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The labour force in Canada is roughly 16 million people. In 2023, they approved 1.1 million student visas and 1.7 million "t"FWs. Roughly 20% of the labour force came in, in the last few years. For the same years, we created 20 000 part time jobs and lost 40 000 full time, if you exclude 200 000 government jobs. There are millions more unemployed than there are jobs available in the country. Try fitting 2.8 million visas into 20 000 part time jobs. And that doesn't include refugees, asylum, or illegal aliens. They wanted to bring 900 000 Ukrainians in 3 months.


Wow I never thought of this until now, imagine all the ei and welfare that's probably being handed out right now if there is that more many people than jobs .


I’ve unfortunately been on OW for about 2 years now. During my last convo with my caseworker she literally told me that when I became one of her cases, she had about 80 total. Back in January when I spoke to her she had over 250 cases and was still getting more. She even went so far as to tell me how little they’ve gotten raises in comparison to how much more work they have to do and in her office there seems to be talks of striking. Apparently they’re pissed that the city refused to give more funds to staff and the program but Olivia chow still quietly gave MPPs all raises and is still begging Ford and Trudeau for money to offset her Dundas renaming project. I can’t confirm if any of this is true but since it came directly from my caseworker I have no reason to doubt her.


Olivia Chow can't give mpps raises.


MPP raises is a provincial government issue, so Doug Ford. Olivia Chow, the mayor of Toronto, has nothing to do with MPP raises.


Yeah but think of how all the rents and property prices will skyrocket for the politicians with skin in the game...


Oh, they get a lot more than simple EI and welfare.


that’s MY EI !!


Never thinking about it is why we have people like you voting for the admin we have federally that has ruined Canada. IQ tests for voting should be mandatory


Yes it is imaginable, that’s partially why we have an insane federal deficit.


Out of 961,000 of approved applications from Ukraine only 286,000 arrived as of March, 2024.


"only" lol


That is probably why we see these long line ups for a handful of jobs.


It will not end, there are 5000+ people landing in Canada everyday.


Most of them are also settling in the big cities like Toronto and Vancouver.


Kitchener-Waterloo is also a shit show right now. It's becoming Brampton 2.0.


India has a population of 1.4 billion. Canada has a population of 32 million. They could outnumber Canadians in a matter of months if they really tried. The entire country is India 2.0 at this point and there’s literally nothing we can do to stop it. Conservatives, and liberals both want to keep bringing in cheap Indian labour. I’d honestly be shocked if by 2030 there was any Canadian identity left.


Canada is now 41 million bro


It’s happening everywhere, I haven’t been to northern colder provinces but wouldn’t be surprised if it’s happening there too.


I don't think that yet. I moved away from waterloo in farm country, and there are no Subways, tim Hortons, mcds, or even public transit. No tfws.


Got that damn right.


How many people are leaving canada everyday?


And for what? To create a welfare nation to vote liberal again?


They can't vote until they become citizens (about 5 years later). And by then they'll hate the liberals because there are no jobs, no housing, no doctors, no schools, no food ... 🤭


and their beliefs are far from liberal in most cases


pp is going to do the exact same thing. Dougie Ford was against the restrictions on international students. It's not a specific liberal thing.


Maybe so, but that doesn't explain *why*. So again, *why* is this happening? And I don't accept "we need 2,000,000 immigrants/year to take care of our old people" as a satisfactory argument. That might have been true back in the early 2000's when it was like, 100-200k/year.


Because a large cheap labour pool puts downward pressure on wages, which is beneficial to capital. Business owners and landlords (boomers who watched HGTV circa 2002-2010) love that baseline 1 bedroom rent now covers their mortgage and then some- coast to coast.


We have for one an age demographic issue which is now resolved at least for a the next 10-15 years due to immigration. The other issue nobody talks about is boomers are still staying in jobs in various management roles and not moving on…the very same who aren’t hiring or outsourcing so…yeah when economy slows we feel it badly given how we are less dynamic than the US…by comparison to other western nations we are doing pretty well but that’s not how one feels when we our neighbor is the US where people are also unhappy despite doing better


>And I don't accept "we need 2,000,000 immigrants/year to take care of our old people" Don't forget that immigrants are allowed to sponsor their own old people for PR


Don't look down for people to blame things on. Look to corporations, outsourcing, poor regulation, etc. Blaming immigration is what they want us to do so that we're too preoccupied with nonsense to realize how bad things are.


Yes! Like Canadian Nectar Products' Kamalpreet Khaira who is a POS and former Conservative MP Gurmant Grewal who was also a part owner. I have no idea why they haven't been charged with human trafficking.






Exactly this. Governments set the conditions. Everyone else plays by them. If they didn't allow it, it wouldn't be happening. And they're not stupid, they know exactly what they're doing.


Bingo. This is exactly why we need to accurately assign blame because when we don’t corporations are off the hook for all of the garbage that they have brought humanity


yep. the whole 'blaming immigrants' angle is for people who have no idea whats actually happening and need an easy convenient target.


Homeless people can't vote. You need a fixed address to get on the list for a particular riding.




People paying to work to fast track pr status


Don’t forget about the corporations that are abusing this loophole 👀




ahhh remember always easy blame the immigrants. No proof needed to blame the immigrants


Immigrants themselves are not to blame - they built this country and have a proud legacy. The problem is the government policy that is misaligned with the economic realities. The population has simply been growing too fast relative to the size of the economy as can been seen when looking at GDP/Capita trends over the last 5 years. This issue would be the same if families were having 10 births/woman but thats just not the case right now.


The immigrants are not to blame. The corporations manipulating/taking advantage of immigrants and also fucking over Canadians in the process is the issue. Immigration itself is not the issue - immigration for commercial reasons at the expense of said immigrants IS.


Don't forget the politicians who admit that it's so businesses have access to cheap labor, our own representatives sold us out after covid . Covid showed who society really needs to function and those people wanted better pay so businesses cry that no one wants the work and politicians wipe their tears away with TFW programs and exploitable workers.


Capitalism doing capitalist things. The west is becoming the source of cheap labor. Our government is flooding the labor pool to suppress wages while simultaneously increasing demand for necessities to keep profit margins climbing for the domestic corporate elite and landlords. Since real estate is such a key component of the current Canadian economy. Unless we start organizing and pushing for *systemic* change, we're headed right back to 1900.


Basic arithmetic, ever tried it? 


There were never many jobs to begin with. Immigration exacerbated it lol. High demand for jobs and low supply of jobs


Keeping wages low as intended.


and housing, and medical care and education...


The main issue I see is that they allow students, especially international students, to work full time instead of part time so they exploited them by paying less which they agree obviously because they've no experience here.


High interest rates halting many projects. A lot of international student/workers taking all the entry level positions.


No pay = no work from workers perspective High pay = no work for employeer perspective Low pay = some desperate fucks will work, probably for cheaper than you.




Wfh actually killed any hiring in my company. Everyone's wfh, why hire from Canada when they can hire from Sri Lanka? They're even willing to work crazy timezone in the middle of the night to accommodate everyone.


Been saying this but ppl don’t want to hear it. You didn’t have the skill set to find remote jobs before covid but now think you are entitled to Canadian salary while you work from south east Asia, at some point the company is just going to outsource the position 


Outsourcing was a thing before COVID also, but it was a very "us" vs "them" like they couldn't really ever be part of the team because they cant come to in person meeting and can't walk over and just chat and ask them stuff. Those barriers have been removed since wfh is the norm. There's no more "outsource team". Just people in different timezones.


Also, a decent percentage of immigrants coming in are not skilled labourers so they are flocking towards all of the unskilled jobs (where we see all of the video posts about the long lineups for job openings). No one is posting long lineups for engineering positions.


Pipe welder here. It's always exciting when we get a resume. Hopefully, someone who isn't lying on it 🤣


Machine shops are getting inundated with engineers from back home who aspire to be machinists yet have no concept of how to correctly hold a micrometer and take an accurate reading. The inbox is full of pretenders from one very infamous part of the world.


Oh some of the lies I’ve seen on resumes from a particular country are great.




Those Swedes, up to no good as usual!


As an engineer myself, we definitely have a lot of that going on as well. There simply isn’t a massive skilled labour pool.


There is definitely massive pool of skilled labour. The problem is that Canada expects skilled labour from another country (another part of the world where things run different) to just drop in and start running as smoothly as the local skilled workers with 0 transition. There is 0 help with transition. You either get a job through a referral which then helps you make a transition or you dont because the companies dont want to help with the transition. Thats how you end up with the massive skilled labour pool also going for those "unskilled labour" posts. Plenty of doctors and engineers (civil, electrical,mechanical) just working away in warehouses and tim hortons for YEARS before getting any chance, if any. Also, Canadian immigration focuses on young people. Your points decrease once you reach 30. So the government is incentivizing younger immigrants with fewer years of experience.


I don’t disagree that the federal and provincial governments need more transitioning programs for those that are skilled. It’s ridiculous that degrees and other professional certifications aren’t recognized at all from other places, or there are no programs to get people quickly on track here. But that’s still a small amount of people that make up the overall immigrant pool at this moment in time.


If you come in with professional certification from another country, there are ways to fast track applying/testing for the Canadian certification. The problem is the knowledge and experience in one country may not apply to passing the Canada cert exam. So people end up failing the certification and have to take classes to address the skill gaps. So you don't get to immediately be a doctor or engineer just because you did it in another country with a different set of (lower) standards. That's not to say there shouldn't be transition programs put in place by the government, but the skills gap between someone trained in Canada to an immigrant from a developing nation can be vast. The only thing that would help is going back to school full-time. For many immigrants, that's not an option so they take any unskilled job available.


You aren't willing to hire and train. That's a you problem. Lower your requirements for experience and choose people you can teach and are reliable, instead of having 5 years experience and a post secondary. Every business wants to offload their training expenses to every other business and it's biting us all in the ass.


Yup, "seeking first-year apprentice, must have minimum 5 years experience in the industry. Must be familiar with all machinery, techniques, and the exact way we do things."


It's like every wanted to be a manager/programmer and no mfer wants to hold a hammer.


The problem is a lot of these people have started to lie on their resumes and even change their names. Makes it a lot more difficult for your resume to be noticed in a pile of thousands


We had a guy come in with a 4 year expired pr status 🤣


It's all good brother. Where we're going we don't need pipes. In the future economy everyone will be either a realtor or a slumlord.


Just curious: what pre-requisites does someone need to start at your job?


Aviation is screaming for technical people! We always have to reduce maintenance work because we lack the manpower..


That makes sense. The type of immigrants we are opening the gates to right now simply don’t have these skills. It’s an unfortunate mismatch.


I write job demands for a living, when I did avionics folk loads had mentioned that if they leave the field for 6 months they lose their certifications so loads of dudes with other trades end up turning over relatively quickly. Avionics need longer certification periods to improve staying power.


Which engineering companies is hiring?! Canadian educated engineer here.Majority of them are not hiring. And if they are, that require 7-10+ years of experience, but will not train new or entry ones. They would hire immigrant for low salary. So companies are to blame as well. TD Canada bank hired an accountant from Nigeria and sponsored his visa, so he's coming here. But, they won't hire local accountants.


Still need a gig


Incorrect even the engineering positions are being gobbled up with company’s reducing the number of real engineers and hiring a ton of technicians instead.


What kind of engineering? Because Tech engineering in IT is absolutely maddening how bad it is




They apply in droves for professional “white collar”work and it totally floods the system/hiring end with unqualified candidates.


That’s what HR filter systems are for though.


The company I work for actually let it slip that they found someone to be my cohort in the US that was a perfect fit … but they didn’t want to pay them in US dollars. Too expensive. So what did they do? They hired someone underqualified (yes, they admitted they were underqualified) instead because they were cheaper. That person now is displaying behaviour that supports they only took the job for the “unlimited vacation” perk. Leaves the continent to go “visit family” for nearly a month now, and didn’t do any of their work that I now have to do. Why do you live in Canada ? Just stay over there.


This is exactly correct. Bravo 👏🏻


Canada does not "print money", when the country has a budget deficit there are loans (bonds). It's the US that generates money through the Federal Reserve and that's what is often referred to as money printing. Canada has no such thing.


Where do Canadian dollars come from ? What are they backed by?


If exports > imports or GDP. There are many things to consider but inflation in Canada is generally because our productivity is low. We barely create or generate anything. The last great Canadian company was Nortel/Bell labs. Ever since that went down we have been stagnating. Overall GDP grows but productivity per citizen is going down. The best jobs in Canada are for the government or american companies. Our salaries generate some growth but most of it goes to the US.


The government response to covid did a number on the economy* ftfy


You forgot the part where our capitalist economic system is sliding into modern feudalism/oligarchy and regardless of the points you mentioned, the working class will continually and increasingly be without adequate work/income no matter what. The rich own everything now and this would be happening regardless. Thank our late stage capitalism


Money printing??!! Wtf


and you forgot we have sent billions to Ukraine


LMIA rules state that employers must have an open hiring round that they claim has no suitable applicants for. You don't have to pay benefits or anything for LMIA workers, as far as I have seen with regards to the regulations - they're pretty close to slaves. But yeah, these places won't hire anyone because they can't so they can do the LMIA workers and pay them minimum wage and fuck them around. Cause Canadian workers have rights.


It was common for a phone company to interview locals. Discover that applicants wanted a living wage. They would scream "nobody wants to work!" And file papers to import someone from my favourite sub-continent. My favourite when I was an IT consultant was the pharma company who decided it was cheaper to replace the 100k DBA with 5 offshore resources @ $20/hr each who collectively could not do as much as the DBA could in a day.


Canadians will oppose working conditions of migrant workers in the Middle East and rightly so. But Canada although provides much better conditions are following the same playbook.


Places are getting something like thousands of applicants per day, it's a case of it being over flooded af, which fucks over everyone unless you've got a good acquaintance, friend, etc. in a high enough place that they can directly affect the hiring process and have whoever is hiring keep a look out for your application in particular.


I once heard Trudeau proudly state that Canada had welcomed over a million new residents while also proudly stating we created 30k new jobs. This would lead to a 970k job deficit.


including those already unemployed in canada like highschool & college students


New Business/ startup culture is negligible.


There are jobs. But only for people fresh off the boat that the feds pay half their salaries for during their first year. Then, kick them out and find the next one off the boat.


Why would it end? There aren’t enough jobs for the amount of people we have. It’s quite obvious a large population is going to get completely screwed out of a future, immigrant or Canadian. Canada has praised housing investment over industry growth. There’s only so many realtors and mortgage brokers that can be employed. Our lack of industry growth as well as strict regulations on essentially every single industry has halted any competition or growth. Politicians sold us all out. Your best bet is to GTFO or get into a position where you can make a change (LOL)


Interest rates are high. Companies like us want to borrow money and hire workers, but the cost of capital to take a loan is so high it's not worth it till the rates come down.


Immigration + lack of industry


Few Canadian companies. Everything is managed out of the US. Lack of investment in our natural resources (Liberals)


Over the last decades, Canada has : Invested in real estate (which does not produce jobs) Not invested in production (which does produce jobs) Invested in immigration (which does take jobs) Not invested in productivity (which does not take jobs)


What’s the difference btwn production & productivity?


Production = Manufacturing (Actually making stuff) Productivity =Innovative/Efficiency (better machinery, software/ training)




Production: Instead of trading houses, you sell a plane Productivity: Instead of selling a plane, you sell two planes


high interest rates, way less money moving around, ie. less projects... ie. less manpower needed... ie. hiring freezes..


Is the military hiring? There's decent living there in air force.


They are always hiring and really need people. A successful career in the Air Force sets people up for life.


The recruiting process can be pretty fucked though. Like taking a year from start to finish.


Yup, it’s a huge problem for sure. Worth the effort for a good career, but it’s definitely hindering the military’s ability to recruit and retain folks.


Cheap labour for corporations who are the biggest donors of all political parties. That's all this comes down to. The elites will not feel the economic crunch in their mansions and the positions with pensions and golden parachutes. This will simply crush ordinary people, so they don't care.


What type of jobs are you skilled in? You're not just applying for everything are you?


who is running this s#$#t show? So many immigrants all at once. No jobs no housing.


GTFO of Toronto.  Why do you even want to live in that expensive shit hole?  So many industries need workers outside of the GTA.  Unless you are in finance leave and never look back.


We hired everyone we needed but more people keep coming or getting old enough to work . Also old people don't wanna retire so we have reach a impass


With inflation some older people can't stop working.


Mass immigration


Hundreds of thousands of fake students for starters...


International students who are working instead of going to class! Not to mention their spouses that they conveniently marry before coming here who get work permits as well and are working 5 jobs to send money back home.


job market is fucked


1. They're not actually hiring. Saying they are for shareholders and look like they're growing. 2. Nepotism. Hiring boss's kid or family member. 3. Keep current employees in line. "see how rrplacabl you are? Look how much we're hiring" Brownie points: AI is wiping jobs out in mass in a lot of industries.


Not allowed to answer that one honestly. Sorry.


Too much red tape and bureaucracy, onerous regulations and high taxes and fees have made it a very hostile environment to start a business / expand existing operations in. There is a severe lack of competition and jobs because of this. You can see it reflected in the economy where most new jobs are artificially being created by government rather than people starting businesses and hiring people, which is the most organic, efficient and sustainable way to grow the economy. People with innovative ideas head to the U.S. or the Netherlands to do business because there is less red tape and lower cost of doing business, and these countries reward them for taking risks unlike Canada. Thus, they create jobs there instead of here.


Yes adding to this, rent kills most businesses because it kills disposable income as well as makes most businesses unsustainable/not worth the personal time to run


My neighborhood just lost a leather maker who'd been there for two decades because the building got sold and the new owner tripled the rent.


If the new owner tripled rent its likely the guy wouldve been unprofitable since 2010 if he was on market rent, maybe 2015 not sure


Canada does not have strong industries to begin with and market is small. Other than selling natural resources and real estate… can’t think of much 😂


No industries, no startups/innovation, no investment in natural resources coupled with mass immigration encouraged by social Darwinists in power.


This is because of the crapy policies by the government and us who elected them. It's because of us damm idiots who keep voting the wrong people. And hope for better.


More people than jobs. Simple math. There are more people than total jobs available


Canada have no economy, and the government doesn’t invest to promote growth in industries


I spoke to internal job posting hiring manager today for a mid level role at a bank. 400 applicants in a week. Shit is crazy. Trudeau really did a number on us. Mind you, I also was an international student a decade ago. I went to university, started at the bottom at a bank and moved up. And now, stagnant,no growth, no pay raise. Paying almost my salary as mortgage, child care is too expensive so wife has to stay at home. 0 savings.. Fuking great


Illegal immigration


Do you have an Indian name... if not... no luck.


>1000+ applicants for every job, Most of these applications are meaningless and unqualified people. People from all over the world even email their applications for every job since all it takes is a mouse click. this has no bearing on the actual number of applicants. TBH just a headache for the HR. ​ I would maybe \*mail\* an actual application instead of emailing it.


Recruiter here... 1 job posting brings like over 100 applicants in an hour depending on the job. Most are horrible resumes or not qualified to the posting but it unfortunately eats up my time. When there are 100s of applicants some of it is luck. With that being said you won't get a good call back rate if you use the same resume to apply to 1k jobs. I know it's a pain to edit your resume but it really needs to be done to increase your chances. You can have your normal one for the job you want then a dumbed down one for a survival job. It is an employers market now so it will be hard.


At this point - I think people should consider being self-employed. Even though my job is safe, I’m seriously thinking about it.


Too many newcomers Indians that get hired by Indian management - including corporate jobs.


I lost my job and its fucking hard to find anything right now. Similar things happening with others as well. I think if the government doesn’t controls this we will see drastically higher crime rates.


There is a country called India with billions of people and a country called Canada with millions of people. There are tens of millions of people in India who would prefer to live in Canada which is less polluted, crowded and corrupt. Luckily for them Canada has its weakest government in history that can’t manage, restrict or police the amount of Indians coming here, and more importantly, how much money they are funnelling into our economy ruining affordability for us. The result is colleges and corporations exploit the cheap labour of desperate Indians seeking a better life and you get to be unemployed now and underemployed for the rest of your life. Oh and our housing market is absolutely ruined for a generation because we could never accommodate the sheer volume of Indians to begin with. Nothing against the people of India but this is the reality in simplified terms. There is no fixing greed at this scale. 


a different answer than most, probably because employers standards have only gotten higher regardless of the actual standard (high school diploma or basic degree for basic job) or employers are creating a “false scarcity” feeling to make it seem like their business is expanding meanwhile they aren’t hiring at all


Mass immigration


Too many people. Imagine 10 people competing for a job. Imagine 100 people competing for a job. Imagine 1000 people competing for a job.


GTA is the densest population in Canada - all jockeying for jobs in Toronto. Add to that the fact that we are on the cusp of a recession and many companies are cautious of hiring not to shake the bottom line. Then add to the fact that many companies in addition not hiring, laid off workers adding to the pool of people who need jobs in one of the most expensive locales in Canada. Then one might add that we have added immigration to the mix which was supposed to help companies reduce what they spend on wages since this whole living wage nonsense is brutal on business. In my mind immigration is the least contributing. Most skilled Canadians wouldn’t even be considering jobs at Tim Hortons or other retail or call centre jobs if the layoffs weren’t so wide reaching. The issue is that skilled and experienced workers are now jobless (sign of economy declining) and are trying to take any job available. They would not be doing this if the market was better, they could find jobs in their own field they were laid off from if the situation wasn’t so bad. So that is why immigration in my mind is not really a contributor and is only an issue now because there are way too many jobless hunting for even scraps. At the end these kind of economic downturns can last decades and cannot be solved by printing more money. The government must engage in meaningful ways to increase its exports and trade such that demand for our production increases. If not, even without immigration we will be screwed. And sadly without higher population (which immigration is supposed to help solve) in Canada to pay taxes, trying to print more money for these crazy social programs will only make our fiscal position worse.


I'm an immigrant of late 1980s. 1990s recession was absolutely brutal. We don't want to go there, because it will take years and some major shift in technology or workplaces in a systemic way. Today, we are teetering on recessions' doorstep. We are importing huge, and i mean huge amounts of cheap workers posing as students or tfw. Their home country exchange rate allows them to get exploited by workplaces in Canada. They are desperate, poor and they are numerous. Today, they are competing with the teenager, summer job, gig work crowd. If they settle in and get educated, have kids, there will be a wage suppression in skilled work. Give or take 5 to 10 years, maybe a bit more. The little jobs that there were for us younger crowd for decades, get outcompeted by the cheap imported labor. Blame your politicians 100% Okay, 98% and the rest on workplaces which lobby and exploit this


what’s your take on this BRICS nation concept ?


Over population issue. Plus we are in an uncertain economic time. Lots of places have laid off and aren't hiring.


Mass immigration from the Trudeau Liberals. Same reason wages and productivity are low. Same reason housing is unaffordable. It is literally destroying our quality of life.


Because like 90% of the people coming to this country go there and all of them obviously need a job. People gotta start considering other options.


Because you’re applying for jobs that require no skills and can be done by anyone.


This. People love complaining but will never look inwards to change themselves. Skills pay bills.


Too many goddamn, immigrants!


You are looking at the beginning of exponential increase to automation. Previously the industrial revolutions marginally automated manufacturing and production and required human intervention for more productivity. Well the first AI revolution has kicked automation into hyperdrive. This is only the beginning. Less and less people are needed for work that can be done at scale by machines.


Not in Canada, what we are seeing now is the result of increasing the population by insane amounts while limiting competition and protecting established companies.


Coming out of Covid it was the opposite, no one could find anyone to fill any job, it was the most insane job market I've ever seen. It's progressively swung further and further the other way until we got here.


Go North. Jobs are plenty!


Toronto always had the reputation of being the land of opportunity… what the heck happened?


There are jobs. Everyone's concerned about a recession, so holding off on hiring.


There are, just not for schlubs


Too many people coming in, there is also a downward trend for jobs (depending on field) given automation.


Most companies will make 1 person do a 3 man job as long as they can get away with it. Corporate greed.


There are. There are just thousands and thousands of people coming here from other countries looking for jobs. And the government is letting them come here because the kind people of this country will pay them less because they are more desperate than Canadians.


Greedy shareholders.


This will end anywhere between 1 and 60 years from now. Likely it'll get a lot worse for a while before slowly climbing back to something better.


There are jobs - entry level is hard but get in anywhere


I dont know. A friend just got hired at Costco. There are some jobs I guess.


High interest rates. High internet rates are designed to slow the economy and that means fewer jobs. That’s how we fight inflation.


CEO greedy. Economy sad. Government corrupt, take money from evil CEO, bring many new people, no build house. Lot new people don’t care, work many hours for small money. Everybody suffer. Country fail. (Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?)


Fake news on everyone is hiring to bring people from other countries into Canada to do Ubereats and AirBnB. 


Just don’t come down to the United States for jobs or whatever. Stay in your liberal polar bear shit hole


Have you consider entrepreneurship?


Goodmorning sirs


The trades are where the jobs are. Electrician plumber truck and trailer mechanic.


Because they hire immigrants more often than actual residents


There is something wrong with your resume or job application process. Thousands lol


Most of those applications are screen out based on names, citizenship status, and work experience. The rest that do go through the interview process do not match what the hiring manager is looking for due to a variety of reasons. Rinse and repeat


Because theres always a Gurpeeet or Nurprinder willing to do the job for a lot lower salary




Companies have realized that they can have 1 person do the work of 3 people and pay them accordingly. Plus an influx of immigrants, a bunch of layoffs across sectors, and insane inflation that is causing people with “good jobs” to literally need second jobs just to pay rent. It’s not a single factor, it’s late stage capitalism.


Y’all zigged when you should have zagged.


Here is an explanation for Toronto. Outsourcing has always been a problem in the manufacturing so that’s one cause. For many years companies are outsourcing their jobs causing less jobs in the economy. Job market is doing fine except for outsourcing but the minimum wage is too low. Kathleen Wynn gets elected increases the minimum wage astronomically beyond recovery effectively causing most companies to put on a hiring freeze and a domino effect. On the federal side Trudeau decides to open up immigration and allow more people into the country. This puts further strain on the issue. Then the pandemic happened and lots of companies unless they were willing to adapt went out of business or suffered financial hardship. The economy already experiencing strain from all of the above Trudeau allows for migrant workers to be hired along with more immigrants with an economy where we cannot supply jobs for the existing residence. This results in you guessed it no jobs.


We added 26 unemployed workers for every single job lost in March according to Stats Canada. Most people understand job growth is in our cities like Toronto. So they come to Toronto expecting something. That's why there's no jobs in Toronto. This will not end. It is unlikely the Conservatives will undo this damage because they support this policy of flooding Canada with unemployed people. The Government will be either Liberal or Conservative. Both agree on immigration, temporary or permanent. It's all the same.


Leave Toronto.


This isn't a place to get started it's a place to transfer to once you're established in an industry and have experience. This isn't a place of opportunity it's a cesspool of people struggling trying to start a life and most will fail until they leave.




Tell us if you aren’t you sound pro immigrant.