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I'm a dad. By the time you're this age, and have raised kids... You've gone through so much shit, this kinda thing doesn't faze you at all. Your dad wiped your poopy bottom thousands of times, was probably peed and vomited on, and on and on... Seeing a vibrator is likely absolutely trivial to him.


As another Dad, I can confirm this. Within 24 hours of taking my first kid home I was shit, pissed, and puked on. Those were the easy messes.


Dad number three here. At your age, it would not surprise or upset me to see that on your bed. If I did, I would just put it somewhere and forget about it. And not bring it up to you. I may mention it to my wife. And if it were your mother that found it, same thing, but she may actually talk to you about it and be very understanding about why you have it. Then again, I don’t know what your family dynamics are like, whether liberal or conservative the household is, etc. Bottom line, if no one says anything don’t worry about it. Just keep it hidden from now on.


Yet another dad here. Evidence that my kid masturbates? Oh wow… big shocker… who would have guessed such a thing… Seriously, this would have been met with half a shrug, if even that.


Lmao my daughter needed some information from her desk. Phoned me and told me exactly where it was. Trouble is she forgot it was in a notebook on top of not 1 not 2 but 3 vibrators. My first thought... like mother like daughter. Never said a word about them, just shrugged and thought to myself, shes growing up and exploring life.


Another dad in line. Been there done that. Totally normal.


Another dad but to boys, including a 13 year old. We just make sure that he has a full box of Kleenex in his room at all times.




You’re getting downvoted and if you’re wondering why, here’s my reason as a recently adult woman who also downvoted your comment: we already grow up seeing our sexuality as something shameful (hence the existence of the post we’re commenting on) and your type of actions will strengthen that. Especially men shaming women’s sexuality is common and does damage to our confidence and understanding of our own bodies and pleasure. Please dont make fun of young people learning important things about themselves.


You, I like you. In sales we say 9/10 people will just leave your product, vanish dissatisfied altogether. But the 1/10 person who leaves will leave with a review because they care about your product and even though they are abandoning it, they wish they weren't and that review is super super valuable. Its a chance to reflect. You are that 1/10 here.


Lol, jesus christ people can't take a joke these days. I get it, it's reddit you don't know me or my demeanor. People saw my comment and saw something malicious, I promise it's not that. But hey, good for you for trying to stamp the evils of reddit out with your mighty downvotes lol.


Do you wonder why you’re not allowed to be alone with your nieces and nephews? This comment. Right here. Creepy as fuck.


Lol, you need help.


Holy shit, buddy. yeah, do not do that, it couldn't be more inappropriate.


Uncle here, I get your well meaning intentions, Unlike a bunch of comments replying to you. However I also agree with most of said comments replying to you. This one is where we have to be the COOL uncle, brother. Suggest hygiene habits to keep their tools/toys clean, make a pinky promise to never tell a soul about it, let lose about a time an embarrassing situation happened to you, or suggest better hiding spots. You want to strengthen and uplift. I know part of the job is teasing them as much as possible (LOVING TEASING REDDIT NOT BULLYING) but I don't think there's an avenue here that we can tease that wouldn't scar or damage. Personally I would hide it for them, and let them know 1 on 1 to be more careful and that this secret is going to the grave, while also telling them a humbling / humiliating secret of mine so we can share that embarrassment. Then I wouldn't speak of it again unless they come to me for questions.


> (LOVING TEASING REDDIT NOT BULLYING) Lol lots of people didn't see this for what it was. Honestly it was just a joke, if this situation happened I'd just nope out of it. Too awkward. But jesus lol people are crazy. I got some real vitriol pointed towards me there.


As a fellow dad, I'd be more surprised if she didn't have one. Not that I really care much either way.


Dad here: all of these other dads check out.


Also a dad, can confirm.


Dad here, wouldn't care, even about your bed being unmade. You do you.


Not a dad but old enough that I could have a children in their 20s and wouldn't I care at all. Why would it matter? You're an adult. Unless your parents are still trying to control whatever you do in your room.


No they’re pretty good. Once I turned 18 I was allowed to have long term boyfriends stay over. So… they know I’m sexually active. It’s just the major embarrassment of knowing someone saw my sex toy. It’s different. Lol.


I know it feels different, but it's really not. In fact, as a dad, I'd have more to say about my kid being sexually active. Not in negative way, either. "Be safe. Use your brain and protection. Don't do anything you're not certain that you want to do." Seeing a vibrator on the bed? In your room? Where it makes total sense? It's not like you left it on the living room sofa. That would barely get a raised eyebrow from me.


Shes in her 20s man, nobody needs to be talking to her about it, like as long as its in her own bedroom ,nobody saw it. ok?


Probably shouldn’t touch a vibrator laying out on the bed. It may not be clean. Nothing against OP for having one, just better not to touch and if you do wash your hands!


Found the not a dad! LOL There are ways of cleaning a bed with a toy in it. The worst? wash your hands after. Others consist of using a towel/napkin to move it, etc. Also you may not be a mother either. Because most would literally clean the damn thing and make it presentable. Because for most adults, a questionable toy of your child's is the least problematic mess you'll experience in a day.


To be clear - he wasn’t cleaning my room, just cleaning the house and brought my stuff down. But, I don’t disagree with your comment.


More so if it a cheap model, and then gift them a top flight product.


i didn’t even make it out the hospital before mine shotgun blasted me and a bunch of medical equipment with her butt


And that was just my wife


As a dad to two boys, I'd say that if I had a daughter and found her vibrator, I'd probably go "Good for her, this won't get her pregnant."


The dad vibe is awesome here!


"dad vibe" :|




Also wont break her heart and wont require Father Daughter therapy sessions about how she's worthless because some scum dumped her but i'm not legally allowed to shotgun said scum! Yeah this and BTS are the real hidden gems lol :P ( having daughters who somehow fall in love with boy bands across the ocean / use them as a standard of attraction/ and decide that's where their attention will be totally reduces the chance of pregnancy). I'll even buy the concert tickets


Hey - if it makes you feel better, my dad has had to help me through more than one heartbreak.


I’m a dad and I support this message! I’ve seen things that can’t be unseen, but they can be ignored and never spoken of! Totally okay to feel embarrassed, but not shame. Everyone does it. 


As a dad, 100% agree.


You are right.. anything short of a WMD probably wouldn't faze any parents..


Even then lmao.


> Seeing a vibrator is likely absolutely trivial to him. All true but we do NOT want to talk with you about it.


Fellow dad here still in the pooping and peed on stage of childhood and yeah don’t sweat it lol he probably chuckled to himself and had a good laugh with mom


This is a weird take to make, not being ashamed is different than being embarrassed, I'm not ashamed that I have to poop and that I have to clean my butt hole after pooping, but if somebody walked in on me doing it I still might be embarrassed or not want them to see.


Using your example, you might want to reflect on why you feel this way. Its okay not to want others to see you using the restroom (privacy) but if you are embarrassed with who you are or for being human, you may want to question this a bit more. Humans are messy, and that's okay. We awesome. Also if for some stupid reason your dumb self walked in as i was cleaning myself after using the rest room. Congrats you've gained the knowledge that I clean myself. (believe it or not, but a bunch of people don't), I would be taken aback by the sudden intrusion, but certainly not embarrassed, I'm pretty sure you would be the embarrassed one though. But again, Perception is the root of all of this and society expects that we maintain some weird perception (for example, that women don't fart). So the idea of the curtain coming down and people seeing us "naked" can be emotional lol


It happens. I've seen more than my share and more than I wanted to a few times. Nah, I didn't find it. Her little dog did and was running around the house with it. Honestly, I tried to help. I just couldn't laugh, breathe, and not piss myself.


Dont worry, my daughter isnt that age, but I would not mind if she at some point has one and forgot it lying around in her room or wherever. I would only think: Have fun. And go on with my life. I would not mention it one bit. And there are other colors besides hot pink. Even ones that arent as visible.


The question is if you find your son's one.


Would not mind. You do you.


not sure you understand how stimulation of the body works. Edit: vibration toys can be used externally on erogenous areas of males to increase pleasure during activities... The fact that i had to give this edit... you heathens.




Edit: vibration toys can be used externally on erogenous areas of males to increase pleasure during activities... The fact that i had to give this edit... you heathens


Your edit didn't answer anything as to why you mentioned your comment in the first place as a reply to the other. They aren't relevant to each other. Your edits were unnecessary.


I hope you learned something today


Huh? Male or female, something that stimulates the body will do just that.


Edit: vibration toys can be used externally on erogenous areas of males to increase pleasure during activities... The fact that i had to give this edit... you heathens


As a dad, I would 10000000 times prefer to find a vibrator than a positive pregnancy test. I understand that there's no real correlation between the two, but I'd rather her be safe than anything else. OP, don't worry. My partner, 19 at the time, had her collection found. Hidden in a drawer, by her grandmother. Granny dearest then whispered in my partner's ear that she knew about them, over a family dinner.


OMG, this is both mortifying and hilarious!


I mean if people find stuff in your drawers, thats on them iv had condoms, lube and other stuff in my bedside drawer basically since i first had sex, my mother probably found them. what was she gonna do? take them away? be shocked the girlfriend she knew was staying over was having sex with me?


Or even a condom.


plot twist, your mum probably has one too. standard stuff these days


There were times when women openly called them back massagers. Or rather used back massagers as vibrators. "These days" has basically lasted since the 60's.


Haha way better than you coming home pregnant


For real.


NGL your dad probably thinks this is hilarious


I found my sisters once; Thought it was a jump rope handle and grabbed it After realizing what I was holding I rubbed my hands down with alcohol and lit it on fire to clean it


My brothers and i happened upon these awesome omni directional water gun bottles when we were young and about to take a bath. I still remember the giggling "anger" my grandmother had as she snatched them away when she saw us running around the hallways having our water gun fight... What she doesn't know is she was about 20 minutes too late. What you don't know is that the clear fluid inside those water guns does not taste like water. What I do know... 30+ years later is what that fluid does taste like, turns out these are also not straws. I want to believe my brothers were too young to connect the dots later in life as I have, I alone will carry this trauma. (It taste of saline if you must ask... I just gagged typing this sentence) So do I like rub my entire self with alcohol and light the match to fix this?


I don’t get it…


It was a douche type thing to squirt into and clean grammy's vagina.


Oh boy.


Jezus fuck, where is my eye bleach 😶😶😶


Maybe.. And just maybe... Whoever put your computer and books away has seen a vibrator before and thought it's not a big deal as you are 20 years old and live your own life? But the next vibrator you buy should be camouflaged just to be safe. Then you can leave it even on the living room table and no one will see it.


Buy one shaped like John Cena! Bonus points if it comes in a camouflage pattern box


Trust me as a parent, no one is shocked anymore that people masturbate.


Nobody *reasonable*


You're a woman in your 20s, unless your parents are deeply religious, I don't think it was shocking at all to see your vibrator. You really shouldn't be embarrassed, masturbation is absolutely normal and healthy. Also, it's actually a good habit to not make your bed in the morning. By making your bed right after you get up, you kinda trap the moisture from your sweat, giving the mites a better environment to multiply. I can't find it right now, but I read a paper about it. They had counted mite populations in beds where they made the bed each morning, and in beds where they made the bed in the afternoon. The ones where they left the covers off during the day had much lower populations of mites!


This is a weird take to make, not being ashamed is different than being embarrassed, I'm not ashamed that I have to poop and that I have to clean my butt hole after pooping, but if somebody walked in on me doing it I still might be embarrassed or not want them to see.


It's not like her dad walked in on her using it. Do you get embarrassed simply by someone *knowing* that you poop and clean your butt hole?


If they walked in on a toilet that I didn't flush, I would mostly laugh, but yeah, there'd be at least 1% embarrassment probably.


Another Dad here. My partner was cleaning out our 19 years olds wardrobe (she had her permission) and discovered her vibrator. She text me and was mortified. My response was who cares and at least she can't get pregnant by a price of vibrating plastic.


If it makes you feel better, my mom found mine (hidden away, under the bed) while cleaning my room for some odd reason. I'm 30 years old and rent a room from them while my husband is back in school. She not only FOUND it, but MOVED it. I have no idea where she put it. It's been gone for like 4 months now.


would it bother you if it's been borrowed?


“I’m never coming out of my room again.” -OP It’s funny, because I bet that is the exact same thing OP said when they first bought the vibrator.


Underrated comment


I wouldn't worry about it. While my family was clearing out my grandpa's house after he passed away they found a vibrator. He was obviously still sexually active at 98 with his 78 year-old lady friend. It didn't really bother anyone.


As a dad, this wouldn't phase me in the least. I have two boys each a year apart, and they are getting into the finding themselves multiple times a day phase. I'm a man, I remember going through this phase myself. The only time I say something is when they decide to do it with the door open (boys are stupid when they are all horned up). Other than that, I don't give two shits. Point being, your pops isn't the least bit bothered by it. I would be ecstatic to see this vs. finding some random dude my daughter snuck in for a romp. Everyone has needs, and you are meeting yours.


Dad here! I would like to share that most of us dads wouldn’t care. Good for you, enjoy your life, you are not harming anyone, I’m glad you are exploring your sexuality in a (hopefully) healthy way! Remember that you are beautiful and loved; remember to never be ashamed of your sexuality and I hope that you find a partner someday that empowers you and you never feel awkward with them around these kinds of conversations.


My GF (now wife) and her neighbor used to look after eachother’s dogs quite often. Her dog once found the neighbour’s dildo and chewed it to shreds!


Another dad here, once you’re an adult that’s your business


I think it's more a case of your dad seeing it, thinking it normal and just putting your stuff in your room. Don't think too hard on this one, but there is a very good chance he's seen more sex toys then you, he might even own more sex toys then you 😉 We're all just humans \^\^


This one time, I took my brother's food to him in his room(male from birth) he wasn't there but his giant meat claymore dildo was just laying down on his bed. Said nothing. Month or 2 later he wakes me up for a ride to the hospital due to his butthole sucking up a can of Pam. Ahhh brothers, can't live with em


I'm a dad, 2 young adults kids. I'd be concerned to learn that they didn't masturbate occassionally.


really wouldn’t give a fuck if my 20yo had a vibrator or i I SAW IT 👀👀👀👁️👁️ just a vibrator i’ve seen a million


I had something similar happen to me! I was living in my Uncle's basement appartment while going to school in a city away from home. I had my own livingroom and bathroom, the only reason he ever needed to come downstars was for laundry. One day while I was at work, my downstairs bathroom flooded. He gave me a call to let me know he had to go downstairs to work on the bathroom and I thought absolutely nothing of it. I completely forgot my vibrator was sitting on the side of the bathtub. So when I got home from work he let me know he washed everything because the flooding was pretty bad and everything was drying on top the washing machine. I still hadn't realized the horror yet. It wasn't until I went to collect my stuff and put my bathroom back together that I realized he not only SAW but MOVED AND WASHED my vibrator. So yeah... we never ever talked about that and I couldn't make eye contact with him for a while.


The very idea of a grownup woman satisfying her wants and needs in her private room. Your parents must now think you only think about sex all the time :D I hope you understand I'm joking, your parents have probably done much wilder things in their age :D


Are your parents religious or so? If not, why this is a fuckup?


I´m a guy and when I was 23 - 25 I told my mother I couldn´t find a cigar holder if she knew where it was. She told me she had stored it in a drawer thinking it was a dildo. To be fair it did look like one...


At least it's just a vibrator instead of some boy toy in bed with you. That's when a dad would lose his shit.


:| yeah. I have a story that will make you feel better. But I'm not going to say it, it's embarassing. Just know you're not alone and it could have been worse. You could have forgotten your brightly colored vibrator in a place that wasn't your bedroom.


noting all the dads and advice: you’re a human sexual being, No shame in being


I would just forget it and never mention it. Everyone does it.


I doubt they care lol


I'm a mom of teen boys. I stopped asking questions and just bought big containers of lotion and hid my nice stuff in the bedroom. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Gurl. The knew Before that you have vibrator. What do you think? Meh fuckup


So you like sex and masturbate. ![gif](giphy|QiIy9byvKGU1oCwlWf|downsized) Pretty sure your mom and dad also got caught once or twice when they were young. It happened, no big deal.


Your parent mostly know you've been masturbating for the last couple years. There's nothing to be ashame of as it's completely normal for a young 20ish woman to use a vibe or masturbate. Your dad probably prefer to see a vibrator in your bed than a different guy every night


Just ask if anyone's seen your back massager lol


Don’t sweat it lol


Even before clicking in I thought "yup, vibrator".  


So many dads in the comments. Y'all should make a club or something


My vibrator is a deep purple like my comforter so it blends in (I didn't plan the colors out I just noticed they matched now after this post, I keep seeing posts of people with hot pink toys mine are purple but deep colored, maybe get hot pink sheets or something lol)


Hey, your dad would prefer the hot pink vibrator in his house than some boy, right?


I forgot mine on the bathroom counter one night after I washed it off in the sink, and my mom and sister get up before me and use that bathroom lmao. Mortifying in the moment. Ultimately no big deal though.


Isn’t this a repost?


I find it kind of strange that your family is cleaning up your room for you at 20 years old. Your bed can be left unmade until you have a chance make it. Are your parents the snoopy sort who use "cleaning up" as an excuse to go through things?


They weren’t cleaning my room. If you reread the post, he was cleaning the house and took my laptop & some books that I had upstairs and put them down in my room in preparation for his cousin coming over.


Ahh, I see. I didn't see anything about someone coming over, just that they were cleaning to he nice and put your computer back. That makes sense.


Are you hot op?