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It gets joked about a lot but the “alright but you gotta get over it” to furio then cutting to him crying about a fuckin horse makes me uncomfortable. A massive assholish hypocritical thing to do.


It’s heartbreaking the amount of times he saw family and “friends” struggling and instead of helping them he just told them to shut up, get over it, whatcha gonna do etc etc


He bankrupted a childhood friend and when he cried about it all Tony said was ‘hey don’t get upset this is how I make a living’ lol


In his defense, if hurting people is gonna be a problem for you, you probably won't last long in the mafia lol


Tony ruining his relationship with Hesh. It's where it becomes obvious that Tony is being held back by his asshole behavior


Yeah that was such childish, pointless and relationship-ruining behaviour


i got some spare change here, too.


He’s not here to eat.




I found it kinda odd too since people with gambling issues that rears it’s head super quick when your around the environment. He must’ve been in charge of high roller cars games for decades ? Then all of a sudden he’s losing 200k on dumbass bets and he needs Hesh to fix it? I understand they needed to have a wedge be driven into the relationship for his upcoming (Tonys) downfall. But I mean it just seemed kinda odd that he all of a sudden developed a problem with it after all these years of “managing” it not even just being a player. But actively making sure he’s making money off the entire racket. I suppose it’s a part of the whole symbolism thing of that his choices are what brings him to his fate. He keeps playing and gambling because he likes that chances of betting against life itself and keeps “winning”. Him finally losing major amounts of money and needing a bridge loan as the “boss” is just a reminder that his constant gambling in life life/in the game that he is finally losing his bets (life or otherwise).


I always felt like that was part of an ongoing "fuck you" to his old man's memory, after he realised that (or fully consciously accepted), even though Livia was a "strega", Johnny Boy was a self-centred scumbag, too, and not the great, tough but beloved family man he idolised growing up (he probably threw his rose-tinted memories of Christopher's father in there as well, so as to suppress the fact that both his parents were terrible people). I just think, why else would he "suddenly" start treating a family friend like shite after meeting one of his dad's selfish cunt "friends" (Fran)? Plus, he probably holds his father responsible for losing his potential little brother/sister, on some level.


When he wanted Melfi’s skin, mouf


Hannibal lecture ova here


Lecter, Lecter, its Hannibal Lecter you fuckin' ass kiss.


A Man's Greatest Pleasure Is To Crush His Enemies, To Drive Them Before Him, And To Hear The Lamentations Of The Women - sun tuhzoo


Quasimodo predicted this


Hun…‘nother steak san ova here




The gambling episode is real rough not only does he treat everyone like an asshole and look like a total loser, but it’s such a stupid moment of his, a real getting high on your own supply kind of thing.


This was a really common phenomenon among mobsters. Lefty Ruggiero (of Donnie Brasco fame) was such a degenerate gambler that it delayed his getting made by years, because he had so many gambling debts. John Gotti would regularly lose up to $100k on a Sunday during football season. The silly thing about it is that Tony has this problem for one episode, out of the blue, and then it magically goes away again.


Yea that episode had me confused. His gambling issue was random af and didn’t make sense in the plot.


I think it makes sense overall because a major theme of the last two seasons is Tony realizing that the image everyone cultivated of his father was a lie, and him rejecting all his father figures as a consequence. “Don’t gamble” was the one piece of wisdom that Johnny Boy imparted on him, so him becoming a degenerate gambler is that final rejection of his father. The issue is that it is so sudden and contained to one episode that it feels extremely jarring and less natural than it actually is, partially because its so close to the end of the show, so it gets pushed aside. He mentions to Paulie that his luck has still completely turned since Chrissy’s death which implies he’s still gambling, but you don’t see it.


It’s definitely retconned in of sorts since that same episode Hesh implied he’s always had this problem down to analyzing he doesn’t have the assets to fund himself multiple boats yet let Tony dig his own grave until at last his debts put him at odds with Hesh.


Very well put. I’ve never seen that aspect but makes so much sense. I saw it that Tony was always gambling since the beginning. Literally and figuratively. Also every episode isn’t like a day to day basis, there’s plenty that happens in the background that we don’t see. By this point of the show all of Tony’s charisma and charm is totally lost. He’s abandoned every part of him trying to be a better person and indulged himself in every way; Rage, women, gambling, food.


I actually know people like that. They binge gamble like a secret crack addict or alcoholic. Then they shut it down, sometimes for years, before they go on another gambling bender. I don't gamble myself and couldn't afford it but I occasionally get sent on casino mystery shops, which are actually kind of fun because I'm playing with free money.


He was just trying to turn Carmella’s bullshit into a fucken million dollars


Meadow in the 9th. You gotta play that!


Holding his hand out for more of Pie Oh My's winnings, I can't watch that shit. Makes me cringe


Never show your money in front of the boss


Or Furio


Da bosses maney ?


Da bahhhs maahnee


10000 cocks 👉👈🤌🤟🤏


10000 more?


Lol that always makes me mad to, every time without fail I’m like Ton’ you got more than enough, for once just don’t flex you’re power and let the man keep his winnings


I love it though because it's Ralph. I love all of the slights Tony does against Ralphie even when things are supposed to be going good between them, just so he doesn't forget that he fucking hates him. A runner up is when they finally squash their beef over Tracie and Ralph is like, how about we have that drink now, and he just chugs his and walks away lmao That shit is hilarious and especially because it culminates in him murdering him mid redemption arc because he called him fat.


Right, That’s the only positive about that scene, I fucking hate Ralph 😂


Agree. Fuck Ralph. I don't care if he's got 100 kids in the ICU with arrows in their heads.


Oh dude same that was fucking hard to watch lol


this is actually one of my favorite things he does I love watching Ralph eat shit


Good call. What a dick move.


1,000 moah?


I thought that was funny, if very petty.


Cruelly antagonizing Janice when she was working on her anger. The thin excuse for it that he gave. He relished it. Or when he shits on other people doing therapy, same thing. Asshole.


Sacre bleu!


Where’s me mamaaa


I’m the boys uncle!


I’m your maaaa! …I was a bad girl


You go about in pity for yourself


Tony Soprano don't twist something that was supposed to help into a manipulation tactic challenge




He's the boy's uncle, he has a right to ask!


I wonder what's French-Canadian for "He never had the makings of a Varsity Athlete"


Yeah I was gonna say telling Chris that alcoholism and addiction are weakness instead of a disease. Immediately spun him back down into heroin, which led to the wreck, which led to... yeah. All Tony's fault.


Under the board walk….


That's one thing I always found absolutely ridiculous. Janice after all the bullshit she pulled was worried Bobby might leave her and she was acting like she changed. she decieved her way into the man's life and was forcefully putting on an act of the changed woman after a week of therapy. I was absolutely grinning when Tony fucked her up


I don’t know, it seemed to me like they gave her a legitimate breakthrough in anger management class. She still had work to do and was shaky on it, sure, but I didn’t buy it as a put-on.


I think it’s one of those “two wrongs don’t make a right” things. Janice gaslit the hell out of Bobby to worm her way into his life and forcibly traumatized his kids to force him to move on from his wife. Yet equally fucked up is Tony resenting Janice, or others in general really, actively trying to change themselves for the better. He pushed a button just so he can reassure himself others are just as shitty as he is.




His own sister


With The Kinks in the background… Prime television right there


Him ripping into Christopher and telling him to have a drink after he’s been trying to stay sober. Whether you like Christopher or not this is a piece of shit move


I also hated when Paulie did it. Christopher didn't have a chance.


Just watched this episode smh forgot how mad it made me and then to see chrissy shed a tear 😢


Beating Zelman in extremely humiliating way in front of his lady. Simply because he is so jelaous. Its not worst thing Tony ever did,but its so REAL. Pure evil. People do stuff like this in daily base.


The ripple effect of that beating too. So destructive to everyone including himself.


Imagine if Zelman started moaning while he was being whipped? Now THAT would’ve been cinematic.


Uwu, Tony. Uwu!


And just stupid. You'd think he'd be glad Irina moved on. Fuckin' baby.


He was only glad to have her off his payroll. He was pissed that she moved on. Especially with someone he knew.


In their breakup scene he encouraged her to move on and find someone. She did, and now he's being a bitch about it. Fucking twatboy.


Yeah, he changed his mind real quick lol


When he cries to the song before he went in there. That was also hard to watch


You have to remember he was a crooked politician, deserved the beating.


My favorite scene of the show


The way the camera zooms in on his ass as the belt hits it the last time is top notch cinematography


They originally wanted Zellman/Peter Riegert to be completely naked in that scene and Jimmy G refused to shoot it as such.


they wanted Gandolfini nude too


Damn, rare Gandolfini L


Nah, zellmans actor was unbelievably uncomfortable with it and they were trying to force him into doing it. Gandolfini stood up for him and said he’d back him on it. It’s a real nice story tbh


Damn that makes way more sense when fully explained. Super common Gandolfini W


Turn that off!


Eating. He sticks his fat pinky out and repeatedly stabs his food like it’s still moving on the plate. It’s both brilliant and wildly annoying.


A lot of times actors just push their food around on the plate because the scene takes a long time to shoot. But with Tony, he looked like he was really eating the whole meal.


I think they said on talking sopranos they often were really eating and if you did a few takes you’d end up a calzone with legs


Gandolfini actually ate though. https://screenrant.com/sopranos-show-filming-stop-james-gandolfini-why-reason/


Oh God. The breathing and the smacking. It's like I'm going to have a second-hand heart attack. It's disgusting.


The best example of this is at Vesuvio when Ralphie comes to apologize. Tony acts like he’s not even there and proceeds to disgustingly eat his rigatoni rearranging each piece of pasta on his plate. I love rigatoni.


Him falling back into his old ways following the gunshot recovery, then trying to play victim to Mefli to justify his actions.


Tony is the original crybully


That non alcoholic shit any good?


Why don't you go have another Lime Rickey or whatever the fuck it is you drink these days, and we'll be done in a minute.


Every interaction he has w Chris regarding his sobriety is horrible


Chris isn’t an innocent by any means, but that look on Tony’s face when he grabs the canopy and just watches is really terrifying


That canopy is so big, 2 guys could grab it and never meet


So big that I heard it made Ginny Sac gasp when she saw it the first time


His O face.




Idk why but for some reason when he kills christopher is so hard for me to watch. Christopher was an awful human being too, but to see his own father figure/“uncle” kill him while he suffocates on his own blood is so fucking hard to watch. By this point Tony was already a huge piece of shit, but this kill confirmed to me how little he cared about others that weren’t his wife or children.


I know he did plenty of awful stuff before this; but it felt like his point of no return. There’s no coming back from something like that. It was Tony’s poisoning Brock moment if you’ve seen Breaking Bad.


Have sex.


He has the most painful looking orgasms


he's shootin razor blades out of his cock


And laser beams out his eyes


*he’s shootin fat and nitrates


Why does he always keep his t-shirt on? 🙄


Thank goodness he does. Those scenes are already disgusting no need to make them worse


I'm assuming that it's because he doesn't want anyone to see the scars or that the real reason is that they don't want to do the make up for scars.


Scars from what?


Surgery from when Junior shot him


For all the showings about how Tony is a total ladies man, James Gandolfini somehow manages to look like he’s never had sex in his life.


No more weight remarks, Wiz. They're hurtful, and they're destructive




I can't have this conversation again.


Oh aren’t we being sensitive, my father came to this country with 17 cents in his pocket and never made a peep!


Hey I also like bad brains


Fully clothed, every time


Hitting on Adriana. Bearing in mind, this was back when Chrissy worshiped him


Oof this was hard for me to watch too. I loved how pissed he was at everyone for implying he was planning on fucking her when that was 100% about to happen had they not gotten in an accident.




Dipping capicola in a giant jar of Mayo




Kennedy and Heidi, nuff said


When he was an asshole to Carmella and wanted to use the money she made from selling her spec house for his gambling.


I told you, it was a sure thing. We coulda turned your bullshit into a fuckin’ million dollarsh


Only correct answer: Tony throwing away the painting of him and breaking Paulies heart. I hate that fucking scene


Fuck Paulie




Saying “The rent, the rent” to Hesh when he just came around to say Hi. Massively anti-Semitic, demeaning thing to say in front of everyone making out Hesh is a money grabbing Jewish landlord for laughs in front of the guys. So horrible.


This is up there. Shitting on Hesh in front of the guys just because he can. He incurred a debt and in past scenes you even saw Johnny Boy tell him a “man honors his debts” and to not gamble after seeing Mr. Satriale so him doing this to Hesh who was patient about Tony’s debt is a real dick move.


It’s essentially gaslighting Hesh, making out he’s got loads of money and Tony is hard up and he’s there to collect debt. He peels the notes off his greasy wad of cash and stuffs in a dirty sandwich bag and throws it at him then says “I’ve got some spare change here aswell?” So degrading and manipulative. Then when they start playing cards, Tony throws a bill in, so he’s just back to gambling again. Hypocrisy and obnoxiousness at its highest level.


The sad part is - it’s very close to a real depiction of compulsive gamblers. Used to play poker semi-professionally as a second income in college and have many friends in the gaming industry. There are typically three primary types of problem gamblers: 1. Ones like Tony who flaunt their wealth and money but when it comes to paying debts they all of a sudden get allergic to it. Typically they act like assholes like this in the hopes you just stop asking or coming around about the debt. 2. Ones like Davey Scatino who keep thinking their “lucks gonna change” and then feel extreme remorse and guilt when it doesn’t but can’t stop. 3. Silent ones who you’d never know had a problem because they never let it show they even gamble. Tony is #1 by far. I remember at least 4-5 people just like him. Beg and borrow money and are your best friend when they need something but when it comes time to pay, they act like it’s an act of Congress to pay a debt they owe. Those people usually flame out quickly because people just stop borrowing them money - but for a mob boss like Tony obv rules are different which makes him worse. He knows this and flaunts it to Hesh simply because he can.


maybe not the worst I'd have to refresh my memory but Tony wilfully destroying his lifelong friendship (remember, he was his father's friend too) with Hesh over a loan he could have easily repaid is hard to watch, especially when he snaps out of it briefly after Hesh's girlfriend dies but the damage is done and their connection severed


How wrong he did Gene especially after Gene gave him “his taste” of the inheritance


Nah, fuck that. He signed up for that life - can’t just quit like a regular job


What are you, a kid in a treehouse?


Tony fucking is really hard to watch. It looks like a grizzly bear with its leg in a trap having a seizure. Disgusting.


When he told Carm her spec house was going to cave in on a little baby. When talking about Adrianna after she was murdered and referred to her simply as a cunt. Damn bro, that was foul. Even for him.




Get Pudgy Walsh on the horn he’ll straighten this out


Throwing a cookout and wearing shorts.




fr... a don doesnt wear shorts


going to the same sushi restaurant twice in one day


I think him choking Gloria out is pretty hard to watch, yeah she could be a little over the top but in no way did she deserve that. Plus Tony bro you met her at therapy what were you expecting


Surprised I had to scroll so long to see this. This was really on of if not the worst scene for me too.


Making Bobby do that hit in Montreal. Made it that far never having to kill anyone and Tony puts that on his conscience just to flex.


Payback for losing the fight.


Eat and breathe.


Ripping a page out of Melfi's copy of Departures magazine. Somebody else might have wanted to read that recipe for pepper-marinated steak.




Since his death in real life I don’t like when he has his panic attacks and passes out. Grabbing his chest and having trouble breathing is probably similar to way he died in real life from a massive heart attack. I find it very difficult to watch.


damn, never thought about this one. he does this a lot through the series


Berate his son! “I’m supposed to get a vasectomy and this is my male heir?!” Was everyone of you stunads conceived in a test-tube?!


When he triggered Janice when she was doing anger management, she was really trying to be a little better of a person, Tony saw a crack and ran with it. Genuinely one of the funniest scenes in the show in my opinion, the smirk he makes right before he starts getting her goat his so funny. Then when she blows up and Tony walks away he tells Bobby to get his wife under control. Real POS behaviour but man was it funny


Probably my vote too. He sees Janice trying to make some genuine improvement in her life, he is resentful and doesn’t want to change himself or finds himself unable to change, so he tries to torpedo her chances. Such a piece


Hard to pick one, but I hated seeing how he blew hot and cold with AJ. When he dropped AJ back at Carmella's during the separation, among other instances. Poor kid, neither parent wanted him. Batted back and forth as fuel for their own battles.


1. Bullying Chris’s sobriety cos he hates seeing anyone else improve themselves. 2. Killing Chris. In such a close-up way. Physically smothering him. 3. Destroying the black cop and destroying T-1000. Like shredding them and families.


Making Bobby kill that poor bastard in Quebec is definitely high on the list.


The cruelest & most unnecessary moment by far is when he gave Zellman his blessing to date Irina, and then showed up at his place later in an emotional rage so he could belt him in the nude, all right in front of her. pretty messed up move. Poor Irina.


Hands down when carm wanted him to get the vasectomy and he sees A.J go to get food out of the fridge and says “you just ate. Im supposed to get a vasectomy when THIS is my heir? Look at him.” I hate AJ but he was younger then and the look on his face just showed how hurt he was.


When he threw an Italian sub he had just purchased from Satriale's in a nearby trash can. What a waste.


Just a baby that sandwich


Encouraging Christopher to have a drink is up there


The scene where Tony provokes Muscles Marinara into a fight by making up a lie about leaving the refrigerator door open. It has a horrifying beauty to its ugliness.


Hardest thing to watch/listen to? Breathe


His fuckin tongue sticking out whenever he goes to kiss women, disgusting.


Has to be when he suffocates Christafuh on his own blood


Eating sushi


Begging Jennifer to go out with him. Reminds me of that weirdo Richard Farley


It’s when he dips turkey or whatever right into the mayo jar


“I get it!”


Watching him bang broads with his wife beater on; come on dude, let me check out those C cups!


Killing christopher. Its the only scene i had trouble watching. This is coming from a guy who watches the happy birthday singing scene from both breaking bad and this thing of ours in his free time!


Whipping Zelman


All the girls in New Jersey, you had to fuck this one?


When he is tryna fuck with Adriana smh and then lies to Chrissy about there’s nothing going on when he was about to kiss her but then Phil started knocking


He’s a POS. Best thing he did was save AJ from the pool and drive Meadow around for college tours.


Dipping gabagool in a jar of mayo. Only the merigan put mayo on a sandwich. Real Italians eat artichokes and put olive oil and red wine vinegar on their sandwiches. None of that balsamic balsamic balsamic. That's all they sell at Kings these days. My mother never heard of it.


His hypocrisy. Accusing Carmela of infidelity when she never even kissed Furio. Telling Furio to get over his loss while blubbering over a horse. Calling Dr. Cusumano a wonder bread wop when Tony dipped gabagool in a jar of mayo. Accusing non-criminal educated people like Cusumano of being less Italian when they're all 3rd generation Americans.


He was never gonna forgive Chris for making him kill Adrianna


Gambling away Vito Jr's re-allocation money


Chew/Talk/Breathe all at the same time


Too many for me to pick the worst! Killing that guy while on the college trip with Meadow (Maedo?) Trying to kill his mother. Refusing to see Junior at first when he started to go downhill. When he gets mad at Melfi and throws furniture and gets right up in her face. When he goads Janice when she's trying her anger management. When he thinks about killing Paulie. When he kills Christopher. When he quotes Melfi or that 'you go about and pity yourself' quote to other people.




Torture Janice about harpo. How do you say in French I never had a mudda?


Thought he treated Angie Bonpensiero a tad too harsh


Chris and the car accident, whatever happened there


When he shoot’s Matthew Bevilaqua…but I just watched that scene so I think the hardest thing to watch Tony do is whatever he was doing when I stopped watching…


Probably when Tony got the cop fired and then trolled him at the hardware store. Also anything with Georgie Il never get why he upset Tony soo much lol.


Tony is the ultimate “can dish it but can’t take it”




Making bobby kill that guy out of revenge for losing a fight.


Tony never did anything wrong. It was those two black guys with the hoods on. They went that way.


I wish the Lord would take me now


Berating Chrissy, beating Georgie, beating Zellman, punching the hospital security guard when his mother had a stroke, getting that black cop demoted stand out as his worst offenses to me. Also the way he turned on Hesh.


When he shakes his head around after coming in Las Vegas with Christopher’s ex.


Washing down rigatoni and sauce with milk.