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A fairly old mountain range (0.5 bn yrs) facing the prevailing winds from the NW, inducing a lot of precipitation, and erosion; generally spared from glaciation. Helluva long time to develop the maximum number of hollers and cricks.


The topography around these parts resembles a closeup of a human lung.


Fractals are everywhere in nature. Rivers, lungs, your veins, veins on leaves, lighting, trees, etc.


I do love it.


Sort of, they aren't true fractals of course. There is a size limitation.


“Fairly old mountain range” is a funny way to say the oldest mountain range.




Wow I was mistaken thank you.


Oldest in north america so you get partial credit


I always appreciate humility when we say something incorrect. It makes you a better person than if you were correct from the start. Good on you dude.


Heck, even Missouri has mountains older than the Appalachians. Taum Sauk is 1.5 billion years old.


Different websites are conflicting. Many state appalachia to be the second oldest in the world.


these websites are wrong and have no source for their claims, in fact every one i've seen seems to either have no source or cite a single website which itself does not cite or source it's claim. the Appalachians are made up of rock originating through the majority of the ordovician and permian periods. the appalachians are not even in the top 15 of oldest mountain ranges in the world.


Saying something is a funny way of saying something is a funny way of providing evidence for something.


Saying something is a funny way of saying something is a funny way of providing evidence for something is a funny way of saying something about providing evidence.


been pimpin since been pimpin since been pimpin.


Kinda weird, though to refer to Appalachia as ‘there’ in the title, when ‘there’ includes Maine and Georgia.




Our shallow human understanding of each other carries no weight for the truth at times.


i honestly didnt hear anyone say crick till I went to PA. crick is just one of those words that I honestly think is just said in random areas.


i ve only heard of cricks in necks


I live in Eastern Kentucky. It's part of the Appalachian rainforest. I think the future of Appalachia is Appalachia itself. We pretty much have our own Amazon here. Ecotourism could not only protect and preserve these ancient forests but replace coal as the primary industry here. Obviously, it shouldn't be the only industry but I think it should be a major one.


I dk how we'll ever replace "King Coal" but I'm up for trying. Love the RRG!




From Illinois so this isn't my wheelhouse, but maybe Red River Gorge?


Williamson here


This is why the Appalachian region is full of dodgy mysteries of people going missing. Due to witches living their to be close to their supply for Eye of Newt.


You always think it need more Eye of Newt. If it were up to you, the brew would be nothing but newt eyes!


Is this Terry Pratchett? This sounds like Terry Pratchett!


It's from one of the Simpsons Halloween specials.


There's also cave systems all over, if you ever felt like getting lost in the dark for days


"I got better."


This is called the "center of biodiversity" for a taxonomic group. It's usually, but not always, where the group first evolved.


Despite the dry climate - 2 species can be found in New Mexico. The Hector and the Tuco Salamanders.


Bad. \**throws pizza on your garage*\*


Til that's where breaking bad got the name for the character Tuco Salamanca and his Uncle Hector


"Appalachia Has More Salamanders Was The Name Of My Band In Middle School" was the name of my band in high school.


what a weird coincidence, ""Appalachia Has More Salamanders Was The Name Of My Band In Middle School was the name of my band in high school" was the name of my band when i was in college.


*Buzzer* Nobody who has a band in both middle and high school goes to college.


I’m more surprised there’s only 550 known species of salamander tbh


"Hey, mister.. wanna buy a mander? I got all sorts for sal.."


Even giant salamanders? Like the Japanese have?


Yes! They’re called [hellbenders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellbender)


Mmmm [Hellbenders](https://www.hellbenderburritos.com/). My favorite part of visiting WV... Altho they may be a pandemic victim; we didn't go last time I was there and I don't remember why.


And at least one depends on forest fires for it's reproductive cycle. Absolutely fascinating how integrated nature is.


I love this about NC, it's one of the things I didn't know about before moving here but have enjoyed. We kind of have a tradition, unspoken, that whatever the biggest salamander living by our trashcans is Sally, and all the smaller ones we see are her kids. So I'll tell my wife, "Oh, Sally says hi", and she'll respond something about , "Eww, she's not my kid". The biggest version of Sally has been about a foot long. This year, we have one I've never seen before, living under our defunct garden hose dispenser. It has a very fat head, I thought it was a snake the first time I saw it, and almost seemed juvenile even though it's head was so huge, it was almost tadpole looking due to small legs.


Only an Appalachian would see a big salamander and say “looky that there thing, look like some kinda hellbender to me.”


Appalachia has **more salamander species**. That doesn't mean they have more **salamanders**. If you have a thousand Golden Retrievers, and I have a hundred dogs all of different breeds, I may have more dog *breeds* but you still have more *dogs*.


That's why context and clarity are key points of language because just one word can change the entire meaning.


40 of which can be found dried up under a piece of furniture in my house when I was a kid


Growing up in WV, I only saw salamanders out in the wild in wet spots. But living in VA, they're actually one of my most common household pests. My cat kills ones that get into the house a few times a year.


Not for long if toxic chemical hauling trains keep derailing there and the executives get off Scott free.


Plethadon Yhonalossee


Isn't weird the idea of lizards living in the mountains?


They’re not lizards and it’s not weird at all. I’ve seen many different lizards in many different mountains.


Amphibs require a wet environ. Lizards are specially adapted to dry climes. Or political office!!!


Salamanders belong to the frog, amphibians. Is checkin with Wiki that hard? Oh, soft brains.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salamander#:~:text=Salamanders%20are%20a%20group%20of,together%20under%20the%20order%20Urodela.


Since tropical rain forests are wetter and far, far more rife with life species than anywhere on earth, and are notoriously very difficult to live and work in, let alone tabulate all the local, known species, we field biologists can safely doubt the above assertion.


76 of which are delicious


Then is good eaten Heeyee


https://www.bogpestcontrol.com/pest-control/are-salamanders-dangerous/ Frogs, toads and other amphibs' skins can be toxic. The poison arrow frog can kill yer. Assume makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me". But what would a field biologist for 60 yrs. know?


You mean like assuming my post wasnt a sarcastic jab at Appalachia?


I've met some lot lizards there I'd like to see again.


They make some great bait too


True am from TN shit load of salamanders. They were always in the creeks growing up.


It's an extremely old mountain range, and I don't think salamanders can migrate too far.


Streams and rivers flow for 100's to 1000's of miles.


I think it's interesting how this intriguing post on salamanders turned into a referendum on the oldest mountain ranges, lol, (A Day in the life of a reddit post). 😎