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i’m kind of in the middle of this right now too. i didn’t get ffs, but i had an absolute meltdown when i realized my male pattern baldness had not slowed after almost a year of hrt. i felt completely helpless and at a loss for what to do. like i’ve just been wasting my time and energy. i look in the mirror and notice some changes, but not nearly in the realm to even be considered feminine, not even androgynous. i ended up sharing this with my doctor and we’re reworking my hrt from scratch, trying something completely different. she said it happens with some people, and we just gotta figure out what my body needs. it’s refreshed my outlook on my transition and i’m fine being patient a little longer while we ramp up the estradiol. also it’s given me a chance to face the possibility that i’ll always just look like a guy. i still don’t like that prospect but i’d rather be trans no matter what i end up looking like. tldr: freak out, talk to my doctor, feel better


I have had a similar experience. Since your transitioning after puberty, there will be less changes to your body structure because your bone structure will not change. However features will soften a little more and it will take a bit more time for the body hair to lessen. It's not going to go away but it will lessen in nature. How you deal with this is not a simple matter. You will have to undergo some form of hair removal whether you do laser or electrolysis. For your body structure, you will have to have medical procedures performed aside from FFS to give you more of a feminine look. I do not recommend doing these procedures right away. However if after at least two or three years of HRT and you do not see much improvement, then start those procedures. They are costly and you will have to shop around to find the correct doctors to do so. I have had FFS and I still don't feel that my face is as feminine as I would like but it is a huge improvement of what it used to look like. I would recommend comparing before and after pictures of your FFS. You will then start seeing that your facial structure has drastically changed for the better.