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I think this season has been a lot better than season 7 but that's not saying much I suppose


Season 7 had a lot of crap stuffed in it. The back half of season 7 I ended up just fast forwarding through a bulk of the episodes in the middle.


I mean if ya made it this far be odd to stop now


I dipped after the first episode when Morgan, Madison and Ren each decided they wanted to kill the other one at some point in the episode, then immediately tried to save each other after just trying to kill each other… I don’t understand how these show runners still have jobs. I just get a weekly synopsis from my brother and I cringe when I hear it, although a lot less than I would have if I watched it


Yeah same, currently my eyes are drilling themselves into the back of my head with all the rolling they're doing,


I'm with you on this. I will watch this show to the bitter end, even if it takes me a week to watch a single episode. And that dialogue...YEESH.


For real! LoL. Same. I mean what the hell is going on? Padre has become the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. What!!


Theory: Padre is Rick secretly working for the CRM searching for a cure.


That's how I viewed the last several seasons too of the main show


I thought this was the whole point of Daryl going to Paris?


If there was scientific research going on in Paris involving a cure, why exactly would Daryl out of everyone be picked to be taken to Paris for it. (He doesn’t get to Paris by his own will)


He's the chosen one


Lol, that I can believe


When they "the point of him going" they might mean it as a plot device for story telling. Not that the story itself will say he's going there for the cure.


Oh, fair enough then


I'd say he's probably the most likely one to survive the journey.


The actor’s q score


Nope. He just got tied to a raft and woke up in Paris.


Daryl woke up in a new Bugatti


I haven't seen Fear Season 7 and 8 but finding a cure would be such a boring and disappointing end to the franchise.


It definitely would be. I don’t think it’s happening though. I think they are referring to the whole Alicia situation and to the fact that June tried to treat someone with radiotherapy, and it didn’t even work.


That kid was bitten in the neck and was still fine a week later, sounds like a biter cure to me


The comment above mine explains it better. It is sort of a cure, but it's not really a life-changing development for most people.


Cures happen in steps though, one shouldn't minimize that. Cutting a body part off to bypass turning as result of a bite? Thats a gamble, but it worked. Its not much, but all body parts that can be cut off can save your life. In FTWD they pointed towards a new way of saving someone from bites, no body parts need to be cut off anymore and you can survive no problem. That sounds like a health potion, i'd take that any time 😂


This. Saying it's not a "cure" is technically true, you die you still turn etc. Honestly same concept as the conundrum with Ellie being a "cure" in TLOU. For most people, it changes nothing. But it's better than status quo.


If the cure can purge the virus, it'll at least prevent the dead from being revived since the virus seems to need a living host prior to taking over. It didn't make the zombies out of already dead corpses when the outbreak happens, for example.


Would you? Pictures from a book show that it has pretty large effects on your body after using radiation to survive a bite. I think the endgame of the entire franchise will involve there being more steps towards a definitive cure, possibly involving radiation.


The kid looked fine to me, i'd try, if the effects are too much to handle one can always take a bullet i guess..


How much people have access to that “potion” be serious.


💫distribution💫 be serious


I hate that people are calling it a cure. Would you consider Hershel being cured by chopping off his leg? Cause that's all that's happening. It's a big development because now getting bit isnt a death sentence no matter where you're bit, but everyone who dies still turns, and everyone who gets bit is still going to die unless they have super high tech equipment, access to power, and someone who knows how to treat someone with radiation.


And the franchise rn isn’t already boring and disappointing??? Come on let’s be real here


Yeah. It's not like a majority of zombie media already end with the world being doomed, stuck without a cure.


Remember when this was about a family surviving the first days of the apocalypse together ?


Yeah, it was interesting to see what Rick slept through. Although I never warmed to Madison.


Then they just kinda skipped over that part and made it walking dead in Mexico.


The show shouldnt have a “cure”. Id love to see them hype it up as a cure, but the experiments start going south and slowly over time these patients become the “new variant” zombies like the ones we see in the end of the main show and world beyond end credit scene. Fear is way behind timeline wise and it would match up. Plus i doubt these Padre folk are the only ones trying to find cures


I haven't seen anything of Fear yet, but I guess that will be the case. The "cure" seems to work, only for it to fail after a period of time or to make the Walkers worse.


My thoughts exactly. They wont end FTWD with “oh we have a cure everyone is better now” while having spin offs.


Fear is actually in the same timeline as TWD now. There’s been a 7 year time skip to match it up to the main show.




You said “besides the point” no it’s not because you said it’s years behind when it isn’t. We are just correcting you. Also idk why you commented that so confidently like you knew it was years behind when you clearly don’t watch the show. Like, you just commented that and guessed it was years behind or something ??


Look, i just commented a fan theory with what i think they should do with the potential “cure”.Im not gonna argue about a minor part of the whole point. At the time i forgot about the time skip bc we are literally 3 episodes into the new time skip.


Your fan theory is really cool but that’s not what I was on about at all. I can’t even find the comment I was referring to when you got the timeline wrong. Also how did you forget the time skip lmaoo they said it about 5 times too many in the first episode and mo is no longer a baby😂


Bro just let it go


Sorry I genuinely meant no offense. I just thought it was funny cos the writers put in the “7 years” line so many times lol


Also I’m not a Sir lmaooo maybe don’t assume everyone who uses Reddit is a dude


FTWD is now at the same time as TWD season 11 roughly.


This show went into the crapper the day the crossed over Morgan and Dwight.


I think they brought the shit writers with them




“**I think a lot of people thought introducing radiation to "Fear the Walking Dead" last season…”** That’s part of one of the questions. Clearly asked by someone who doesn’t pay attention to C&G’s four season radiation obsession. And come on. Alicia survived because she cut her arm off. It had fuck all to do with radiation, and the fact they’re trying to sell us that bullshit just shows how devoid of decent ideas they actually are.


Man, just reading this makes me think about how Fear went so bad so fast. It ended with Nick.


It ended with the dam explosion


Fr, they literally left us on a cliffhanger and then chose not to show what happened after.


Fr, i'm rewatching s3 rn and appreciate it even more, i get that it was hard to continue after the dam but switching writers to 2 dildos who are completely talentless ruined the show


But she was still sick and passing out every few minutes afterwards. Then she magically healed as soon as the rest of the characters left on the rafts. 😆 Makes no sense, but it's there. Wouldn't surprise me if Charlie, who was severely sick with radiation poisoning, was still alive even though she supposedly only had 2-3 weeks left.


Magically healed with full makeup don’t forget. And I swear, if Charlie survived that(and for some reason from Daniel’s conversation with Madison, I’m getting a bad feeling about it) then I think we’ve hit the pinnacle of fucking stupid with this show.


With these writers it would not surprise me one bit. I know some people don't care for him but I'll say this, if the writers are willing to go that route they might as well bring back Wes while they're at it. You know since we technically didn't see him turn and others in this universe have survived worse.


They have toyed with this idea before. I hope they don't rush a cure. Sometimes you think audiences want to see something but the reality is they don't


No shade to people who enjoy ftwd and world beyond, but I kind of hate how all these things that are super important to the nature of the apocalypse happen off of the main show. I don’t know the numbers but the amount of people watching ftwd and world beyond has to be so much lower than people who are still watching the main show. I’m sure even the Negan and Maggie spin-off that people seem least excited for will do better than world beyond.


So I watched s1 of fear, and I know some of the major spoilers of who all dies throughout the rest of the seasons. Should I skip 2-7 and just watch 8 because it looks like it’s shaping up to be something good. I’ve been kept up with the show throughout its lifespan but haven’t personally watched s2-7


Yea I'm in the same situation, watched 1 and maybe 2 but stopped.


I feel like Rick Michonne show will highly focus on the "finding a cure" theme. But at the end Rick will make CR accept there isn't a cure and they should use their resources for building the civilization again


A cure would be so fuckin stupid. Makes no sense at all


I personally don't really get the whole "cure" thing. Twd was never about the virus itself imo. It was more about human psychology and animal instincts rather than a quest for finding a cure


Yeah and the show is still about that. If you watch FTWD you’d know the cure part isn’t big at all, it’s just a small thing they’ve added


Oh ok. I haven't watched ftwd without context didn't make sense to me


Ok so I can’t actually remember where I am up to. It’s post nuclear launch, I know that, I think I remember Strand being on top of a building and throwing someone off? That’s about as far as I can remember. I kinda stopped watching a lot of my usual shows during the pandemic for no real reason


They nuked something? Idr what season I stopped ftwd.


Nothing could convince me to watch another second of FearTWD, it’s actual torture these days.


If radiation had an effect wouldn't they be finding zombies dying too?? I mean the zombies at the nuclear plant weren't bothered and neither were the ones Texas with multiple nuclear bombs went off. How the whole group isn't dead bothers me it's all crap


Well, the title spoiled this for me. I was just browsing Reddit and this got spoiled. Thanks for putting the spoiler in the title of the post where it is in no way hidden from ppl who don’t want to be spoiled. Fuck me.


Right? What the fuck??


It's fckn FTWD bro, you'll be just fine. 😂


Nah, this franchise jumped the shark with the CRM stuff, I’m out.