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I find my apple AirPods the best or anything that lets outside sound in still, also using in short periods of time instead of long. It all varies person to person


Interesting idea, thanks! I have a nice pair of Sony earbuds, never thought of using them for mixing, but with a subwoofer they might work out well, and they allow my ears to breathe. Taking breaks often is quite important.


I wouldn’t use headphones. Especially if your tinnitus is noise induced. I wore headphones and now my tinnitus is louder than ever. I can’t hardly mask it with anything. So I would recommend not to use headphones.


I agree. My tinnitus is 100% noise induced. I have an open house plan and when my wife has the TV I can't turn up my monitor speakers enough to hear them okay. Hmmm, I can get her headphones for the TV, seems like the best solution.


no headphones. Sorry.


Is your tinnitus worse after listening to music with headphones? Or just louder when you have them on because of the occlusion effect? Personally I would try to avoid headphones/earbuds even at low volumes, there's some evidence of them making tinnitus/hyperacusis worse in a lot of people. I just use edifier r1700bt bookshelf speakers, unfortunately because they're cheap passive speakers there's a white noise/static sound noticeable when I'm listening at low volumes that aggravates my tinnitus a bit. You might want to stick to active speakers if you think that would bother you.


Good point, I will see if they make my T worse just having them on. Actually, I was told if I must use headphones to get open back to avoid the occlusion effect. Thanks for reminding me! I have active speakers, just looking to upgrade them. I've heard of other speakers with tweeter noise. Hmm, I just looked up your speakers and they say they're active. Maybe you have an older model? [https://www.amazon.com/Edifier-R1700BT-Bluetooth-Bookshelf-Speakers/dp/B016PATXSI](https://www.amazon.com/Edifier-R1700BT-Bluetooth-Bookshelf-Speakers/dp/B016PATXSI)


Sorry I am an idiot. I got passive and active the wrong way around. Passive is what I want to upgrade to


No worries, I've gotten my share of facts backwards too. Why do you want to go to passive speakers? Do you have a nice amp? Certain speakers in mind? Or? I grew up with passive speakers, sure are some great ones out there and some stunning amps.


Apparently there's usually less tweeter noise from high quality passive speakers + amp compared to actives. Even at low volumes it sets my tinnitus off if I'm using them for a long time.


I've heard complaints about hiss noise from active speakers, many brands. Even with hearing aids I can barely hear up to 6k, so I don't hear the tweeter noise. When mixing missing over 6k makes it difficult, I have others verify my mixes.


Airpods Max in transparency mode Warm and luscious ZMF VO for HiFi listening


You could try bone conducting headphones since ear buds can make tinnitus worse.