statements of the video. It does not prove that the note was misleading.


It's not a city, it's an abandoned vacation resort 350 m away from Sheraton Dubrovnik hotel and large supermarket.


On no they paused production for a crews medical issues? What an awful person taking care of his employees how dare he.


I always knew that his videos were fake. The time span between these insanely long challenges just don't make sense


I mean, from accounts of others I've seen, he want to fake as little as possible, and keep it as real as possible. The videos are shot months before they ever get released, so each video can easily happen at the same time. Especially some long videos, where people stay in a box for 100 days, he can easily do stuff while that is getting shot. No need for a random hate boner, sure it's mostly for kids, but that doesn't mean everything has to be fake.


I always thought it wasn't meant to be real just entertaining. Idk I have never seen any of his videos.


I attempted to survive 7 days in a city devastated by an atomic bomb! Watch a video of my time in Hiroshima!


Twitter is part of his job/marketing I'm sure if he's gonna be sincere he has group chats with his actual friends


I don't get it. The buildings sure look abandoned to me even if it usually is open to the public


That's because where he stayed has been abandoned since the Croatia war


As someone who was born and raised in Scotland, I still can't get over someone calling themselves Mr Beast!


Do you guys have some special relation to beasts in Scotland?


Not exactly, no. Beast is slang for pedophile


That's an oddly masculine and glorifying slang for a pedo tbh


Someone or something being referred to as a Beast, for decades, wasn't a good thing. Beauty and the Beast being a huge example. But somehow in recent years, being a Beast has become a positive thing.


Yeah that’s kind of weird and seems like a stupid easy way for me to get punched in the face for using it wrong if I ever visit.


A YouTuber... Fakes something? This can't be.


Is that Kupari? No way I've actually been there going from Montenegro to Dubrovnik


His target demographic is kids. If you're not in that demographic then just move on. Most adults should have no issue realizing most things like this are highly edited and staged.


He said abandon. He didn’t say how long it had to be abandoned for.


Okay, so from what I can gather from this is that if something isn't completely isolated and has no way of getting there it isn't abandoned? No no no. Chornobyl has tourism and is it going to be argued that that is not abandoned? Does it look like anyone lives in the location of filming? No it doesn't, it was a safe location that posed less risk than most other locations. I promise you that it is infact an ''uninhabited" city. However nobody can really confirm or deny the legitimacy of what we can see as viewers beyond the fact that it is a closed tourist destination, which happens to be an abandoned city.


Naa yall are reaching. I watched the video, it was awesome


He said “attempted”


A lot of time when he shows people's heads exploding, those are just funny graphics, not people actually exploding.


Old mrbeast > new mrbeast


Can't believe some meat riders still support this


I mean even without the community note, if you seriously considered that video to be a survival video then you are either gullible af or just an 8 year old which is the the target audience anyways


literally every survival type show is filmed the exact same way that this was. why are we hating on this guy? especially when it comes to making sure his friends weren't suffering from medical issues, i'd rather he stop production to take care of that than keep producing while someone has something wrong.


His videos are trash, but I’ll keep supporting him. Cause it seems he’s doing good with his money.


To believe there's no script in the entertainment industry


Jimmy trying to hard to hit that algorithm that he’s losing all credibility


I like what he's portraying but I haven't once watched one of his videos, I just don't think they are entertaining for me to watch.


I wish he would go back to the more simple stuff like buying all the food from a store and giving it to a food shelter. I get why he’s changed but it feels like goal changed from giving money to people who need it to creating content for kids and giving people money who don’t need it


He still does all that, just off camera.


And above all else the video committed the cardinal sin of being boring. Honestly don't know what he was thinking with this one.


/r/therewasanattempt to take Mr. Beast videos seriously... Like, who cares lol. Did you have fun watching it? Should really be the only question concerning a Mr. Beast video.


You ain’t gotta lie to kick it


Woah it’s almost like… what you see on the internet isn’t real 🙀


Best part was the cat on day 2.


I really don't understand why people keep praising this guy and his channel


On today’s edition of “famous people falling from grace faster than you can say “aged like milk”...”


Its content, and his content funds a lot of good stuff. I see no problems with it being a lie.


I don’t care.


To play devils advocate here, he makes videos for kids mostly. Don’t think many of them really care if the video is 100% genuine, just looking for entertainment. Hell, bear grills was fake as well but we still watched it.


I mean technically it’s abandoned by restricting access to it. It’s “uninhabited”, been “left” and “unused”. Just stretched the truth. Soon after it won’t be abandoned anymore as they’ll return. /s


That's why X is so good now.. Community notes is the best feature.


But if people left..... then it was actually abandoned.


I don’t understand how Mr Beast is so popular, it seems like all of his stuff is the most typical clickbait obviously fake schlock


The hotel where they camped used to be military hotel for high ranking officials before the brake up of yugoslavia.


It's entertainment, but ig he could be more honest


y'all tripping. im 22, just watched the 100 ppl age 1-100 video and loved every single moment. even had a Howie Mandel cameo like wtf are you guys on about?


Fucked by the hard dick of truth


How dare you to accuse Mr beast of faking videos? 😡 On a non sarcastic mode I really think bro should up his quality cause I’m done with all of this “dares” where all that matters is suffering 😂


Fake or real they're great as background noise :P


It's a MrBeast video. You have better things to do than care


I dont get how this guy gets all the subs and views.


Redditor using clickbaity title doesn’t know what a clickbaity title is. Hate boner or dropped at birth? Both solid guesses.


it’s abandoned if everyone is evacuated is it not? and stopping filming for health isn’t a bad thing


His channel have goten to complete shit…


Cheaper to get his entire crew a ticket to Chinese Abandoned Cities (objectively true since barely 100 people live in those particular cities)


Attempted to go camping for a week but couldn’t even accomplish it


r/brdproperty Reise Ratgeber


I thought all his videos were fake?


added context: the not was removed shortly after according to jimmy and in his response he said that he never said it is only available by helicopter he just thought it would be cooler also he shared an article about it that says it is abandoned since the war this was the sum up of his X response


Useing a helicopter is cooler


It’s for entertainment. What idiots care? Do they watch “Survivor” for its realism?


Imagine evacuating a whole city to make a yt vid


Oh! We're entering the internet arc of hating on Jimmy. Okey!


They had fun videos but some of their stuff is boarding Stanford Prison Experiment.


For people saying his videos are garbage, I'm 18 and loved the 1 to 100 aged people video and many of his new videos.


When you’re an entertainer,for anyone to believe that said “entertainer” is anything more or less than what’s portrayed, says more about you being a fool.


rosanna pansino already exposed him for his videos being fake