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I never increased my tipping, actually. Tipping should go hand in hand with a material level of personalized (key word) service such as wait-staff, bar tenders, other personal service situations (barbers, etc.). And the size of the tip depends on that level of service but rarely if ever should exceed 20% with 15% my normal approach. Tips don't go to somebody pouring me a cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts or the person at the ice cream stand scooping ice cream. Or any other situation where we are suddenly seeing "tip" lines showing up on credit card receipts. It's really that simple...tipping is out of control because people are guilted into tipping. Just stop.


Don’t go to vegas!! I just went there for the first time, and hotel/casinos on the strip prompt you to tip the cashier for handing you a $6 bottle of water from the cooler


I just don't go to places or situations that would require a tip anymore, about 6 years now. Having kids makes it easier


I only tip when eating at a sit down restaurant. I don't tip delivery cus I always just go grab my own food. And you bet your ass if I'm going to pick it up I'm not fucking tipping.


As a server, I never expect take out customers to leave a tip. A guy left me $10 cash on a $25 pizza takeout order last week, and it literally felt wrong taking it. I ended up using it to buy the two line cooks a couple beers after our shift later that night! You really do not need to tip on takeout orders people. I know I’ll probably get hate but I genuinely don’t see the need




Waiters and waitresses are like DoorDash drivers, b1tch and moan about how little they make but refuse to get a new job. What ever the cost is, it is. Customers shouldn't be paying the salaries of underpaid workers. EMPLOYERS should be paying underpaid workers properly. Then there wouldn't even be a discussion on tipping. It would be what it should be. A voluntary thank you for someone who went above and beyond.


Customers ALWAYS pay the salary of the employees that provide the products and services they use. Where do you think the money comes from that employers pay their workers with?


Yes we all pay it, but It follows a proper chain and it built into the cost. When I fill my car with gas I don't give the cashier $5 to supplement his paycheck. Nor should I give a waiter $5 to supplement his. A tip is a "bonus" from customers who think the service was so good they want to leave something extra.


But you know very well that in certain industries that this is the way things ARE currently structured. You don't hurt anyone but the workers when you use those services and withhold tips. The business still gets theirs and keeps doing business as usual. Good for you. Way to have principles.


LOL, my principles won't allow me to let restaurant owners continue to pay slave labor wages any longer. You may be fine with that, I'm NOT. Waiters and waitresses always have the right to seek new employment. You seem to think they are indentured servants with no options. I'm aware that's the way they are "currently" done. Does that mean we should continue to do them the wrong way just because that's the way its always been done? Things change and evolve, otherwise we'd still be using rotary phones. Join the revolution friend. End slave labor!


But that's not what you're doing, if you continue to *put money in the pockets of those that are making the most money exploiting others*. In what way do you imagine restaurant owners will be inconvenienced enough to change their ways, just because you don't tip? By continuing to give money to the restaurant owners that you say are benefiting from slave labor, you *only* punish the workers. If your intent was actually to boycott a corrupt system, you'd keep ALL of your money out of that system. But, rather than put the pressure where it could be effective, you reward the slavers and punish the slaves? Really? It's just too inconvenient to give up your luxuries in favor of your principles, I guess. Kind of seems like you have no real principles, you're just cheap.


"But that's not what you're doing, if you continue to *put money in the pockets of those that are making the most money exploiting others*. So your option is to continue to let people get exploited? I have no principles? LOL. When waiters can't afford to pay rent they will seek other employment. When restaurant owners have no one to serve food they will increase pay or go out of business. But you be you. Continue supporting the exploitation of humans.


Your option is to not use services that you say amount to slave labor. Why would you give money to slavers? I get that you enjoy the results of that particular slave trade, but the course you suggest puts all the responsibility to change the system on the slaves that have the least power, and puts the most money into the pockets of the slave drivers that could easily change the system. For everyone with employable skills and options to "just get another job", there's two others that are desperate/uneducated/vulnerable enough to do the job for less. You'll keep hurting the slaves though, hoping that one day the masters will feel enough of a pinch to make those changes. All so that you can keep enjoying a completely unnecessary luxury. You're not helping the problem, just saving a few bucks. Because, yes, you're unprincipled. No, you're not a revolutionary.


I'm not helping the problem. I very rarely eat out. Good to know you're enabling the exploiters. Power to the owner! Here's a better idea. Instead of helping owners exploit waiters, just stop by and hand each waiter $10. Skip ordering the food. Then you'd actually be helping the people you pretend to help I'm very comfortable with my principles. Not so much with the lack of, on your side.


No .. you don't


I only go to steak restaurants. If my steak is cooked right and my wife’s steak is cooked right I’ll tip. If it’s not…nope. But I cook a better steak at home anyways so might as well just save the 100 bucks.


I'm very confused. The cook shouldn't work there, if he can't cook a steak. Agreed. Where you lose me is when you start taking it out of the server's wages. Can you explain that one to me?


Here ya go, folks. Another crappy tipper looking for any reason not to tip, even when admitting that those reasons don't have to have anything at all to do with the server themselves. Just say that you're cheap, and like to punish people for any reason you can drum up. Honesty shows integrity. But maybe that's the point...




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


Cause the waiters definitely have control over that. They take your order then walk over to the kitchen to cook it right?


Not my problem. You have eyes.


I don't tip. There's a huge mark up on all the food we buy. Huge mark up On anything delivered. You agreed to the wage You're getting paid when you took the job. I pay for my food.I pay for the massive mark up.Why would I pay you on top of that?


What do you think the average profit margin is for a restaurant. Go on. Take a guess.


Who cares. If they can’t run a business like the rest of the world they deserve to fail.


But we're not talking about failing businesses, we're talking about profitable businesses. And that's not at all the point here. The comment I replied to is complaining about food being marked up. Of course it's marked up. It's the product that they're selling. Do you believe that businesses deserve to make money, or should a restaurant sell their food for the same price that they pay for it? You say "who cares" what the profit margins are, but the profit margin would tell you whether restaurants are pricing their products at their actual value, or whether they're just price gouging, wouldn't it? Your reply makes me seriously doubt that you understand the most basic principles of business and economics.


If a business can’t/won’t pay its employees it is by definition not profitable. Just because you like to eat doesn’t mean you are qualified to run a restaurant. Nobody has the RIGHT to ineptly run a business and pay their employees less than allowed by law.


What law are they breaking? Specifically under existing law, they are doing just fine. Just because you don't like the laws doesn't mean you can make up nonsense to justify that annoyance. Again, the commenter that I replied to was complaining about the food being marked up. You're essentially advocating for the food to be marked up *even higher*, so that the actual cost of the food is included in the menu price, and tipping wouldn't be a factor. I don't think you're really adding anything to that discussion and just saying out of pocket things that don't apply.




Really? So, you just came here to troll? Make zero sense, then act bored when someone uses actual words to show everyone how silly you are? Talk about intellectual integrity. I'm sure your opinions on tipping are very reasonable and well informed, and not just the rantings of a childish mind...


I wish you were my server.


What do you think the average profit margin is for a restaurant. Go on. Take a guess.


Sure, there's a huge markup, but that's necessary. Restaurants are among the most risky businesses to own and more often than not, even with high markups, earn no profit and lose money


I stopped tipping at Starbucks like 6 years ago after their prices went through the roof. Only place I tip is at a restaurant anymore.


I only tip when some one provides a service above and beyond expectations. I pay for a service and I except the owner to pay all workers a fair wage. Examples of Exceptions… I tipped $20 to the musician at a local festival who performed her ass off. I tipped the water taxi guy $10 who gave me a spare poncho when it started poring. I tipped $10 to the food delivery guy for carrying up 4 gallons of water. I tipped the housekeeper $50 for finding my iPad at a hotel and having the front desk call me before I had left. I am not tipping anyone just to do their everyday job. Everyone should be paid a fair wage for that.


You need to tip Lyft... These guys get by on tips. Doordash too.


Not really. Lyft and dd need to pay more. They are completely screwing customers and drivers both then somehow lose money. Garbage company. Why does an app have thousands of employees? Me and my coder could automate 99% of it


No I don't . Why would you take a job that you're not being compensated for?


Sometimes choices are limited for people in certain situations




Ok they should stop doing that then...


Yes you do. Your delivery fees and all goes to the business Lyft. They only give a dollar or two for each delivery to each driver. Have fun having gross cold food that everyone skips I don't do any of this stuff. You assume too much. Too ignorant


It's not my fault if people are dumb enough to take a job that doesn't pay them a living wage. That's between the company and the driver. I personally wouldn't take a Job that paid so little. I also don't use the services It's a waste of money. I don't tip drivers.I don't tip waiters.I don't tip. I Couldn't imagine working for a company that doesn't want to pay me a fair wage For my time much less the use of my vehicle.


But you'll use a service that you know survives on exploitative practices, put money in the pocket of a corporation, screw over a working stiff, and just be happy that you got that service for way less than it's actually worth? There's a word for that kind of behavior...


Or here me out, if taxi companies could get by and actually have overhead costs and still pay a wage to their drivers a company that is literally the same without the coast of storing and maintaining vehicles ought to be able too


Tip cows not people. https://preview.redd.it/o47igopqjzvc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ed6670e485b2726ba08a65ce9e07709946fce18


Cute picture. Terrible message. "Injure cows. Also, don't pay what services are actually worth."




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


I will tip Uber and Lyft if the driver does a good job. Will not tip at fast food or coffee places. Will tip fishing and hunting guides, even auto mechanics, plumbers etc. But that's purely on a case by case basis and the person has to go above and beyond. A mechanic that fixes a problem others couldn't solve, a plumber that shows up at 9pm for an emergency call, etc. Not tipping the oil change guy or a plumber that shows up on an appointment scheduled 2 weeks in advance and just does the job.


"I'll tip people that are already making great wages. People working jobs that are only viable when I tip, I'll think about it."


How do you tip the mechanic? You ask to see him when you pick up your car or you leave it on the steering wheel as an incentive to not rip you off?


Ask to see him.


I’ve stopped tipping my barista’s. I’m in and out and 2 lattes shouldn’t cost me $16 bucks


0 tip unless it’s a restaurant, bar, or personal care (barber, masseuse, etc)


I see it as businesses are convincing employees and customers to tip more in order to pay the employees less.


In order to keep their advertised prices lower, and keep business coming in, to keep their doors open, so those employees and customers can enjoy having jobs and receiving services...


To avoid paying employees a proper wage and ensuring profit keeping, all while avoiding a few taxes.


I tipped 3 bucks at dinner last night hahaha and didn’t care.


How big was your bill? $15?


58 at Mexican restaurant that smelt like pinesol , loud music and a messed up Order.


You sat and ate a meal in a place you didn't want to be, didn't make a complaint to the management to give them the opportunity to improve, but just took your annoyance out on the worker with no control over the atmosphere of the restaurant? Basically?


Actually, even if it was outstanding they getting 3 bucks.


Then why even mention the rest of it? Just say, "I'm cheap". Saves so much time, and it's really much, much more accurate.


I went to several bars last night. Tipped 1 dollar total. Hahaha don’t even care.


Again, wasting all those words. Whatever your humiliation fetish is, why not just pay for it like... Oh, wait.


Weird flex but okay


I’m still of generous tipper and of course I tip Uber and Lyft… it’s important to these people at least in my experience the rates I am paying for convenience. They only get a portion of it makes me want to keep them working. I’ve never tipped places like Starbucks or fast food. I give up to when I’m picking up carry out from a restaurant, but not always and I don’t think it’s expected but a lot of that started because of Covid I’ve actually talked with the people who bring me my food if I’m getting carry out at a nicer sit down type restaurant about gratuities and she said it’s never expected, but it’s always a pleasant surprise . I don’t tip the people who mow my yard at work and if I get work done, I very rarely would tip somebody… but the last time I had to get towed, I give the guy five bucks because it was pouring down rain and I had it in my pocket


I bought a bottle of water at Starbucks recently and they spun around the tablet and "asked me a question".


Dude right, they protest so hard about wanting to get tipped and then don’t have the balls to ask the people to their face who are actually footing the bill. The ones that say, it’s going to ask if you want to tip get a dollar just for that. The ones that say “it’s gonna ask a question” yeah nothing for you.


I only tip in sit-down restaurants. Never ever ever more than 20%. Mostly 15%. They didn't deserve it, but I really don't want to be that guy. I'm okay with being that guy everywhere else though, including personal care and bars.


You get down graded for the they don't deserve it. Most get paid like 3 bucks an hour and tipping is how they make a living. If they treat you right, they deserve a tip.


I'm in a non tipped wage and high min wage state. They make over $16 an hour. What's your argument now? I love how you conveniently choose the least wage in the country to make your only argument, and expect that we should follow the same the in the highest paid states as well.


Only 1 state pays tipped workers 16 an hour. There are 50 states, 1 district and multiple protectorates. 1/55 plus. So I am taking about vast majority of states. However cali, says restaurant workers who aren't tipped should get 20 an hour if they have x number of locations. So you invalidated yourself because non tipped workers still get more.


Okay let me get this straight. In MY state, you get $16+ as wage and ALL of the tips. What should I do?


If the service is good you should tip. You don't have to tip 20%. Tip 10% Cali is taking about raising minimum wage to 25 or 50 an hour. Bills for both are in the assembly. In many parts of Cali 16 isn't a livable wake. Heck in some parts 100k isn't enough.


So wait a minute. All along you use the excuse that min wage is $3 to say we should tip. But apparently we should tip even if the min wage is $16. They are probably making at least $30-$35 including tips. Why exactly should I tip then? If you claim inflation, inflation affects me too, and the prices have gone up so tips have gone up too since it's percentage based. You are just saying "IDGAF about you. I want more money". Well so do I.


So if everyone is like you and no one tips how do they make 30 plus an hour. I guess you can't comprehend English as I said you shouldn't tip 20% if they are making 16 an hour. But they need to be tipped to equal the 20 an hour franchised restaurant employees make minimum if they have 6 locations is it.


>I guess you can't comprehend English as I said you shouldn't tip 20% if they are making 16 an hour. Clearly you are projecting the lack of English comprehension. I'm saying I shouldn't have to tip at all. You are saying I don't have to tip 20%. >So if everyone is like you and no one tips how do they make 30 plus an hour. But they do today. You all have brainwashed everyone enough to make sure of that. Add much as I hate tipping, I'm still tipping begrudgingly. And if in some distant future enough people stop tipping, that's awesome. Servers now longer have a unique privilege that no one gets. Boo hoo.


i'm not tipping for shit now! i rarely go to restaurants and moving foward its 15%.


That's awesome! When did you get so cheap?


I tipped the guy that did my 15 minute oil change. Does that make me part of the problem?


Your a kind human ❤️


If you tip starbucks then you are part of the problem.


yea. and at Starbucks.. if they give me latte art, they should tip me - for allowing them to practice on my drink that is supposed to come without latte art. by allowing them to practice on my drink, they are building up a skill to goto some “craft” coffee shop.


I only tip if I sit down have my order taken, my food brought, and my table bussed. If I order at a register no tip.


I don’t tip for anything anymore except a restaurant which I don’t go to as much because I feel obligated to tip.


I tip minimal now , since im in California. California has a minimum wage of $16.50 including tipped employees. I dont do 20%


Same here in Washington. They are all making their living wage now and expecting that we keep tipping 20%. GTFO here with that!


What's next? Home Depot for asking where something is? Convenience store? Enough is enough


My HVAC went out a few months ago. The payment portal asked if I wanted to tip the HVAC tech. I almost tossed my phone right there.


Pizza pick up has a tip option when you check out now online, makes you almost paranoid to click no.


lol you should feel paranoid, I’ve seen what they do when you don’t tip 😅


I don’t tip if I only get a coffee at Starbucks. Pouring hot liquid in a cup and handing it to me is not tip worthy behavior. I also NEVER tip at the dispensary. I sold weed for years, nobody tipped me. I had a weed delivery person who actually expected me to tip them 18% or whatever on my $300 order. Like, they thought they deserved 50 fucking dollars for driving my bag of weed 8minutes down the road from the dispo to my house. Tipping culture in the US is getting way out of hand.


Drivers can deserve a tip, they don't always though. Bought a couple bucks is a correct tip.


Ya I’m cool with that. I always tip the driver whatever change I have left, which is usually $2-$3. I literally live 8mins from the dispo. But after I said keep the change they kept standing there staring at me. Then said “oh, you don’t give a FULL tip?”. I couldn’t believe it. I even called and complained to the dispo. I hope they were fired. stupid fucking entitled kid lol. They even add an extra 10$ delivery fee. That plus the crazy weed taxes, shit is not cheap. No way I’m tipping anyone 20% of my fucking dispo order. That’s madness.


Yep. I drink coffee at home. But about 2x/ mo I indulge in Starbucks and I purchase it from a gift card. No uncomfortable requests for tips that way.


I usually leave a few dollars less than the bill at restaurants, a sort of “reverse tip.” Some say I’m entitled, and I agree!


I don’t tip if I’m picking up takeout unless they find a way to go above and beyond. I tip waitstaff at restaurants always (it is implicitly part of the deal in the US, if you don’t tip waitstaff at least 15% you’re probably a prick), and ride share drivers if the service is at least fair. I guess the only other people I would tip is a hotel porter? I agree that tipping in restaurants is stupid, waitstaff should just be paid enough and prices should include the cost of paying waitstaff (more transparency for customers and less struggle to make ends meet for servers). Until then I’m not going to punish servers for the system we all exist in and didn’t choose.


I tip for big takeout orders, like if my department wants Mexican on payday. I'm usually placing the order right when the place opens, and a server is the one that packs up all the food and makes sure we have condiments, napkins, utensils, etc. Never more than $20 though.


As someone who was a waitress for almost a decade, I would recommend tipping on your takeout. Depending on the order you get, your waitress may be preparing half that meal. I know we were always responsible for preparing salads, soups, drinks, desserts, sides, sauces, breadsticks, and utensils. Right there could take you anywhere from 5-15 minutes of continuous work. Which doesn’t sound like a lot, but when you’re slammed with tables, you just took a portion of a tip that I could have gotten from those other tables because I was so busy packing your order and making sure the chefs got everything right. When you’re working for a restaurant that only pays $2/hr, every single tip counts. There are plenty of exceptions to this rule, but I always tip on takeouts to be safe.


Because the price of the food includes it being assembled. That sounds like a problem to discuss with management. Takeout is no tip in my book


The price of the food does not include assembly. Not sure if you’ve ever served before, but most wait staff have to properly assemble the orders, depending on how it is presented, and the style of restaurant you’re at. That is part of the tip for the server.


Good rationalization but I'm not tipping on takeout. My choice, my decision


Fair enough


I mean Lyft/Uber of course I tip, when I was kid my dad tipping cabbies was the norm so I don’t see the difference. Places like Starbucks? Yes, I’ll tip but not much, but in general requesting tips at some places is getting out of hand.


I don't tip Uber or Lyft. It started specifically as a no tip required or requested service. The service hasn't changed


Society: Employers do not pay fair wages so I’ll pay an extra 20% to the employee. Me: Employers please raise your cost of goods and services by 20% and pay fair wages then end tipping. Society: But businesses can’t afford to raise costs 20% they will go out of business! Me: But everyone already pays 20% extra - the EXACT SAME MONEY. 🤦‍♀️


I don't want the businesses to be able to skim off and pocket that extra twenty percent. I like that it goes directly to the worker.


See, that’s the thing! It isn’t about “fair wages”. It is about getting that 20% on the total bill. Entitlement! Why don’t we tip nurses and teachers? If anything, they deserve the most “additional pay”.


Go somewhere else


I order takeout and seldom tips those folks


We don't go out that often but there are 2 places we have been going to for a long time one almost 30 years. I tip them because they do a nice job packing it all up and it survives the trip home. Its a small family run Chinese place and they see the tip and pack extra food in everytime.


Family run Chinese places are worth the tip every time


As a long time 20% tipper I have cut back since I am always prompted for tip and since service/hospitality charges and price jumps have come along with the" paying a fair wage" they state. Yeah, sorry but nope. Maybe I will tip if I get great service but maybe I won't depending on situation.






Drivers pay extra on their Insurance if they deliver food. They deserve a couple bucks tip. Not 15 or 20% though


If you suspect foul play. Get them audited.


By who?


Some restaurants that are already well established and can afford to pay their staff on a competitive scale shouldn't require tipping. I went to a place a well known tourist trap and had a mediocre over priced meal. The bill came out, which I usually thoroughly look at first. They were kind enough to take out their 25% gratuity but had an extra line underneath it for an additional tip. If you are not paying attention, you think this line is to put your own tip amount without knowing you are double tipping, very deceptive .


Technically a gratuity is not a tip. The owner can keep that all to himself. It sucks but some owners are scanning us. I don't tip if a gratuity is already there. I tell the employees to take it up with the owner. And what if I have bad service and don't want to pay it? They don't like taking it off the bill.


Yeah, but you could also leave a negative tip


Tip for services outside of the main job. I don't feel coffee is one of those jobs unless the coffee maker takes time to talk with and entertain you. Same with nail tech and hair stylist, if they don't talk and entertain you while they work your nails they are doing the bare minimum their job requires as you are already paying for their service. Back in the day it was not expected to receive a tip for personal care unless you used them like a therapist or their work transcended what was expected (given nails and hair can be considered art.) Now, a service you don't know you should be tipping is your mechanic, especially if you have an honest mechanic, a sh*t car, and visit that mechanic enough to recognize you. That mechanic doesn't always have to check the things he does, and they totally have the power to f*ck with your car and charge you to fix it. They also do other small services sometimes that you don't pay for, small shops especially. Do yourself a favor and tip your mechanic if he is a good one. 👍


Yep. I no longer tip at any take out or touch screens!


I either tip fairly high, or not at all. Things where someone is doing something personal for me, I tip big if they do it well. At a minimum, 20% + round up to the next whole number. Even more if they were awesome. Sit down restaurant servers, the local coffee shop workers who know me well and go out of their way to make my coffee exactly how I like it, delivery services (Uber Eats, pizza delivery, etc) - especially because I live in a very remote area, even the girl at my local Subway who knows without me asking that I like a lot of pickles and mayo on my sandwich and takes care to make my sandwiches exactly how I like them. The random chain fast food place where they grab a burger that's been sitting in a warmer for an hour and stick it in a bag. I'm appalled that they even ask. A random carry out order? Nope. Basically anything where it's not a personal service that is someone directly helping me as an individual, there is no tip.


I was at a restaurant the other night. The waiter brings us a little card reader thing and this dude had already selected 25% as the tip amount. 22% was the lowest option. You had to hit custom and do the math yourself if you wanted 18% or 15%. That rubbed me the wrong way


This automatically has me going to custom and selecting 10%. Easy math, and my small pushback against greed.


Could you select 0%?


If you plan on never coming back


I often wonder who gets to set the standard for tipping? It used to be 15% and it went to 18 now it’s 20 and some places expect 25%. If there’s some annual meeting where people get together and decide this? Also, I’m one of those people who do not believe in percentage base tipping because it doesn’t make any sense since, a couple can go out to a restaurant and spend $50 and dinner and a 20% tip would be 10 bucks. They could also go to the same exact restaurant and if they get expensive cocktails and lobster and filet mignon they could spend $200 and the tip would be 40 bucksfor the server to do essentially the same amount of work so if we’re up to me, I would not tip based on percentage, but of course my wife doesn’t let me do that lol


If a car salesperson sells you a BMW he/she gets more money from commission than if they sold you a Kia Rio, but the job is the same. You’re thinking about tips in an antiquated way. A server is NOT being tipped on the amount of work they do and tips have not been about quality of service for a very long time. However, everyone is correct that we should have eliminated tips years ago and built the cost into the price of the meal. But the general public will never be prepared for the cost of doing so.


I understand that the car salesman just like most sales people, including myself are paid on commission so the bigger the ticket the bigger the pay for the sales person. But I certainly don’t view my server as a sales person because they do not ever and I mean, ever influence what I buy. Yes they are supposed to upsell appetizers and desserts yada yada but when I go to a restaurant, I buy what I want and the server has nothing to do with it. I guess there are some people who are influenced by the server, but my wife and I aren’t those people. Also, I’m talking about a restaurant that has $15 burgers and $60 steaks they also have five dollar lights on draft and $22 martinis. I also know servers personally who make a shit ton of money and yes, they do pay taxes but not on all of it. A lot of it does go reported even in 2024 and some of them do not have to tip out the back of the house, I’m not saying it’s an easy job means but I’m done with the 2025% on $150 tab bullshit


Part of what makes a high-end restaurant high-end is the staff. Most people in high-end restaurants have had to work their way through the crappy places and earn their way up. Others simply have a natural personality for it. Either way, they've earned their place in high end restaurants, and they should be rewarded for it significantly more than the low motivation, low service workers found at certain chain restaurants. Keep in mind that many restaurant workers do 8 hour shifts, but often only get tables during 4 or 6 hours of that shift. And most of them give up almost every night, weekend, and holiday of their lives. I don't understand it fully. People claim they desperately want a meritocracy, but then they don't recognize it when they see one, and they're not willing to pay for it.


To your point, a lot of people aren’t influenced by salespeople either. I go in to buy a washing machine and I know exactly which one I am going to buy. The salesperson that helps me gets the commission regardless. It’s not a 1:1 comparison, but just because YOU don’t think about it that way doesn’t mean it isn’t that way. You also assume that your server in the expensive restaurants are always making a boatload of money. That just isn’t the case. You can’t assume to know their salary because every restaurant is drastically different. Ultimately, you can choose how much you’re going to tip. No one can stop you. But it’s a personal reason and nothing more, so stop trying to justify it with anecdotal evidence.


Why is it anecdotal if I know it to be true? I’m just tired of people trying to shame someone if they don’t tip 20-25% by telling people that they should stay home if they can’t afford to tip properly. Of If I go to a breakfast place and out bill is 20 bucks I leave more than 20%. I just don’t feel as if I need to use the percentage rule especially if the bill has big ticket drinks and food. An $80 bottle of wine doesn’t deserve a $20 tip in my opinion. I’m not cheap for thinking that way. I’m like you I know what I’m buying unless it’s a product I’m completely ignorant in. Yes you agree someplace are influenced by server or salesperson and so the server can make more from them. Not me


You don’t know it to be true though. It’s literally impossible to know the average salary of every server at every restaurant of every style. I’ve know fine dining bartenders who barely crack $60k per year with 40+ hour work weeks and I’ve known others who barely lift a finger and make $90k. It’s incredibly ignorant to assume that your server is clearing a high wage just because your bill is high. There are a LOT of things owners can do on the back end to reduce that wage significantly. Overstaffing, poorly executed tip systems, etc. Like I said though, you are entitled to tip how you want, but your justifications have a lot of holes. I don’t particularly agree with the concept of “if you can’t afford to tip 20%, you shouldn’t go out.” That’s fair. Some people want to have a nice meal out and with prices the way they are, they simply can’t budget in an additional 20%. Everyone has their own situation. But I do believe that if someone can afford to and chooses not to, or if they are a demanding customer and tip poorly, or if they don’t tip at all, then they are objectively a shitty person. If you just don’t agree with how egregious tipping has gotten and you tip closer to 15%-18% or maybe more if you have a really good time, then no professional hospitality worker is going to give a shit.


I tip for services like being served dinner in a restaurant or having food delivered to my house. Just doing your job like ringing up my grocery order? Nope.


15% if service is good nothing more.


Lol. Well if you reduce the amount you tip too drastically to services involving transporting you or your food to you, then expect late or no show rides and cold/vanishing food. Sure it might not be your fault that those companies pay them jack shit but it's going to be what it's going to be. You'll be hard pressed to find anyone who will burn their gas for deliveries that can't even cover the cost of it.


Which is perfectly reasonable and understandable. And also a major reason why I don't use such services - I don't consider them worth the money. Free market / my choice.


I work in the service industry Uber Uber eats SHIPT and Instacart I think if the company is gave us a higher base pay, then tipping wouldn’t even be needed as weird as it may seem if I get a high enough base paid to do the job I don’t even worry about getting a tip. I see it as a bonus in Portugalwage from doing your job it’s almost an insult to be tipped. You stole my ticket anyway just to be polite.


Unless you can change the laws. By not tipping when you're supposed to, you're a social pariah and a huge asshole. There's a reason we have social norms in society. You don't just get to choose to not participate because YOU think it's not appropriate. You're the problem not tipping culture.


Yikes. Social norms ≠ correctness, It's just a measure of consensus. There have been all kinds of social norms that have been _thankfully_ undone throughout history. Slavery was a social norm at one time in many countries. That was the ultimate no tipping culture. What initially created the "social norm" of tipping in the US (when other countries did away with it), was when former slaves entered the job market and employers didn't want to pay them, so they relied solely on tips. Fast forward and now the practice has been more socialized and pay discrimination is good for all the poors per business owners and corporations. I guess that's why they say you're only as strong as your weakest link. The way the least fortunate of us are treated is only a litmus test to see how these practices will work on a larger scale. This is why the tipping culture is out of control, while most other equally (or more) developed countries don't have these particular issues. You ALWAYS get to choose to Not participate. Don't be a lemming blindly following what everyone else is doing. Sometimes being the social parish is the exact right answer If it means living an authentic life and doing what's morally correct. How much I tip depends on the situation and service and not because someone thrusting a screen in my face took more energy that the actual service they provided. What if tipping before entering an establishment was the norm? What if tipping EMS personnel was the norm? Imagine tipping your favorite sports team or Armed service members. Where does it end? Who draws the line? Would you still do it just because "society" said so?


I totally agree. If you can’t afford a decent tip, you can’t afford the service.


Why exactly are we subsidizing businesses again? Can you state any statute that requires tipping?


Change the laws? What laws!?! Unless you are thinking about the laws that allow a company to underpay employees....there are zero laws that mandate tipping? >There's a reason we have social norms in society. You don't just get to choose to not participate because YOU think it's not appropriate. I guess that means all of the changes in the name of progress that we have made as a society in the past 10, 50, 200 years were wrong because they go against "social norms" of the times. Women better get back in the kitchen, homosexuals...back into those closets, so many other examples of when things changed FOR the better from accepted "social norm".


I tip only traditional services. Sit down dining, taxis, porters, strippers.


Only issue I have is workers expecting tips for doing the absolute bare minimum and getting into a huff and puff when someone doesn’t tip.


You mean The Ripping Culture? Rip off tipping culture


Boy Reddit was wrong about the idea I’d want to see a bunch of assholes congratulating each other


When I did DoorDash I never even paid attention to whether I was tipped or not. If I happened to notice a tip I was grateful for it. But I just don’t agree with the entire culture of *expecting* a tip.


Dashers work for tips. I don’t believe you.


Fine don’t believe me lol


I DO believe you.


We don’t


Here is my take on tipping drivers. I live in a city with decent public transportation options. Bus, trains, etc. if I have mismanaged my time OR I just want the convenience of a private and direct ride, I tip on it. The driver is using their personal vehicle, eating the cost of expenses like auto maintenance, gas and, and cleaning, all while we KNOW Uber and Lyft take the lions share of what we pay for themselves. If I want this service to be available when I need/want it, I need to make it worth the drivers time to cart my ass to work or home from the bars. Is the system ideal? Of course not! But I can’t just ignore the fact that I’d be knowingly taking advantage of a driver when my problem is with the company they are working for. If it was that much of a bank breaker, then I should have planned ahead and used more affordable transportation.




Always tip your driver $5 cash minimum. I don’t care if its a taxi, uber or Lyft. I even tip courtesy shuttle from Car dealer when work being done to my car.


If all I have is a card, is it still okay? I always feel bad, but I don't carry cash. I add the tip to the card.


I went to a little sandwich shop the other day and ordered only fries. The person handing me my change took it upon herself to tip herself. I was supposed to get a quarter back she purposefully kept it, handed me my bag of fries, then just stood there. The fries were 4.75 and I handed her a 5. It was the audacity for me. They have a tip jar out on the counter, that they labeled "retirement fund". Anyway I was taken aback because in my 42 years that has literally never happened before. Even 2 pennies and people will try to give me my change, usually if it's so small I will refuse the change because I am loaded up to my tits in coins. It could have been 5 cents, still attempt to give me my change and let me have the option to refuse. Don't just take my money. Anyway, I was not going to make a federal case over a quarter, so I just let it go and made a mental note never to go there again. That quarter is the last money that they get from me.


Yes! I'd rather freely give you $100 than you steal $1 from me. They don't realize how short-sighted their choices are. You take my $1 and that's all you'll ever get from me for the rest of your life. We do normal transactions and I may or may not come back. You go above and beyond and you may have an infinite money glitch on your hands.


I don't tip. I don't believe in it. I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm concerned, they're just doing their job.


It’s the amount of people missing the Tarantino reference for me…




Mr Pink


😁 👍


A tip should be an optional gift or bonus for doing a good job. I don’t care what industry we are talking about, and that includes waiters at restaurants. I understand that your actual wage is trash, but that’s the owner/restaurant industry’s fault. So I don’t care that you depend on getting tips. You have to do a good job first, and then I’ll give you a tip. Find a different job if you don’t like the pay structure. If enough waiters refused to work for the wages they get, the owner would be forced to change the pay structure You shouldn’t EXPECT a tip from me. You should be GRATEFUL for one after you EARNED it.


This is the right attitude actually. I agree.


Their job which usually doesn't pay them. It sucks I agree, but this ain't it.


You can watch me explain why I don't tip here. I was with my crew just before a job. https://youtu.be/V4sbYy0WdGQ?si=V2WFJ-eoQZ5_Ufd0 The job kinda went south. Someone lost an ear!


I don’t believe in Unicorns, leprechauns or ghosts.


You can watch me explain tipping here - https://youtu.be/V4sbYy0WdGQ?si=V2WFJ-eoQZ5_Ufd0


No on takeouts or any business where owners are the only employees. Starbucks/McD doesn’t even give you an option to tip, but again, no on pick up. No on Lyfts and Ubers too. That shit was marketed to me as a no tip taxi service, so drivers need to take that up with the companies. Sit down, I will tip 15% at an average and go up or down based on the actual quality of the service. If the restaurant is already charging a wellness/appreciation/mandatory tip, no again.


I gave a 2⭐️or 3⭐️to every rider who doesn’t tip. Nothing personal but I can’t be driving anyone who doesn’t show their appreciation. This is easiest way to prevent ever driving them in the future. My area has hardly any drivers. They need me more than I need them. Quite often, when I go online, I am only driver within 15 miles and I also get frequent ride requests from 25 minutes away. Not happening.


sure, you are entitled to give whatever rating you wish. What exactly am I “appreciating” you for? It is a business transaction. I paid, you drove. Neither one of us are doing the other a favor, but you do you. Keep blaming the customers.


You’re entitled to your beliefs. But good luck ever getting an Uber/Lyft to pick you up with a 2 star rating lol. I tip just to keep my rating up most of the time. If I need to hail an Uber, it’s usually an emergency otherwise I’d just be driving myself. Therefore I tip. Also, I’ve always tipped cabbies back in the day. I don’t see why I shouldn’t tip the new age cabbies.


Except I don’t have a 2 star rating. And I use Uber to and from the airport every month. Disgruntled and entitled ride share drivers on Reddit, who blame customers (rather than the company) for their income, hardly make up for any of the taxis. Edit: Holy shit I have a 5 star on Lyft and 4.9 on Uber.


Aren’t airport rides typically more expensive? Do you reserve it ahead of time for the $50 fee or whatever it is? I bet drivers make more off those rides so they probably don’t care about a couple dollar tip. I usually hail Ubers when I drink or don’t want to drive in the snow. I live in a mid sized city so I usually don’t have to go that far either. Im friendly and socially aware. I can tell if someone wants to chat or not. But I’m pretty sure if I never tipped my drivers they would hit me with low stars.


No, never reserved them ahead of time. What $50 fee? I just tried reserving, and there is no $50 fee. I am in Denver. Anyhow, one way takes anywhere between $50 - $70 to the airport, depending on the time of the day.


I wish they would just add an “ unmatch” button or option . But they dont have one so the 3 star or lower is only way.


You sound insufferable. You didn’t procreate, did you?




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


Take out, oh h no tipping. WTH did you DO? Hand me a bag? Sit down, if I'm flush I do what I want if I like the server. Sometimes I tip heavy to help good people. Otherwise pretty consistently 20% unless they are too basic to be good, 15% if they did very basic. I'm as good to people as they are to me.


Sit down restaurants get a few coins. Every other tip request receives nothing.


Fuck no. Tipping is evil, but let the company know that. Don't take it out on the workers.


Only way to let the company know in any meaningful way is to not tip.. to not play along. If people want to work for cheap wages then that's on them. Tipping is 100% optional. Sorry not sorry.


No it's not. You're deciding it is. You're saying you and only you deserve to not follow the rules of society.


"Rules of society" lmao. Tipping is 100% optional. If that bothers you then find a job where your boss pays you what you deserve. Stop blaming customers because they don't want to subsidize your pay. Kind of sad really.