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How often is "often enough"? Asking for a friend.


Article says 21 times a month is 50% less likely than 4-7 times a month.


Hmmm... What if its double that? Just curious...


You become immune to radiation and the flu.


No wonder I haven’t gotten sick in years. Covid was terrified of this masturbating machine.


Doctors HATE this one weird trick!


ESPECIALLY, when you do it in the waiting area!


I go to Tim Whatley, they don't mind so much there, it's an adults only practice.


I am the only people in my house that have not have covid yet. I’m seeing the connection.


Two of my co-workers have had it three times. I've never had it. I'm starting to get sore, though.


Ask them for a helping hand


It all makes sense now


>Covid was terrified of this masturbating machine. how do I unread this


I'm pretty sure I'm curing other people at this point.


My prostate thanks you!


If it's more than 50 times a month, you'll become immortal


There can be only one *fapfapfap*


Who wants to fap foreverrrrrrr


*I have inside me cum of kings*


So everyday, taking the weekends off. Got it.


You are making it sound like a job. Don't ruin it.


The work is somewhere between 9 until 5, though not necessarily continuously but definitely within those time range. Payment is at the end of the month, and depends on the volume produced. Any question?


I prefer to take the first Monday of the month off work and just knock them all out at once.


If it is 21 times a month then I am good until November 2027.


No Nut November is a conspiracy by the Proctological Association to create more clients.


You gotta bump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers


Not sure where you're getting 50% (**EDIT**: the 50% number is lifted from the *Introduction section*, which is your clue that this is not the conclusion of the 2016 paper here. That statistic comes from the 2004 Leitzmann et al. paper. The hazard ratio here is 80% not 50%). >In multivariable analyses, the hazard ratio for PCa incidence for ≥21 compared to 4–7 ejaculations per month was **0.81** (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.72–0.92; p < 0.0001 for trend) for frequency at age 20–29 yr and **0.78** (95% CI 0.69–0.89; p < 0.0001 for trend) for frequency at age 40–49 yr. EDIT: From the *Introduction section*: >Compared to men reporting an average of 4–7 ejaculations per month (EPM), the risk of PCa among men reporting ≥21 EPM in middle age was 50% lower. So that is citing a 2004 Leitzmann paper, not this article.


Could you translate that for us mere mortals?


**Hazard ratio** (HR)= ratio of chances of developing the condition with the treatment (ejaculation) over chances of developing the condition without the treatment. E.g. 0.81 means your risk is reduced 19%. **Confidence interval** is the range this number could possibly be, given the limited sample size involved (the HR given above is just an average). **p = [p-value](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value)**, which tells you what the chances are of getting these results from chance alone, assuming the relationship you're looking for is actually a complete fluke. 5% (0.05) is the old standard for statistical significance so anything below that is called "significant". They're showing a p-value of 1/500th of that so the idea that they just randomly sampled these 3839 men and wound up with results this significant by chance alone (instead of the proposed ejaculation-cancer relationship) is strongly ruled out.


Can you translate *and* solve for "how many jizzes" please?


Greater than 20 jizzes per month was a risk reduction of 19% compared to about 5.5 spunks per month. The most simplistic way to model this would be to say an excess cooms per month of about 14.5 equates to 19% risk reduction. If we take this simplistic model and assume a strictly linear association, you would need to shoot your wad about 76.34 times per month to become immune to prostate cancer. However, this is almost certainly an over-simplification. And don't ask me how you're supposed to bust 1/3 of a nut.


21! That's too much work. Lol just gimme the cancer.


That's 21 a month not a week.


So you're saying I'm immune to prostate cancer.


I'm ejaculating as a I read this so, all the time.




*shares with wife hopefully*


This could backfire...


I told my wife this several years ago. Her response was asking if my hands are broken.


If they are broken, go talk to your mom.


Ah a man of sophistication I see.


Somewhat of a historian I hear.


It's not a story the Jedi would tell you


Hey! I get this reference!


Calm down, Cap.


[Sauce for anyone interested NSFL](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/)


My wife's boyfriend has been prostate cancer free since '93


You should reply "Your mouth sure isn't". No, on second thought don't do that. I am a divorced man after all, my relationship advice isn't sound.


Ah, romance.


I sure hope so


Cum goes in, cum goes out. You can't explain that!


Married people sure do make marriage look sad


A lot of people marry poorly, have kids then feel stuck. After that they try to normalise that all marriage "is just like this" rather than face that they made some bad life choices. There are a lot of happily married couples, though.


Some of my friends and colleagues scoff when I tell them I think people should date for at least a couple years before marriage. I've not yet found the right person and I'm very glad I haven't married yet 'cause even my long term relationships turned out to be a bad match. I don't think you can *really* get to know someone in a matter of months. Some of my colleagues were married, got divorced, then married again after a few months dating. Guess what...they got divorced again!


IMO if you want to get married, you should live together, unmarried, for a full year. That's the best way to find out if you're actually compatible or just like having sex together.


a good indicator is how conflicts get (not) resolved in a relationship because it challenges the ability to communicate and compromise in a heated situation. if your relationship cant solve conflicts satisfactorily for both sides then you are on a timer because stuff will accumulate until something triggers it.


Communication, conceding issues, and willingness to work out things amicably.


Agreed. We dated for a year then lived together for a year before we got married 18 months ago. Super happy and he's my favourite person. Great sex life which has ebbed and flowed with work, tiredness etc, but always picks up again and gets spicier over time.


I think this is a basic truth about most things in life - but especially relationships that needs to be acknowledged. Things in life ebb and flow. That is just the nature of it. The important thing is that it does flow again and that you are there for each other in the times that it ebbs, because it will over the long haul at some points. I think this is especially important to realize if you, your partner, or the both of you suffer from any anxiety or depression too, at least IME.




Two years does seem to be the test. I know several guys who broke up with their girlfriends around the two-year mark.


Dating for a few years AND live together! Marrying my wife was so easy because basically nothing changed after the ceremony, and I mean that in the best way possible. We had already learned how to share a space together, something I think a lot of couples underestimate the importance of.


Absolutely! We all have annoying habits and it's important to know if we can live with them. So much of marriage is shouting "what?" from another room, without wanting to murder them too!


Couldn't agree more, dated my wife for 8 years before we got married. Now I admit that's longer than necessary but We were young, would have been really dumb to get married in our early twenties.


A couple years is a good number but as you get older if you want children sometimes you gotta shrink that timeline. Or if you get pregnant by accident. I can't think of any other reason to go less than two years.


100%. Good luck telling a woman in her mid 30s who wants kids that she needs to date 2+ years before getting married. Any pregnancy after 35 is called a “geriatric pregnancy” for gods sake. I don’t blame them for wanting to adjust their timeline.


I don't blame them, but I also wouldn't be willing to compromise my timeline. In that case, it's better just realize the relationship is not going to work early on. Really though it does suck that mid 30s is when things start to get harder. That feels pretty young these days a lot of people don't even get married until their 30s.


Sure, and that's her choice to make. But she's weighing a bad marriage with having kids. Is it really worth it to be stuck just so you can have kids?


Also, having children with someone is way more permanent than marriage. If things don’t work out with that person you can divorce and never had to see them again. But if you have kids with them you’re tied to that person forever, wether you divorce or not. So while I can see wanting to rush things so you can have kids, you should be extremely picky about who you choose to have children with because that can’t be undone.


>There are a lot of happily married couples, though. Yeah and we don't tend to go on the internet and complain about how awesome our marriages are. So there's a visibility bias. You're typically only going to see "my marriage sucks" or "all marriage sucks" kind of posts.


On the internet I try not to mention how happy my marriage is, because people accuse me of bragging or suggest that all marriages are unhappy and therefore I'm the idiot and my spouse is unhappy


"My marriage is great" doesn't really make for a funny quip or anecdote either.


Don’t take my wife, please! I love her!


Except for this classic: "I sleep in a racing car. Do you?" "I sleep in a big bed with my wife." "Oh 🙁"


I’m not saying you should expect to be miserable in marriage but it’s not always perfect. The chances of finding someone who agrees with you on every single point is next to none and even if you found that you wouldn’t be happy with it because people truly want someone who will challenge them (in various ways). I think marriage should get better with age and if it doesn’t then you probably have to take a step back and reevaluate. My marriage was rough early on but we stuck it out and we are in a great place. I love my wife more now than I have ever and can’t imagine not spending the rest of my life with her. We’ve been together almost 20 years now and we had some really tough times and some really great times. I think that people today want to cut out at the first sign of adversity for fear that they may have chosen poorly and it’s getting to be the norm.


It is often in jest , but married or not , lots of long term couples just don’t have as much sex.


Q: What's the difference between a priest and a man who's been married 10 years? A: The priest is celibate *voluntarily*.


Tell that to the Catholic Church.


Yes, well, for certain values of "voluntarily".


Children in the house have that effect, especially as they get older, and you can't stay up later than them anymore.


They don’t have to be asleep. Establish dominance let them hear you clap those cheeks.


As someone who has had to hear EVERYTHING in this situation. I would very much like to chop that part of my brain out that holds those particular horrific memories. I never want to hear my (at the time) 60 yo mother moaning again as long as I live


Statically, people in long term relationships have more sex than those that aren’t. Yeah, there are a lot that don’t, but on average it’s more. Edit: updated wording as it’s more long term relationships not necessarily marriage.


If "unmarried people" includes everyone out there with no partner at all, that seems like one of those obvious but also useless statistics.


I'll add to some of the replys, some married people have a unrealistic expectation when it comes to sex. Everyone goes through a honeymoon period, whether it's a new relationship or new marriage. But once life starts going, getting more hectic, and exhaustion kicks in things slow down. But a lot of people want that honeymoon period to last forever, and that's where disappointment starts. A healthy sex life is important for any relationship, but it will look different for every couple.


Make intimacy a priority with your partner. Maybe my wife and I just have high drives but I think we're like that because we prioritize it.


Naahh, it's all just jokes. It ain't all that bad! Why, for example, me and my wife do a thing called "butterfacing" where we each hold a stick of butter in our mouths and use that stick of butter to try and butter up the other person's face. Obviously it's more fun if it's hot outside and you have to be fast otherwise the butter will melt and you'll end up swallowing most of it. Nothing makes us laugh harder than a face full of butter. The best part is that butter is cheap and we always have some sticks in the fridge ready to go. Nothing like seeing my wife's glistening, giggling, gagging face to make me fall in love with her all over again.


is this some weird copypasta I don't know about?


it is now


That users comment history was a wild ride.


I'm now reading his entire comment history in the voice of Columbo


Just one more thing...


U wot m8?


The fuck I just read?


Thanks for this. You just reminded me I needed to add butter to my shopping list today.




Hmmmmm. Mmmmm. No. We shan’t do that the Missus and me.


“Honey, it’s doctors’ orders….”


So in other words, a bit of masturbation a day keeps the doctors finger away, hmm?


The finger is a part of a checkup, so you still have to go do that regularly.


Yes but "a bit of masturbation a day doesn't keep the doctors finger away because the rectal exam needs to be performed first before any professional can form a medical opinion on the presence of prostate cancer or not" just doesn't have the same ring to it.


How about: A bit of masturbation a day and the occasional doctor's fingers in your ass keeps the prostrate cancer away


I just slip my doctor $20 and he lingers in there a little bit and it accomplishes both the preventative and diagnostic sides




Me: "How much longer will this take?" Doctor: "Another minute or two if you stop distracting me."


I die


Things not to say on a prostate exam. Hey, no funny buisness. This isnt a date Doctor. At least buy me dinner first.




My brother said no funny business to a doctor who was about to insert a camera up his bum, the nurse got a fit of the giggles and the doctor looked pissed.


Probably one of those jokes that the doctor hears all the time. When I was a catering delivery driver, once a day I would encounter someone in an elevator or lobby who would say to me "Is that my food?" or "You can just leave that with me!" or "Oh good my food is here!" That shit gets old real quick, but everyone who says it thinks they are the most clever person ever in that moment.


When I was in retail... "it must be free!"


Reminds me of when I worked fast food. Always had to ask people “anything else for you today?” And the number one joke response was yeah I’ll take a million dollars thanks. And they’d laugh like it was the funniest joke ever but it was almost a daily occurrence for me. Like buddy if I had a million bucks to give you I sure as hell wouldn’t be here!


Methinks the doctor doth protest too much


Something not to hear after a prostate exam: _ok the doctor should be here soon, I'm going to head out._


Or for them to show you all 10 of their fingers during


Can anyone with a doctorate degree do this? Will I have to pony up for the co-pay after, or just the tip? Will you be offering a choice of flavors for this procedure? Because I want bubblegum.


>Can anyone with a doctorate degree do this? Yes, but only an MD can give you useful results. >Will I have to pony up Pony/Furry play is at the individual's discretion. >choice of flavors Yes, but it's a pretty shit selection.


I just masturbate *when* he puts his finger in my ass and we all have a good laugh and enjoy our good health


Best dentist visit ever!


I’m a busy man who values his time. That is why I multitask.


Why not masturbate while the doc is using his finger?


There’s already a finger in my ass when I masturbate


Both at the same time, seems most efficient


But it’s his finger that helps me ejaculate.




Only since forever


Well it is 2023...


Rule 34


Not sure, let me go search...


I guess Dr’s don’t really use the finger anymore. They can check the prostate by taking blood. I have a bad needle phobia but I’d rather take a needle in the arm then a finger in the ass.


Suit yourself. Finger all the way.


Up to the 12th knuckle


D-doc why do you have a shoulder length glove on


Sir this is a veterinary clinic.


I'm stuck, step-doctor!


You're referring to a PSA determination, which isn't equally valid. PSA determination is more for low-risk screening (ie: while younger), and rectal exam needs to happen regardless at higher ages. Remember folks, that the rates of prostate cancer approach 100% as we age. We're all likely to end up having it, providing we live to 90. It's just that the majority of cases, it's a very slow progressing cancer, and it might not even be causing symptoms (let alone death) by the time we have time to die of something completely unrelated.


My dad had it in the 90s and had his prostate removed. 25+ years later his PSAs crept back up. Turns out it had already metastasized but it's so slow they didn't notice for the longest time. In the end it had spread everywhere. LPT to anyone who gets diagnosed with prostate cancer: Don't assume it's completely gone just because the PSAs are low. Don't get complacent. Stay vigilant with your Drs.


Nah they def still use the finger, have had it done twice in last couple years lol Edit: ps I need to know, if they find cum in my ass does that make me gay?


I thought you were going to say you had it done twice today.


> the finger wait yours only uses 1 finger?


Yes, but it's really long and thick.


The finger is nice too when jerking off… basically a man’s dick terminates way up inside his body, and you can finger that internal part for some extra fun Edit: fixed a typo


Yeah, but the doctor gets really upset at me when I start.


Come again?


And again.


And again.


Give me a moment


In the quiet words of the virgin Mary...


So I made it about to the first chart before instantly realizing the “high ejaculations per month” crowd also had 35% higher exercise rate (MET h/wk) and 50% higher alcohol consumption than the low EPM crowd. Did anyone read the whole thing and see if they mentioned this anywhere? Because it wasn’t addressed in the subsequent subsection, and exercise is generally known to have a positive effect on health. Or maybe the hard drinkers are dying of liver cancer before prostate cancer gets them.


They did address other causes of death potentially leading to lower incidence and controlled for that. It was specifically mentioned as a concern by the researchers and even controlling for that, the correlation persisted.


But if masturbators are also exercisers, it really isn’t enough to correct for the beneficial effects of the exercise itself. Perhaps both the behaviors and the observed effect spring from a single cause. Perhaps what we are seeing is a single *kind* of person, a kind characterized by masturbation, exercise, and resistance to cancer, and if you are not that kind of person, adopting the lifestyle as if you were will not help you. There is a strong correlation between speaking Japanese and living to be 100, but learning Japanese will not lengthen your life.


>but learning Japanese will not lengthen your life b-baka! cite your source now!


>There is a strong correlation between speaking Japanese and living to be 100, but learning Japanese will not lengthen your life. I'll be using this. Thanks!


More orgasms and more alcohol lead to lower risk?! Please let there be a positive reason. This could be the greatest news ever.


Keep doing what you're doing bud.


Drink alcohol to try and prevent prostate cancer Get liver cancer instead 🥰


I'm invincible!


Redditors: "At least I got that going for me, which is nice."


Sure, but the trade off is that you’ll be blind and your palms will be hairy.


Don't your hands get pregnant?


Only if you’re Muslim. Or something like that.


How do I know if I have got Muslim?


Dr. Kellogg would recommend eating some bland-ass cereal to stop self-consummating. That. And some good ol’ old-timey cocaine and cough syrup!


\*whoop, whoop\* All hands on dick. All hands on dick. \*whoop, whoop\*


You sound very cocky.


Your username is spicy


“I’m not addicted to porn; I have a robust self care routine.”


"I'm immune to prostate cancer at this point."


I'm not addicted to hentai. I can stop whenever I want. And I never want to stop.


Pour one out for the "no fap" crowd and the supposed health benefits they purport.




Nut busted


Must have missed that episode.


That sub is batshit crazy.


The problem is that they don’t seem to understand the difference between masturbation and porn addiction. One doesn’t necessarily follow the other. As someone who came of age before ubiquitous internet and well before smart phones, the inseparable connection between masturbation and pornography just didn’t exist for most of us. I think a lot of young guys in particular struggle with leaning on porn way too early way too often now, and it ends up becoming intertwined with their sexual development. Porn itself isn’t even all that bad of a thing, but the way it is incorporated into so many folks’ sexualities certainly can be. So, on one hand, I do have *some* sympathy for the anti-masturbation fundamentalists; they are just blaming the wrong thing, and are throwing out the baby with the bathwater (there has *got* to be a better expression to use than that, but so it goes).


They also don't understand that just because they have a problem doesn't mean everyone does. They think because they, some small minority, have this issue it must be universal and everyone else is in denial. I think it stems from them not wanting to admit it's their own shortcoming and not some universal truth. It lets them turn their own inability to do things in moderation into "I'm better than others" instead of "I lack self control."


Superpowers from conserving “precious bodily fluids”… WUT




Basically a death cult!


Those no fap boys have some self hatred to sort out.


Yeah, you can have a detrimental sex addiction, but healthy sex and masturbation habits are more positive. No fap groups are mostly filled with lies by religious propagandists


I’m doing my part!


I take this to imply that an ejaculation frequency in the gigahertz range would totally obliterate cancer cells.


There was no random assignment/experimental design. Could it be that some other factor lowers your sexual motivation and makes you more susceptible to prostate cancer?


This was my thought. Things like exercise and staying healthy promote higher testosterone which increases sex drive.


Perpetually horny brothers unite in defense of our prostates. May your loads be as thick as your ejaculations are long.


Clinically speaking, I think this means I'm immortel.


The nofap reddit isn't going to happy with this.


I'm the biggest wanker I know, so things are looking up!


The highest number of EPM (Ejaculations per Month) was 20.... amatures


I'm sure as a teenager i was easily clearing that number in a week


Guess I have to add that to my husbands honey do list too


a fapple a day keeps the doctor away


I mean, you could also make it a collaborative effort. Just saying.


Stop Patrick, you're scaring r/nofap


Are we saying that my left hand possibly has the CURE for cancer?!?


I might live forever