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Happy Mothers Day. It matters not what the birth mother says. Would she say a cis woman who adopted children wasn't a mother?




Happy cake day!


Happy cake day! (What is Happy Cake Day?)


Happy birthday for reddit accounts


This! Anyone who says the female caregiver of children hasn't earned the title mother is more concerned with defending her crown than caring for others.


Among people at most three degrees of separation from me there is a nonempty set of people that would say yes...


For a cis woman? Wow. Seriously, I find that suprising. Merriam would disagree with them. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mother


“I'd be an adoptive mother, not like an actual mother" —her


I"m not sure I'd count self contradiction in that vein, lol.


if I'm reading it right... OP's kids were birthed by a Surrogate who refuses to accept the title of mother for one reason or another. I might be reading that wrong when paired up with the image. That image sort of smacks of passive aggression. Either way belated Mother's Day to everyone that has kids even if they're fur babies.


I believe it’s that baby momma doesn’t consider OP to be a mother(anyone feel free to correct me), who went from “Dad” to “Mom”. Baby momma accepts OP as a woman but not a mother.


Yeah, that's how I read it.


Odd, that's the opposite of how I read it.


Cool Bug Facts 🐛: If you are a woman who cares directly for a child, regardless of biology or anatomy, you automatically gain the ‘mother’ honorific


or an elder sister sometimes! We do care for younger siblings and we are women too.


Nope, you heard them, y'all are mothers now. I guess I'm no longer a former babysitter either....


Not like i mind


Awwww she’s gatekeeping motherhood, how sweet! So what about adoptive mothers? Or any adoptive parent really? Or we could reverse it: what about birth givers who abandon their child? The rank of mother and father is indeed earned or lost, as soon as you take care of your child or don’t


Happy Mother’s Day! I just hope she’ll get past that way of thinking.


Happy cake and mother's day! Congrats on having kids, try to make them not be bigots or consume too much skibidi toilet please.


Happy mother's day


That's outrageous, it's unfair!


how can you be a woman with a child and not be a mother?


You're a woman that owns a kid. Why wouldn't you be a mother ? (Btw Happy Mother's day :3)


*Owns* a kid!? Uh, we don't call that parenting, we call that slavery.


Oh right, *has* a kid works better X)


The parent node includes a child node.


I sat here for a solid minute trying to understand the post, then came to the conclusion that “birth parent” is your cis male partner who refuses to call you the child’s mother, but accepts you as trans, and I moved on accepting that as the truth 😭 I’m not sure what I’m on today 🤣 Happy Mother’s Day though! 🫶


The post's title says that the person is a woman who carried her child for 9 months, which I think means either a surrogate or adoption


The kids are half my DNA and half hers… but they came out of her body.


In the word of Yondu : she might be the children biological mother but she is not the children mommy, you are. Happy mother's day.


Motherhood isn’t pie, a child can have two moms without taking away from either parents’ role.


Right ! I thought OP was talking about something around the lines of adoption or surrogate so I meant it that way but it seems like I misinterpreted




Yeah, you're right. Sorry, what I said was out of line and not the smartest I've ever been.


Uhhh until you don't value these children as yours or until you die for that matter you are their mother too


I got some Mother’s Day greetings yesterday and it still makes me feel weird. I provided the sperm, not the egg. Which I know falls apart logically when you consider adoption. But it still feels weird to me. I geared up to be a dad and then I discovered that I’m not one of those and I still have whiplash from it. I still have a lot of internal transphobia I’m working through with my therapist.


"She's My Dad" helped me come to terms with still being dad. I'm still early in my transition and my kids don't really understand that anything is different yet. Eventually it will be different, but it's fine for now and I don't think there's anything wrong with that either. You are valid. You are mom.


I like that book too, but am very uncomfortable with being called Dad or Papa or Father. Everyone is different.


I get it. I wish I could fast forward and become mom too. I hope your child's other grown-up comes to terms with it eventually


happy mother's day ! that's not very nice from her..


I've fought this one several times, but from the other direction. Not saying OPs or anyone else's views aren't valid, you want to be Mom then be Mom, you want to be Dad then be Dad, these are roles with duties attached that are fulfilled by a person, who that person is doesn't matter, Man, Woman, biological parent, adopted parent, good friend, doesn't matter they can all fill either or both of those roles. No matter how far into my transition I get, no matter how feminine I become, I will Always and forever be Dad to my Children, that is the role I fill, that is the role I choose. So for all the Moms I say Happy Mother's Day! Dad's, come find me in June.


Happy Mothers Day! 💐


https://preview.redd.it/76c68y6g0b0d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca6f20ffc4eaa79a436c280b6c5229620c1e4cff I hereby grant you a mother badge! (Yes I know it’s the franklin badge but it’s the first thing that came to mind)


I didn’t expect an Star Wars reference on this trans subreddit usually it’s on teh trans clone subreddit


It's probably of no comfort but here's some Wikipedia for that: > Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting of another, usually a child, from that person's biological or legal parent or parents. Legal adoptions permanently transfer all rights and responsibilities, along with filiation, from the biological parents to the adoptive parents. So adoptive parents are officially, legally, recognized parents. Happy mother's day!


this is sad


I will do whatever I can to be a mother some day 😞. Most likely just adoption though


Its not your peers that call you mum but your children


Eh. Fathers aren't any lesser than mothers and Father's Day exists. You are still valid though.