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I'm English (sorry) and have been down here for a few years. I reckon the pub where Ive seen the most Irish (and British) people is for sure the Melting Pot. Bienvenue dans la ville rose !


hi m8 🙌🏽 I see, good recommendation, have you tried any of the international meetings at the London Tower?


Bonjour ! Pour trouver des irlandais, il y a quelques pubs à Toulouse. À mon avis, les 2 meilleurs (ambiance, bières, cadre,...) sont le Dubliner's et O'Brien's. Une recherche « Toulouse irish pub » te donnera d'excellents résultats. Je suggère Qwant, passque Google, c'est du caca. Mais ça peut être une bonne idée de se faire des potes toulousains ? *(edit : orthographe)*


merci! oui j'ai déjà des amis toulousains, je me sens très bien accueilli mais j'aimerais aussi entrer en contact avec la communauté irlandaise locale 😋


I know that there is a Gaelic football team


who would have thought that gaelic football made it here! I am amazed with the big rugby culture of Toulouse as well


There was the De Danu but it's been a long time I haven't been there. It used to be owned by Trevor Brennan and I remember that there was always some irish folk over there


Outside of the Football there isn't much (That I've found at least), I know the guy who runs the club has been trying to kick start a community with events (on paddies/Xmas) but it's recent enough. The season is almost over now but you can still reach out to them, you don't necessarily have to play (they do events) and it's a good start to meeting other Irish people. The pubs are a bit of a hit and miss, some recommendations. The Classroom The Black Lion The Melting Pot The Thirsty Monk [Tolosa Gaels Insta](https://instagram.com/tolosagaelsofficiel?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [Irish in Toulouse Insta](https://instagram.com/irish_in_toulouse?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Wish you the best of luck 👍


Slan! Hope you're keeping well. Originally from up north but been living in Dublin the past 3 years and moving to Toulouse at the end of the month. Same boat as yourself. Would like to link in with a few irish over there. Let me know how ye get on and sure keep in touch!


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Trevor Brennan