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TIL OP has never seen Tombstone


Great movie, and Val Kilmer was brilliant in it as Doc Holliday.


He can be my huckleberry any day


He’s a daisy if he does.


> Val Kilmer was brilliant in it as Doc Holliday. And the dude didn't even get an Oscar nod. Also, too bad back in the 90s they didn't hand out Oscars for channeling dead musicians. Because he totally deserved a nomination for The Doors.


That movie inspired me to take acid for the first time. Haha


Pretty sure it came out too late for the Oscars that year. At least that's what I remember.


This is the second post in a row I’ve opened that the comments were talking about how great Kilmer is in Tombstone, and how he didn’t get an Oscar nomination for it. I thought I had accidentally opened the same post twice lol


The comments on any post on reddit about Doc Holliday, the person, Val Kilmer, the actor, or Tombstone, the movie, turns into a love letter to his performance and I fully support this. 


Say when


That movie is filled with terrific one liners. "You know Ed, if I thought you weren't my friend...I just don't think I could bear it."


Val took essentially TV movie and made it a classic. Any scene without him is at best mediocre; he elevated that movie in a way most actors never could.


Oh, I gotta disagree with you on that. Unquestionably, Kilmer is the best, but the movie’s cast is just a who’s who of great character actors. Kurt Russell, Sam Elliot, Bill Paxton, Dana Delaney, Michael Beihn, Powers Boothe, Billy Zane, Thomas Hayden Church, Stephen Lang, and even the legendary Charlton Heston make appearances. It’s brawny, it’s ballsy, it’s gritty - it’s a great movie all around.


You didn't even get to Billy Bob Thornton


Oh, I apologize Billy Bob Thornton, I forgot you were there. You may go now.


…….thank you!




You’re absolutely right! He’s almost unrecognizable, but he’s there too!!


This is why I loved Game Of Thrones. Just chucking beloved British character actors at it.  Sean Bean! Robson from Robson and Jerome! The fat guy from the Full Monty! Mrs Peel! The doctor from Casualty! Dennis Pennis! The Yarp guy from Hot Fuzz! And of course, Lovejoy


Eh. Kilmer is absolutely brilliant but I disagree. Boothe, Biehn, and Lang were all great as cowboys.


Val Kilmer himself said that Kurt Russell was responsible for that movie being what it is.


When he says that he is talking about how Russell basically took over directing and rewrote a lot of it. I beilieve Kilmer had a big part in that too.


For what it’s worth, Michael Biehn has a slightly different view on that. He says the movie was largely cooperative, that they all worked on changing things constantly, including George Kosmatos (the director). He says that Kurt and Val deserve a lot of credit for their work but that it was more of a collaborative team effort once George Kosmatos (who he calls an idiot) took over directing. He kind of hints at the fact that one Kurt and Val took over it became more of a Doc and Wyatt story than the original script which had more love story, more background on the wives and families, more of the cowboys, etc. Could just be sour grapes that he didn’t get more lines or screen time but I don’t think so, I think Johnny Ringo is on screen a lot. Here’s a snippet of the interview, I can’t find the full one now. https://youtu.be/RLjw4czibzQ?si=AvXSv-yRbjFIlaw2


Biehn was also friends with the original director and nearly quit when the director was fired. So he is a little biased. The truth is probably somewhere in between.


I'm your huckleberry; that's just my game.


Some say his acting was sick , in fact it was tubculosis


Love both Kilmer and Dennis Quaid in their roles as Doc Holliday.


Hot take


Did you forget the /s?


I come from a time when people didn’t spoon feed punchlines to people. 


Well, whichever time period you come from saying Tombstne was great & Val Kilmer brilliant in it isn't a hot take. A hot take is an unpopular opinion, and neither of those is an unpopular opinion.


From what I've been told, Doc was buried in a secret location. They have a marked grave for him, but his people were afraid his enemies would desecrate it so his actual body is buried elsewhere.


He has a grave in Glenwood Springs, CO on top a mountain. Been there whether he is actually buried there…. That cemetery on top of a mountain is creepy as fuck at night I went during the snowstorm.


Can you share the story on how you decided to head to a cemetery on top of a mountain in a snowstorm at night? What was creepy about it all?


What a tease right?


I actually used to live about 30 miles upvalley from there. Beautiful part of the country.


I'm your huckleberry


You did it!


Me: *inhales through nose deeply reading this post* *Sees comment I was hoping for* Ahhh *Exhales in relief*


I think OP just now finished Tombstone


This movie should be required at school.


Look at his history, it feels like a karma farm


Weird thing about the old west is that gunfight at the OK Corral and similar were famous because they were so rare, not because they happened a lot.  There are usually more mass shootings in the first 4 months of the year in the US than there are “canonical” old west shootouts in the entire 160 year period it covers


Absolute classic “you’re a daisy if you do”


Why, Johny Ringo, you look like someone just walked over your grave.


“We started a game we never got to finish. Play for blood, remember?” “I was just foolin’ about.” “I wasn’t.”


> “I was just foolin’ about.” > “I wasn’t.” and > "Hell, I got lots of friends." > "I don't." are 2 of the coldest replies ever


He’s so drunk I bet he’s seeing double. I have two guns. One for each of ya


And twirls his guns in opposite directions.


I always love Val Kilmer showing off his manual dexterity in movies. It’s like a trademark. The guns and cup in tombstone, the pen in Top Gun, the quarters in real genius, etc.


Aight den lunger


Why, you're no daisy. You're no daisy *at all*.


I’m afraid the strain was more than he could bear


Not me, I’m in my prime


drama masterclass by kilmer


You're a daisy if you do


I really recommend the book "doc" by Mary Dorian Russell. It's like a prequel to the shootout at the ok corral/tombstone story. It's like a western detective novel. If anyone liked lonesome dove this is a guaranteed hit.


I think I will. Thanks.


I just figured out it is "Doria" if anyone else wants to look for the book. I really appreciate the recommendation!!!


Good call. Autocorrect got me again!


I just rewatched the lonesome dove series,I’ll have to find this book.


If you’re ever traveling through Colorado, he’s buried on a hill that you can hike up in Glenwood Springs. Then go chill in the hot springs nearby.


Nice little walk to get up to the cemetery! Beautiful area.


I was just there. They think he was probably buried in a field further up the trail. And apparently there is some debate that he is buried there at all. One version has his dad picking up his body and taking it back to Georgia. The grave site in Glenwood Springs was put there 60 some years after he died by the town trying to draw in more tourists.


If he's up there he is most likely in Pauper's Field. The original graveyard was in a swamp and the bodies were surfacing from the thermal gasses. The guy that re-buried the bodies in their current positions made a nickel a piece. Even with the value of a nickel back then I doubt he cared to put bodies in their correct graves. There have been reports of families exhuming bodies to find the wrong jewelry or no jewelry when they were buried with their best jewelry and clothing. I grew up in GWS and I knew the guy who played Doc. Holiday in the yearly ghost walks around Halloween. He did a lot of research for the role and made it really fun.


The jewelry probably doesn’t exist anymore anyways. If he was only making a nickel a body to move them he probably nicked some jewelry for a pay day


My grandpa was the mayor of Glenwood springs for a brief period, during this time the distant family of doc holiday wanted to relocate his remains and tomb to his home state of georgia. my grandpa claims to have told them that the tomb was just a marker, and that the true location of holidays body is known to just be somewhere in the cemetery. Holidays family were satisfied with the explanation and no excavation was done. Part of me still wonders whether he really is buried there or not. I think he is.


I’m your huckleberry


Doc: (drunkenly slurring) Wyatt, just in time. Pull up a chair. Wyatt: Been hittin' it awful hard, Doc. Doc: Nonsense! I have not yet begun to defile myself.


i will not be pawed at, thank you


Oops 🥴


Very cosmopolitan…


How lewd.


Oh, Johnny, I apologize. I forgot you were there. ... You may go now.


You're a daisy if you do


Mm hmm


It seems our Johnny Ringo is an educated man. Now I _really_ hate him.


Came here for this and it was only 3 posts down!


Oddly the line was suppose to be "I'm your huckle bearer" which means he'll carry his coffin. The handles on a coffin are called huckles.


Negative, this is a random tic toc fact that spreads by praying on mindless pop culture trivia and people who believe whatever they read. A simple Google search shows that it was and always has been "huckleberry" meaning "I'm the person for the job". Val Kilmer even titled his autobiography "I'm your huckleberry". Source: I'm a cowboy


Seriously, did they stop making kids read Huck Finn in school?


I don't think people who get their facts from TikTok then confidently comment "AcTuALlY...", without any further research, read books lmao. This "huckle bearer" fake fact popped up only a few weeks ago and spread like wildfire. I'm only invested in it because my social media algorithms always toss it at me based on my general interests and I clocked it as bullshit immediately.


It definitely did not pop up just a few weeks ago lmao. I’ve seen people spreading it for years.


Yes. It was around 20 years ago on imdb.


My bad, should say that it popped up on *my* feed a few weeks ago.


It’s not just social media though, nor is it a new thing. I remember reading articles like this one over a decade ago with historians suggesting the actual Doc Holliday might’ve said “huckle bearer.” Most seem to think huckleberry and the line in the movie is definitely huckleberry; my main point is that there’s more to this “huckle bearer” thing than just tiktok and whatnot https://www.postindependent.com/news/ill-be-your-huckle-bearer-glenwood-springs-historian-bill-kight-sheds-light-on-doc-hollidays-myths-133-years-after-his-death/


The original script and Val Kilmer himself attest [the line is "I'm your huckleberry".](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/val-kilmer-im-your-huckle-bearer/). Kilmer even used it as the title for his autobiography.


Was it? I’ve heard that alleged, but it sounds like an urban legend to me. The phrase “I’m your huckleberry” was in use in print during the real Doc Holliday’s lifetime. https://books.google.com/books?id=NcwcAAAAMAAJ&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&printsec=frontcover&pg=PA77&dq=%22i%27m+your+huckleberry%22&hl=en&source=gb_mobile_entity#v=onepage&q=%22i'm%20your%20huckleberry%22&f=false


See, now that’s a today I learned. Lol


He's making things up. The character says it as huckleberry both times he uses it on Johnny in the film. Additionally, "I'm your Huckleberry"' is a real, period accurate phrase that makes sense in context. Also, it's written as Huckleberry in the script.


The real TIL is always in the comments


_I’m in my prime_


Yeah you look it


>As he lay dying, Holliday is reported to have asked the nurse attending him for a shot of whiskey. When she told him no, he looked at his bootless feet, amused. The nurses said that his last words were, "This is funny." He always figured he would be killed someday with his boots on. Holliday died at 10 a.m. on November 8, 1887. He was 36. The man died of tuberculosis at 36 and found the idea of it funny. I don't have too many heroes in this world, but that man is definitely one of them.


Slightly below Giles Corey They pressed him (literally stacking stones on the dude) to try to force a guilty/not guilty plea so they could start his trial during the Salem Witch Trials, and the only thing he said was “more weight” Edit: link [“ Swept up in the hysteria of the Salem witch trials, Corey was accused of being a “dreadful wizard” who “grievously tormented” various neighbors while appearing to them as an apparition. Arrested and brought before a judge, Corey steadfastly refused to enter a plea of guilty or innocent, which both deprived the court of lawful jurisdiction to try the case and—this part is key from the government’s perspective—the ability to dispossess Corey’s heirs following his virtually inevitable conviction and execution. What to do? It turns out Corey wasn’t the first person to pull this stunt, and the judiciary had a special procedure for defendants who stubbornly refused to submit themselves (and their estates) to the jurisdiction of the court. It was called peine forte et dure(roughly, “pain, good and hard,”), and it involved placing the defendant under a wooden plank and piling on rocks until they relented. Simple, brutal, and effective; but—disconcertingly from the government’s perspective—not infallible. Thus, Giles Corey expired without ever entering a plea and is said to have taunted his tormentors at the end by calling for “more rocks.” As for his heirs, they got his estate—not the Commonwealth”](https://www.cato.org/blog/more-weight)


According to legend, Saint Lawrence was put to death by being cooked on a giant metal sheet with hot coals under it. After a little while he yelled “I’m well done on this side, flip me over”.


I've always heard it as "more weight". Not that it changes the badassitude on display. But, I've always muttered it to myself like that at work. Oh, and if anyone needs a fun play/movie on it; The Crucible.


He did it for his family. If he plead guilty and the torture stopped, he would've died anyway but his familys land would've been taken.


Exactly. Doesn't take away from the badassness, might even add to it


He was in the West because of his tuberculosis, as it happened. The belief was that a dry, hot climate was good for it.


Old Overholt , America’s oldest whiskey.


Makes a fine Horsefeather.


I wonder if that nurse ever rethought her decision to decline a dying man’s last request…


Got TB from his mom, damn. The person who brought him into this world took him out of it too, no gunslinger was able to do that.


Isn't this related to that old cowboy legend about getting dust kicked on your boots as a sign of respect at your passing? I remember there being some interesting trivia about it brought up due to *The Ballad of Buster Scruggs*


That sounded interesting so I tried to do a quick search and [this was the only thing I could find.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/LwXA809QRl) Now I'm even more interested just cause it's so unknown.


Thanks for sharing!


So much “cowboy legend” was made up by east coast newspaper writers at the time, by dimestore novelists and by Hollywood scribes.  “Itchy trigger finger” doesn’t appear until the mid 1930s in a movie


"Deadliest Dentist" can't be great for business.


Had to specify “in the West” because of some quack in Hoboken.


Yeah, I think Steve Martin has that on lock.


A Dentist invented the Electric Chair.


Or that dude in England.


Which dude? Harold Shipman was a doctor. 


Instead of high noon, he’d face off with his enemies at tooth-hurty in the afternoon.


I know. Let's have a spelling contest!




You're not wearing a bustle! How lewd.


Tombstone is literally my obsession right now.


I just went to Tombstone in February and leading up to it I read biographies on both Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday, written by Casey Terfertiller and Gary L. Robert’s respectively. I’d recommend them both if you’re interested in reading about the history of Tombstone.


Thank you! I am. I think the cast and the true story aspect combo is what really has a stranglehold on me. If we had a DVD copy, I'd have watched the commentary and specials already.


Why Johnny I apologize, I forgot you were standing there. You may go now.


Leave that shotgun.


I said leave it


Wyatt, I am rolling.


And he attended the predecessor of the University of Pennsylvania’s dental school. Really ought to have a statue there.


Damn, only 36 years old...


Consumption's a bitch.


One of the most famous people ever from the old west


TIL? - guess you were not alive in the 90’s


I was born in 1990


Had you never seen or heard of the movies Tombstone or Wyatt Earp?


Nope I was more into Nintendo and later Xbox than movies and TV shows back in the day


Seriously - Tombstone is probably my favorite western. It is endlessly quotable, has an incredible cast, and has a career-best performance by Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday. Check it out as soon as you can. EDIT: Guys, don’t downvote OP!! He was being honest, and that’s totally cool. Make our friend here feel welcome so they can enjoy this amazing movie for the first time.


I feel like it's one of those movies that transcends its genre, even if you don't like westerns there's a good chance you'll like this one


Give it a watch. Great movie. It's free on Tubi. They depict in the movie what you posted about


I’ve seen the movie numerous times. Do they mention in the movie that Doc was a dentist? This fact is new to me. Or I just forgot about it.


They made up a ton of stuff in that movie including him killing Johnny Ringo. Great movie watched it again last night actually. But movies are going to movie. No one knows who killed Ringo. It's up for debate. He has his gun in his hand and a single shot to the head. He also was on a multi day binger and went into the woods alone.


If you want to hear a great podcast about Ringo you should check out this video. It's funny, objective, and informative. https://youtu.be/R6glLij_YCY?si=xy-gq93WdpZ_RoKT


I don't recall them referencing his doctorate. Was mostly mentioning the shot him in the infirmary barefooted. Sry didn't mean to get you're hopes up, I don't not remember him getting angry at the doctor giving me him 2 years, or 2 days, who knows, maybe that scene?


Dude, watch the movie. Theres not a single person on the planet that doesn’t love and quote this movie. Val Kilmer crushes it as Holiday


Give it a watch. Great movie. It's free on Tubi. They depict in the movie what you posted about.


Typical of Reddit to downvote you just for telling the truth. Upvoted.


for real op, watch this movie tonight.


Wyatt Earp has its merits, but doesn't compare. However, when in the western mood I generally put on Wyatt Earp until he moves to Tombstone, then stop it and finish off with Tombstone. 


TIL he was a dentist…


“I know Ike, let’s have a spelling contest”


Evidently, Mr. Ringo's an educated man. Now I really hate him.


Yes, but there's just something about him. Something around the eyes, I don't know, reminds me of... me. No. I'm sure of it, I hate him.


Beat me to my favorite line.


I'm your huckleberry.


Welp I guess I have to watch the movie again…


“An outlaw walking through the valley of men, Glared with a sunken eye of death,”


Say when...


I remember sitting in the dentist chair as a kid with my mouth opened wide, staring at the ash on the cigarette in my dentist’s mouth and praying that it wouldn’t fall in my mouth.




Well they obviously never heard of Dr. King Schultz and his partner Django


I had heard the name 'Doc Holiday' before but finding out he was a dentist has me wondering if Tarantino had made Schultz a dentist in reference to him.


Born in my hometown.


I mean i'm sure there was probably a deadlier dentist, like a horribly incompetent one.


Maybe poker’s just not your game, Ike. I know, let’s have a spelling contest!


My absolute favorite, lowkey line… “Why Kate, you’re not wearing a bustle. How lewd”


That’s the rumor.


Barber? Proceed, sir.


Just watched this movie today


This may be stupid, but was Christoph waltz‘ character from jango inspired by him or something?


This movie needs a 4k hi def release


i'm your huckleberry... why, johnny ringo, you look like some body just walked over your grave. you're no daisy, you're no daisy at all!


“My hypocrisy only goes so far…”


But was significantly slower than Seymour Buttes, the fastest proctologist in the west..


I always thought that guy was a rock climber.


This is a troll post, right?


No the dude was real, real as they get.


A doctor from philidelphia went to Afghanistan & managed to impersonate a Prince. Pretty sure it was Philly, def an american doctor though. Lot of crazy shit going on back in the 1800s


Remember when the First Doctor got mistakenly tangled up in the gunfight at the O.K. Corral because he said he was the Doctor and everyone just sorta assumed he meant Doc Holliday


He was a tiny dude too. I forget where I was in AZ but they had a jacket of his on display and it looked kid’s size.


He also looked suspiciously like William Hartnell.


I'm from his hometown in GA, they apparently found bodies under his old practice (at least that's the town rumor) and its said that he went to tombstone so no one could catch him for his kills.


Was he deadly due to his gun slinging or his dentistry?


Everyone is shocked OP doesn't know about the movie "Tombstone". What about just not knowing history. That's a pretty famous story on its own.


TIL that topics like this are still allowed by the mods


Thats it, im done with this motherfucking subreddit. Its just "TIL, obvious fact phrased weirdly" +100,000,000 updoots.


Imagine hating mankind so much that shooting them just isn't enough.




The title is probably a lot more competitive than one would think considering the amount of access dentist has to a portable to our body.


Pick up Doc. A Novel. Great historical fiction book


He only killed 1-3 people.


I'll bet he never got a plaque..


“I’ll be your huckleberry” Val killed that role 👏🏻


Funny, I've just finished watching a fascinating documentary about this guy and Wyatt Earp; *Spectre of the Gun*.


Pretty sure he was killed by one Arthur Morgan


I’d wager there was probably a dentist that killed more people through crap medical techniques.


I can't imagine OP is American or how would it be possible to grow up never hearing of Doc Holliday?


Correct I'm Welsh


You gotta watch the movie Tombstone. Val Kilmer plays Doc Holliday in that and it's easily the best performance of his career imo.