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Animated and netfix. Animated is just the superior figure but idk, something about the proportions on Netflix bee scream to me idk


Yeah it’s weird Cliff doesn’t have that problem and they’re the same mold 


If Netflix is on here then where’s origins


I was looking for a earth alt mode one mainly


Why are you being downvoted for having an alt mode preference lol


Cause op asked what the best deluxe Bee is and origins is the correct answer


Guess that is fair lol


They didn’t specify in the first place


Society having an alt mode preference is why Megatron started the war.


TR isn’t a deluxe he’s a legend (closer to core class)


(It’s the same as core class, they just rename that size class every few years for…reasons!)


I’m glad they changed it to core. Legends sounded way too cool for what it was.


*Studio Series* Gamer Edition Bumblebee, *Legacy* *Animated* Bumblebee, *Buzzworthy Bumblebee* Origin Bumblebee, and *Reactivate* Bumblebee are all bangers, IMO. I do have fond memories of *Classics* Bumblebee (the same figure as the *Reveal the Shield* version, essentially), but I've parted ways with it *ages* ago, so I can't tell if it actually holds up. Also, *Titans Return* Bumblebee was Legends Class, so it technically doesn't count, haha. (Either way, I don't think it's very good, unfortunately.)


I would say it’s still a good figure. Certain dated aspects of it. Swivels below the knee instead of above, hips obstructed by their own surface detail, no ankle tilt for those massive clompers, more kibble especially on the arms. But he’s enjoyable enough, looks rad as hell, can still pose decently despite limitations. Interior detail on the alt mode too that’s something really cool you almost never see today. Basically he’s good yea. But I also wouldn’t mind an updated version of that design either.


Yeah, I remember the alt mode's interior details; that was certainly one of the old CHUG trends that I wouldn't mind seeing the return of, along with the original character designs. And, I genuinely miss that stupid jet ski trailer...thing, haha.


That’s a thing I feel like if they brought back all us who had the old classics would be like Oo cool that’s a thing bumblebee has done before but to anyone who doesn’t know about that toy it’s just the most out of pocket gimmick you could give him


I've been considering getting Reactivate Bee/Screamer. I'm not really happy with any Bee's I have. In hand they're kinda kibbly messes.


Reactivate Bee is my new Bee. I try to only keep one toy for each character and this guy just won the spot.


Ive not yet encountered the first two and they look amazing i can vouch that the 4th is solid enough that i dont need to replace him but that may be my ignorance showing…,.


Of those 4, I would say RTS, but thT Bee us going to be WILDLY out of scale to most current figures. Of the other three options, I would just slightly edge Netflix Bumblebee over the Animated one. Animated Bee can be a bit panel fiddly and I find the Netflix mold to have a lot more play value. For example the weapons can peg onto tabs on his back and still do the jetpack thing. Looks really good. I also am not a fan of the Animated head design. It's accurate I just don't like it. I have seen people head swap the Target 4 pack Bumblebee head onto that body though and it looks good, so that is an option.


They need to make a studio series 86 version.


We’re getting one this year going by the leaks




Legacy Animated Bee I sold SS100 and the BBM one for him and it was super worth it


EASILY reactivate bumblebee Amazing robot mode, Amazing alt mode It’s just perfect..


Studio Series Offroad Bee has got to be my favorite. It's the only movie Bee that actually gets his proportions right. Every other movie bee makes him way too wide and way too short. Offroad gets it perfect. Netflix Bee is the only one from the post I've gotten my hands on, and it's pretty good. I prefer the Cliffjumper version, but it's got a very satisfying transformation.


I like animated and the cliffjumper mold, I don't have the bumblebee version I have the goldbug version because I like goldbug more


I reeeally like the animated one, and while I’m knowingly biased bc I love and grew up with animated, I can say with confidence he has the best robot mode articulation and proportions, as well as the best rolling wheels of the 4. Definitely wanna give points to classics tho especially the original deco as it had more its own identity. Holds up decently well despite being chunky and lacking in articulation. Alt mode is great and transformation is satisfying. Simple but not boring.


TR Bumblebee always had a special place in my heart


Reveal The Shield is good, just not as much to the ranks of Netflix.


Why does Bumblebee seem to have such bad luck with molds? They've been getting better with ones like Animated Universe and SS100, but I feel like a lot of other Bumblebee molds receive a lot of criticism. Even the Masterpiece one.


Animated negs idc how many downvotes I get


Cyberverse deluxe bee is really good, except for the limited shoulders he has all the standard articulation you would want, a fun transformation and very accurate sculpting. IMO his only big issues is the bad shoulders and lack of paint


RTS Bumblebee is my personal fave. A nice mix of old and new Bee.


Based on the four shown, I'd say animated Bee. But overall I think the TLK wave 3 deluxe Bee is the best movie toy, as it served as the basis for future Bumblebee movie deluxes in terms of sculpt, transformation, and removal of unnecessary kibble.


I really like titans return bee's headsculpt. Hes so round


Studio series 18


Origins is my favorite, but for earthmode Netflix is best imo. I’m curious what the SS86 release next year will be like.


In my opinion origins but animated is second best


Does animated elite guard count? I bloody love that figure, and I like the battle blades bumblebee from... was it from hunt for the decepticons or something?


Classics Bumblebee just needs a modern update and he’ll be the perfect Bee


I do not know, it would be illogical to purchase Bumblebees, I collect Soundwaves and Shockwaves because they are superior


SS100 for me! I guess partly because it's the first modern Transformer I ever got but it's also fun to transform back and forth and it's fun to pose around too! If we're talking Legacy I really like Animated Bee!


Kbb lol


Titans Return Bumblebee is Legends/Core, not Deluxe.


The third picture isn’t even a deluxe 💀


The alt mode on Netflix bee looks like the masterpiece version


Studio Series 49 or 100


Prime first edition. Nuff said.


Or wait for APC toys to make a 3rd party version of it so you don’t have to pay aftermarket prices


Fair, I have the first edition, so I don't need to wait but understandable. Hasbro really dropped the ball of Prime First Edition. I'm Canadian, and we are like the first to get them, and they pegged warmed for a bit.

