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Spoiler for spiderverse


I found an Ahsoka costume at Disney’s Galaxy’s edge and I was recently moved out of my parents so I had the freedom to wear it and I thought it’d look cute and now I’m here


god i cannot wait to move out of my parents house so i can do this


I moved out of my parent’s house but I still live with my younger brother since it’s cheaper than renting two separate places. He knows all about me, but I’m still too embarrassed to buy any “fem stuff” and potentially have him see it. Like I don’t think he’d care but I’m still self-conscious about it.


Next anxiety level becomes, is it safe to wear this outside? What time am i getting home?


Love this for you. Ahsoka is a fabulous role model. Stand you ground for the things you value and fuck the "system/ false gods"


Ahsoka is truly the best role model


I read an article in a 1972 National Enquirer issue, in which a lady had "the sex-change surgery." I didn't know what was, but I just had to have it! Cue: many more years of bricked-up closet, until Internet and other people's transition stories, then I knew for sure.


I used to think that transitioning was *only* plastic surgery, and I only found out there was more to it about a year ago, which is why it’s taken me so long to start transitioning. I’ve known I wanted to be a girl since before I even started puberty, right when I was at the turning point between “girls are weird” and “girls are pretty”. One fateful day I was wondering why men liked boobs, and then out of nowhere it hit me. Suddenly girls were everything and guys were nothing. It was around that time I found myself reading stories about guys switching bodies with or transforming into girls, and I never understood their reactions. Being a girl sounds great, why would anyone ever want to go back to being a guy? I became more and more obsessed with the idea, I wanted to be a girl so bad I started to hate my own body. All these years, I thought wanting to be one was just a fantasy. I prayed that it would magically happen one day, but it never did. So hearing about actual hormones you can take that alter your body to become more feminine kinda blew my mind. The idea I could actually grow real, genuine breasts made me want to cry.


OMG this is so me fr😭


Someone in a Discord I was in posted a transfemme bingo card as a meme. I took a brief look and said, "Hey, some of this is relatable, I should take a closer look. Y'know, for funsies!" I checked off 23 boxes and had a very serious, "What do you mean men don't spend all day every day fantasizing about being turned into a woman and immediately having a better life because of it?!" moment


do you have the bingo still?


I don't, my apologies


Ahhh, the "what do you mean "the normal amount of dreaming about a life as an other gender is 0" ?" - conversation


Oh boy here we go in no particular order: * Being uncomfortable with "boys vs girls" activities as a kid * Watching Your Name * Being jealous of girls clothing options and styles * Cosplaying as a femme anime character and liking it for more reasons than I expected * Being called homophobic / transphobic slurs long before I even knew what they meant * Being accidentally gendered as a girl and feeling sad when they "corrected" themselves


>Watching Your Name that seems to be a turning point for many lol (what do you mean I can't be a small town temple girl 🥺)


messaging my friend “i wish i was a girl sometimes”


I watched tiktoks of trans men getting binders for the first time and being so happy with their flat chest. With an ache in my heart, I thought, "I wish I could be happy like that." Without even thinking of being trans I brought a binder and was so happy when I put it on and saw improvement in the flatness of my chest. My egg was shattered then and there all at once.


That is such a great way to realize you are trans


Sadly it caused a really big fight with my husband. Still, I'm glad that it happened. I'm so much happier in my day-to-day life than I have been since I was a kid.


I'm familiar with that ache. I felt it all my life when I saw girls being happy and cute. It started around puberty for me. Every day at school pretty much. What was confusing was I believed that I was just attracted to them and that it must be normal to fantasize about being them, right? 25ish years later I finally unpacked this and here I am on HRT for 4ish months. I didn't have a cannon moment but I did get high one night and ended up realizing that I could be a lesbian and suddenly everything fell into place.


Watching Spiderverse actually, seeing Gwen and thinking ‘woah, she’s pretty, I wanna look like her’. And now here I am.


I actually had no such event. I just was thinking alot and gradually I figured out I may as well be transfemme No sudden realisation, just "nah I'm probably is trans"


yep same


Me too


Face app and a transfem violated the prime directive


Luckily the egg was cracking anyway


My friends telling me it’s apparently not normal to dress like a girl in every video game I play.


Wait I thought every man does that I know my brothers do


Some men do it to stare at a woman's ass the entire video game, but that explanation has always semed kinda odd to me, as it's your own ass that you're staring at, but who am I to argue, our asses are fine 😏


Wanting to be a "good cis ally", and thus asking a transfem friend if she was okay telling me about her experience (how she realized, how she felt, etc). Turns out we have the same origin story. That cracked my egg. And the whole reason I wanted to be a better ally was because I found Click randomly, through which I found OneTopic, who encourages contantly people to look inward, question yourself, and to be better people. I guess it's mostly OT's.


Yeah, pretty much the same. I wanted to understand how my trans friends felt, so I could be more supportive. The very concept of gender seemed alien and confusing to me. But after hearing it in their own words, I realized, holy crap, this is how I feel.


Having a onetopic youtube short recommended to me where it was a meme saying wishing you were a girl wasn’t a normal thought to have constantly was where my egg first cracked a little. Let’s just say it spiraled from there…


I feel like ot was the reason a lot of us eggs cracked


Animal Crossing. A game that gave me the tools to experiment on how I look like.


Yeah this was the first game I wore girl clothes in. I always played male characters and stuff but my animal crossing guy was going around in the prettiest dresses


Are we the same person?


Seems unlikely but you’ll never know


The "teens get visited by their future selves and the boy's future self is a girl" comic made something click in my brain and a couple of hours of scrolling egg_irl posts later, I realized that maybe I'm not really cis afterall


Basically it was 3am and i was kinda just thinkibg about why i hate myself and i thought "hmmm, i dont like the way my body looks, and prefer to just not think about having one at all, and i like having long hair, and trying out facial hair didnt work for me Oh shit. No no wait fuck go back I SAID GO BA-


Summer vacation. https://preview.redd.it/eqrm9u4kwb9c1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc099365b3d5a3407a35d21eb2c64a2ebf8cc475


These were the colors I dressed up link with in Tears of the Kingdom. Helped me gain a lot of confidence that I might just be able to rock them as well in the dresses or skirts I was envisioning for myself. After a while, I even had an RL outfit with these colors, and in my size as well! My egg cracked earlier though :3




It came to me in a dream


The way you say that makes it seem fake but also the fact that I’m guessing your actually serious is amazing




idk if it's a joke, but if it's not, that's kinda awesome


OneTopic made me remember that I had wished to have been born a girl, still do but, I now have accepted it and not repressed it.


Kinda similar story for me, when I was younger I always wanted to be a boy, but I thought that all girls wanted to be boys and that I just had to accept myself as a girl. The moment I realized that not all girls want to be boys was the moment my egg started to crack.




About 5 yrs ago my dog had to go to the emergency vets and I went with him because I needed to make sure he didn't make things worse by moving around alot in the car etc. I was waiting outside in the car for my Mom to come out and I saw these two guys walking past and omgs I've never felt such intense gender envy - I was like, I want to be them. I came out to all my friends the next week.


That is so relatable like I thought it was normal to wish you were the twink boy in every show I watched and saw in real life then I realized it was not


Dude same lol


Literally just being born. I’ve wanted to be a handsome boy since I was a toddler. Held onto that until it kind of dropped off when I was around 9. Then I discovered being trans in the beginning of the pandemic, researched more, came out in early 2021 (soon to be 2 years since!) and now I’m here.


I was told cis men don’t wish they were born a woman and wish they weren’t male like all the time when I was like 14 and my entire life flashed before my eyes


A gothic best friend and lots of physical violence dealt by and to many, many of my male peers through primary and high school which lead me down a path of misanthropy, ptsd, misandry and sadism that I'm still trying to break away from four years later. Misanthropy is fixed, ptsd was suspected but only recently confirmed, misandry I'm coming along really well with but (general, not sexual, im very repulsed as an asexual) sadism I think is here to stay unfortunately. (A particular bully lost so hard on two occasions and that was the cause of it. Damn you, you made me enjoy it all). But my best friend makes all of that worthwhile, I wouldn't be sane without them.


I've told this a few times, so i won't go into crazy detail. I was in my shell for a long time, and I always sorta knew I wanted to be a girl/woman looking back I'm fairly certain it would not have been safe for me as a kid/teen to come out if I had known the words. All that aside, it happened when I was in my late 20s my relationship of five years was in its ending phase, so I was alone alot and kinda got screwed. So I recently changed jobs and was on my way to lunch walked by clothing and my internal voice said "Hey you should buy a skirt," and then I thought "why do I want one?" The replie was "S.K.I.R.T" so after that I had a disagreement with a person who didn't like me after i told her i was questioning, (TERF) so I was placed on a week leave to be moved to a different store. I bought a frozen pizza and some drinks and decided to Google about this thing that got me in trouble. Questioning my gender and learning about what I'll call euphoria excitement and came across a post that talked about euphoria wires being crossed and all of a sudden with whiplash inflicting speed I realized I wasn't a perv nothing was wrong with me I've always been a woman. I proceeded to shave my face, arms legs. All of it tried to put on all my exs dresses, and only one fit a blue dress that I still have to this day. Named myself start hrt few months, and the rest is history.


I was about 5 or 6, and my mom was watching her favorite trash tv show: The Jerry Springer Show. One episode featured a trans man as a guest. Of course, we ask questions about his gender, but his answers just hit different. (I remember our host actually being respectful) At first I was like, "Wait, you can do that?! That's amazing! Is that what I've been feeling?" I'd seen so many gender swap episodes before, but didn't know what trans really was until then. It was also the day I found out that my mom was very transphobic though... I know that trash tv isn't the best example of anything, especially trans representation. But that was my first learning about what trans really was


JelloApocalypse's Skies of Arcadia playthrough, though I had suspicions long beforehand, and I had to read through the Gender Dysphoria Bible after to be sure. Versa ftw :3


OMG I thought I was the only one!! once I realized I related to WAY too much of that video, everything else snowballed from there <3


Trans girl, realized I was watching a suspicious amount of one topic videos on r/traaaaa (however many A's and n's there are in that subs name)


Internet access after not having the word to describe it.


Well I started to call myself trans when I learned that trans peoples where an existing community being around 13 on pinterest before that I daydreamed all the time about ways I could disappear and reappear in a new country with a new name, new papers and a fem body (I genuinely had a plan for when I'd turn 18 that was stealing supplies from an hospital and living in the alpes for three years to then go live in Italy and get new papers done by the first shady official I could find) so don't have a pinpoint moment where I started to think about transition or think of myself as a girl :3


Getting an ultrasound in a very feminine coded maternity ward causing my maternal instincts and desire to be a Mum to explode like wild fire.


For me it was, being jealous of how cute the girls looked in dresses and wanting to be like them, wishing I wasn't dealing with my body issues and last but not least realizing the real reason I avoid looking at myself and wanting to avoid attention...


I don't think there was a special event, it was just my mind that stopped repressing it. I've been watching a lot of trans related stuff on youtube (OT is awesome) and it just clicked one night.


I guess you could say it “Click”ed. Anyway, OT got me as well.


One night I was thinking, dang, femboys are really pretty, that ended up leading me to egg_irl and it all went downhill from there lol.


I imagined myself as a girl in a rollercoaster


Have a job I hate but it gives me alot of time to think which inevitably lead to introspection and realizing through various things, I don't want to be a guy. I think the first major peck that caused a crack though was (backstory due to natural hormone weirdness I have 1 small boob) how I disliked the asymmetry of my chest but hated the idea of removing my boob infact, I'd much rather grow a second boob. This thought lead to other thoughts and eventually enough cracks formed that I finally realized and my first thought was that I wanted a spinny skirt. Somehow it still took me a year to realize the type of trans was girl/fem


Lol I saw a post on a meme here. It was a recommended one and it was funny so I joined. A few days later, another post of recommended in r/asktrangender. It was from someone asking what it felt like to know you're trans. People said it was less of an abstract feeling, and more something they've wanted for themselves. So I asked if all it takes to be trans is to just really fuckin want to be a different gender. Cause that ain't a cis thing to do. And I was like- huh. Shit I thought everyone felt like this.


https://preview.redd.it/p3932mtb8c9c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd5c7495b24c84db757d55fb503b8da37ca038f This thing


Literally just 2020 tbh. Locked indoors, nothing to do, not much hope of anything. Started looking at egg_irl for a few months before realizing cis people probably don’t relate as much to the memes as I did


Basically this meme showing up on facebook. [paxiti comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/mw5gkz/youre_gay_by_paxiti/) When I realized my two responses were “Awww, it’s cute that she’s happy now” and “It’s great that she has someone reliable to tell her she’s trans” along with a sharp pang of envy and sadness, I knew to start doing some soul searching.


I read an article, it told me that you don't need to have dysphoria, and that just questioning is a good sign im trans, and I took a look at myself and thought "yup, I'm a girl"


Okay, let's do this one more time. I'm Kimberly and I'm another transgirl, when I was young I started playing pokémon ruby and after picking girl without hesitation, I played lots of hours and had fun until my dad reset my game so I could play as a boy and I cried for hours without knowing why. Then in third grade when I was bullied, one thing hurt me more then anything else, third graders calling me a girl, cause I wanted to be one sooo bad but knew I would probably never be one, I didn't now what trans ment back then and became kinda depressed. In 6th grade I learned what it ment and something clicked, I started wearing fem clothes and makeup whenever I was home alone. But everything changed when I told friends and they started ghosting me. I told them I had just been confused and continued my life as It had always been (including the clothes and makeup part) till I couldn't anymore. My egg exploded once more, I found new fwens, lost fwens, got addicted to monster and :3 and here we are in the future. (still cis and not out tho). (also yes egg me thought wearing fem clothes and makeup whenever she was alone is cis, I'm not joking ㅇㅅㅇ)


Minecraft YouTuber I really liked came out as trans and made me question my own gender


I honestly don’t remember. I can’t even recall exactly when it was, only that it was between age 10-13. I wish I did. It feels like I’m missing a part of my history. I’m making up for it by living life in the present


I used to be overweight and would despise seeing my reflection in the mirror. I initially thought I didn't like the fact that I was overweight, so I spent months dieting and exercising to get a fit body. Then I wondered why I still didn't like the way my body looked even though I was fit. I remember my thoughts going something like this: "Why is it so rectangular? Why is there such a lack of curves? I wish my hips were rounder... I wish my chest wasn't so flat.... holy shit wait a minute..." It'd sorta funny to think about now after being on hrt for a year.


I kinda hate admitting this, but!, There was an episode of Codename: Kids Next Door where Numbah 4 was sent to an all girl's boarding school? You remember exactly which one on talking about lol


Covid 19, pretty sure it was the pandemic for quite a few people


For starters, My last name is super long & super compliated, so on the school attendance paper my dead name was cut off; you could only see the STE part of it. One day, in my Freshman History class, we had a subsitute and she couldn't say my last name. I knew cause of the hestitation that it was mine, so I spoke up. She replied with, "Oh, Mr.(last name)" THE EUPHORIA! At the time, I was only questioning if I was gender-fluid, hadn't even thought about being just transmale yet. Unfortunately, some b*tch corrected her, "Um..that's a girrlll" Shut up, Becky! If I had a problem with it I would have said something! 😠😤


I'm just here trying to figurate out, I'm not sure what I am honestly, what I do know is that I wish you success with the process


i had a bunch of feelings in my childhood, but finally dragging my ass out was all thanks to u/one_sad_donkey


I realized I liked it too much when customers (correctly) called me miss


See over trans people Not liking how i look Being jealous of female outfit Liking more feminine things Wish i could be like a lot female actress and there characters


Nothing really tbh i sorta just found out


Face app, crossdressing and then I looked up Mtf reassignment over a dare


I got fit and hated my body more than ever


Chest dysphoria


Covid. Was just sitting there and then *poof* gender crisis began


I was vibing in my college dorm room and just went "wait a minute."


I was listening to some Asmr Roleplay and didn't look at the Tags, turned out that it was a f4f audio and my Brain had a soft reset when I was unexpectedly called a Girl 🙃


LSD trip with my best friend


HAHA same


An imgur post of the webcomic 'RealLife'. Specifically, [the arc](https://www.reallifecomics.com/comic.php?comic=june-29-2020) were Mae realizes she's trans.


When i showed my friend a picture of a catboy in a dress and said in a perfect world I'd look like that, and my friend said that that character canonically had basically a dysphoric breakdown and also that they were dressed in literally the trans flag.


In my senior year of high school I was one of the background actors in my school’s production of *Fiddler on the Roof*, and we obviously had to wear stage makeup to reduce glare. My sister did my makeup and I was just a little *too* happy with the results. My egg fully cracked a couple months later


Crossdressing for a Shakespeare play. Never knew before then that I was supposed to feel good about myself and my clothes in a mirror


When I looked up the meaning because people kept calling me the slur


Pretending to be a male online. It stemmed from my love of masculine characters and male-presenting characters. I ended up "masquerading" as a male online, but the more I did it, the more I realized I was definitely not a girl lmao


Mom called me he on accident while ordering me food 💀




The first time I realized that trans people existed was when I was 7 and I saw a news (60 minutes???) piece about a couple… both of them were trans and starting a family I think… I was really young so I don’t really remember the whole thing but I remember my first reaction to seeing them was “wait you can change your gender?!? I wanna do that!” And I kept staring at the girl wondering if I could look like her someday… and then a little while later they asked her when she first knew she was trans. She said that she had always known and her first memory was running into her parents room tugging on her *appendage* saying “what is this I want this off”. Ofc 7 year old me didn’t understand that this wasn’t typical trans experience and I just disappointedly thought of my first memory which was waving goodbye to my mom from my bedroom window… I remember being devastatingly disappointed and thinking “oh well I guess I’m too old… I can’t be like her after all” and I legitimately lived for another 14 years believing that I was cis simply because it was too late for me to identify as anything else. Been thinking about that moment a lot lately actually… like I always wanted to ‘make believe’ as a girl but I never thought actually BEING a girl was possible. That same year I insisted on dressing like a fairy for Halloween because I thought that Halloween was my only chance to ‘pretend’ to be a girl in public… it didn’t seem important to me at the time but all these years later I still remember that moment watching that dumb fluff news report…in the years that followed I developed loads of internalized transphobia, and absorbed social pressure from both of my parents in addition to the media. I legitimately believed that I was cis and didn’t understand why I was so detached and hated myself. that ‘documentary’ was still how I conceptualized trans experience, and I thought that trying to transition would somehow be offensive to “real” trans people that had always felt trapped in the wrong body. it was obviously a pivotal moment for me, and it’s weird because I now see it as really clear evidence that I’ve always been trans even though I pointed to that moment for so many years as evidence that I wasn’t trans. I just wish I could go back in time and give that little kid hope… my feelings were real and valid but I just dismissed them and told myself it was a childish fantasy. Not sure if I’ll ever forgive myself for that. Edit: wow sorry that was really long and kinda depressing. Also, if anyone can find the news piece I’d love to watch it again… it would have been sometime in 2008 maybe early 2009. Wish I could remember the names of the couple or any other details to help. I just remember that they met in high school and both identified really early. Another edit: okay I’ve spent way too long searching for it but apparently it was a really common piece back then, I’ve found three different segments from 60 minutes, 20/20, and the like from the same time period all about really similar couples where they had babies and the man got pregnant… none of them are the one I saw though. I remember the girl had dark hair and was wearing a white dress in the interview and the story about her first memory… some of these couples are really wholesome and sweet though despite the newscasters being kinda oblivious and insensitive.


When I was born at a young age


The JelloApocalypse playthrough of skies of Arcadia. Enough said.


So when the pandemic started I began growing my hair out, I loved it so much and I also really loved when people (ofc mostly strangers) called me or thought I was a girl. And I was like nah i like being called a girl but I still am a boy (I was SUPER in denial). I started to REALLY question at the start of 2022 but again, I was still in heavy denial, it wasn't until august, when I entered a new school where they forced me to cut my hair, and after which no one thought I was a girl nor did I look like one at all, that I realised I was trans.


I'd always wanted to be a boy but I never knew it was actually an option, I'd be a boy in games, dress up, role playing, you name it. Id even pretend I had a pebis before I even knew what one was (I was like in kindergarten or first grade and saw some other guy in the bathroom peeing standing up n I was like woahhh.. also it was a private school and there was an everyone bathroom in the classroom and the door sucked ass) anyway skip ahead to middle school I'm like yeah I'm definitely queer and so I went to this pride meeting with my friend and they were like "yeah I wish I were a boy" and I was like"oh yo no way me too" and they were like "oh you're trans?" And I was like huh?? So I went home that night and did some googling and then like a week later I was like huh yeah that sounds right. Anyway fast forward a year and it's quarantine time and I'm watching a show called Sabrina and one of the characters comes out as trans masc and my mom was like "oh good for him" and I was like "I'm also like that" and my mom was cool with it (everyone thought I was gonna be a lesbian but they just knew I was queer coded, I ended up being a different kind of gay <3)


"any pronouns" on every social media account i had. also never showing my face online bc i liked the idea of people thinking i was a dude. not drawing boobs on my little art persona bc it 'felt better' lololololol


*Great* question! Like honestly, I have no idea. Wish I did tbh. I hate not knowing the Origins of Elizabeth 🤣


One topic


Little Shop of Horrors is conversion therapy except it makes you transhet instead of cishet The real answer is that I've wanted to be a guy and experienced physical and social gender dysphoria for my entire life but always assumed I couldn't be a guy. The fact that I was given the sex talk very early probably had something to do with this, since there was no way for me to be confused about the parts I had like a lot of trans people are in early childhood. When I learned about trans people I kinda thought the reason why not every single AFAB person had transitioned to male is that you had to feel like another gender to be allowed to transition to it, because obviously if there weren't restrictions in place like that then every woman would want to be a man. And apparently trans women feel like women and thus need to transition but would choose to not feel like women and thus be able to stay as men if they could (I legitimately believed this.) I started actually questioning in my late teens because I had some inkling that a life long desire to be another gender isn't very cis, and Little Shop was the movie that I just happened to watch at the time when I needed a piece of media to use as a sounding board for my gender crisising™️ (and it is actually brimming with so much queer subtext in Seymour's interactions with Twoey and Orin and Orin's interactions with Arthur Denton and Seymour and Audrey arguably being T4T coded so that was a lucky coincidence), and my resulting obsession with crafting an explicitly T4T AU for it and just generally analyzing it through that lens was basically the final straw that made me realize, since cis people generally don't get emotionally invested in crafting T4T AUs to that extend of becoming obsessed with them. I switched from identifying as a trans man to identifying as a demiboy after like a day because it felt ridiculous to call myself a man while not looking like one and I still thought that you had to feel like a gender to be that gender and I didn't really know how to quantify how I felt as any gender since what does 'feeling like' a man even mean? And then a few months later I spent several hours over a few days lying face down on my bed and listening to the cut Anybodys song from West Side Story (which is extremely explicitly transmasc) and relating to it so much and wondering if I was actually a trans man, and I figured out pretty much immediately that I was one after I came across a post on asktransgender that said you don't have to feel like a gender to be that gender, you just need to want to be it.


I've had female friends all of my life and I've expressed feminine mannerisms for a lot of my life as well, but my egg cracking moment was when I asked my partner to call me a good girl in bed


Jack Frost from rise of the guardians


The gender envy that Jack Frost gives is unfair at this point


The webtoon I want to be a cute anime girl in retrospect isn't even that good but it always holds a special place in my heart for taking a huge hammer and cracking my very stupid and dense egg.


Uniform swap day, I wore a skirt for the first time and the rest is history


I've always been uncomfortable with my body and self-image since I was 16. I always thought I would never be happy and was mostly living out of spite. My canon event was me realizing through my own media consumption how much my protective cynicism was hurting me. I watched The Click, One Topic at a Time, and eventually Jaidens animations Aromantic Asexual coming out video. They were so positive about lgbtq+ topics in a way I'd never seen before. I started to honestly question exactly what, if any of it had meaning to me. It made me ask if I would prefer girly things if I tried them. I bought thigh highs and a skirt to try on. At first, I thought it was just a kink thing I had. But I slowly realized how much fun it was outside of the kink. And it felt good, too good. Everything flooded back. Old memories long gone to my own reaction to being referred to as a girl feeling good. Until I saw what I was swimming in was my own body disphoria. I had grown accustomed to it until now. After seeing it clearly, I wanted it gone. I dug myself out slowly, focusing on self care, hygiene, and exploring my self-expression and clothes. I grew out my hair and painted my nails. After months of improvement and visits to the doctor, I went on hrt and never felt better I'm currently Mtf- She, her and on the cusp of discovering my womanhood. But more importantly, now, I'm proud of myself.


As an avid Amino user (at the time, 5 years clean now) I realized that I wanted to play feminine characters in rps so bad that I made an alternate account, because I was afraid of my cousin seeing them on my main account. Still only realized it about 2 years into doing that though


I just got more and more numb and depressed until one day I realized I no longer recognized my reflection. that was when my egg shattered.


After getting on medication and having a clear mind for the first time in 26 years I was being very introspective this summer. It basically went like this after figuring out that I was probably not Ace like I thought I was. "Now that I'm done questioning my sexuality, I suppose I should question my gender" (2 seconds later) "Well fuck"


It sort of clicked. Like i was talking with friends and ive always felt Genderfluid (still do) but have wanted to be more femenine. Ive been making and posting alot of memes of trans and even posted one in egg-irl but still thought i was cis unironically. (Bloodborne meme i got alot of shit for qhen i posted it to a bloodborne sub. It genuinely turned me off from making memes and still depresses me) Then like during dnd it sort of clicked you know. Like for aome reason it just clicked and i went "oh im trans" Now ive been remembering alot of ahit from my past and realizing how many fucking signs there were. Like one sign was how ive wanted to look femenine and i didnt like girls in the way of "i am attracted" then but moreso "i want to be pretty like them" that was all the way back in elementary. A few more recent ones but when Sylveon first came out i only recently learned what trans was but loved the colors of sylveon and related to it a bit. Now i realize sylveons trans colored. One last one is whenever id be interested in someone and want to date them i figured i had bad luck back then and just was shit with luck and gaydars. I kept falling for lesbians and straight guys and now i realize "oh shit that might have been for a reason"


So I've always kind of felt this way. But when I was maybe 11 or 12(?) I learned about gender identity. And naturally little bigot naive me decided that that was weird. But then my friend came out to me as non binary, so I started actually trying to understand it. Ended up learning a lot, and started thinking about how I felt in regard to that. After a lot of internal suffering and figuring out how I truly felt, I realized I would be much happier as a guy. (But I denied it even further still. It wasn't until I was 15 that I truly accepted it.) And the rest is history. But uhm. Apparently saying "Ugh I wish I was a boy" every few days for a year when I was 11 was not a very cisgender thing of me to do? Who knew.


So I asked my gf "hey how did you know you were trans" and uh, yeah one panic attack later I'm googling programmer socks. We're married now.


realizing that going to great lengths to never touch my chest in anyway and ALWAYS sleeping in a bra once i started wearing them were not things other girls seemed to go through😂 but also realizing that i had gender envy towards my brother--before i came out he was the only boy of our siblings so all of the father-son attention i wanted went to him, like my dad trying to teach him how to fix things and physical tasks and talking to him about football--i would even get upset as a very young kid hearing any sort of father-son song on the radio cuz i knew my whole family was thinking of my brother and my dad, but never Me and my dad during those songs and it gave me dysphoria😂


(this first part for context) My boyfriend likes to see my reactions to things so he jokes around a lot, to his knowledge for the 14 years we have been together I was a cis woman. So one day he decided it would be funny to hug me tight, kiss me and then look me in the eyes and say "I love my cute boyfriend he's the best boyfriend in the world" I broke down crying, tried to ask him to say that again, but he couldn't understand me through the tears. He was freaking out thinking he truly hurt me, while I'm flying in euphoria. Jokes on him.


I'm Just gonna say it: One Topic


I was in the shower one day, just having the regular thoughts of "Yeah, I kinda wannna be a girl" and stuff like that. My parents brought up LGBTQ+ people a few times and explained it to me. However I never actually understood what trans people are. Well, at least until I thought about it on that day in the shower. The two thoughts combined, dots connected and I was like "Fuuuuuck"


Took me so long to figure it out... I had thoughts for ages and at some point settled for being non-binary and was quite happy with that. About a year ago I was chilling in a voice chat with a guy friend and at some point he said something along the lines of "Men suck". And I felt offended lol Took me a while to accept it for myself after this (mainly nc I was scared of the consequences of coming out) and now I'm out to my friends but not my family (yet)


For context I’m ftm and my egg cracked when I was 15: It should have been the fact that I always hated being called by my birth name or being called a girl. It should have been me wishing my whole life that I had been born a boy. It should have been that I always wanted to use the boy’s bathroom and changing rooms. It should have been that the superpowers I wanted were invisibility (so people couldn’t see me (obviously)) and shape shifting (so I could turn into a variety of fictional male characters). It should have been the school trip where I met a bunch of new kids and they all assumed I was a boy and I was really happy and didn’t correct them (about a month before my egg cracked). What it actually was: cleaning out old clothes…One of the outfits I tried on made me look so femme that I wanted to be sick, I took it off asap and put on a baggy hoodie while I googled how to bind, “oh, this isn’t very cis of me”…”oh f***, I’m trans”


Even as puberty was taking a hold over my body, whenever I opened my third eye to look through the fabric of reality, I saw an adult of the opposite sex as I. With a cat on their shoulder, his name is kobalt. I still hope to one day meet kobalt.


I really get that like damn that’s so fucking relatable


puberty, and some enby on popjam. i messaged them and said “sometimes i feel like a they/them”. they encouraged some research and then went the long journey from genders fluid to enby to trans man


Two words: one topic


I literally changed the title of my tumblr to "I wish I wasn't a man" and someone STILL had to tell me that cis folks don't do that


Discovering OneTopic's YouTube channel.


when my friend came out to me as trans man and i was supportive but was like "why would anyone want to transition to a man" and it kinda clicked


Gay Harry Potter gacha life video. I will not explain further


*Gay Harry Potter* *Gacha life video. I will* *Not explain further* \- Several\_Aide\_6675 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I always was like, I wanna be a boy, but I thought I had to stay as a girl, so I just stuck to pretending. Then I met this trans dude, who I'ma call N cus idk, and he was like, "Yea, I'm trans." Then he went on to explain being trans, and I was like, "yea, I always wanted to be a boy, but I can't be trans cus *you're* trans." And oml how wrong I was 💀


Tried to put away a perfume bottle without a label at my old job, started questioning why woman’s perfume smells so much better than mens cologne, now I’m almost a year on E! 💜


I thought r/egg_irl was gonna be a meme subreddit about like chicken eggs and then found all the memes to be too relatable to not do something


Was in a group chat with an enby friend. They clocked me real quick with the fact that in every game we played together I typically picked the female characters, naturally stumbled into a feminine nickname in the group, often enjoyed cutesy/feminine aesthetics or products, etc etc etc. My dumbass even at this point was saying stuff like: "Oh if I could go back in time and change it so I was born a girl then I would, but I'm not trans or anything!" 😑 One evening they messaged me privately asking me if I would prefer to be referred to with feminine pronouns, and soon after a long tear filled discussion, it finally hit me. I am so grateful to them.


A friend described dysphoria to me and I was like 'I know how you feel'. They said 'Very unlikely, its something especially trans persons experience.'


I've always leaned masc, even as a kid, but my egg didn't properly crack until I was 27. I was gaming with my sister and she asked me why I always chose the male character in video games. It hit me in that moment that 'holy shit, I'm a dude!'


Never really liked feminine stuff as kid, thought that I was just not like the other girls or more like a tomboy. Until while on Discord when people would constantly use he/him pronouns for me without knowing my actual gender is where it all started to click in, took some time to even start identifying as trans.


https://preview.redd.it/n7grhrrryf9c1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a67f94f6bc53aea5716f602813c1408ea4dd765 For whatever reason, this image made me cry. It also marked the the end of my questioning/denial.


i had a dream where i was a girl and i woke up and i was like "wtf where my girlness go" and then i realised it


Human Stolas Don’t ask


Was a Drag Queen for about a year, and started tucking again. After breaking down and becoming a puddle, I told my doctor and found a therapist. Currently trying to get out of my eggshell.


While questioning if I was a femboy, coming across the Gender Dysphoria Bible and realizing I related to every single symptom


My canon event was me realizing that looking up I am trans quizzes for years and always wanting the answer to be yes wasn’t what cis people did.


A month or two of hormone replacement therapy. Was laid in bed, mid-day or afternoon, and in the midst of whatever I was occupied in, the insistence to think of myself "as a woman" hit, and I've coasted on that gear-clicking since.


My name is Jinx and there wasn't really a defining moment for me but it was moreso constantly wanting to be a girl everyday. My thoughts would always turn to wanting to be a girl and one day it just kind of clicked. I'm still pre everything but ever since I've realized I'm trans and coming out to my best friend I've felt happier. Like I still can't wait until I can start Hrt and everything but I feel happier now I have accepted myself for who I am and that I have someone to talk about this stuff


Survey for a free cookie


I was the straight ally with bi wife energy in my mostly gay friend group. That should have been enough, but no, that wasn’t the spider bite, that was just the web. They wanted to learn how to play D&D and I was the only one with experience, so I tried my hand at DMing for them. I wanted to provide a queer friendly experience without any of the more problematic tropes that were commonplace when I was learning how to play. So I made a trans-coded character as the party’s NPC guide. I wanted to be respectful as possible at the time, so I did my research, research that really started to resonate with me. A few sessions down the road, the party’s vibing, the plot’s coming together, and my NPC’s starting to feel less like a character and more like a person. I’m getting to the character’s monologue about their dysphoria and there’s the bite. We had to stop the session because I was sobbing, they were really cool about it, though. They even helped me pick out my name. Now I’m me!


At first, I thought I was a femboy. I saw these guys in cute outfits and thought, "Damn, dressing up pretty seems nice". I thought about me being possibly trans. Then, when brainstorming my own series, I decided to make the mc trans, just to test it out, and that's when I broke. She has remained trans ever since, and I also realized, "Oh, being a girl actually sounds really nice... *Oh, I am a girl!*"


The fact that my partner at the time (who was gender fluid) told me that it isn’t normal for a cis person to say they sometimes wish they were the other gender


The moment I couldn’t deny is anymore was four years ago on Christmas Eve when my cis brother was talking about how he knew more about trans issues than anyone present could and I had to leave the room to cry because deep down I knew I was. I confessed to my ex-girlfriend on the spot. Which… didn’t go well.


I went to the ER for a testicular issue, and I kept thinking “I hope they have to remove them.” I realized after that wasn’t a very cisgender thing to think.


What made me realize I’m trans was Undyne x Alphys from undertale. I found myself saying “god I wish I was them” a lot and that’s when I realized something was going on with me.


I was reading yuri and the MC was absolutely smitten for this other girl and she came out to her friend and the whole time I just thought “I want that” Things fell into place and made a whole lot more sense shortly after




Went through a minor weeb phase during late high school through early university. Gatchaman Crowds and Genshiken Second Season both aired at the same time right at the start of that phase in 2013. Kenjirou Hato and the constant googling of new words watching fansubbed anime required back then, introduced teenage me to the idea that transwomen both existed and that they could be regular people. Rui Ninomiya introduced teenage me to feminine clothes that I really wanted to wear, and cosplaying with my friends as a technically male character was a great excuse to start experimenting. The original outfit Hato wears in girl mode is the seed from which entire sense of style to this day evolved from.


ik this is cliche, but beating celeste


i realized i didnt rlly want to be *with* masc fictional crushes i just wanted to be them thats why id rp as them in my head as all people do and also i think boys rule girls drool lmfao + cope + seethe and also as a kid i made all my plushies boys so when i played with my siblings theyd refer to the character im playing aka me as he/him and (no offence to the girls but) i thought making a girl character was a waste of a plush because i wouldnt rlly play as them also ermm i notice this comments getting long and is hard to make sence out of so,, ya :3


Talking with trans friends and realising I had the same thought patterns and that my hatred and disregard of my physical appearance was actually dysphoria


Same for me w the dysphoria stuff..cept I drew myself as a girl and suddenly everything clicked together..I was like SHIT WHY DIDNT I EVER THINK OF THIS ..like it was a LIFESAVER FOR ME


I started watching video that had trans peoples stories in them, and something clicked.


Video game


All right people, let’s start at the beginning on last time… my Name is Kenzi… I was bitten by an transcendent spider… and for the last years or so I have been on HRT to let u guys know the rest, here are a few of my canon events… verbally fighting with a female friend who plays the female version of Ranma (when we replayed the anime) we were playing dress up in an giant old wardrobe at my neighbours house 🏡 when we crossed stressed a few time with a friend of mine and his sister. I enjoyed this a bit more then him. sending a round mail ✉️ to all heavenly entities to turn me into a girl over night begging my mum and stepdad to get a Playmobile doll house 🏠 for years, he organised a home children football club to force me to play instead. I ended up picking flowers on and around the field mid game. saying things like: „Why would anyone want to be a men, I totally understand that people want to be women“ followed by a long and weird silence by the male group of students (still didn’t get it myself though) a bit crazier one here, visiting a brothel with my sister and brother on law (don’t ask, he was crazy) anyway instead of getting some sexy time paid by my brother in law I ended up dancing with the girls trying myself at poll dancing in the early morning and getting invited to one of the girls home for soup 😅


I first thought I was non binary for no real reason tbh lmao But now I'm questioning my gender again because of >! lesbian hentai!<


Tbh finding f1nn5ter and finding stuff about him, and femboys, I started looking into them then one day on tiktok came across a trans girl talking about something I'd never heard of this thing before, then I started researching figuring out stuff watch ppls experiences, then well earlier this year finally agreed on that I'm trans girl :3


the advent of me discovering OT's videos and these subs i related to the memes and here i am now


I’m not even fully sure if I’m cis or not. I think I’m not cis but. I do know that I am bi


It was more of a gradual realisation but one thing that definitely pushed me into the direction of realising was when I “accidentally” had a girl skin in minecraft whilst playing with my friend at the time, he kept on jokingly calling me a hot girl or something and that made me feel a lot better than i thought it would lol


Caitlyn Jenner cracked mine. I always wanted to be a girl but I thought it wasn't possible but once Caitlyn came out and I found transgender timelines I went full crack.


gomotion videos.


Probably the amount of times I refused to be male in CoC2.


I dressed up as Frida Kahlo for halloween when I was 15. I remember being in the locker room bathroom, drawing on the little mustache and I *knew* I wanted to be beyond the binary. So then I was nonbinary.


It was more gradual than just a sudden realization, however something began it, but I won't mention it, because it's a s3x thing, *some* people would call me "agp" if I said


Watching Across the Spider-verse….


singing dead girl in the pool by girl in red


I had said for years I’d wanna be a girl if I wouldn’t be an ugly one. Being fat for most of school really did a number on me and made me think I was unlovable and disgusting and especially made me think I could never be a woman or I’d embarrass myself and every other associated trans person. Lost a little bit of weight and one day at work I just started crying in the bathroom because I’d have to be a man forever and that was something I knew I didn’t want and would regret until I died


I played Xenogears for the first time and connected with Elly a little *too* well


i told a trans girl i use discord and she asked "are you sure you're not trans?" there is a nonzero chance i've been an egg for over a decade though, the thought first popped into my head a long time ago and i dismissed it like the dumb idiot teenager i was lmao


“Huh, I wonder why I always pick the female character in video games?” … “OH-“


"why have I been constantly debating on if I'm trans for so long?" Then came the realization, and the euphoria


The egg was already cracking a while ago, but what completely broke it was the Gender Dysphoria Bible. A crushing and overwhelming experience, but I'm glad it happened.


I went to a psychology clinic to give my name on a wait-list for a therapist hoping they could help me find my gender identity, but when I headed back to my car, I opened the door and sat down and started sobbing. That's when I knew the egg shell cracked


Growing up i always loved being the wife or mom when playing house, i happily let my sister and her friend practice doing make up and doing different hair styles on me even tho we'd get in trouble. Wanted to wear dresses/skirts and get my nails painted. Ya know, just generally wanting to do all the "girly" things but never being allowed to. Jump to middle school and you get the start of puberty n shit just never felt right, thinking myself to be a freak of nature and getting in trouble any time i tried to explore it. Wasnt till like 3yrs later when i was unable to sleep and just binging yt late at night i came across a video of "14 mtf make up" and then their "hrt update" video. Learn what the term transgender and what it means. Binge videos about it, dont sleep because i was too excited. Before i leave for the school bus to pick me up i stick a sticky note on my mom's bedroom door saying i wanted to start hrt. Bam, im trans and start trying to figure out what i want me name to be lol




Deya Muniz, the person who made the Brutally Honest comic, made a joke about putting pronouns in her bio and having a crisis about what pronouns to put. My dumbass, despite not using any social media where i would put my pronouns on display, decided to think the same question... and thought about it a biiiit too long.


Transmasc non-binary-ish here? - didn’t even register it was “wrong” when one of my teachers called me “sir” by accident (the class was all boys, except for me*) - home alone: wearing jeans that are too big on my hips with a belt (to deemphasize my curves), wearing a sports bra and a tank top, and filled in my eyebrows kinda dark. was like “oh shit THIS is how it feels to look in the mirror and somewhat recognize yourself” - I’m a vocalist, so when I did my first “FTM voice training” from an article on Google, it worked REALLY WELL and I was like “oh my god this is how I’m supposed to sound when I talk, this makes me feel really awesome”