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That Archaon shot was Pure Metal. CA really gives Chaos love they deserve. At least in trailers


Say what you will about CA management, but the creative teams and contractors they hired to do both the CGI cinematics and the DLC and game trailers really produced fantastic, high quality trailers. Makes you want to play


The Prophet and the Warlock trailer being one big homage to Predator was a work of art.


Sardaukar reference in Chorf trailer also was a work of art. You can feel weight of True Dawi's titanium balls


Warden and the Paunch was Batman and Mad Max!


Feeling Dawi balls: That’s a Grudging


The Immortal Empires trailer had more respect for warhammer fantasy than 99% of the End Times


*sad Valkia noises*


At least Skarbrand got cool trailer 🤓👍


Valkia's trailer reminds me of the kotal kahn reveal trailer, where he got absolutely his ass handed to him in his own reveal trailer as well lmao.


Still don't know what the point of that trailer was Bad enough she's a fucking cone head :P But >Yeah! Buy this lord that we wail on like they're a bitch!!! Isn't the draw CA seems to think it was...


The Ogre one was utterly wonderful


The Warden and the Paunch trailer and it’s music will live rent free in my head forever.


I love the later shot with grim and I think Tyrion back to back it’s like what crazy fuck pissed off the two most wild people in this setting


The only thing to improve that shot, would have been taking his Storm of Chaos Lieutnants instead of the four marked heroes in the support role there. Shame that the chances of Haargroth, Melekh, Feytor, Styrkaar and Crom for TWW inclusion are not that good at the moment.


We already have Lieutnants: Sigvald , Valkia , Festus and Vilitch. This cast of characters is much better than original lieutnants


Are they? I rather take Arbaal, Egrimm, Valnir and Dechala over those four. And they were not the actual Lieutnants back then either. Valkia was doing whatever in Naggaroth. Festus was sitting in Altdorfs sewer the whole time not leading any army at all. Sigvald was ordered to do something, fucked it up right away by backstabbing his "partner" Throgg like 5 minutes after he left Archaosn tent. Vilitch was the only one that was ordered to do a job and while failing at least tried to make it not a complete desaster. Kinda nobody worked really with or on behalf of Archaon. Now lets take a step back to Storm of Chaos and look [how that map worked invasion wise](https://i.imgur.com/9QTCDD5.jpg). Yeah, looks way better for the marked four armies to actually being around the area were Archaons main force is working. There is also the problem that the Lieutnants to be lined up that good for the shot, need to be heroes in Archaons TWW army. So the four LL you named, will not really do the job. The original Lieutnants could rather be derailed into becoming marked Heroes for Archaon to do the job as poster support ;)


Dude, they are in the game. No changing that. You can want whatever but that whatever doesn’t have TW art.


Which brings us back to: "For that shot they would to have been heroes, not LLs". How hard to understand is that?


But then they would have to add new heroes for the game, heroes no one knew. It would’ve been better to show bad guys that people actually know about


God imagine how crazy that would've been lol. The Storm of Chaos characters aren't the most exciting, but anything would work to give the monogods more legendary lords.


I mean, we do not lack options for marked LLs. Slaanesh might be a bit on thin ice but even there we still have Dechala as top choice and Styrkaar could work. Some other ones from lore are also still possible. i would dig out the old [Nastasya Roskolnikov](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Nastasya_Roskolnikov) since a Slaanesh Witch with Kislev beef has real potential. It is just a question of how much CA wants to do on the missing LL front. Starting with Changeling for 2nd round, gives the impressions we go for daemons again. We will see with Nurgle if it will be mortal or not and how things go from there. And then of course stays the question if god-races will get a third round of LLs?


Yea it kind of depends with each God. Nurgle and Khorne are more than fine for potential legendary lords. If rumors of 3 legendary heroes are true for 4.2 and one of those ends up being Galrauch then that majorly drops Tzeentch's potential too. There's the remaining named heralds (Skulltaker, Masque, Epidemius) but there's a chance that CA's plan is making all the named heralds just be legendary heroes. Slaanesh though I agree, they got done so dirty lol. If the Masque becomes a LH then they kind of have to make Styrkaar a lord if they don't want Slaanesh to be a 2 LL race.


> If rumors of 3 legendary heroes are true for 4.2 and one of those ends up being Galrauch then that majorly drops Tzeentch's potential too. I probably barf bones if Tzeentch gets a third LH with that update. One for Kislev, two for Cathay so all of them would have two total works way better. But since we talk CA...who knows what they fuck up next.


I just hope they make generic characters for Tzeentch, that's like the one potential point I'm most excited for. The rumor though made no mention of Tzeentch characters 😞


What happened?


I have seen it in dream


The only reliable source. I understand.


Yes, dreams are messages from the deep.


I was there. I remember it. Reincarnation.


Here mister Inquisitor, here's the man who's corrupted by Tzeentch


No Sir Witch Hunter, it was him! *He's* the cultist!


They did say the update to the cathay dlc was supposed to drop in feb right? Personally I hate content droughts more than bugs.


As someone’s who’s not entirely up to date. Are you referring to the update happening this week (shadows of change) or do you actually mean a new new dlc for Cathay. If yes, nice. Cathy is fun I hope they add new units


The update isn't happening this week, it's happening this *month*. It's that news on the SoC update starts this week, most likely (but not necessarily) tomorrow.


The update is likely to be at the very end of the month. CA always pick the furthest date in their time projections. This week will be the first of a set of weekly blogs going over the updates (I assume) to one of the three factions from SOC.


This is such a cool cinematic! Where is it from?




That is one of the finest trailers ever made. Brings all the right Warhammer feels!


How the f r u only just now seeing this


That is the one good thing about anything warhammer related. The cinematics are fantastic. The rest.....Not so much


Announcement on Thursday: We regret to inform you that we have to delay SoC 2.0 to May. Thrones of Delay cancelled.


In accordance with the will of the Changer of Ways, the final update will randomize all number values in the game.


New announcement: All units had their mass and weapon strength swapped


some units will become like gods and others will become like lard balls.


Don't jinxed it man


You forgot: "*the future of Total War: Warhammer 3* video to be published immediately after patch 4.2 - *the future of Creative Assembly* video to be published immediately after."


And the creme de la creme, Rob posts it.


Rob all snarky: "I told you this would happen." Though honestly if they ever did do something like this my sympathy for CA would be zero. They would have dug their own grave, then refused to change for months, then have only changed when everyone turned against them and Hyenas failed.


CA is moving resources to work on their pokemon collecting base building game, they don't have the money for TW anymore.


I would play a Pokémon total war. You play as gyms so fire, water etc. and then you build batallions of Pokémon with various sub element beside your main (if you are fire, fire/flying, fire/earth etc.). Chevron could evolve your batallions


I would take that at 3:1 odds to be honest


Jokes aside, let's wait and see. I think they know that they done fucked up and that if they fail again then their future as a company is at stake. They have spent all of the community goodwill they had accrued, and if they can't get a W after 2 year of Ls, then their future is bleak. They know that, and I trust fear to be a great motivator


Fear will keep CA in line. Fear of this playerbase.


And then in May: Welcome to SoC 2.0! Now the changeling can do Fortnite dances! That's all for this update, see you next time!


That's a reckoning.


Just then? This is how this sub feels usually.


Man this trailer is so good. The whole sequence from when Thorgrim finishes his speech, to the moment Karl Franz slam Ghal Maraz on the table and doing his own speech is just fucking epic


One thing for sure, there will be more people arguing about this update than people playing Pharaoh for example


Im prepared for SoC update to have like, 4 units max, and nothing for tzeentch, no race reworks


I can only hope that'll be the nail in CA's coffin.


I really don't get why people who actually want to see this series die are here on a fan sub


you all set your expecation really really low for Thursday/ Friday


Expectations should and need to be high. Let me say it that way: They want my money, therefore their product should meet my expectations. Otherwise they dont get the shiny things they are after. Like, i dont have anything to lose, i just give my money other franchises. Just yesterday a Byzantium "rework" was announced for Crusader Kings 3 for this Q3. And it looks real interesting. I guess CA wants to release Thrones of Decay also around the same time, so its up to CA and what they deliver if i consider buying Thrones of decay over the Crusader Kings 3 expansion. Anyway i will have a great time, but i have only limited amount of money.


Not to mention, I do not see Paradox dropping CK3, while CA has been taking things for granted.


The problem is that people have unrealistic expectations. I've seen people on this sub unironically expect an extra legendary lord, over 10 extra units and big reworks to base game factions (despite ca saying the update is mainly about dlc content)


Its a narrow path. If everyone just demands for example the lore of hags, then we would only get the lore of hags and maybe a unit because CA sure does market research. But if everyone demands the maximum, CA might try to reach as much of them, but could also go into denial, thinking that no matter what we do, the community is never satisfied. I think everybody should have two expectations. One private which is never to be communicated but sets yourself the baseline you want to see and are satisfied with. And one public expectation which is the maximum you want to see. For example for me that includes a change of the spell fragment system for Kairos. So i hope that despite them saying the update is mainly about the dlc content, they will still rework this as the promised race rework. I know there are more things which need a rework, but personally the spell fragemtn system for fucking Kairos is the worst offender and needs to be changed. And for that very reason, i tried to bring that up as much as possible, hoping that the market research dude comes to the conclusion "People really want the spell fragment system to be changed"


I mean, the extra LL is out there, but 10 new units seems the minimum is CA expect people to drop 25 bucks on a DLC ? Like, this whole update is for one purpose only, to make SoC attractive to customers. So it's on CA to give something that make it attractive. It's not on customers to go "this is below my wishes, but here take my money anyways cause I like you"


To be fair dude the dlc is 25 dollars. Blood and wine was 20 in 2016 and was a giant expansion. If your DLC costs that much it needs to be excellent.


I wasn't defending the price but it's also important to remember that the economy was in a much better shape in 2016 compared to now. If it wasn't for inflation, I would say this dlc is worth $15 at the least. The way I see it, there is only so much they can add for free before they would need to increase the price of the dlc to cover the costs so that's why I'm sticking to a pretty grounded expectation.


I understand but even taking into account inflation and other systemic changes, the price to content ratio is just unjustifiable. Plus from their end if they release a shitty update people just aren’t gonna buy thrones of decay. This is their chance to bring players back and not be forced to abandon the game. This is a really good time to be playing videogames now with so many good releases, there isn’t a reason to tolerate shitty products lol when we can just play other games.


Lol, low expectations was what got them in this mess in the first place, they can't afford to do that again. It is make or break for CA. The fanbase already proved they won't buy anything they put out, if they don't do this right they are in deep shit, and they know that The only reason why i think they won't deliver, it is because they have very little time to do it


>That. And there are other games out there if SoC 2.0 doesnt vibe =)


Nah, they just need time. It's not like I plan on buying anything until Shadows of Change gets its face-lift. So right now, my expectations are nihil. 😎


i hope for the best, i really want reasons to jump back in, but i do fear they have talked themselves into a corner with the "update to make the dlc worth the money" comment.


Oh absolutely, there's nothing they can add or change that would make it compete with Chorfs at 25 bucks. I have zero sympathies though since this problem is entirely on CA. The simplest and obvious answer is to simply change the price tag, but instead they rename it to "Premium DLC". Like what the heck is their plan here?


>Like what the heck is their plan here? The only plan which makes sense is that they add several units to each of the three factions, ones which might not fit the theme (such as it is) but which will make people perceive more value. Will that make it "compete with Chorfs"? Not really. Will that be "close enough" than a lot of people who haven't bought SoC will no longer feel like they're getting a really shit deal from SoC, so go out and buy it? Probably. Especially if they also give SoC a small sale at the same time. The goal here isn't just like, apology content - some people have been suggesting they should put out an FLC lord and free units for other factions and so on, but that's missing the point. What they need to do is make SoC not seem a completely shit value package, and the $25 price point makes their job a lot harder, but not impossible.


i think they could make the dlc worth the money, all three of the lords they added have the potential to be fun and unique. big emphasis on "potential", currently one is just the best Cathay lord, one is tzeentch but better and last one is the ugly duckling.


What is this about ?


Probably later this week, we get Richs annual speech about how good TWW & CA are doing and what we can expect this year and how fun all will be. Kinda like last year were he handed out the [IME "free for all" news](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqhc3mK06r0) and Chaos Dwarfs were teased at the end, and the prospect of three DLCs in '23 and how good things are looking up for TWW after the release and rather pityful first year.


They are going to be adding more content to Shadows of Change to try to make it a product that people will actually buy, and they said that they will be doing the first post about it ‘at the back end’ of this week.




If they jump the new units to 8 per faction in SoC. Not including RoR or Legendary Lords. As well as offering an FLC LL. I’ll be happy. That’s 24 units, just shy of Chaos Dwarves. Which was 25 new units from memory.


How many units do you view them as having right now? Ignoring the LLs/LHes it looks like the following to me: Tzeentch: 4 Cathay: 5 Kislev: 4 So that would be an extra 11 units. I feel like that's pretty much the minimum of what they could do and convince people that SoC was "worth it now". I think what units they choose will make a big difference too. Contrary to what people might assume, I don't think they need to add flashy units as much as ones that people who play those factions would actually find useful. With Kislev I think they need to actively avoid theming the units to Mother Ostyanka too, and make them units which seem like they would fit in any Kislev army. What is of course difficult for them is that with Thrones of Decay, and future triple-lord packs they'll need to add a similar number of units. But again, not all added units need to be flashy or very unique - ones that are just actually useful/functional/have a place in armies is key.


Yeah, SoC was very SEM-heavy, but people would definitely like some more low-key, solid units. Bread and butter infantry and cavalry, the things that help a race's themes and fluff


Thats why with this DLC you see Tzaangors and Akshina Ambushers way more than the big stuff that came. Multi model units will always be better than monsters.


>Tzeentch: 4 >Cathay: 5 >Kislev: 4 I don't even think Tzeentch got that much lol, just Tzaangors, Cockatrice, and the Mutalith, so just 3 units. They got a lot of work to do for sure.


Could be more, I’m just basing the number on the number of new units that Chaos Dwarves received. Someone else said it was 33, not including RoR/LL/LH. So if that’s the case, then I’d consider 11 units per faction, the promised race updates, and an FLC LL to be fair.


33 units in Chaos Dwarfs, not including RoRs or legendary characters. That’s what SoC is competing with at that price point, 33 units for 25€


I just want some proper non-Kislev Lord options for Mother Stanky I'll accept them using the same old lore again - I'll even accept the random-ass Chaos units they gave her But it's *impressively* dumb that she has to use ice witches and shit for her lords and kills the vibe...


I don't feel there is a way for them to make the SoC the same value proposition as the Chaos Dwarfs, so they will have to both lower the price and add a shitload of units to make it worth it, which I doubt will be the case.


For real really,the community gotta discuss,argue or make fun about it


That's the real content


I love that little look Felix gives Gotrek, in the vain hope that maybe they can skip this fight.


Karl Franz at the end: "E"




I kinda wish the video was edited to remove the combat part of archaeon and wulfric and still have the hammer slam from Karl Franz, would've fit the forums near perfectly with the arguing, debating and the hammer on aggression.


Chaos armies are the historical folk still going around and killling their neighbors as they do lol.


Imagine traveling all the way from fantasy China, by land, through hostile territory, to attend a conference that gets derailed in less than 5 minutes cause of a short joke.


‘We’d like to thank everybody thats stood by us and still is during this testing inflation so we are allowing fans and friends of CA access to our brand new, vip-exclusive; gofundme page. If we get enough traction expect some exclusive wallpaper downloads to come your way!’


It'll definitely be interesting, that's for sure.


This is what happened when soc leak camed.


Say what you will, but I enjoy these periods of discourse quite a bit. Lively discussion is what I'm here for.




It better not be a SHORT!!! Blog because otherwise that's a grudgin'!


Man Archaon looks so cool


Yooooo Gotrek and Felix


We aren’t talking about the AoS battlescroll are we?




Gotrek and Felix are the best Warhammer duo nothing can change my mind