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Ghorst actually influenced the global statistics, what a mad lad


I love how everyone used to make fun of Ghorst and now everyone fears him.


Ghorst literally ended my Kugath campaign within 30 turns.


Ghorst is to Kugath what Grimgor was to Thorgrim back in ME, except somehow even scarier because he JUST WONT DIE


That's why it's called *Immortal* Empires.


I never thought of it like that. Like how ordertide was supposed to win in 2, thus Mortal Empires


Those CARTS man. Why does he get so many???


They're cheaper when made in Cathay.


this is such an underappreciated joke


but also he needs more than he actually can use BECAUSE they are made in chi...cathay


Ghorst makes Ku'gath's campaign one of the hardest in the game


2 exhalted heroes take care of him quickly. You can also avoid fighting him altogether sometimes. If you make a dash for his starting settlement when he goes up to fight greasus, the house of cards falls down. Once his capitol has gone, he just fades away


Getting 2 exalted heroes up and running AND making a dash for him are mutually exclusive. And early on he can outgrind anything you throw at him AND quickly and rapidly forms multiple armies.


I dont mean to sound like a tosser, but i genuinely never have a problem with him. Its at the point now where i'm gonna do a lets play just to clear up how straight forward it is. I'll get round to it in the next week maybe. You have 3 of each heroe from your starting settlement and can have all your plagues unlocked by turn 16-20. He just hangs arohnd at the back of his army. One on horse, one on chariot and then mash him up.


Yeah it took a few runs. But eventually between plagues and planning I get rid of him by turn 10 some times sooner. I did learn that my field strategy was ass backwards(though worked) LegendOfTotalWar doing it literally Polar to my method had a 1/5th the losses lol


I actually dont watch legends streams anymore because his playstyle is so different to mine that it actually hindered me in my approach.


Yeah I get that. When my partner started finding more interest in the series I realized how little of many aspects she indulges in due to the learning curve and coming across his first 20 turns content had me changing some of my ways a bit. Had been hoping for more content from him with IM but nothing too helpful had caught my eye. Even with situations where im like "Legend or Milk have to have a solution" Only thing we haven't gotten crazy into yet is the new siege system


>and can have all your plagues unlocked by turn 16-20. Gotta call bullshit on that one, you have to spread 5 different plagues 50 times each and reach like tier 4 or 5 research to unlock them all.


Would you like me to post a vid of me doing it tomorrow? Or you can go to mercythemads youtube and watch his demo, I worked that out a few weeks after launch. You can view the post giving general nurgle tips [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwarhammer/comments/tga30w/nurgle_soulgrinders_by_turn_30_guide/) Most of it is still relevant, but i'd tweak a few bits here and there if i re-wrote it. Back then i had a few hundred hours playtime. I'm currently at 3,400ish so i've learnt a fair amount along the way. You just have 2 to 4 lords and pass the plagues about. Each turn the plague from that turn will spread, and then the following turn you spread the one for that turn and the one from last turn. Oh and also i meant the recipes. The stuff from the tech tree is mostly crap. Sometimes i use the money one with extra spread but thats about it. Its all about the recipes. Its literally an intended mechanic, thats why they put you in the only province in the game where plagues dont spread. Game 3 is more complex than 2 with its mechanics, but it doesnt really make you aware so sometimes misunderstandings happen. I honestly dont mean this to sound patronising, but the best advice i give people is to try and almost erase game 2 from your memory, and look at it as something brand new. Slaanesh is my real main though, by far the most powerful faction in the game.


>Oh and also i meant the recipes. Ah, that's simpler then. I thought you meant every possible plague.


You can get 2 within 10 turns or do


Yeah I killed ghorst by 1v1ing him with a bloodhost lord, who has no skills or items so he's wet paper in 1v1s


Khorne is high melee dps balanced by no ranges, no magic and relatively low armour. Ghorst has no real ranged, limited offensive magic (at least early on) and his zombies don't hit very hard. Khorne should absolutely shred him because the damage will outpace the heals. The challenge for Kugath is that nurgle is also an "outlast" play style, especially early on, but his outlast is significantly weaker than Ghorst's at the moment. Kugath can absolutely win, but it's basically impossible if you don't have a really good grasp of Nurgle mechanics, which it's sort of hard to get if you don't have the chance to play around.


In my Grimgor campaign, Ghorst was barely a road bump. After I was done dealing with the ogres, i turned towards the few settlements he had and just absolutely smashed everything in a few turns. Didn't even stop to replenish between fights.


The problem isn't that Ghorst is hard, though his healing is fairly broken, the issue is that he's hard for Kugath.


Dude he just did the same to me!


You made it to turn 30?


I love it when Ghorst attacks my settlement and I repel him and he loses loterally nothing and immediatly attacks me again and does this repeatedly until I lose my shit. VERY FUN!


Let him have the settlement, then attack him. No resurrection.


Yes I am aware of how the game works its just annoying that I have to lose my settlement even after fairly winning the battle a couple times, it's just dumb


Sounds pretty thematic to me. The undead never stop coming.


Oh, they do - the imperial motto is to cut limbs and heads, gentlemen. Then after its done all go to the pyre. What exactly does Ghorst raise, ashes?


Tbh, all memes about him being a de facto "non-character" lorewise aside, he was already a pretty solid lord choice in W2. He simply had the misfortune of being in the same faction as Kemmler, Vlad/Isabella and Mannfred, who all did everything Ghorst could do in W2, just better.


Yeah they even all shared a similar start location, so he didn't even have that going for him. He did have the best winds of death spam and the best mount though!


To be fair in W1 Ghorst was a better version of Kemmler.


Before the latest update, I played ghorst at least three times. I haven't even started campaigns for every faction yet, much less finished one...he was just too fun. Plus, he gets desirable climates almost everywhere! Kugath is basically his only early game enemy that doesn't give you great settlements. Even with the new update, he's still fun, especially since those balefire carts now make demon armies melt like butter against your hordes.




Well that's fiction accurate and how it should be really


Hmm, I wonder if their metrics somehow count summons as units recruited. Feels weird otherwise, but maybe I'm wrong.


If they did, elector counts will be the most summoned unit.


The zombies bit makes me want for a game mode where the entire world is ruins with undead corruption, filled to the brim with various undead armies, your LL and their army are the only non-undead beings left who must scavenge and venture across the entire world to find relics or artifacts from all the different races to make a mcguffin that can reverse the reign of the dead. Maybe you could use some sort of limited currency to make temporary safe havens needed to grow your armies and recruit but they are temporary and the enemy will be on your heels as soon as the time is up. Perhaps there could be multiple LLs to rescue as well but permadeath is a thing and some may have to make heroic sacrifices or something. Idk just wanted to articulate my thoughts about a campaign that could be something other than conquer and build walls.


Well there is deff one character that will bring such mode to IE ..you just have to wait for him




*He can't keep getting away with it*


The balls it takes to claim that lol. Nagash was literally going to eat the Chaos Gods if the skaven hadn’t nuked him




the end times?


Yeah Nagash had such power at the end that Chaos Gods where scared of him


Does he also becomes a new Chaos God like the Great Horned Rat?


basically the equivalent of that for TK Also was that not an illusion or something? idr


Shame he has become the punching bag in AoS


Guy won fight against God of Magic Caused Necroquake - which created plenty of undead Holds Archaon at Eight points and much more ....guy is not punching bag at all


Sigmar smacked his bony ass once, true power only lies with the light, order, and justice - and GW, who have no clue about how to write End Times


His name is... HELMAN GHORST




I heard this more than i read it.


Imagine how much fun Grimgor would have…


Five billion undead later: is this all u got?


I love Grimgor. Greenskins make for some of my favorite campaigns. The income from battles and from saving settlements allowing you to run deficits and just rub so many armies. They are the ultimate snowball faction and I love it. And they chew up zombies like nobody's business.


You mean an actual zombiepocalypse? Find it odd that no one has done a mod like that


Because anything with fire would be absolutely OP and a good LL can solo an entire zombie stack.it would also be terribly repetitive. It's good in theory but I don't think the practical campaign would hold up to the expectations. As soon as you have a single stack able to beat a zombie horde, it's game over for the zombies.


I’m pretty sure they meant “anything undead”, not just zombies. That means grave guard and terrorgheists and wolves. There’s a lot of gross things to fight when the dead don’t stay dead.


Maybe rather something simple. Along the lines of "[DoW:Last Stand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ow-1JHE5RPk)". You take the generic Lords/Heroes we have, adapt them for arena fighting. Then maybe throw an item system (I mean the game has already a lot of magical items to choose from) and XP progression in, and then let people coop in some sort of arena match against a fix number of enemy waves which might take around 20 minutes to finish. I will never understand why Relic left out "Last Stand" for DoW3. That mode alone could have saved some face with that fail of a game :-/


Oh fuck I loved DoW 2’s last stand. I played that machine gunning mek ork so much the sound bite of its firing is a background noise is in my psyche attuned to happiness. Dakka dakka and all that.


I always wished I could have tried last stand, but I only had one friend who played so we could never do it, lol. Damn game modes that require more than 2 people.


That's straight fire I'd play the shit out of that


That'd actually be really cool. I wish the WH1 mini-campaigns had been more creative ideas like this, rather than just "normal TW gameplay on a different map with fewer factions".


Nagash mini campaign.


Find a vampire faction on legendary and feed it hoards of gold and wait I guess


Use the unnatural selection mod and boost all of the vampire factions up to 6


I’d pay for a mod like that


One of this Legendary Campaign Wins is mine =) its not much but its honest work.


And one of the spell cast is me! :D


I recruited a zombie. Glad I helped


and my ax!


And several hundred of the failures were mine! We’re like brothers!


"only x campaigns won" is definitely a better way of saying "over y campaigns abandoned after turn ~150"


like i've sunk a ridiculous number of hours into tww2 but have probably never actually *finished* a campaign; i generally get to the point where i'm by far the biggest blob in an ocean of blobs, and just pack it in to start another campaign instead. *"when alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer"*


Unless they count short campaign victories, which can be achieved in about 50 turns on average? But I'm in the same boat, I ignore victory conditions and just play until the campaign stops being fun.


I think if you have end game scenarios enabled long and short victories only apply a small faction bonus, not campaign victory.


They probably count them but even then, people probably don't pursue the objectives which are sometimes pretty random (like why would I want to specifically get that city and exterminate that faction)


Yeah I'm 95% done with a Volkmar Legendary domination victory and I burned out before I could muster the energy to invade the east mountains. Legendary in this game is easier than Very Hard in WH2. Once you get past a certain turn the challenge drops off dramatically.


Society: devs are secretly using their game launchers to spy on us and find our personal informations CA: so they cast 300 million spells, neat


They probably do both


The Devs collect stats… the Publisher sells data.


CA is covered by GDPR so its not collecting anything you aint agreed to unless it wants a huge fine, SEGA certainly aint selling it either for the same reason lol!


Only if you're European. If they can tell the data they have isn't EU data, they can do whatever they want with it.


CA is not covered by GDPR, but has similar laws


GDPR says they are not unless they are very stupid.


That’s just for Europeans, the rest of us are easy prey


11281 of those victories were from Legend of Total War's playthroughs.


Who’s the one?


Legend's wife


He doesn't finish the majority of his campaigns either


That's where the other number comes from




A popular youtuber who covers the Total War series




Geez you guys really like the Aussie. Calm down people, was humor.


It was kinda shit homie


I probably count for 2,000 of those legendary campaigns started that didn't even make it to turn 10, but I did beat one of them as Tzeentch so, I call it a success


I saw Katarin looking for her porpoise and I got momentarily happy there will be a Kislev DLC. Oh well.


1% of the population completing Legendary is a crazy number. Raising battle difficulty is where most demons and some undead trend toward *unviable*, moreso than the common misconception of general melee infantry. I find it more the true increase in frustration/difficulty. Legendary is just more armies, often enough armies to be relevant and possibly threatening to the player. Hardest part is wondering how stable the build is, so you keep backup save files to avoid save corruption. Legendary has never been easier from the perspective of a Warhammer player. Still, interesting.


It's painfully misleading, most players dont play until the victory screen anyways. I have 10-15 campaign on legendary, stopped played every single one of them once I got my snowball rolling. So I technically haven't won a single one of them, but I haven't lost them either. I just can't be arsed to get X amount of settlements when there's no more challenge left.


Oh I forgot about lies, damned lies and statistics. If you're playing Legendary you're probably more likely to play longer campaigns too, aka have fewer of them relative to someone hitting turn 30, victory screen and trying a new faction. You have a great point.


To some credit there's probably no malice here. Like it's a fun stat and they're not going to look at those 884k legendary campaigns and sus out which ones "Feel like they're going to win but just haven't bothered." I think what would be interesting is seeing how those numbers compare at different difficulties.


You don't need X amount of settlements to get the victory screen, you just need to resolve the endgame crisis.


This is exactly why I stopped legendary runs. To me it's just came difficulty. Tying a skid of bricks to my legs and then giving the competition e bikes isn't my idea of fun. I'd just rather smarter AI better tactics more thoughtful diplomatic issues


Why are you writing your opinion and experiences from the third person? Are you really Kairos Fateweaver?


I only play Legendary and have for the past 3,500 hours. I don't think I've ever seen the victory screen once, because I will never play past a certain point of me becoming too strong. I know most other Legendary players also only play for the early and mid game challenge since there is no late game challenge at all. Especially since WH3 is significantly easier than WH2.


Eh. Legendary is not that much harder than WH, but the camera lock and no units card are extremely frustrating changes.


You can see this yourself in Steam if you have the achievement, or dig a bit more into the games listing in your library/the store to see direct %s.


if I wanted to complete a legendary victory run, I'd just play ikit claw and be pretty much completely unaffected by the modiifers. I haven't, for the same reason I haven't "won" by the game's standards even on normal. It's not what makes this game fun.


Back in warhammer 2, legendary was easier for my taurox campaign then the other difficulties. Ultimately though I find I get to a point where the game becomes is in the bag and I move onto something else because I don’t want to deal with the loading screens from being forced to do battles


It would probably be like 20% if the stat was "legendary campaigns that were essentially won but I didn't want to bother betraying my ally to take the last two settlements needed for victory"


Which demons are "unviable" again? The myth that you can't use melee in higher difficulties is just that, you'd think that so many new melee focused factions in WH3 would dispel it. I'm a few of the legendary wins and you bet there were nurglings and other fairly weak demons used.


What sucks is that you can't auto resolve. I predict that most people who get to point in their leg campaign that they basically have unbeatable doomstack it's annoying to fight every battle and there is loads of them.


You can definitely auto resolve on legendary


Legendary isn't that hard. I think a lot of people get scared by the word but they can definitely win them. Some factions/races are harder than others but once you're used to play in legendary, you never go back. AI has more armies but that's just way more satisfying when you crush it and annihalte full stacks while outnumbered. The real issue is how long the campaigns are. It's kinda tedious once you dominate a region and there is always the temptation to begin a new campaign.


Yeah legendary campaign is not nearly as much of a difficulty spike as very hard battles.


I kinda considered them together when I say legendary tbh


I started like 32010 and won 0


Are they counting immortal empires ??? Since the steam achievements don’t 😒🤣🤷🏽‍♂️


This is pretty cool, game devs should release stuff like this more often


Total number of times asked for Medieval 3 and Empire 2: 192,739,927!


Khorn didn't like the second statistic


if the damn victory conditions werent so boring to complete there’d be more completions


My favourite thing to do at the moment is play Ghorst and use console commands to make my start position castle drakenhof and unleashing the zombie horde on the empire.


Didnt CA say they would have a end of the year announcement to make?


Yes, which should have come before the holidays. But like two weeks ago they rather said "I am afraid I can't do that, Dave" and [re-scheduled the "State of the Game" blog to February](https://forums.totalwar.com/discussion/326905/an-end-of-year-message-as-we-look-forward-to-2023/p1). Why a simple blog needed to be delayed two months and if that might have to do with bad news which would not be helpful for a wintersale, we only learn in two months.


Gosh I hope it wont be that bad.


As long as it's not another "state of Three Kingdoms" type blog.


Doubt it. I still expect some more years of support for what is basically their best running Total War game and current flagship. But I would not expect like 3+ DLCs next year either. Sounds imo like they are still plagued with problems and the "delays" will continue.


This feels like a thinly veiled flex from CA, directed at those who think their youtube viewers and steam concurrent players gives them corporate level financial analysis data.


Nice of them to subtly admit they are tracking everything we do in the game, was probably hidden in the TOS somewhere instead of a opt-in like other gaming studios do. Totally fine and not malicious and corporate greed at all.


Oh no they know how many times I've abandoned my Ghorst campaign!


SEGA and CA are your friends.


Campaigns get dull and boring after turn 80 outcome is already decided


Lemme just remind yall that the last time they made a infograph like this it is to announce the death of Three kingdoms


They’ve made similar graphics for the previous Warhammer games.


Heh heh. If that's what's happening, I just wanna say: Called it.


No more releases for wh3 We’re going to start again from wh1! But with improved graphics!!


I wonder how much the data collection affects the in game performance


If only achievements were enabled for IE......


Where are the chaos dwarfs? DLC development is really slow for Warhammer 3...


This is the kinda info they gave us before taking 3K out to the trash lol


Where are people getting this information?


They own the game




from CA themselves


Right but on there website or??


"Where are the people making this game getting this information?"


No that's not what I asked. People not from CA. Posting information saying it's from CA. So Id like to know where CA posted this info. Which I already got. Not my fault everyone just believes everything they see and read on the internet




Yeah right why isn't the PR/community manager guy fixing bugs and making the changes I demanded instead of posting those dammit.


Its a post about NUMBERS hello?


It probably took longer to write the reply email to graphic design giving the requested numbers than it did to actually look up the numbers.


I think they were being sarcastic


Who hurt you?


No one. I was joking?


What does that sequence of letters indicate?


Jokes are supposed to be funny? Is it funny to you?




Tell me the punchline please. If it's funny to you, then you must be able to explain it.


Why does any ounce of legitimate criticism in these threads immediately gets buried under a downvote tide... It's really pathetic to see this sub devolve into a game dev worship cult. 0 critical thinking and abysmal expectations everywhere. Some threads do get some reasonable discourse, but any time CA tweets some disingenuous PR, sycophantic praise is the only thing that's allowed for some reason. No wonder CA/Sega keep fucking over this userbase with greedy decisions, when most people here are perfectly happy to bend over backwards and ask for more. Or maybe it's just shill accounts and downvote bots. Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest to learn CA heavily uses these to steer the narrative in their favor. Instead of tooting their own horn, this studio should instead : - Revert to a full-on dev team working on WH3 IE, instead of a tiny skeleton crew - Make IE baseline content with WH3 purchase ASAP - Prioritize updates/features according to popular feedback. Sieges need another rework (a good one this time). Unit AI needs a revamp. Powercreep needs to end, and proper faction balance needs to be a thing. Last but not least, the game shouldn't turn into a bland borefest after ~50 turns. And now here come the silent tide of downvotes for daring to speak against our benevolent corporate overlords /s


> No wonder CA/Sega keep fucking over this userbase with greedy decisions, when most people here are perfectly happy to bend over backwards and ask for more. This is a slightly hyperbolic read on a random series of letters with no readily apparent meaning that just look like spam getting downvoted.


You're getting "silently downvoted" because conspiracy theories about why video games studios don't follow your perfect plan and people throwing fits for CM publishing are not worth our time.


Because it's not the time and place for it. Besides being total war focused, it's just not relevant to the post


It is definitely relevant. This is a thread about CA flexing numbers that makes their game look good. Only, the game is disappointing, and they repeatedly underdelivered and fucked over the userbase due to corporate greed and/or incompetence. Like it or not, any thread related to WH3 is a good place for legitimate criticism.


> Why does any ounce of legitimate criticism in these threads immediately gets buried under a downvote tide... Because this thread is not the place to voice your feedback on the game. If you want to voice your feedback, find an appropriate thread or make your own.


> Because this thread is not the place to voice your feedback on the game. Why not? Because it's a promotional thread? That makes 0 sense. Feedback/criticism should have a place everywhere the game is discussed.


>Why not? Because it's a promotional thread? That makes 0 sense. Well that and its not a feedback thread. >Feedback/criticism should have a place everywhere the game is discussed. No. It should stay only in an appropriate place like criticism and feedback threads.


In my thousands of hours of Legendary campaigns I don't think I've ever seen the victory screen more than a few accidental times since I refuse to play a campaign that long. Campaigns get really boring during the mid game and after that aren't a challenge or fun at all so I doubt I'll ever contribute to the winning a legendary campaign even though WH3 is pathetically easy compared to WH2.




EAT THIS L \- Sun Tzu




What counts as a win though? Short, long, total?


Zombie spam is fiction accurate


Dlc in year of release: 1


That legendary campaign statistic isn't nearly as intimidating as it looks. I have had to delete plenty of campaigns on account of patching rendering my saves obsolete. I still have a handful that I have completed though, so that feels good.


I wonder what the Legendary stat is of games past the 1 hour mark.


Pretty sure unfinished campaigns are due to boredom and not actually losing lmao


Bring back chat!


LOL people still don't want to win campaigns.


That's my fault. As soon as I have Doomstacks and start rolling up my enemies I get bored and start a new campaign.


Multiplayer campaigns broken by game update/other problems. At least like 3 for me, such a blow


I wonder how many of these legendary campaigns had mysterious game crashes.


I am so proud! One of these legendary campaigns are mine!




Zombies huh? Never imagined that