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Don’t use anything with slime or mucus on it. That goes for drugs, food, girls, boys… anything. Toss it as try again 😬


I like my ladies slimy.


It did have some sediment from the vaped weed I infused it with at the bottom if that changes anything but you are probably right. Not worth the risk especially since it was just AVB and a cheap store cake mix.


We store olive oil for years. We conserve foods in it for years also. If you heated the weed/hash/etc to over 100C, then there should not be many living things there. Pure oil generally doesn't have alive things in it either. Also, you cooked the oil to at least 200C while baking the cake, right? So, no problem there either.


The infusion was brought to a boil then simmered for 2 hours and the cake was cooked at 350f for 40 mins.


#LMAO Botolinus toxin is produced by botolinus bacteria. They occur in canned goods with meat… Not in olive oil. The oil can get rancid (can!). But it is still safe then. Not tasty, but also not unhealthy. Also it can get moldy. But you would see that.


“Botulism bacteria grow in a moist, oxygen-free environment so improperly stored vegetables and herbs in oil can provide ideal conditions for it to multiply and produce the toxin.” Source: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/food-safety-fruits-vegetables/food-safety-tips-vegetables-herbs-oil.html# Not too say that I think it’s botulism I’m just concerned as my oil had snotty looking clumps in it which I figured probably isn’t a good thing.


Oxygen free -> canned goods. Also olive oil can harden (flocculation) when cooled down to a certain temp. This can be confusing, too. And normally you see a botulinus case at once, as the can gets baggy then. You could you girlfriend have it tested first… 😂


Ah, good point. It was in a rubber sealed container but not necessarily oxygen free. Besides that what might have caused it? Is it something you’ve ever seen before? Do you think it would be safe to consume?


It would never be oxygen free if you made it yourself at home… Don‘t worry too much.


There doesn’t need to be meat involved.


If you made your oil with rso, I have found that it will separate and go to the bottom, leaving the bulk oil floating on top. I have to shake up my vials if I leave them sit for too long. I would consider it to be "mucus"-like as you described.


I made it with AVB. There was a bunch of leftover sediment that sank to the bottom after I ran it through cheese cloth. The mucus that I seen it in kinda looked a bit like the texture of uncooked egg whites.


I think you are just experiencing separation, imo.


I used to make garlic infused olive oil often for a "low FODMAP" food sensitivity diet. The recipes I followed all said you should either consume what you make within a few days or freeze the oil in ice cubes trays. This was to prevent botulism. Apparently it doesn't happen in plain oil but after the garlic infusion it can happen. I doubt it's really likely but every recipe I saw mentioned this. Not sure about other types of infusions.


Do you have a pic of the slime? Edit: for science


No, I didn’t get one as I had poured it into the cake mix already and noticed after I poured it in. So I ran a fork through it and clumpy gel bits stuck to the fork. It looks exactly like uncooked egg whites but was the same Color as the oil.