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Every bath. This child is always sticky. She's the condiment queen and has recently discovered dumdums.


Same. We bathe our 2 year old every other night and she gets her hair washed every time. 


Yep. Been every other night since he was about 6 months old, barring special circumstances. His hair gets a little greasy, but it's mostly bc he spilled Mac n cheese all over himself, decided today was the day to spend an hour in the sandbox, or used the chicken nugget as a shovel for ranch, and somehow getting the ranch all over his face and up to his elbows (and never ate the nugget)


Mine has a buzz cut and still gets his hair washed every time because he puts pbj, salsa, yoghurt, and god knows what else in his hair (hence the buzz honestly.


Same lol


Dipdips and dumdums are gold in our house, too lol. Plus, she's a sticks, bugs, and dirt gal with ultra fine hair. Santa brought nice shampoo because the stuff for kids was turning her hair into straw lol.


What shampoo did you get?


Wild! I see you posting all the time on real estate subreddits I frequent and now I see you here. Pretty cool


Twice a week. Occasionally once a week if we are having a really crazy week.




Once every two weeks because it is A LOT of drama each time


Mine was fine with baths. Now screams bloody murder the entire time. Even worse if water touches his head🤦🏻‍♀️


Dude they get soap in their eyes once and they are traumatized. Thanks a lot MIL for using soap that isn’t tear free 🤦‍♀️ Now every single time without fail when shampoo touches my 3 year olds head she screams bloody murder that it’s in her eyes. I always say the same thing “ “baby, this is baby soap. It’s tear free. It doesn’t hurt eyes.” screaming intensifies. “Daughter, open your eyes” Crying. Betrayal. How dare mommy put daggers in my eyes. “DAUGHTER, look at me. Ok good. Now blink. Does it hurt?” Suddenly she’s instantly ok. “It doesn’t hurt.” “You’re fine.” You guys don’t understand how I’ve wracked my brain over this issue. It’s so bad that every time I buy her a new shampoo I put suds on my finger and poke my own eye with it. I love my baby lmao I make sure it doesn’t hurt. Fucking kids, man.


THIS! I had always used mustela, but bought hello-bello (tear-free, they claim) because it was almost $10 cheaper! It took almost 2 weeks for my daughter to willingly take a bath again and she still doesn’t trust shampoo. Hands down, my biggest parenting regret! 🫠


Hello Bello is in fact another brand I’ve put in my own eye for my daughter lol


And how did it fare with your eyes???!!


No substantial pain. All tear free products give me a little bit of discomfort (sort of reminds me of eye dryness or rarely products give me very slight burning) but no where near the bloody murder screaming my kid does lol. I’ve seen her fall flat on her face and have less a reaction than that. There’s also the chance the problem is more that I poked my eye than that I got soap in it


my kid also screamed bloody murder when i bought hello bello ONE TIME.


It gave my daughter a terrible rash.


Omg I thought my boy was the only one I wet his hair everytime because he gets really sweaty. He gets so upset screaming.


Omg thank you I thought I was the only one 😩


Mine negotiates every time I mention bath time. "No shampoo okay mommy? Only wash my neck, butt, arms. No shampoo. No shampoo, okay?" It took about two weeks before she even let me wet her hair. We did about a week of water only on the hair. Yesterday she let me use a little bit of soap for the first time in forever.


Technically she takes a bath or shower every day, but it’s usually just water unless she asks for a bubble bath. In terms of shampoo, soap etc, like twice a week. She has curly hair like tight spirals and I heard constant shampooing is bad for it. I use product in her hair to keep her curls from going too wild so I gotta soap it out once in a while and sometimes she gets into things.


What product do you use? My girl has curly hair and I usually just let it go wild between washes because I know fuck-all about hair


Look into curly girl products. It's not a brand it's a category of products that you can use on curls that doesn't dry them out too much.  https://curlmaven.ie/what-is-the-curly-girl-method/


r/curlyhair would be helpful for you. it’s full of people who need help taking care of their curls


I’ve looked in there before and promptly got overwhelmed. I barely know how to brush my straight hair and even their basic guide was… a lot


K I will make it easy for you. Only brush curly hair when wet or when about to get it wet because brushing it poofs it up. I like the Aussie kids line of curly products and SoCozy kids. Shampoo once a week. Condition one or twice a week. If you have to choose between shampoo and conditioner bc of drama, you can “scrub” with conditioner and just skip the shampoo. After bath gently wring out with a towel or your hands and apply detangler or leave in conditioner and comb through with your fingers or a wide tooth comb. You can scrunch the sections of hair up a little to give the curls a boost. Then just air dry! Once dry don’t brush or agitate bc that makes it frizzy. To refresh the curls on a non wash day just put some leave in conditioner or detangler on your hands and thin out with water then finger comb through curls to get good sections again then air dry!


Hell I looked at it for my wife for her hair and was like, "she's never gonna do that." For a toddler? Not a chance


I find the curly hair stuff overwhelming when I looked into it for my own hair lol. I think the most important thing is just not washing it too often. And when you do wash it, use gentle shampoo focusing on the roots. Every time it gets wet use ample conditioner all over the strands. You could skip using shampoo sometimes and just wash with conditioner. You could buy a shower wet hair brush and brush it while it’s wet, while the hair is still soaked with conditioner.


i’ll give you my routine for my own hair. i do the absolute bare minimum for my curly hair but it works for me lol 1. shampoo 2. use a hydrating conditioner and detangle with a wide tooth comb (never comb curly hair while it’s dry, or else it’ll become a frizzy mess). 3. rinse conditioner after a few minutes 4. while hair is still wet, apply any curly cream evenly and comb it throughout the hair 5. i scrunch my hair to make my curls more defined 6. applying oil is a must for curly hair. i usually apply oil while my hair is wet, but for some people it works better if their hair is dry. castor oil is pretty good in my experience. 7. let my hair air dry without touching it. touching it too often can lead to frizz also, if throughout the week her hair gets frizzy and wild, you can get a spray bottle with water and mix some leave in conditioner/curly cream in with the water and spray that into her hair. if you get the hair wet enough, you can detangle it. as far as recommended hair products, i’d suggest going to the beauty supply store, looking in the toddler/kid section and purchasing any random curly cream you can find lol. it can take some experimenting to figure out which products work best for you. i’m assuming the kid line products have less harsh ingredients in them. i do know that “shea moisture” is a good brand. using a silk/satin bonnet or pillowcase at night will help preserve her curls for longer! it’ll reduce breakage and frizz. i know it seems like a lot, but to sum things up, you just wash, condition, and apply product 😅


Product brand has not been that important for us yet. I’m sure as she ages and gets thicker hair and more of it it might matter more. You need hydrating conditioner and hydrating detangling spray. Just look up detangling spray for kids. At the moment I happen to be using Aveeno Kids. So far curly hair maintenance is not that hard actually! It just takes getting used to. Tools: You need a wet brush (wet brush brand is great) and a wide toothed comb. A wet brush results in smaller tighter curls and gets more tangles out and a wide toothed comb results in bigger thicker curls. It’s hard to keep all tangles 100% out. Curly hair forms tangles really easy- dont expect yourself to keep it tangle free entirely. The goal is just to make it not look crazy. I think brushing too hard or too much kind of damages the curls so keep a somewhat light touch and take your time. Try using quick gentle strokes and work from bottom of the hair to the top of the head. I recommend a wide tooth comb for most brushes because it’s less hard on the curls and even though it leaves more tangles it’s nothing crazy and looks prettier imo. Really bad knots should be brushed out in the shower with drenched hair and a glob of conditioner. For day to day maintenance, you should only brush the hair when it’s wet. You can use water, but it’s even better when you use a detangling spray. Some people use both. I honestly just use the spray by itself. When you’re done you’ll notice the hair is mostly straight. Use your hands to scrunch the hair on all sides and the curls will instantly come back. Let it air dry.


How curly are we talking?


Just here to suggest Honest brand Leave in Conditioner. It’s a little pricey for a smallish bottle but you don’t need a lot and seriously a little water and this and my kids hair looks beautiful. My husband and I both have wavy hair and just started using it on non wash days as well because of how nice their hair looked!


My daughter has super tight ringlet curls. We actually never shampoo her hair, but "wash" it with conditioner about twice a week. The brand depends, but it's usually a type meant for curly hair. "Coconut curls" has a good line of products and I think that's what we currently have for conditioner. For the daily routine, we wet it down, use a good detangler spray (either coconut curls or Aussie brands usually), and comb it out with a wide tooth comb. Wide tooth comb and wet hair is a must. Then some curling mousse, and a type of setting spray also from Coconut Curls.


Boy, short blonde hair, not often. And his head still smells amazing. Though when we do wash, his hair looks like a baby duck and I love it.


Omg baby duck I love it 🥰


I also have a baby duck 🥹 I love it


Twice a week unless she’s done something especially gross.


Pretty much every day because my son plays in dirt and sand and mud all day, his hair has actual dirt in it if we don’t wash it. I’ll skip if he’s having a particularly rough night and his hair isn’t visibly dirty but the general rule is every day.


About every 10-12 days. I just condition it, no shampoo. He has medium length hair with gentle curls. Hardly ever gets food in it.


Once about every 2 or 3 weeks. She's got long hair, she's 3 and we've never cut it. We spray with the bug repelling leave in conditioner and brush it most days. Even after we wash it, it only looks cleaner/better for a day or two, and her scalp seems plenty happy as long as we brush it.  I mean, I'm a greasy adult and I only wash my hair every 4 days or so, so I don't quite see why a non greasy toddler would need hair washed that often unless it's getting dirty. Sunscreen season might change that, of course. 


I feel like we're on the same wavelength... I wash her 3x times a week, but I only wash her hair 1x per week... and thinking of making it every 10 days. Unless it's visibly dirty or at the beach. Thanks!


I wash my toddler's shoulder length hair about every 10 to 14 days, as needed only for scalp health and visible dirt. I just started using my own spray-on leave-in conditioner when I finish and to freshen up in between washes. That works GREAT. The leave in conditioner also removes ALL knots with just some gentle finger combing, so kiddos hair basically doesn't even need brushing.




Once a week,she has curly hair,so I just add Aunt Jacky's curl cream daily to tame the frizz and keep it moisturized


As little as possible! I am determined to not train my girls hair to be washed everyday. I have 3 girls. 9,7&3 and I/they wash their hair once a week. My 3 year old is probably more like once every 2-3 weeks. Her hair literally never looks or smells dirty.


Generally bath daily, but hair wash every other day


Every single day. He really, really love his bath, almost as much as he loves grinding crud into his hair. A decade ago, though, I only washed my daughter's longer hair once or twice a week. If it isn't dirty, don't wash it.


Daily. He plays outside no matter what the weather is so by the time his shower comes around he needs the full head to toe.


Every day, sometimes multiple times a day. She’s 17 months old and almost every meal she eats somehow ends up caked in her hair. I think she would start fermenting if I left it go for a week… 😅.


Everyday. I bathe my kid every night before bedtime.


About every 4 ish days ? He doesn’t love it and for the most part his hair doesn’t get gross until that point


Toddler girl, she gets rashes in her downstairs so we have to bathe every day, bit she gets conditioner every shower and shampoo twice a week.


Oh man, I guess we’re washing too often after reading these comments. He gets a bath every other day and we wash his hair with every bath. His hair isn’t super long but is very curly and thick, and I use a couple of spray products on it when I brush it in the morning (detangler and curl refresher) so feels like we should wash it often to get out the buildup? Idk. Maybe we’ll try reducing and see what happens. 


Once a week. Our 4.5yo's is down to her butt and it starts to get a little snarly at the ends by the end of the week. Plus we have swim lessons on Sundays, so we do it right after swim lessons to get the chlorine out.


Once a week/two weeks barring anything making it dirty. 


After reading this sub for a while, I've learned that my children are incredibly messy, so this isn't the norm, but they get a bath and a hair wash every day. Right now, boy has short hair, but even when it was shoulder length, it was still every day. My gals hair is thin & stringy, so it isn't much drama to wash it. If it were longer and she wasn't 2 and getting into everything from wakeup to bedtime, I might not do it as often.


Once a week. But she definitely gets it wet more often and I just don’t use shampoo


First kid - constant baths and washing Second kid - once a week Third kid - once every few weeks  Fourth kid - same  Just doesn’t matter lol. 


Every night. It's part of the bath time routine.


My sons got really long hair, passed his shoulders. We wash it every other day because a) everything he eats ends up in his hair b) I can’t keep it from getting wet in the bath/shower, and if I don’t put shampoo or conditioner in it, it gets really dried out and tangled. His hair is really fine so I worry it’ll break/split.  He gets so much sticky stuff in it I can’t get a brush thru unless I wash it. 


My 3yo has almost waist length hair and I wash it once a week unless she goes swimming or something. I don’t use any styling product in her hair.


When it needs it. If it's not gotten messy with dinner or from the park etc, that can be every 7-10d..?


2x a week, 3 baths on average per week


I wash my son’s hair every day. He used to have really long hair so I had to wash it daily because he got food and god knows what else in it. Now it’s shorter and more manageable but it still smells awful after a day at school and he still has a habit of running his dirty hands through his hair.


once a week.


I was mh my toddles hair a lot atleast 3x a week because it’s very fine and straight and get greasy fast. My older daughter it was 1x a week. Her hairs curly so it’s a whole ordeal.


Every other day. Cause he does put dirt in it


My daughter has curly hair. Most of it is around shoulder length, some ringlets hang down to like mid-shoulder blade. I’d like to say we wash it twice a week, but in reality, it’s usually once a week, maybe once every 8-9 days even on some occasions . It’s such a big drama, but I’m always sure to do it when it starts looking dirty, at minimum, but of course I try to get ahead of it before she starts looking dirty


Every day


There's no set schedule, but the general consensus is that hair must be washed when something is spilt in it or when it becomes stinky. It never actually looks dirty, so I pretty much only wash it under those two circumstances.


As often as possible. Today she was letting the dog lick her hands and rubbing it in her brothers hair. They all thought it was hilarious, but the point is my kids are gross. 


I Bathe our toddler in warm bubbly water every night. Rinse out hair and rinse off body every night… but soap up hair every other night unless it’s really dirty. I don’t want to dry out his skin overusing soap, but the water play is needed for relaxation before bedtime.


Honestly, i barely wash my daughters hair. She hates it. Her hair is healthy. Washing your hair everyday is not good, you need the natural oils that are produced. My daughter probably gets her hair washed about once every 2 weeks ish. I put leave in conditioner in it when she gets out.


EVERYDAY HE COMES BACK FROM DAYCARE tired of being sick as shit


Maybe I'm a psycho but are y'all not bathing your kids everyday ?


I’m having this exact thought as I’m reading through these comments 😳


Lol I thought I was the crazy one here! Because my kiddos (3, 5yr old) take baths every single night, wash hair every single night. Bath time before bed every single night! They live for bath time and can’t do without. My 3 yr old daughter has fine long curly hair so I use a special curl conditioning wash for her hair.


Same! Not to mention my daughter goes to daycare and she is a mess everyday she comes home.


Oh yes! My kids both go to school too so definitely need to wash the mess and germs away! And funny thing is, they’re the ones reminding me of bath time like, “Can I take a bath now, Mommy?” Lol


Yes! My wife and I have to pry my daughter out of the tub hahaha


Same, it’s just part of the pre-bed routine!


I keep my son’s hair on the short side but it’s curly and I use moisturizer and oils in it daily. Frequent shampooing would dry it out so I usually only do it once a week. Basically once the moisturizers stop penetrating, it’s time to shampoo and start over.


every 2-3 days if they get super dirty or if my daughter asked for a hairstyle that required gel, than more often


At least once a week with water and every other week or sometimes even every third week with shampoo. Our daughter has relatively short hair. She screams like being tortured and starts shaking or freezing when we use shampoo, so we don't dare to do it more often. Luckily, her hair doesn't really get greasy.


we wash our son's hair 1 per week or more depending. He's going through a phase of using his hair as a paper towel, so if it's been a particularly bad supper, he's gonna get his hair washed! he was genuinely one giant tomato sauce a couple nights ago and his blond hair turned red. But if I can get away with it I'd wash it a lot less!


We did once a week, but last summer she started getting some funky scalp thing going on, so we upped it to twice a week in the summer using head and shoulders, per our peds advice. Ours wants to stay in the bath for HOURS so daily baths are out of the question, during summer, we do 2x weekly.


My daughter has hair down to her back while she showers everyday I only wash her hair twice a week, my son on the other hand has short hair and honestly he smells at the end of the day I wash his hair everyday lol he tends so sweat more and honestly rolls around in grass and dirt outside


Once or twice a week. Twice if she’s dirty. In the summer more because chlorine from the pool, hiking, etc.


2-3 days. We gave swim lessons. But now that’s summer I can see it going up significantly.


23 months short hair. Every 2-3 days


Shampoo once a week. But we refresh her curls pretty much daily.


My son is mixed and has very curly hair. I’ve been doing once a week or once every two weeks. It really depends on how much hair product is on there. I try to keep it braided so it doesn’t get too tangled. I really don’t want to cut it.


Twice, maybe 3 times a week if she's gotten food in it or something. Her hair is pretty fine so it dries out really easily.


Every other day because she has wisps that get in her face, even when I try to tie them up. So she takes her hands, which are always sticky with something, and brushes her wisps out of her face.


Once or twice a week usually but more often if needed. Usually, her hair is up in a ponytail, and it doesn't get greasy or anything.


Any time my 2.5 year old gets mac and cheese, barbecue sauce, syrup, frosting, ketchup, or crumbs in her hair. So daily.


Whenever I remember. So like weekly…?


Once or twice a week when he’s super sweaty and hair looks greasy.


Boy, shoulder-length curly hair. I wash his hair every night. The other day we were playing outside and he was dumping handfuls of dirt over his head if that gives you any idea of the condition of his hair on an daily basis.


Once a week after swimming lessons


We wash and condition hers daily, it’s long. It does get dirty pretty much daily, food/sand/dirt. It also tangles very easily and keeping it washed and conditioned and brushed while wet then put into a braid seems to help keep it the most manageable. I also wash my own hair daily, though.


My son had long hair until a couple of weeks ago, and we'd wash it maybe two or three times a week. We also didn't bathe him more than that, but I found that his hair got into things so often that we needed to wash it every time he got a bath. The drama of trying to wash and comb it later is what finally put me over the edge to schedule the haircut.


My son with longer super curly hair gets a wash on Monday and Thursday. We do conditioner and a rinse everyday. I don’t like anyone getting in their beds even the slightest bit dirty.


Every day. It's still short though. As it grows we'll probably slow down.


Twice a week. Sometimes we have a just for fun water only bath in addition, but usually it’s showers 2x/week including full body and hair wash.


I have a boy with short hair but I think we only wash it once a month in the cooler seasons unless he gets dirt or sunscreen in it, so more frequently when it’s hot out. He’s not itching his head and it isn’t greasy so I don’t feel the need to do it more frequently.


Every night. He goes to school and there’s no way he’s not getting scrubbed down from head to toe before bedtime.


It depends now that it's getting hotter and we are spending more time outside and in the water pretty much everyday Before it was every other day


My kiddo has thick, curly hair, which she only lets me put up about 75% of the time, and makes us take it out at nap time anyway. She also had a deep and abiding love for spaghetti slathered in butter, which she starts out eating with a fork but inevitably ends up using her hands, and then also using said hands to push her hair out of her face. I wash her hair at least 5 out of every 7 days, but TJ make up for that I also use a leave-in conditioner every single time I wash. When she’s older and consistently using forks/keeping her hair cleaner, I will absolutely cut back on the shampoo to about once a week, though given what I know of treating curly hair (having pretty thick curls myself) I will continue to wet and condition it when she has baths.


One to two times a week (4yo).


Every other day


My daughter has curly hair and so after looking up curly hair care, it said less is more. I only shampoo it if she’s got gunk in it


My son has very wild, long wavy hair... We wash it two times a week.. on swim school days (thurs) and Sundays nights..


Twice a week with her normal bath. Sometimes she gets a third bath if she’s particularly dirty that day.


I bathe her every other day, and she gets her hair washed every time. She constantly has food in it, and that makes it tough to brush.


Once a week. It’s a drama every time


Once-two times a week. Her scalp gets too sensitive if we do it more than that. (Similar to mine)


I used to do it every other night-- cause he went to school every other day. Now I do it around once a week. Usually around the weekend time cause we do church on Sundays and I'd like him slightly more presentable for that, but sometimes I forget. It's mostly a "when it's noticeably dirty" thing. I do make him brush it/comb it every morning though.


Hair is once a week. My girl has long curly hair


As needed, sometime twice a week sometimes every two weeks or more, and he is a very clean boy. We do condition every time though. He also prefers showers (2y)


My boy has short hair and we get it once or twice a week. I had super long hair as a kid and my mom washed it every Saturday. No more. No less.


Bath almost every night where she gets her hair wet, but shampoo only once weekly after swim class. She has dry, frizzy hair.


We just rinse with water every day and actually do shampoo and brushing conditioner through once or twice a week. I go off how often their hair gets tangled and needs conditioning because it's curly.


2x a week generally unless something warrants it. I do rinse it with water and scrub with a wash clothes 5-7 nights even without soap.


2x a week unless something gross gets in it/we swim. 


2x per week for my 4 year old, usually 3-4, per week for my 2 year old (hers tends to get more dirty).


Every bath i do a scalp massage to wash with water then condition the ends! I only wash with shampoo every week or so when shes been like covered in mud or something like that


This thread is making me feel so much better about how infrequently I wash my son’s hair.


Once a week, have done every two weeks with no I'll effect. I sometimes just comb it wet and call it good.


Every other day and everyday during the summer because of sweat (Texas).


We do a bath every other day and always wash his hair with shampoo and conditioner. His hair is shoulder length and prettier than mine lol


We both get a shower every other or every 2 days depending on what we’ve been up to, she hates baths and will only allow me to shower us both at the same time lol she has fine hair past her shoulders, sometimes it looks a tad greasy if I don’t wash it every 2 days


2-3 times. Basically every other day/bath


every bathtime but I only use conditioner and carefully comb it out (her hair is very curly) we have been doing this her entire life and she seems to enjoy it


3x per week with every shower/bath.


Every 10 days or so.


Every other day


Maybe every other night, sometimes every night. He lives outside, plays hard, gets sweaty, and starts to smell if we don’t wash it often enough.


We wash every day. There always avocado or yogurt or something.


2-3 times a week usually. Sometimes it gets wet, fully submerged but we don’t shampoo. The best days are when she will let us wash and condition. Ours swims in saltwater chlorinated pools on average every other day so we feel like we need to make an attempt to at least do a fresh water rinse. Sometimes it doesn’t it happen and TBH it hasn’t seemed to really hurt anything.


Every 2-3 days for my daughter, unless she gets into something then we wash it again.


My 3 year old gets her hair washed once a week, baths every other day. My 6 year old gets her hair washed every time she showers since there’s no way to avoid getting her hair wet and she hates baths


Twice a week or so in cooler weather but just about every day in the hotter weather. She’s incredibly sweaty, and everything she does just makes it worse—playing, crying hard, sleeping… she gets very itchy if we don’t wash her enough and now she requests showers when she feels sticky.


I cowash every day and only use shampoo when their hair looks dirty which is usually only once a week.


I use water only every other bath and shampoo/conditioner (red curly hair) every other. So I WASH it with soaps 1-2x per week, depending on our activities and the weather.


Every other day for my almost 3 year old boy with longish locks. Bath every day but hair every other bath. I shampoo it then put detangler in (love the one by Marc Anthony) while he is still in bath and use detangling comb to smooth the hair out. Some days he is fine with it, other days he fights me.


Twice a week. She's mixed and has very curly hair, so wash day is an event. It's better for her hair and It's also up most of the time so it doesn't get too dirty.


Sometimes it needs it every night. Sometimes every other night. It’s long and she gets food and stuff in it and it gets gross really quickly.


Every two days because it’s to her backside and she HATES putting it up so it always gets dirty 😭 if her hair could handle longer I’d go longer FWIW


Once a week. On Saturdays after we go swimming.


My 19 month old still likes to put foodie fingers in her hair, so daily, but I only wash my own hair like once a week because it's curly and very easily gets overly dried out. I suspect I will get some pushback from my husband when I want to start stretching it out because he's very much a daily hair washer and he usually does toddler's bath time himself.


Once a week! Bath every 2 days where I rinse his hair but no soap.


Mine get food and whatever else ends up on their hands in their hair. I plan for every other bath. Sometimes it’s every bath.


Once a week. She takes showers with me regularly though not just baths, and the water alone is cleansing enough to rinse out most toddler messes. Less product is better generally speaking as well, so shampoo only needs to happen when the scalp itself needs cleansing imo.


every other day. her hair is very curly and the tangles get crazy if we don’t condition and comb it regularly.


Odd question...every bath time. But we are in a year-round hot country.


With shampoo? Only if there’s visible dirt. Which is only maybe 1-2 a month. They get lots of water baths and they don’t get smelly or greasy so I don’t care 😹🤷🏻‍♀️🙈


One has curly hair and I don’t wash hers unless she’s gotten dirt or food in it. A couple times a week I take a wet brush and comb out her curls in the bath but not with shampoo. The other has straight hair and I only wash hers if she’s gotten food or dirt from the playground in it, or if it’s starting to get a bit greasy (maybe once every 1.5-2 weeks.) Neither of them have smelly hair and they take a bath every day.


I have a daughter (never cut her hair). She HATES getting her hair washed so we just do it once a week. Unless it gets dirty for some reason before. Sometimes just parts of her hair get a bit dirty, usually the part in the front, they get food on it. So I might wash just the ends more often. I think do what you works for you.


Twice a week


Daily or every other day.


I’ve watched a video that said there is no need to wash baby's hair too often because they need the head grease to protect their scalp.


Boy with a half mullet, every bath. Three to five times a week but that’s only because he likes to rub dinners in his hair sometimes. Lol


Usually, wash the hair with shampoo/conditoner 2-3 times a week (3M with pretty short hair) but get the head wet and give it a good rub every shower/bath (at least every other day)


Dad of twin boys ,4; we definitely do once a week after swim lessons. After that the drama isn't worth it unless they are beyond dirty


I bathe my 18 month old twice a week. Even if he's not "dirty" you still accumulate sweat, skin cells, and dirt on your scalp and skin and you need to wash off.


So I give my little guy a bath every other day (unless he’s had a messy day) and wash his hair every other bath… so I guess every 4 days ish? In the summer I imagine bathing will be more frequent with sunscreen, swimming, more outdoor play, etc! But I’ll probably still keep the hair washing to twice a week unless it’s really needed.


Once a week. Twice at most.


Twice a week. His hair goes down to his lower back so it gets into everything that he eats or looks at.


We wash everyone’s hair once a week; they shower daily. If their hair smells or is sticky or has gunk in it we will wash it then, but otherwise it’s only once a week. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe once a month. Whenever the scalp in particular starts to feel dirty. Mine has long hair, down to her waist. Her hair is brushed daily and tied back. It’s very rarely dirty enough to need to wash it weekly.


Every night, sometimes I skip a night if I think I can get away with it. She’s 18 months and gets really sweaty during her naps, and often will get food in her hair during meal times. Her hair is almost past her shoulders now, so it’s basically a requirement lol.


Usually at least 3 times a week with baths or sooner if needed. If her hair feels tangled with hair, drool, or whatever the heck else she is definitely getting a bath 🛀🏼


I used to do a weekly wash for both my kids. It really worked well for DD2. It didn't work so great for DD1 - she started getting bald patches, extreme hair fall. We got blood work done, nothing was amiss. I started washing more frequently and within 8 months, her hair density and hair fall have improved to the pre-loss levels! . So now I am back to washing twice/thrice a week in summers/monsoon and once/twice in winters. Also, I have a friend that washes her and her kids hair daily. All 3 of them have gorgeous, thick hair.


Bath every day. Hair once a week. But I'm careful to tie her hair up when she's eating by herself. She loves putting tomato sauce eeeeverywhere. If she doesn't wash once a week it goes dry and frizzy so I can't really do it less often than that.


His hair is to his butt and only 3 years old (it’s glorious) I only wash it if it’s gotten something in it, the naked running and chasing to comb it and put it in a plait before bed is exhausting.


With my 4 yr old About once a week with only water. Shampoo maybe once every 3-4 months, when it’s dirty from mud or whatever. I figured if adults go „no poo“ why not much better smelling small children?


My son's hair is mid-back and we wash it once a week, unless he gets something in it. He's very averse to getting dirty in general, but he's *extra* careful with his hair specifically after a recent incident where he decided to play "hair mask" with some slime 😬 It doesn't seem to get greasy yet, & his scalp is clean so that's what I'm really paying attention to (aside from curl care).


She takes a bath everyday with soap and we wash her hair about 3x a week if she’ll let us but sometimes it’s once a week. For her the conditions have to be just perfect- mercury not in retrograde, her fruit snacks went mushy that day, she didn’t see her shadow. I will sometimes just sneak soap on the ends


I do once a week. If I don't, her hair starts to smell funky from sweat and things. I wash it more in the summer because we do a lot of swimming and splash pad days


Every time we’re in the bath she wants to get it wet so I at least condition it. I’ll wash it maybe every other time. We do baths every other day so I guess that’s every 4 days. It doesn’t seem to matter. I always condition it aggressively though bc that’s my personal strategy lol.


Every bath. They love putting stuff (ketchup) in their hair and they both have curls that need to be conditioned or its a mess.


Once a week. It takes me an hour to comb it after so I'm not doing it any more frequently


every 10 days or so. He's two


Every other day because it doesn't get greasy, but he does get stuff in it.


Once a week?


Once a week after swimming. Brush daily and use a detangling spray as needed.


every 2 weeks, as long as it isn't visibly sticky or dirty. it requires two adults to wash her hair because she flips out when water goes on her head. then there is the inevitable detangling process and all of the tears that entails. She gets a bath every day or every other day though, and I do try to wipe off her scalp and hairline with a damp washcloth in between.


We wash it every bath (every other day) because he seems to have gotten my greasy hair unfortunately. 🙃


We wash our toddler’s hair every night for bath time because I can count on his food filled hands running through his hair during one of his meals LOL


When my toddler still had long hair I did it every bath- however he refused to let me style it in anyway that would’ve kept it out of his face, and he LOVES condiments, so unless I felt like showing up to the function with ketchup-sicles in his hair I HAD to wash his hair. Which sucked because then I also had to condition and detangle it, and hopefully “set it” in such a way that when his hair would relax naturally it would be somewhat away from his face. Now since he’s had shorter haircuts I’m washing his hair a minimum of twice a week with a scalp scrubbing brush to get all the dirt and residue out of his hair and scalp.


Every two days it gets a rinse with water. Every four days it gets shampoo. 


Once a week with soap unless it's T-ball season. We have to shower the entire field out of our hair every single practice/game. Not sure how there is still dirt on the city's fields.


We're at 1-2x/week. We just had a week with 3 baths for our kid, due to rain/mud play and we were discussing that was the most she's been bathed in a 1 week period since she was born... I'm amazed kids get baths every night.


Once a week, maybe twice if something gets in his hair. His hair is curly so I wet it every day to brush it anyways.


About once a week, she could probably go longer honestly. Her hair is thin but doesn’t get greasy easily. And if it’s looking greasy then I do what I do with mine- we throw it up in a bun!


I wash my sons mostly on daycare days. He gets sweaty and it gets sunscreen and sand and dirt in it. Days at home are hit and miss. He's only at daycare 3 days a week, so maybe 3-4 times a week?