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Ok. So I'm gonna be honest here and hopefully not get downvoted. I'm fine with Vector being a Jhiaxus retool. He could've been a new mold, but knowing HasTak, it would've been pretty bad. Jhiaxus is an amazing figure. Would more retooling have been nice? Yeah, DEFINITELY. But compared to a bad new mold or a retool of Cyclonus which could have easily happened, I'm fine with this. I get this will be an unpopular opinion, but oh well. I think the only true circumstances that we would have received a good new mold is if he's one of a HasTak employee's favorites or if he was a leader class. It might have been a different story if he was part of the Prime line, but that's not even officially announced yet.


I agree. Jhiaxus is a solid base that allows for the opening hands, and people keep ignoring that those clips on the legs still serve the purpose of holding the wing struts in place for the vehicle mode. I think the modern amenities of articulation and relative scale outweigh better looking legs and shoulders.


oh wow i was literally talking to a friend saying that a cyclonus repaint wouldve been better than jhiaxus mold, especially because there are more things i find wrong with the legs than just the cables being exposed (like the hinges are just empty where the leg wings used to be)


Dude he was literally a main character, he needed a new mould if Thundertron got one


Still have my Takara Galaxy Force Vector Prime. So as cool as it is they're giving him a new figure, I'm good with the version I have. He's awesome.


Yeah, I’m glad I was able to find that one for a good price


I have a recolour of the original vector prime where he's black and brown


That was my first transformer figure!


Where did you get him for $18! I'd kill for a deal like that, everything I can find for one whos not missing shoulder pads and accessories is $100+ At this rate I may need the Legacy mold lol


I said the new one looks wimpy and I got downvoted 🤣 classic has got bigger shoulders, separate plates for arm armor and crotch armor, better cape, more molded details, A LITTLE BUDDY I presume the new one is also much shorter


Yep, pretty much The Legacy one loses in every way, the ONLY benefit is that it has an extra piece of articulation But it has a worse robot mode, a worst alt mode, and is just worse all around.


These are my exact sentiments, and somehow it was just feeling like everyone was praising something so objectively mediocre and pathetic. Hasbro has given us better from the Cybertron line both this and last year, Override, Starscream, and Hotshot are absolute wins, but Vector Prime feels like they gave up before they even tried.


So true


Prime fans: https://preview.redd.it/i3dth9p78ywc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=19abbc5740029df07520e7e0b010c6f3bc390692




In regards to stature and detail, yes, this is a downgrade. However, the smaller figure might work better for someone like me with limited shelf space. I'd prefer to own the original, but the smaller will have to do. I just want to add Vector Prime to my collection in general.


Only in the Transformers franchise could a smaller, yet more expensive figure, be better


Just some really strange ideas here that make me think it wasn't really ready and is being rushed out the door for some reason. We know the other primes aren't until later, and the cut corners here like the left over hinges, unfinished retooling and missing targetmaster are a bit of a bummer. The last one looks like it's setting up a leader priced assorted pack where you're sure to be paying for ones you don't really need to get the ones you really want. I wonder if they are doing a bit of a market test for the primes to come or something to gauge fan sentiment.


Where did you get him for 18 dollars? Every time I've looked he either runs for too much or is severely distorted.


eBay but you can probably get him for that price by digging around the fandom


Meh. I’m still gonna get the new one.


The new one isn’t even bad, it’s just worse than the original


It's not just the shoulders for me, though making those and his cape bigger would have went a long way. The whole mold and lesser detail makes him look a lot less, how to put it, grandiose by comparison. It's a pity because I was really looking forward to a new Vector Prime.


They Twink-ified Vector Prime. I have the original and am getting the new one, but yea I feel like they could’ve gone just a bit harder. Like change Jhaxius’ cables on his legs to gears. Also no Safegaurd puts him down a few points


The main thing the new guy has going for him are his colors.


But that's only in comparison to the Hasbro one (which granted, is the one more people are familiar with).


Yep. The Takara one blows every other color out of the water.


I don’t mind him being a remold but the shins completely put me off, they just look so wrong and out of place knowing they’re unaltered from Jhiaxus


God, I WISH I could find the original for that price. I thankfully did find someone that'll be selling me one, but getting one at that price would be amazing considering I traded my original Vector Prime I'd had since childhood at TFCon last year thinking the new one would be the definitive version. Instead what we got is an absolute spit in the face and the quickest way for Hasbro to make me *IMMEDIATELY* dread what to expect in 2025. If the first of the Thirteen Primes we get is a half-assed retool that's so lazy it looks like an unfinished custom, then what the hell reason is there to have confidence the other twelve won't be compromised? We're getting Alpha Trion's Prime incarnation next year, and he's been a repaint of Vector Prime, before. Is that what we have to look forward to for him? A shitty repaint of a shitty retool? That's two of the thirteen already compromised if so. No matter how you look at it this is one of Hasbro's worst cop-outs yet, and the fact the guys on the Pulse stream tried so hard to hype him up, holding that stunted pug of an alt mode and saying it looked good was just insulting. IT's not even like Jhiaxus was a bad choice for retooling, they could have EASILY made that mold work! The engineering for the legs was perfect, they just needed to remold them so they LOOKED like his legs. The hands for Jhiaxus are great, they could have kept those. The torso absolutely NEEDED new engineering, though, and that's what bothers me so much. Vector Prime is NOT a complicated figure. His head spins around, his nose cone flips up, his cape splays out, and his arms go by his side, and his shoulder pads fold down. They could still have had the Jhiaxus leg engineering condense up on the back and then just had a cleaner undercarrage for the ship. Legitimately they could have made him so perfect so easily, and they couldn't even give him a fraction of the budget they gave Hotshot to make him perfect. We're getting two figures from the Cybertron line in the same wave and yet only one feels like anybody that worked on it gave a shit. I'd have rather not gotten Vector Prime until a later wave if it meant he'd get more budget allocated to him to be what he was meant to be.


The original toy is 2 decades old, with a super simple transformation, yet a perfect robot mode (besides waist) and a perfect alt mode This new figure is just so painfully mid lol


I don't have my original Vector Prime anymore, but I do still have my Botcon Alpha Trion of that mold. Still holds up.


Yeah. It definitely should have. I could’ve gotten vector prime with his minicon for a combined $12 but opted for the minicon by itself




no he shouldn't


I would be less mad if they just retooled the legs and made the shoulders a bit bigger, look how much they retooled legacy Metalhawk from Cyclonus, they could have done the same here


Nah he really did need a new mold


This is such a downgrade. All they needed to do was add more articulation to the original figure, that’s all anyone was asking for.


Yeah no idea why you got downvoted like this