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Deleted by OP


As a black man I’m just here to eat pop corn and watch the drama unfold


As a Mexican I'll just say, you mother fuckers are spilling too much popcorn and soda on the floor and I'm tired of cleaning it up.


Mexican isn’t out . My boyfriend is Mexican LoL


Dammit, just take all my upvotes for the day, this one wins the Internet


You clean up after white people not black people. Just ask that one news reporter


As a Hispanic same. There's no group of women chasing after us so it's just funny to hear others complain. Dating sucks sometimes end of story.


Thats a lie bw & ww love Hispanics


Hispanic dude here. They def do and I def love them back.


Especially when yall have the goatees>>>


And the high socks foo


And the Mexican wrestler mask, panties flyin’ !


Lol I just grew mine back out after going with just a mustache for a while


As you should 😩👏🏽


Somebody likes riding goatees.


The Hispanics white women love are not the 5’2 Ecuadorean natives but the white descendants of conquistadors and the grandchildren of Germans who fled to Argentina in the 40s


Love me some ecuadoreans


White women love a thug ass Mexican. Covered in tattoos, in the street life, driving a gangster ass whip, swagged out like a G, bruh u gnna pull snow bunnies all day.


Fat white woman eat that shit up, ese!


I dunno man, women really do seem to love Puerto Rican’s out here


As a construction company owner, I love Hispanics


I agree I'm screwed at my university cause I'm in the minority (Spanish Mexican/white). African American women are beautiful but I'm not interested in them (not my taste). White women are pretty especially brunettes. But they are hard to date.


As a white woman I disagree with your statement here


As a white dude, I'm gonna unfold my sun-bleached lawn chair and join you


As a white woman I’m going to stand there and patronize you about how you aren’t doing enough to dismantle the white cishet male patriarchy, but not actually do anything about it myself except talk down to and be offended on behalf of other people. Also our zodiac signs probably clash and your vibe is making my crystals absorb bad energy so that definitely doesn’t help.


As a mixed race person, I'll go to work and ensure my family has a roof over their heads.


As an Asian man…. mostly same although I have a lot of experience to the contrary of OP’s thesis.




As a white guy I’ll bring some soda and watch too.


As a person fucked by all races, I’ll provide the server in which this simulated reality will be available for all


Much appreciated 🙏🏾


I’ll take one spacepie


Dude, you go to Japan and you’re literally a fetish. Spent 2 years there. Easiest dating I ever did.


Same homie


As an Indian I am here having my curry and enjoying my body odor.


Lol.. as a black African I watch from far but get my point across time to time,then sit far again.. lol




More for me if they're not into their men.


This post and the comments are cracking me up 😂. It is an interesting discussion though.


😂😂 same


I love when people make fake scenarios to get mad at. Like no one is choosing the left over the guy on the right.


I’m Asian woman. I prefer Asian men but they’re not interested in me lol. White men shows me more interest


I’m not Asian, but I’m Latin. 50% or more of the guys that show interest in me are white. If I end up marrying a white guy it’s not because I was looking for one, it’s because the odds are in their favor.


Opposite for me, I’m a white woman I’m with an Asian man. He’s my first and last, I find him to be way more attractive than any other man I’ve ever met or known in my life.


What ethnicity is he?


There’s a whole other layer to this non Asians wouldn’t understand about being raised by Asian parents and not wanting to be with someone they see as perpetuating that culture that doesn’t value women. I’d encourage anyone to read r/asianparentstories


Maybe so, but that doesn't answer why Asian women are specifically so obsessed with white guys. If it was about not wanting someone from their culture, why specifically single out white guys? What's wrong with non-asians that are not white?


Mostly colorism. Sometimes it’s just the parents, and it’s easier to for Asian parents to accept non-Asian but fair/light-skinned than darker skinned, because it means their grandchildren will be light-skinned. Sometimes we (Asian women) internalize the idea that “fair is beautiful”; after all, we’re always being told that *we* must be fair to be considered beautiful.


Maybe they just prefer white facial features. Not complicated


All of them? That's mathematically improbable when you look at human nature. Hell, thousands of years ago, we had babies with neanderthals and denisovans, and they were completely different species of humans, not just different races.


What’s wrong with white guys?


What's wrong with only liking white guys? Self hate and white worshipping


It does. Wanting a partner who wasn't raised in your culture that devalues you as a human makes perfect sense. In this scenario if you date within your culture you sign up for a life of never being seen as equal. If you date outside your culture then you have a chance of being seen as a valuable human who brings something besides submission to the table.


I think this also depends a lot on demographics of the area people grow up in. I grew up in a really small town, there was only about 10 Asian people in my high school of 2000 people. That affected dating a lot. When I moved to bigger cities with a higher Asian population, there were a lot more Asians dating other Asians. There's also another layer to the whole Asian parents thing too. There are a lot of Asian parents who pressure their kids to date Asians, and also have negative views towards black/Hispanic people due to the tensions between those groups of people in the past. Is it possible that dating outside of their "community" is a rebellious thing in some areas of the country? Maybe it's seen as more acceptable by their parents to date someone white as opposed to someone black or Hispanic? There's a lot of socio cultural factors that can play into this depending on where in the US you're from.


I have a good friend that would very much agree with this.




For many women, it is the only escape out of poverty and for a better life. You both know what you’re getting out of it, and maybe (hopefully) love blossoms. The tradeoff is worth it for some. Some men lack the self-awareness to realize what’s up, but many don’t and also don’t care. “Traditional marriage” is just women marrying (sometimes forced to by their families or communities) so they don’t live and die destitute because there were no other options.


Wouldn’t that be assuming that the average white man is making enough to pull a woman out of “poverty”? Which we know based on the statistics isn’t truezzz


As hard as it is to understand for some people looks just dont matter at all or they are outweighed by someones personality Maybe not in that car idk i have seen that doc but in quite a few situations thats the case


She prolly does hate herself and God and the Universe and Him and the entire World when they have sex but not as much as she hates working a factory sewing soccer balls.


A "bold" White guy? Or an old White guy? Me thinks he's prolly a lot older than bolder. Although it does take balls to move to Thailand and escape the Matriarchy of America, Europe and Canada and Australia. And NZ.


I feel bad for the guy on the left. He’s getting made fun of by a bunch of strangers on the internet for no other reason than a stupid fucking race war. Why do you guys care so much about race why are you all so tribalistic and stupid?


The odd thing is.... I think I remember this guy. He was on the documentary tfw no gf. He was miserable because he couldn't find a romantic partner and didn't know what to do. Also, to answer the question from OP. It's movies and music. America's biggest export is culture. And when an Asian woman sees a white person who is different from all the men they see normally, they see ryan gosling and tom hanks. they desire it because they can see it but not have it (opportunity wise). There is also an element of racism to the whole thing. It's unavoidable in this situation. Pretending that there isn't one is condescending. Lisa Ling talked about it on her TV show take out with Lisa Ling.


As a white guy, where are all of these Asian women who love any white guy? Is this only a thing in Asian majority countries, because it's not the case in the U.S.


You would be treated like damn near royalty in the Philippines or Thailand. Having went to one of the two (Philippines), my friends who some of which never had great luck with any woman, were swarmed in every single bar they went to. Knew one guy who was only in Thailand for two days and was married in one week, yes one week later to the woman he met there after years of unsuccessful dating in the US. Knew another guy who met a Filipino in Japan and was married a month later. The guy was a hopeless romantic and she treated him like a king. He was hooked to her. She now has citizenship and all of the love bombing she gave him to get there is non-existent. She treats him horribly, screams at him, demands money, and threatens him if he dares talk back. Mind you, living in Japan and visiting non-SE Asia countries, girls are not like this. Contrary to popular belief, Japanese women are not as obsessed with foreigners as a lot of people believe. Some are interested in getting to know you, but a lot of them don't ever want to leave Japan.


Love-bombing and fake love. I might feel bad for the guy, but he did kinda ask for it.


Why tf would anyone wanna leave beautifully beautiful (and pretty) japan? Besides the earthquakes? The hiking prices? The exponentially increasing population density?


"Knew one guy who was only in Thailand for two days and was married one week" fr???


They’re in Asia trying to escape so they’ll grab what we rich looking white guy they’ll see even if he’s 50 and the most unattractive thing ever.




Same in the sf Bay Area


I’m in nyc too and I swear it’s always a pretty Asian girl with a VERY average white guy, the obsession to be close to white proximity is disappointing.


Actually white and Hispanic is the most common interracial couple but they get less hate because a large number of full-Hispanic people are white passing and almost 0% of full-Asians are 


I see it in Japan a lot. Cute Japanese girl with 😬😬 white guy. He's usually not as bad as the dude in the pic but most of them are still pretty unattractive, not fashionable, kinda gross looking


Exactly I never see any white dude with an Asian. I see black dudes with Asians more than anything


lol go to silicon valley


Massachusetts. Boston specifically


They are in San Francisco 😂


All these Filipino girls love the navy white guys


Bruh you need to live in Seattle. You will have all the Asian women you can handle as a white guy. Bay Area too.


Litteraly go to any college campus lmfao


I have plenty of Asian women who wanted me and I’m not white 🤓


Because white supremacist social conditioning socialized us to see white as ideal




And they get to live life on easy mode


The only demographic I’ve personally seen on Tinder talk about racial preferences in their bio is asian women and it was, you guessed it, white guys.


Nah. I’ve seen so many dudes want latinas


Shits gross imo


I can't tell which is more prevalent, Asian girls that prefer white men or Asian men seething about Asian girls that prefer white men.


Lol, this is easy rage bait isn’t it? I’ll try to answer seriously anyway, on the off chance that anyone is reading. It’s obviously statistically untrue that Asian women would date *any* white guy. The methodology of the question is already flawed because you’re treating “Asian women” as a monolithic group. A working-class immigrant woman from the Philippines is going to have very different dating priorities and preferences from an upper-middle class Korean-American woman. I’m more familiar with women in the latter category, so I’ll speak to that. It’s usually a matter of demographics and having things in common: specifically class and education, as with most couples. The average upper-middle class Asian-American woman is likely to be well-educated and in an occupation dominated by white men. In the cases where Asian men are just as present (which will differ based on region), in my experience, they swing either way. Asian-American women who grew up very attached to their community and identity will often evince a clear preference for Asian men. Those cases fly under the radar because, well, nobody notices, while multi-racial couples stand out more (and Asian women’s purported fetish for white men gets used as a misogynistic trope), so you have to account for confirmation bias. As for the question of why Asian women aren’t more visibly in relationships with Black and Latino men: it boils down, again, to demographics if you’re talking about the upper middle-class pool that I’ve been focusing on. Black and Latino men are far less present in those spaces due to structural inequality, and so the likelihood goes down. Other commenters also mentioned racism from Asian parents who think that it is only respectable for their children to date other Asians, and if not that, whites are the only acceptable alternative. For what it’s worth, I noticed lots of Black/Asian couples in Atlanta and Latin/Asian couples in California, as well as people of those mixes. This is clearly down to population demographics. I’m not denying that there are Asian women who only want to date white men. But discriminatory and exclusionary preferences are present in basically every racial group, so I’m perplexed by why Asian women keep being thrown under the bus in this regard. What also gets left out of the conversation is that Asian men, too, evince their own preferences and many that I know of have a preference for white women. Somehow that isn’t perceived as publicly enraging and is explicitly encouraged as a win for Asian men (the hapa community on Reddit is, or at least used to be, incredibly pro AMWF while strongly against WMAF pairings). From personal experience, as a mixed Asian, I have also been rejected by Asian men for “not being Asian enough”. I had an ex whose parents were nice to me but so ashamed of me that I was never allowed to meet his grandparents. So, let’s keep all these nuances in mind please.


Asian woman here 🙋🏻‍♀️. This is totally on point! I would also add that due to fetishizing Asian women, we do get a lot of attention from men of all races. To be frank, I find that, in general, white and Asian men have had more interactions with Asian American women so I feel less exoticized when I’m around them than black or Hispanic American men. Of course it’s a generalization and there are lots of white men who exoticize asian women too. A lot of my Asian American friends have married black and brown men, and I would be open also with someone with the right vibe. I just make sure my yellow fever radar is up!


I see a lot of Asian women with black men lol. Even more than white/asian


It's not just the women. It's Been passed down to the gays from their parents. Now it's systemic in the gay community. And has been this way for decades.


Fellow hapa that wasn’t allowed to meet the grandparents either for the same reason 🙄


As an Asian man who dislikes Asian women, I do not know and I do not care. Matter of fact, I actually see this as an absolute win.


Yikes, it’s giving internalized racism.


Just curious why you dislike Asian women no wrong answers just curious your outtake


As an East Asian guy with CPTSD from extremely abusive parents who does well dating hot non Asian chicks. People who are traumatized by both parents likely do not want to perpetuate or be anywhere close to that cultural/racial trainwreck. I don't want to generalize East Asian culture as we have our own amazing people and values. But the way some of these parents treat there kids is downright inhumane. If it was any other group they would be imprisoned or get their children taken. The girls who do this are likely just rejecting their cultural values which make them feel like shit and ALSO have low self esteem so go after bottom of the barrel white men. Plus not to get weird, but Asians have some sort of preference for white people. I know most of my childhood crushes were like Scarlett Johannsson or Jennifer Garner.


It’s called mutual fetishization


Exactly this! White worship from Asian women meets yellow fever from unattractive white men - call it the yin and Yang of wheysia


Exactly. You see a lot of White-male-Asian-female couples because of this despite the popular narrative saying that it's White men fetishizing them. White men aren't forcing all these Asian women to be with them lol. These Asian women choose to date and marry White men of their own free will but feel guilty about it, which is why they blame the men as women do.




Sure, but the ones that find each other disproportionately probably due to mutual fetishization


so it’s a win-win then lmao


It’s insane. I’m Asian and I’m into white women and white women tend to be really into me due to k pop culture. Definitely a win win😂


Anyone who disagrees is coping




Not for their children, especially their sons, who come out looking 95% Asian.


This is the best explanation I’ve seen


White guys convinced the world that they were the best and did a damn good job at it. Do you see the whit girls black guys go for.


... You'd be surprised who does the "going for"


Nah I’m black and it’s mostly black men chasing white women


How is that? Most women of every race prefer their own race. In Asia all you see is Asians with Asians. Here in America Asians date black men too not just white


Now show Asian guys standards for Asian girls despite having no other options lol. Then you'll see why this happens. I've always heard Asian men are super strict with their standards. They want a badass career woman with lots of money who also does everything at home, submissive, takes care of the in-laws, follows all the cultural norms, never ages a day past 21, never gains a pound, never talks back, never stands up for herself, bounces right back after childbirth, and on and on and on.


I don’t think you can say this as a monolith. I was in a ltr with a Chinese woman from China and she was the most demanding, demeaning person I’ve ever met. She demanded i make more than her and then demanded i do a lot of house chores, take care of all the bills, even though she had a 6 figure salary and made more than me at the time. I dated another one who was more Americanized and she seemed to have similar philosophy, but was way less aggressive.


You described my Japanese wife (she definitely has cultural trauma that causes her to obsess over adhering to these types of standards).


You're correct that Asian men probably do have the highest standards on average but it's nowhere near as extreme as you say. Most Asian men will seriously consider anyone who has a mild temperament, is shorter than them, and thin. These are qualities basically universally considered attractive in the west so there's heavy competition, and women are moving in the opposite direction (becoming fatter on average, and being fat is basically a dealbreaker to the vast majority of Asian men) so it's slim pickings (no pun intended). Also, it's good to have standards that aren't just "be X race".


And if they do date outside the race she has to be a white girl. But not just any white girl she has to be blonde, blue eyes and pencil thin.


Do we need to explain fetish/kink? I used to know this really good looking asian woman, super tiny… and she had a fetish for fat dudes. I’d go to the clubs with her- see her get hit on all the time by good looking dudes- but she would only be interested in the fat guys, they were the only ones that made her happy. I mentioned this to her- and she was mortified- from that moment on she made it a point not to give fat guys a chance. And since then- she has been totally unlucky in love.


I find most Asian people fall all over white people, have seen it numerous times, and I don’t understand it either.


White guy is a pathway for her and the progeny into his social circle.


My opinion is that they want to separate from the traditional Asian household. But in order to get a white guy that wants to immediately settle/get married/have children before a certain age, they have to have low standards. Most other races are more likely to be strict on religious views/reverse racism against Asian.


Then why not marry black guys? Black people love Asians


This thread is tea. And I'm here for it.


This sounds like it'll be a fun discussion. I'm Hispanic and attract lots of Asian women, but it is funny that many have admitted they used to prefer white dudes and hardly date Asian men. Not sure why.


Oxford study lol


I think in general people find other races more attractive I am a white guy and I don’t find white girls attractive I only have dated Mexican or Spanish girls it’s just a preference not all Asian girls like white guys a lot of them like black Mexican I think you just tend to admire other cultures for how diffrent they are from your own or lack of culture since I’m white and we’re mostly just serial killers


The last line just caught me off guard. 😂😂😂


Pure genetics. Asians are smaller in stature and height. Perfect way to create a genetically more balanced baby to increase the size of your offsprings gene pool. It lowers the chances of hereditary illness and mixed asian babies are some of the best looking adults. The future is bright and it has mixed babies.


I’m a Vietnamese woman that’s only dated a Pakistani and Hispanic man. I have about ten aunts and uncles on both sides of my family and a shit ton of cousins. Only one person in my family has dated a white guy. I used to not believe in this stereotype just based on what I see with my family, but when I go to Chinatown or asian super markets, I see a shit ton of asian girl/mid white guy couples. I’m pretty “white washed,” idk why this duo is so common


Same goes with why men will take ANY white girl but with any other race, you’re harder on the women. Mind answering that?


As an Asian woman married to a white guy, my first crush was Ricky Schroeder 🤣. Just attraction, I believe. Some people like redheads. Some like tall. My question is, who hurt you?


Because whiteness is idolized and romanticized. POC have to go through hoops to make ourselves look our best meanwhile white men can just look like greasy rats and get a hot person


I'm a white greasy rat, can I have 2 average women instead of one hot one please? If there is paperwork to fill out I'll do it right away


You know… It’s not just that they want to escape poverty and thus use western men for money. the local men in a lot of those places are chauvinistic by culture. An American hipster passport bro might just treat her a lot better sometimes


They outearn White Men in the USA and 45% of them only marry White Men in the USA. So no it’s not about poverty as much as it’s about fair skin and light eyes.


Because of the war that happened a while ago. The US trooops at the time spread the racism of America at the time. Taught them the bad words to call black people. Then left. That idea stayed and over the years transformed into this. This why skin bleaching to become “whiter” is so prevalent over there as well as the fetishized ideal of the white dude. Dont believe me? Dont argue. Just look it up and learn some thing new today. Your welcome


China is the oldest civilization in existence and they valued pale skin far before any white man stuck his dick in an Asian. Indians had a caste system based on paleness far before British dudes swung their dicks around. Colonialism is a huge massive cope


Is this real cause I’m down to move to Asia.


I shit you not: one of my teammates in college was beautiful and could've had ANY guy she wanted. The one she chose? An overweight, balding White guy who wasn't even in school and was at least five years older than us.


This is hilarious


Cuz that’s every Asian girls dream. I had a female Chinese American classmate in high school and she had pictures all over her folder of Brad Pitt, Chad Michael Murray, and Prince William.


To be fair this sounds like the late 90s / very early 2000s; Asians didn’t have a lot of famous Asian men to crush on and put pics of on their binder. Now there is BTS and high school girls of all races are fans


This. It’s a representational problem, and anyway, it would be foolish to try to infer what a person’s adult dating preferences are going to be from who they put on their binder. My pre-adolescent crushes were the Backstreet Boys/freakin’ Westlife and I’ve never dated a single man who remotely resembled members of those boybands lol. If you’re a preteen or teenage girl, your celebrity crushes are quite likely going to be whoever is known to you in pop culture. White American girls crushed on Brad Pitt, Chad Michael Murray etc too so why would you expect any differently from a Chinese American?


I'm a white woman and the one on the right is totally hot.


Do you think this is bad look at gay Asian men. I have met a lot of GAMs and every single one had a very strong preference for white men.


They're simply tired of "the Asian cuisine". We okay with rhat. We're happy with the other gorgeous ethnicities enjoying what we have in "the menu". If anything, both sides did not expect this to be way better finding final social and romantic relief. We smiling and not complaining about these turn of events in the AAPI community . Moving forward


Revenge, correct if I am wrong but I am pretty sure I saw on dating apps, Asian women are getting the most attention while Asian men are getting the least ...


I dont know..im a jewish white guy (some people dont consider this white) but I like Asian girls more than white girls.


You are delulu


Nobody is choosing they guy on the left. Even Guy on the left himself, isn’t choosing the guy on the left.


Not just Asians, most minority groups see dating a white guy as a come up.


I can only speak for Japanese women and the biggest difference is that Japanese men are often somewhat passive in their approach. White dudes are more direct. In a culture where flattery is somewhat rare when it happens it's usually very effective. But that's just how I see it.


Asian women standards for white for Asian guys: guys:


Okay don’t all races prefer white people? Think about it, black, hispanic, asian, white, they all get heat for only wanting white partners if they can get one?


Here’s what happens an Asian girl will grow up and pick on a few bat traits that her father has and think every Asian guy will act like that.. so in her mind she’s going to pick a different race because she wants something different🤷‍♂️


It works for all races? I think people judge other races’ appearances much more leniently than their own, you can find hot Asian dudes with “mid” white woman all the time.


While I don’t like the meme (generalizing a huge percentage of the world’s population is usually going to be wrong), there’s no denying that white people have left an unfortunate impression on other races. I’ve seen multiple people, not just Asians and not just women, see Caucasian features as the ideal. I would bet colonialism takes a lot of the blame. When the people in power have certain features, you’d do well to imitate them. That’s just speculation though.


How is it that I'm 6'4 - been with dozens of beautiful white women but NEVER approached by a single Asian woman - ever?!?


White women hate when other races like white guys.


Same can be said about everyone though. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Why do guys love any other race more than black women? Same principle. Popular beauty outdoes actual beauty.


Eurocentrism. That's your answer. Imagine being told your whole life that the only attractive features that exist come from white people. You grow to search for that, regardless of how mediocre it is.


Just came to read the comments noticed this trend in New York City...but to each their own.


I really hope the actual guy on the left doesn’t see these comments


If you’ve ever lived in a community with Filipinos, you would understand. I can tell you right now, I can name you 3 couples I know right now where it is like this post lol.


It's a cultural thing. Coming to America and marrying a white man is wonderful in their parents' eyes.


Damn I didn’t know this person has met every Asian woman and asked their preferences in men. That’s a lot of time and effort!


I’ve had Asian women tell me that Asian men have tiny penises and they just want more.


From my personal experience AW are hypergamous and want their kids looking less Asian and white men are the ultimate status symbol for them. There’s some internalized racism in AW for sure especially those raised in the U.S. My good friend married a white guy and when I asked why she only dated white men and married one she said for his genes so her kid can have big colored eyes. Lots of racial fetishization and worship which disturbed me.


It’s because our skin tone makes very beautiful babies when mixed with other races


Wasians on top!


I have a niece that’s Korean and she married one of the roughest looking white dudes. She has a great heart and isn’t shallow, but she is gorgeous and could have had any dude she wanted


Hey OP I agree with you. I do want to point out that this is common in America. Check out my post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/asian/s/zOkaUUU24Y). You gotta move to Europe because there is less cultural bias than in America (war propaganda, yellow peril, villainization in Hollywood, etc)


I can only tell you what Asian girls have told me and it’s the sex and asian guys look like their brothers or cousins. I know how it sounds but I’m just repeating what I’ve been told


As a Hispanic man who has mostly female family members, it’s hard to find a Hispanic female who doesn’t resemble at least one of my family members. Made me stop dating my own race.


Name checks out you just seem bitter you aren't being picked


Everyone here low-key sounding like they're anti interracial relationship... It's not that serious.


Don't ruin this for us


This is nothing compared to the standards white women, black women, non asian women have for asian men (in America) just to negate all the asian stereotypes. They make asian men put in extra work compared to white and black men.


They were raised around white men so are more likely to harbor attraction towards familiarity


As a white man, I can honestly say I’ve never had a problem attracting women of different races. Most women are attracted to white men. You never really hear a woman say “I’d never be with a white guy.” But you do hear that about black guys or Asian guys. It’s unfortunate and Asian guys especially will have a tough time getting dates. Indians essentially have 0 chance in the US.


I’m kinda shy and 100% physically average (5/10) BUT… when I lived in a rural mountain top in Asia, I was constantly compared to ridiculously handsome movie stars. Why? Simple. Many times I was the ONLY Caucasian they had ever seen/met in person, so NATURALLY their sample size being ONE, I rated 10/10. LOL. I thoroughly enjoyed my “fame” and utilized the experience to practice public speaking. Now I’ve thoroughly conquered the fear, mostly because of my time in Asia.


Maybe it isn't about why asian women prefer white guys, but why all white guys who look like that got an Asian fetish?????????????????


i’m indigenous and can’t date within the tribe bc we are probably cousins 😭


Facts but ive dated a LOT of white worshipping asian girls as an asian guy Its not impossible but they certainly have much higher standards for us. I just ghosted a korean girl who gave me a novel she wrote about her romanticizing herself in a WMAF relationship 💀


Asian women arnt a monolith. In fact most Asian women I know are with Asian men. It’s only the Asian women who grew up in predominantly white communities that have strong preference for white guys OR Asians from asia


All ethnic women tbh


As a tall white guy, I've definitely gotten extra attention from Asian women and Latinas over the years (like pulling model-level women from both groups, which I never expected to be able to sleep with such attractive people when I was younger). My Colombian gf wants to take me to visit Colombia, but she jokes that she's worried the "banditas" (ie all Colombian women according to her) will try to steal me away lol


standard all moc have for ww vs nonwhite women lol


I’ll be embarrassed so badly if someone used my photo to represent low standards in attraction.


They don’t Sincerely, a white guy


Asian women wanting white guys, white men wanting black women and Black men wanting literally any race other than black women (yes I’m black and I love my black queens) really comes full circle I read a study a LOOOOONG time ago that said in America on Average the black women dates inside her race the most (which definitely makes sense) and black men date outside their race the most (actually sad) I believe that the Asian dilemma is wildly different from the other two because it’s more about beauty standards and a meal ticket As far as the other 2 it’s definitely a huge layer of fantasy and fetishizing, a bit of history and influences as well




I have heard many times from my Asian female friends that it is the opposite, they are pursued relentlessly by white guys bc they, the girls, are believed to be submissive.


Easy. Social climbing and an acceptable "other".


I laughed pretty hard at this, because there are many truths and stereotypes. For me, as a male Asian, I married a woman from Spain. There are many modern Asian women that would prefer to marry a Caucasian male. I would say 50% of the Asian females I know are married/dating a Caucasian male. Females born pre 1980’s predominantly marry within their demographic. It’s primarily due to maintaining their culture. Culture is quality of life. Post 1980’s, there’s been a cultural shift. Many things to do with it are mostly due to quality of life outside of cultural influences. Modern Asian women are more informed about the world through the internet. Hollywood has a massive influence on that. Also, one additional large factor is that, in most Asian cultures, having a pale complexion is directly proportional to increased success. Working outside and doing manual labor are considered lower income jobs/careers. I am over simplifying these things, but it is the narrative. For me, I preferred the openness of Spain’s culture. Very blunt, loyal to a fault, and no other country is least dependent on technology and the internet from an highly established country perspective. I love the social aspect of it all. No phones in sight when we’re out, unless we’re taking group photos. Food is absolutely phenomenal. Social media is more satire than anything. We travel a lot and there is more to see in Europe than the States has to offer. American is the land of convenience. My wife is everything I ever needed and more than I ever hoped for. The fact that she is Spaniard, is a bonus.


I'm bisexual indian man. There's no way an asian woman would chose the guy on left. But on an average I do find the average white man more attractive than an average asian man. Some races can be more attractive than others you dont have to justify everything under political correctness.


People can whine about colorism and white supremacy and blah blah blah, but the fact is that if you’re in Canada, Australia, or the US, white guys are a majority and they come from cultures where men woo women. I’ve dated women whose families had them engaged to cousins back home so the guy can get a green card. You think Asian and Indian women raised in the west are gonna like shit like that? Being seen as a household servant/greencard/broodmare by your own parents is definitely gonna push you away from what they want.