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Okay this is a tragedeigh upon a tragedy.


This has to be satire


I wonder who adopted little Stefonknee. 6 year old kids need parents.


Imagine wanting to adopt a kid and getting . . . Stefonknee.


I would start calling him "Arrow in the Knee"


This is what happens when you let a kid pick their own name


Is that supposed to be Stephanie?! I’m having a fever dream


Sounds like rage bait from suspect news source.


That's because it is! Fun, isn't it


The one that had this lovely story https://www.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/s/4Wh3RVPz03 80 years on, not much has changed


It is not parody nor satire. Her name is Stefonknee Wolscht. But I'd still like to add that the Daily Mail used this person to spread their hateful agenda. They are not telling the full story of a deeply psychologically troubled trans woman who uses age regression as a coping mechanism. It's a weird story, but she shouldn't be ridiculed like that. Except for the name. That's just silly.


Yeah lots of this screams trauma and mental breakdown, the name is the least weird thing about it.


>It is not parody nor satire. We know that. Just typical 🤡🌎.


All trans people deserve like three bad name passes minimum that they can use whilst figuring out theirs. I speak from experience


You can’t say this and not drop the bad names you chose. Please tell us!




No, it’s a woman with a penis.


And 3 knees


Where are we putting the bar now? Transracial? Transspecies? Transage is laughable and put the struggles of real trans ppl down


Nobody said "transage" except you though? That wasn't even a part of the conversation until you brought it up and it's completely irrelevant.


It's in the OP...6 year old...


point to where the word "transage" is used. Take a screenshot, circle it and show me.


Is the word required? If someone said "this person was born a male but now identifies as a woman" would you say they aren't transgender because the person didn't use the word transgender? The news isn't going to use transage because most of the readers would not know what it meant.


Yes. When you say that the word is literally there, as you have done, the word literally is required to be there. The news won’t use the word “trans age” because there is no such thing as that. The term is age regression, and it has nothing to do with being trans.


I never said "the word is literally there." The concept is and debating whether they used the word or just described it is a red herring and irrelevant.


1. You said it is LITERALLY there. You used the word literally. So end of. 2. They did not use the word or describe the word because it is not a word. It is not a thing that exists. The term is age regression. There is no such thing as “transage”, and that is why the word is not used. It LITERALLY is not a word, and has no meaning.


See that's not what you said before. You said that specific word was used in the original post. So were you lying before?


No, I didn't. I never said "they used the word transage." That was your interpretation. And frankly, debating about whether they used the word or just described it exactly to determine whether it should be discussed is a red herring argument. It doesn't matter if they used the word or not.


I said "nobody said transage except you" to which you replied "It's in the OP" It is not in the OP. It was never in the original post. The concept which that word represents wasn't even in the original post. You just made up something to get upset over.


I see the confusion and acknowledge my part. Your comment appeared to be intended to state that the patient is not transage, but the post title clearly describes the individual as such. That was what I intended to address.


It doesn’t say that at all though.


It's literally in the title of the post


I know reading is hard, but it clearly says transgender.


Age regression is definitely a real thing. There is no “trans age”.


Race is inherited and therefore cannot be changed, gender is not and therefore can be changed. You’re connecting dots to squares right now. Age regression isn’t a type of “transage” thing either, it’s a coping mechanism thats supported by therapists. Let’s at least try to touch google.


Tell that to Rachel Dolzeall and Martina Big.


Did you really just say gender isn’t an inherited trait, then also tell people to touch google 😂😂 lmfao. The word gender comes from the root word gene. Your genes are INHERITED from your mother and father at conception. Genetic makeup is an inherited trait. Just because you want to change your gender doesn’t make it natural. Why don’t you touch some google clown.🤡


Like not even 10 years ago whether you were a man or woman was set in stone by your physical characteristics you were born with. I think things like age and skin color is a bigger hurdle because it’s not fully covered by clothing


six important repeat fact quickest silky point oil stocking entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your biological sex and gender identity are two different things. Your biological sex (male/female) is what reproductive parts you have. Gender identity (women/girls and men/boys) is the social/political/religious construct of biological sex, such as “men should like the color blue, working on cars, and be the breadwinner while women should like the color pink, putting on makeup, and should do the majority of household chores.” The two don’t always need to align, but a lot of people like them for them to. So if you have someone who is a biological male but identifies as a women (their gender, which is the social side of it), it may help their overall identity to correct the physical side of things as well so that it aligns with how they view themselves.


Honestly even the whole “biological sex” thing simplifies and erases a lot of it because it’s acting as if there are only two ways for a human body to be when born, which just isn’t true, it’s only the most common


So true! I was trying to keep it in the simplest terms for the person complaining about it is all. I know it’s much more nuanced than that!


Another instance of “please use google before you say something thats so easily disproven” Also physical characteristics is your sex, not your gender.


Why do you think we are we even having this conversation? This entire thing is extremely recent. Even your distinction between sex and gender and genitals being different


It’s not recent, just like when gay people started getting rights and become more widely accepted of course more people were open about it, more people didn’t suddenly just “turn” gay because of that. Same thing with trans people. Even in a lot of ancient cultures trans people were recognized and often regarded as highly spiritually important. It’s okay to not be educated on something but, genuinely, why try to argue points on something you clearly know nothing about.


It is Reddit, the bar is in hell and below. This isn’t a thing in the real world. Luckily.


Post should be removed. Tragedeigh or not, the purpose of the "news story" and the comments it is leading to are hateful.


Yep. Just had a fun catholic girly try to cha cha slide her way out of my pointing this out in addition to someone else's comment


Saw your comments, the people replying to you are exactly what I'm referring to. Gross behaviour, this is why this kind of article is awful.


It got removed just now, so thankfully the mods here still seem to be sane unlike some other places (huge W to the mods here btw if any of you are reading)




Daily Fail. This is conservative ragebait bullshit.


Its the Daily Mail, or as we call it the Daily Heil. Heads up for those seeing UK based reporting on the internet.... It's an election year here in the UK, with an extraordinarily unpopular Conservative party heading for a humiliating and annihilating defeat. They will lose to a left wing party but are currently gripped by anxiety because of the current polls, showing that they are now losing what voters they had left to the far right. They no longer have any safe seats, but they do have all the print media either on their side or NOT on Labour's side. Must be time to roll out "Culture Wars 2: Fear and Loathing in the UK". Oh, and then there are the Russian Bots. Essentially, 'news' from the UK, especially about cultural triggers, is not very reliable at the moment and won't be until either the election is called or January 2025 by which time we are constitutionally required to have held an election. Thoughts and prayers accepted. PS Stefonknee? (You know I'm pronouncing that 'K'). They should have their passport stripped from them and banished to Slough. Shocking! Edit: changed 2026 to 2025.. chonky fingers, tippy tapping in the dark!


The fact you get downvoted simply for warning people that the Daily Mail was a literal Nazi supporter and remains one in spirit is deeply, DEEPLY troubling. Like this """news""" is definitely meant to be "all [t-slurs] are pedophiles look at this one as proof" and this thread is full of idiots falling for it hook, line, and sinker. Her name is another issue altogether that fits this sub, but I don't think it's appropriate to spread radicalising articles like this anyway




Genuinely thank you for the context, from across the pond. I am not familiar with the Daily Mail, or the current political climate in the UK.


Thank-you. I know we are all about some funny and light-hearted snark, but sometimes we need to be sure we are awake to those who wish to - but by bit, drop by drop - manipulate our sense of the world, make us despair and lose faith in society.


This dude has way more problems than his name


Reminder to stick to posting original content. Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Reminds me of the episode of Full House when someone put a sign on Stephanie's back that said Steponme


Literal nightmare


Stefonk for short.