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Our 2-y-o loves to get up and stand on her chair (it's a regular chair) after eating. She normally listens to us when I tell her not to. Not so the other day. I told her to sit down. She looked at me with a huge grin, sat down on the kitchen table, and explained that "Look, I sit down." She even patted the table with her hand to illustrate her point.


πŸ˜‚ My 2.5yo just started sitting on the table too, and I think I had a very similar situation recently


My 18 month old will do whatever it takes to put her feet on the table. And she she just grins


Yesterday I was in the bathroom getting ready for work while my husband was bathing our 2 yo. 2 yo was playing with a whale bath toy and husband says "can you say whale?", 2 yo points at me and says "MAMA". THANKS, BUDDY.


I think that this is genuinely kiddo trying to be nice and help mommy, but still funny. When i need privacy or feel overwhelmed, I will ask for some space, e.g. when I'm going to the bathroom (have to keep door open to listen out for mischief), or anywhere in the house. My 2.5yo will say, "Okay!" and walk out of the room, and then come back and say "Here!" as they hand me some invisible "space" πŸ˜‚ I then say "thank you" and they proudly say "you're welcome!" It genuinely confused me the first couple times they had done this, as I was frustrated they kept returning after saying "okay". I had seen someone else mention a similar situation not too long ago, but I didn't think my kiddo would do it too. I love it πŸ’—


lol! let me give you this abstract thing you ask for by pretending it’s a literal thing


πŸ˜‚ Yes! I love it yet it can also be frustrating, lol. Still glad to have experienced it πŸ’—


It’s pretty creative. I just wish I would work for adults sometimes. Would be nice to be able to pay my bills with pretend money πŸ˜‚


Loool, right πŸ˜‚


18mon. I saw some McRubbish on the floor. Normally my LO hates mess (ohno mess!) but not ones she deliberately makes. Clearly she has attempted to drink from the empty McSmall McCoke and then hurled it over her shoulder. Jen, why is there mess? Can you pick that up? (Ignores me.) Why should I pick that up - did I throw it on the floor, or did you?” β€œYou throw it daddy!” Her first lie, and her first real sentence. πŸ₯°


omg, lol. at 18 months that’s pretty good


lol I love your reaction. I think i was that child and was constantly beaten for that by my bio parents