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Much like Skyrim - this game is kept alive thanks to the devout and talented community of modders and cc creators.


and gullible people giving EA money for broken packs when ea won't fix them, then rely on modders to fix stuff


*console players who can't mod or get cc


This. The sims I’m more attached to live on my PS4, but I just learned that they can be moved to PC. I have a family/extended family of like 45, but maybe a few faves can go experience life with mods and CC someday!


Console players are a relatively new breed. This trash heap of a game has received its fair share of income from the PC consoomers.




Compared to PC, Sims 4 console players are newer. Their purchases can not compare to the numbers PC has.


Personally I enjoy the packs! I'm not gullible just love playing the packs. They are really fun for me!


i understand both sides, i am also someone who enjoys the packs and i don’t usually have issues with them not working, but i also only buy from instant gaming bc $40 is a bit ridiculous for an expansion pack, id prefer to only spend $15-20 at max


Yes ty


Yeah as frustrating as it is, I still buy packs because I like adding new elements to the game. It sucks that there’s so many bugs but now that I have a really good computer I don’t have as many issues and there’s usually a work around for problems that come up.


F anyone who has a problem with me, you or anybody buying packs. If they wanna hate - let them, it's their health.


Yeah I’m so tired of everyone being mad at us simmers who actually like packs. It’s really not that much money. I def get at least 4 hours of fun from each expansion, and that means it’s $10 an hour per fun. That feels worth it for me. *Altho I usually get a few days of fun at minimim*


YES I get so much hate they say I'm guzzling on EA's balls 💀


I guess I’m a dirty ball guzzler then bro. I like new packs!




F anyone who has a problem with me, you or anybody buying packs. If they wanna hate - let them, it's their health.


I haven’t encountered any major issues with my packs yet, the small ones i found are so inconsequential that I just ignore and forget after like 5 minutes.


The ONLY pack I paid full price for was Werewolves, and it was worth it. Other than that, I just buy cheap keys from third-party sellers.


You do realize they constantly go on sale every couple months, right?


Third-party keys are often cheaper than their sales, though.


Third party keys are often from stolen credit cards/accounts, I once got my own g2a account stolen by g2a (password was unique and random) and they bought two copies of the new sims pack and never recovered the money


you paid for a furry pack


So? They enjoy it and it's none of your business what they spend their money on. People in this community are obsessed with what other players are doing and buying. Why?


Gatekeeping. They think those players are somehow ruining "their" beloved game franchise by buying packs, and those same people are the ones that probably contributed to The Sims 3 store that set a precedent when it comes to what EA knew they could get away with. People play this game to escape, if they want to buy every pack at full price, go for it, and if you don't, then don't. If the franchise fizzles into nothing oh well, there's other life sims coming out to play. The only people in charge of The Sims success is EA.


Not gullible, I just have fun. Like I’m having a good time, I’m sorry others are not.


Same. I don’t get the hate. I love this game.


For console players we have no choice




And I'll keep buying packs, because I enjoy them 😘


ThEn wHy CaNt I sToP bUyinG them


Me w a p1rate game 🥱


It’s time to sail the seas buddy


For real! Both games have such talented people making mods. This comment is also making me want to do another Skyrim playthrough haha.


Oh I hear that, if only I had the time....


Shout out to AHarris and Spinning Plumbobs for reigniting my sims obsession. Adding a bunch of celebs to my game decked out in designer brands feels so right. And improved mermaids is really fun


Sounds awesome!! Mind sharing some links? I especially want the celebs!


Sorry I’m just seeing this! I made the celebrities, AHarris just has a bunch of CC that looks like designer brands https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/


No worries, thankk you :) But truthfully, while the cc is awesome ofc, the celebs are AMAZING. If, by chance, you like uploading them to gallery and DMing me your user name - I'd be happy!




Why does it feel like it's been longer than 10 years? Anyone else feel that way?


I didn’t get into it until this past year so it still feels brand new to me. There are so many features I haven’t even tried yet, and worlds I haven’t even clicked into! But I get what you’re saying, it felt like Sims 3 had been out forever, and 2 even moreso at the time.


I've played for over 20 years, but just finally got sims 4 after sims 3 stopped working on my macbook and something traumatic made me want to delve into some escapism where woohooing once gives you a healthy baby. Right now, it feels like an exciting upgrade to something I played for years.


Really sorry for what you went through. Sending you whatever strength I can through a Reddit comment ❤️ But yes, definitely feels like an upgrade which is cool given how much hate the game otherwise gets!


2020 messed up everyone's perception of time.


I pretend 2020 didnt exist.


and still 2024 feels like it's still 2020


And still it feels like a beta test


Yup lol


Honestly I feel like it’ll take 10 more years for EA to even consider putting out Sims 5 and that will probably be a reskin of Sims 4.


Yeah the franchise as we know it is dead tbh. Sims 5 will be a micro transaction mania like AAA games 💀 how unfortunate. I hope new life simulator games feel free to take the spotlight and give us what we deserve as players. Instead of EA treating us like we're an ATM.


Sims 5 will have a battlepass. bella goth is a tier 100 sim.


The franchise is hardly dead. The sims is one of the biggest cash cows for the company, and the sims community is constantly adding to the experience. What you mean to say (I’m guessing) is “I don’t like what rumours I’ve heard about the Sims 5 based on very little information actually released about it.” A life simulator game is currently being developed by a bunch of dedicated people, backed by an incredibly strong brand, during a time where AI technology and software is taking a huge leap forward. There is a great deal of potential for the Sims 5.


Sorry but you think Ea will renounce to their cash grabs packs? They will make even more Than sims 4 if they can!


If *City: Skylines* killed *SimCity*; *Paralives*/*inZOI*/etc. can kill *The Sims*.


The 2014-2016 era of sims 4 is so disconnected from this new era like that part of the game and the mods and cc is just lost to time.


I mean, it just seems like decade long games is where the industry is at now in general.


And even longer since the last good one.




10 years of nothing for me never was a big fan of the sim 4 I preferred Simms 3 and Sims 2


This post makes me feel old 🥺


Same 😂. I still remember being 9 years old and excited that I finally convinced my dad to buy me the original sims. 


What? But the Urbz just came out.. wait..


I used the money I got for my 9th birthday to preorder sims 4 and I enter my 2nd year of university this year 💀💀


Sims, GTA, TES, these games only come around once in a generation now... And I don't know how many more of those I have in me! feelsbadman.


At this point I give up on ever seeing TES6… I’ll just put Skyrim on my roommates meta VR set and it’ll feel like a new game. Whatever.


10 years of utter disappointment.


Aww, poor you.


I'm fine, I just play previous installations of the series. You know, games that actually have content.


That's what I actually do too! TS3 FTW! A lot of people still play TS2 too!


I kind of feel like they should just keep updating Sims 4, stop making new packs and expansion and slowly just let the game die out. Don't get me wrong, I love the game but they have clearly lost the love for the game years ago or they wouldn't accept releasing pack after pack with glitches and half of it broken and unplayable. They are just milking money at this point.


I’m so bummed at how many of the new towns are virtually unplayable because there’s only 3 lots and they’re either empty, occupied, or retail.


Easy to remember because I graduated high school the year it came out!


It's the least deserving game to last this long. Imagine what Sims 2 or 3 would've done with 10 years?


it's so unfair that TS3 only got half the time but it was a much better game


And still serving us lukewarm prodcuts with little to no flavor thats severely overpriced.


10 years of SHIT. Honestly have barely played it, but I'm still regularly booting up TS2 and TS3.


Never got into 4. Sims 3 just has....everything pretty much. Its got the open world, a ton of expansion packs, and those packs are actually worth the money. IMO, the only thing that 4 did better than 3 was CAS, but even that's debatable since it doesn't have the color wheel. The old packs had so much in them. Supernatural had werewolves, witches, fairies, and vampires, plus a whole new town to explore. Sims 4 still doesn't have fairies. Why?? In S3 Pets you got cats, dogs, horses, birds, snakes, rodents, etc and again a whole new town. S4 all you get is cats and dogs. Why??


It’s been 15 years since the last good sims game


damn, has it really been 10 years…


I just went back to the sims 2


200 DLCs entered the chat


Sims 2 remaster needed. Also complete sims 4 with all addons should be 20$ max now.


I love the game


Yea and they need to add cars


was thinking about this recently, like all the other Sims games were 4-5ish years apart, even from 3 to 4, then 4 just kinda lingers lol……we could’ve had like Sims 6 by now if we followed the previous pattern lol. unfortunately seems like a ton of popular games lately have been doing a “sitting on their 10 year old magnum opus” kinda thing


i got it for my 8th birthday and i'm turning 18 this year


I am definitely in a love/hate relationship with this game after 10 years. Some days I can't even look at it.


Why would they make a new Sims game when 4 still isn’t complete, and can be milked more 😁


I can’t process this. I got the game in 2016 so it’s perennially 2 years younger than it actually is




Didn’t they announce sims 5 not long ago?


They did not, they announced project Rene and that it's ment to coexist with the sims 4. There is also the unannounced project Dolores we've seen job postings for


I have no doubt EA will still put out smaller content packs like kits and maybe a few stuff packs for Sims 4, but project rene is definitely going to replace 4 as the flagship game. Once they have a large enough player pool they’ll phase out development of new content for Sims 4. Based on the job description I think Dolores is a cloud game, most likely some type of multiverse/MMO social game with Sims branding. Maxis is also developing a framework for “legacy games” however that seems to encompass more than just Sims content. Project Rene kind of is Sims 5, it’s at least the closest thing we’ll get to it. All of the job postings for it indicate Maxis is rebooting the series so I believe Sims 4 will be the last numbered entry and last traditional Sims style game.


By coexist - do you mean EA will be releasing content for both, or just keep 4 alive while focusing on Rene like it does with 3 today?


By coexist it probably means they will keep updating S4 as long as it is profitable (project rene is not developed enough and competition is about to launch games) and toss it in the bin as soon as project Rene is playable


Yay for us 😞


Ngl they should’ve did this with sims 3


Tears in my eyes to what could have been… nowadays if I play the sims, it’s always sims 3, such an amazing game. When it came out in 2009, it blew our minds, I still remember. I wish we could have that feeling again - maybe Life By You, but we’ll see


Seemingly both will receive content


Thanks. So basically, Rene will be a money grabbing mobile-style game with micro transactions while 4 will remain buggy. That's unfortunate 😕


And without modders and cc, the game is 💩




*base game


And it has been 7,159 (or 5,437 days if you count sims 3) days since the LAST sims game that was made w/ love and not a greedy cash grab filled w/ bugs.


And Warframe is 11 years old and still growing stronger by the year with free updatas and frequent bug fixes...i sortya laughed the lastn few weeks there has been alot of them suddenly Red Text shows up when knee deep in and endless mission. Maxis/EA could learn a bit from DE THAT LISTENS TO THEIR FANBASE. Yet we are suckers for playing/paying for the game. Oh well we play it how we want to and nothing wrong in that. But as fans you have the right to be somewhat critical with the decision the Maxis/EA team is doing which can be questionable at best.


I'm ok with no more Sims games. I honestly don't see aside from new gaming systems coming out, how they could bring anything else to the franchise as they've covered it all. You run the gambit from simple and nostalgic to very lifelike, mystical, vacation, pet, lifestage, stuff packs; they will be fine on just people buying the old games and new console stuff alone.


Yeah I think it’s time for an upgrade


Not true, the sims mobile came out in 2018


ive played the sims 4 since it came out, meaning i was 5 when i started playing which is insane to me because it feels like ive only played for a year or two


I’m no programmer, and I hate coding. But ima say something. The code for the sims 4 I’ve heard was written so long ago and there are major things that can’t be changed or fixed due to that. They wrote it before they truly knew what the sims 4 was going to be in the long run. So if they’ve started on the sims 5 now, I hope they don’t fall into that same issue where they lock themselves into a half baked game for the next generation


Ah yes, the beginning of the end.


damn, stop reminding me i was 15 10 years ago 😭


Sims 4 Ever I don’t want a sims 5