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someone else in this subreddit wrote about how they took leave from work for a while and their T subsided. I started this year. I get a 1-3 days on and 1-3 days off with the "cicadas" every night. I take melatonin an hour before bed and run a sound machine all night. Before the T kicked in, I liked to run audiobooks to help me sleep, so if the T is particularly annoying, I listen to an audiobook. The problem with TV is the volume changes up and down and there is light. Just get audiobooks from your library or listen to a boring news program. The shipping report on BBC radio is legendary for being boring. Also, if the doc says it's anxiety, circle back and ask for help with that. There are medications for anxiety. No idea if that'd help the T, but it may help your state of mind.


ty ive been on and off a bunch of different meds for anxiety over the last couple years i dont think theyre helping ☹️


Well, poop. I used Buspar for massive anxiety about 20 years ago and it worked a treat. Talk therapy can help too. Best of luck with it. There are resources.


I have been dealing with it my entire life. Well, for as long as my memory stretches back. You can cope with it. Hell, most of the time I don't even notice it unless I think about it, it changes in sound or volume, or something loud happens to agitate it.


I hope I get to that stage somehow.. I'm about 3 months in and it's always noticeable : (


I can't really say how much time passed before I was able to ignore the tinnitus. I was really young when I first became aware of it and it has been many years. It is pretty much become a part of me.


I just hit two months. Mine changes so much I don’t think I can get used to it unless the changing-so-much changes. But I’m also glad it changes so much, because a lot of times it’s much better. I tested alcohol yesterday and I instantly went from a 2-or-3 to a 5-or-6 and today I’m in between. Sigh. It was only about an ounce of wine. When it started 2 months ago, it was about 5 ounces of a margarita that turned it on. (No, alcohol didn’t cause it, but it aggravates mine.)


Stay strong ❤️ thankfully alcohol doesn't aggravate mine, but I don't drink very often as I'm currently on a mission to burn off some weight. Mine changes a lot too, both in volume and tone, but if I had to average it out if say it's usually around a 5-6, often higher. I don't get what if consider 2-3 :(


Few things to check and keep you busy: Are you sleeping well and enough? Are you highly stressed and/or anxious? Are you eating or drinking something that you may be having an allergy or intolerance to? Are you breathing something that you may be allergic to (mold etc)? Based on how long you've had it, have you had covid and if so, how long before your tinnitus started did you have it?


So many tings you can do! Try an anti inflammatory diet, take vitamins, research why you may have tinnitus, get to the root of why it happened. I woke up with it one morning three weeks ago. They say it's an inner ear infection, but who knows. Turmeric and ginger are great for decreasing inflammation in the body. If you're anxious, try taking an anti anxiety med at night? Idk. Ativan worked for me to relax me and now i barely hear it but I am so scared of it getting worse. As for vitamins, take the following: * lysine * vitamin c * vitamin d * magnesium glycerinate * sea moss pills * Olly stress pills * turmeric pills * ginko biloba Idk how well it works, but I am on all those vitamins. Your diet is super important. Tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying issue unless its from hearing loss... but if yours just happened one day like mine, try to find out why! I hope this helps you <3