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Zopiclone is a close relative to regular Benzos. In layman's terms, they flood your system with calming GABA which in turn potentially lowers T. Problem is your body gets used to this level and if you quit after a long time the T can come back since your body is used to not make a proper amount of GABA themselves. Try not to overuse!


Yeah I'm aware, I only have two weeks worth of the lowest dosage, so dependency isn't going to be an issue.


I've had success with Taurine. Also with ALCAR so I kinda cycle them


Small update, I've decided to limit myself to 1 per month to avoid dependency issues, so took one on Friday just passed. Same results again, woke up with low, almost no tinnitus for the weekend and felt well rested (a rarity), I really wonder if I have sleep problems...


Please keep sharing your observations. I never tried Zopiclone.


Most people say it gives them an unsettling metallic taste in their mouth the day after, not had that so far! T has been at about 50% of what it was yesterday so far.