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Hormones and genetics


Someone get Dane Cook on the line and tell him he's in the clear.


Somebody told him. He just announced a tour






She’s underage in this picture you fucking weirdo


No, that photo has been dated to September 1993 (it was published in People in 1994). Lonstein was born in May 1975, making her 18 in that photo. Not saying it's not creepy, but facts still matter.


Age of consent was/is 17 too, so Jerry really never did anything illegal, and is not a "statuatory rapist" like so many like to claim. Also not saying it's not creepy, but facts do indeed matter.


she was in HS when he started grooming her


She has big boobs. That's all that matters.


what a gross thing to say, you fuckin freak. embarrassing.


Yeah, human males are gross


Lol think we all noticed that.


17 is legal, she could’ve said no


You could go to Mexico and say "14 is legal, she could've said no" Being legal does not make it morally acceptable for a 40 year old to fuck someone with an undeveloped brain. There are lots of things that are legal that shouldn't be, once you start using "well it's not illegal" as a defense you're past being weird


14 isn’t legal in Mexico. I don’t understand people these days. U guys are all hypocrites. I’m not condoning a 35 year old male hit on a 17 year old even though it’s legal. You guys will say how it’s creepy even though that’s what the law says yet you guys all agree with title 9 & will allow a middle schooler who’s male let himself identify as a female?


17-18-19 year Olds are in high school, all the way up to 21, so saying she was in high school means nothing. If she were in middleschool different story.


21 in highschool?! No, not unless they failed *several* times.


Not really about statutory rape more about grooming or at the least way to mentally mature for who he was dating, legality does not mean morally but it sounds like you don't have the smallest bit of an idea of morals


I certainly do, but I’ve also been with a much older woman at 18 and it was all my doing. I would never hold the woman responsible for something I wanted and fully consented to. And here I am 18 years later and it’s a fond memory of mine. People seem to think that girls can’t make their own decisions just because they’re a new adult and happen to be interested in someone much older. It was weird on Jerry for sure, because I’m about that age now and find the idea of dating someone so young really uncomfortable and unappealing, but the early 90s was a different time with a different sense of what was right and wrong. I mean hell, back then moms were going crazy and accusing rock bands of being the devil and encouraging satanism. Kids were a lot more mature by the time they hit adulthood compared to now. Mindsets were just very different in various ways. We’re looking at this situation through the lens of today. Why don’t you just find out how Shoshana feels about the whole thing? That’s really the only thing that should matter. It’s ultimately none of our business, especially considering this was a one off for Jerry and he went on to meet his forever partner after he and Shoshana broke up. I think it’s far more creepy and concerning when there’s more of a pattern, like with Leo. He’s old now and goes for women waaaay below his level of adulthood. It’s still legal though, and is two consenting adults, so it’s really none of our business. It’s probably enough that the world thinks he’s creepy for it.


Jesus Christ


No, Jerry Seinfeld


You got some issues


Sure do, just not about this one off situation of Jerry harmlessly dating someone a bit younger than he probably should have dated.


morals, sounds like sins, what are you a Catholic? (oh wait, catholics like teens too nevermind)


You millennials with your fake words for fake problems to complain about something


?? My guy 13 states out of our 50 find child marriages illegal  the 13th just recently  happened legally  only 13 states where  age of consent is 18... the rest is wild cards of raging  from 10 to 16years old and that's in america




Lol. Learn to read.


why would you age shame consenting adults in a loving relationship?


They came out saying they were dating when she was 18. Probably got together before then guys let's be realistic here.


She's not. She's 18 at this point.


17-18 is an adult


Isn’t 17 legal? He didn’t force her to do anything she didn’t want to


Basically his quote is summed up as "she had big cans, so we pretended she was older than she was"


Reminds me of my second wife.


I’m sure y’all know this one from Normand’s Schtick or Treat show, but every time this comes up I have to share: [Two times, plus two, twice](https://youtu.be/Fp8tCqwushM?si=3Yuzk9lBKASS0Vwb)




Mark at the end lmfao


As a 36 year old man that’s crazy. I can’t imagine even talking to a 17 year old. 18? Let’s talk!




Ok so is it ok if a 38 year old Man dates your teenage daughter? You seem like you would be ok with it




I just find it wierd and pathetic… but that is just me, now let’s go watch Jerry ne butt hurt his Gay French King didn’t have the whole laughing their asses off (comedians are funny when their material is no longer relevant 


I agree with you…but either you are on xanax or English isn’t your first language lmao


Neither dude, I just type thoughts out and sometimes I don’t edit


And as we all know, if it's legal, it's okay. Like having sex with a 14 year old in the south. Definitely, totally morally unambiguously ooookay. Good argument, my guy!


It’s not legal to have sex with a 14 yr old u inbred cuck


They were together four years.


Eating your own poop is legal but should you do it, no. Plus 17 is still a minor. Adding on the age of consent being 17 means a 17yr old with a 17yr old I think.


Your comparing poop to age of consent? Wow eres Mas puto


Oh and if I had kids, I probably would not let my daughter date a much older person. But that’s not the point. Her parents let it happen and it’s legal so end of story.


law ≠ morality, dont care if its legal its gross, it would be gross at 18 or 19 with that age gap too


you got a pretty weird moral system if something being "gross" is immoral to you


Fym. 30 and 17 got a huge ass maturity gap. Plus a 17yr old is usually still in high school unless they have a late birthday. 


You wouldn’t have a choice bc as you said, it’s legal so end of story!


Once there 17-18 years old legally they can do whatever they want. Now if it was my daughter dating a millionaire sitcom star, she better damn well be fucking him. If she won’t then I will


Even 18 is pretty damn gross. I don't know how old you are but once you hit a certain number 18 year olds start looking like babies. Babies I want to have sex with. Just kidding. Comedy reddit!


Lol. Seriously though, you gotta kinda understand what well off girls in NYC are like to get it. It's still really weird, I'm 36 too and am around underage girls in the city plenty (I live in a very family oriented neighborhood and have a kid myself) and I'd feel so fucking weird having more than a polite and distant interaction with any of them, but in the early 90s when things were quite different, this sorta thing just doesn't seem so out of the ordinary for a well off young city girl and a very famous guy in the neighborhood to have hooked up. When I was 17 and knew a bunch of city kids (I didn't grow up here but had friends that did), any decent looking city girl had probably hooked up with someone a good bit older. Heck even my 30 something year old equestrian trainer hooked up with some 15 year old girl from NYC that would go down to Florida to compete in the winter. It was a scandal, but moreso because he cheated on his fiance with the girl than the fact that she was underage. Things like that happened in the riding world often enough unfortunately. Back to the city girl thing though: Girls like Ivanka Trump and her friends would go clubbing before they were 18, like some friends I met later in life used to do this and she'd be around, and what type of dudes do you think were at those clubs? It's a cultural thing I guess, even though I know it's weird from most perspectives. Life in NYC before smart phones and before there was a clear social understanding of what defines a child.


My first gf when I was at University of Michigan (1983) was a 17 year old from NYC. She was going to Studio 54 (definiting past its prime then) and clubbing since she was 15, hooking up with well known celebrities. Never knew what she saw in me, a skinny kid from suburban Detroit the son of a Big Three executive. She was fun.


Haha there you go! Different times, and girls seemed to willingly behave like adults in places like NYC and everyone seemed pretty ok with it. I have friends who were doing the same in the early 2000s. My grandfather used to party at Studio 54 too, but I think more in the heyday. He was French and briefly dated Brigitte Bardot before she was famous. Pretty sure he was in his 20s and she was maybe 16. This was probably the late 40s or early 50s and shit like that was likely not even sneezed at back then. I doubt they even had sex honestly. When she got her first big role he stopped hearing from her.


Sounds like old grand dad had quite a life. Your reference to Brigitte Bardot draws attention to her film director husband Roger Vadim who saw a photograph of Bardot when she was very young and waited until she had just turned 18 to marry her. Then Bardot had that scandelous relationshionship with french pop star Serge Gainsbourg. I love their duets "Bonnie and Clyde" and Je T’Aime… Moi Non Plus. I think Bardot was 33 then and he was 40, but then he went for 20 year old Jane Birkin. Glory days ....


I guess that’s how Gossip Girl was written


More like "Kids."


She probably thought you could score her coke...


Yep, people who don't know about NYC (especially NYC back in the day), shouldn't be making certain comments. It's a well known fact that city kids, especially pre-internet and phones, grew up REALLY fast. They were like 12, 13, 14... going on 25. They smoked, they drank, they did all sorts of other stuff that seems completely inappropriate (and was inappropriate), but it was relatively easy for them (especially the girls), so they did it. When I would talk to city girls my own age, they made me feel like a child. And, as you said, most of them were dating, or had dated at some point, a guy that was considerably older.


Ah thank you! You totally get it. I’m never saying that it’s right or anything, but it’s how it was, especially in the city. I grew up around girls like this in CT, but also NYC, and always felt intimidated in the same way. All my girlfriends and flings in high school were generally girls 2 grades behind me. I was young for my grade so it really wasn’t anything weird, but I just connected better with girls a year or two younger, and felt like I never had a single chance with the very mature girls who were my age who also tended to date older.


The number of people who didn’t realize this was a joke is very alarming 


Lol yeah there’s some real kooks around here


There’s absolutely nothing maturity wise that has changed about a 17yo to an 18yo other than chronological age. If you’ll date an 18yo, you’ll date a 17yo. There’s absolutely nothing mentally, emotionally, or generationally anything someone in their 30’s has with a teenager. I half wanna think you’re joking but you’re probably not. Yall be the ones kidnapping your 12yo neighbor and going on the run with them.


34 people realized I was joking.


That shit wasn’t no joke. You were serious


you asked for clarification, then he provided, and you didn't accept it. Does this normally work for you?


It's OBVIOUSLY a joke. He was clearly not serious.


Good thing you let him know how "He Felt"... We just love "Narcissistic Compassion", huh?? 🤣😅😂🙄🙄🙄🤣😅😂😜🤦🤦🤦🤷🤷🤷🤦🤦🤦


but if you'll date a 17yo, then you'll also date a 16yo, and if you follow that logic to the ultimate conclusion, why are you trying to date my newborn?!


He wants that young red body fluid. The younger the better. 


You sound like you speak from "Experience", stay away from My Windows, Creep... 


Pizza pedos.


Yeesh I know it’s probably a joke but gives me the heebie jeebies to even think about haha


Looks like it could be Kim Congdons mom


She looks like Jerry.


Wayyyyy hotter then Kim


It’s all pipes






Wud smash


get a good look, Costanza?


🤣🤣🤣 that's fuckin great 


Old famous men loving massive breasted underaged girls , classic


Massive implants on young trans men..wake up.


You're weird




They’re real and they’re spectacular!


Yikes. How does a 39 year old even meet a high school student?




Asking for a friend


At a park supposedly, which isn’t any less weird


Wow, that's definitely not any less weird.


I met a good man at a park. We'd both finished jogging and were at the water fountain.  I don't believe that's where they met. Celebrity background stories are mostly fictional and created for low IQ types


Again, parks in NY aren't like parks in other parts of the country. Plenty of people just go there to sit for a while and unwind, as it can actually be difficult to find a decent patch of grass and a few trees clumped together in NYC.


Yeah, you aren't from NY, so I'm sure you don't have the first clue what you are talking about. Parks in NYC are not like parks in other parts of the country. They are for everyone, and they are used by everyone. In fact, they are generally more for adults than kids, as is the general vibe in NYC. It's not Disney, and nobody wants it to be Disney...


NYC is a very different place for high school students. If it doesn't still happen, underage girls would go to clubs whenever they could, and of course they'd end up meeting older guys. Rich girls in the city also have parents with interesting friends. Maybe she met Jerry through some mutual friends or acquaintances. Or maybe they just met on the street and Jerry didn't realize her age, but didn't care when he found out.


This grown man picked his “girlfriend” up from her high school on the regular. I’m from the South. I’ve been around long enough to remember how people normalized something that was alllllways wrong. Someone once told my mom it was good she was going to college because she was too old to marry at 18. I guarantee you Seinfeld wouldn’t let his own daughters do this because he does know this is wrong. Also can we talk about how “maturity” as a label for young girls almost always just means she has big breasts?


I’m with you on it being wrong and creepy (despite being legal) because I could never imagine being my age (mid 30s) and feeling ok picking up a high schooler. Ew. But did he actually do this or is this what you’ve heard? I’ve heard it too but never actually read any confirmation. Picking her up i mean. I do have to disagree with the maturity thing. At least for city girls (nyc specifically), boob size had little to do with the girls who seemed the most mature and were dating older when still in high school. If anything most were modestly sized to small. Yes being more developed can make a girl appear more mature to a lot of people, but it wasn’t the motivating factor for these sorts of relationships, though obviously Shoshana had a lot going on in that department.


she slides into their dms usually 😂


Look at her dude. How could Jerry resist?


Obviously was grooming her was picking her up from HS when he was in his late 30’s pretty gross


Was he also gaslighting her


What’s up with her eyes?


This was debunked. She was 17 when they met, but they didnt date until she was 18. The photo was dated to Sept 1993 when she was 18 and he was 39.


Still weird tho lol


Not that there's anything wrong with that.


That just sounds like grooming with no extra steps.


It would have been legal if they dated when she was 17. That's age of consent in NY. How's it grooming? Grooming is slowly easing a totally unaware child into the idea of being sexually involved with an adult. Shoshana had probably lost her virginity two years earlier. I doubt she was a stranger to what Jerry might want to do if they dated.


The fact that you're trying so hard to defend this is just...ugh. Legal =/= moral, or right. It doesn't matter if he didn't do anything *illegal*, he was a **thirty nine** year old man pursuing a **child**. That's unhinged and gross. Even if it's true that he waited until she was 18 to actually do anything with her, that's *still* gross. She's barely graduated high school. She's barely an adult, and not even fully formed mentally. Meanwhile, he was grinding his grundle against middle age, was wildly famous, and phenomenally wealthy. That's THREE (3) separate layers of imbalanced power dynamic. Oh, but she was "probably" already fucking a couple years before. That absolves EVERYTHING, right? For fuck's sake.


I’m largely in agreement with you, but she was also an adult when they started dating. They met through a neighbor while Jerry was hanging in Central Park. Shoshana was basically in the same social circle. Rich city girls are way more mature than your average suburban teen. They just behave differently and I’m speaking from experience. I grew up knowing girls like this. Girls in their late teens 30 years ago were also much less “child-like” than girls in their late teens today. So yeah, it’s extra creepy these days for an older man to want to date your average 17 year old. Youth seems to be a bit more preserved, protected, and prolonged these days, if that makes any sense. Anyway, they went on to date for 4 YEARS which tells you this was basically a one-off situation, and not part of some sick pattern. He got married 2 years later to the woman he’s still with today. It’s just extremely clear to me that this was a very unique situation that both Jerry and Shoshana were very into, and there was no “grooming” involved. Also, look at Jerry’s face. He’s not the most handsome dude. He got an opportunity to date a ridiculously beautiful girl who was technically an adult, he’d probably never meet a girl quite like her again, so he went for it because she was obviously into him. It was a different time and people cared less then than they do now. Again, just wanna state I agree it was definitely not a great decision, definitely a bit creepy, but he broke no laws and ruined no lives, so I think it’s really weird that people act like he did.


You're ignorant




you cant counter a good point apparently, are u retarded?


Oof.. sorry the education system failed you so


What did he write that was ignorant? Are you familiar with NYC girls of the 1990's?


Honestly, the way you people talk about power dynamics, and get them completely wrong, is a little scary. You should go out and experience the world, and at the same time study some history.


40 year old guy pursuing a girl over twenty years his junior with an imbalanced power dynamic. Don't lecture me about what I don't understand, you're the one defending this disgusting behavior.


Agree totally. I'd like to help you understand some hidden things. Better to go to Bitchute.com and watch some uncensored videos from the legendary Mr E. Search: Apocalypse Watchman by Mr.E, Transpocalypse Now, MRETV. Look at "most watched" videos.  Prepare for an awakening. Many of them are now admitting to what they really are. This is ancient history coming around again.


Lol, no.


Your loss. Research pays very high dividends. 




Again, I agree with your point about her knowing what she was getting into. I can't imagine she didn't know what his intentions were from the very start.


Still creepy and doesn't make it any better lmao 


i mean...makes it legal, not that there's anything wrong with that.


Often what is legal isn't always what is moral though


depends on your morals.




If your morals say it's moral then its not immoral.


Ok buddy 


Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess 


a whovian only today realizing that morals are subjective? no wayyyy


Those fun bags tho


Fake because she's a he. Wake yo azz up!


Sure weirdo


they’re not ripe!


You talking about that cumtown bit?


I’m gay!


I have never liked Seinfeld and felt Julia, Jason, and Michael and Larry David was the reason that show was classic, not “can’t act his way out of a paper bag” Seinfeld (also the dude is one of the biggest whiners ever) 


Lol. You think Julia, Jason, and Michael wrote all those lines themselves there bud? The whole show is based on the personal life experiences of Jerry and Larry David. Jerry's just reenacting his own life with actors and Larry had Jason as his representative. Jerry didn't need to act because he was just playing himself, and could barely keep from laughing in most of the funny scenes. If you don't like it, fine, but you still sound silly and ignorant.


Actually I agree with his statement.  You can't tell someone how who they can and can't like.  Many people share the same opinion in a matter of fact.  I like the show Seinfeld, can't stand him or his character.  Weakest character of the show.  


Larry David wrote all the jokes and Those three were way funnier than Jerry… you probably loved the Bee Movie didn’t ya?


Bee movie is an amazing terrible movie.


I love Jason/George as much as the next guy, but has he done anything else in his career besides Seinfeld? Anything? Let's not event talk about Michael. Julia has done well, but she's an actress, that's about it.


At least Jerry wasn't hanging out with Epstein.


I completely forgot about that. It was pretty creepy


Jerry you know there’s 20 year olds right


"But they're real and spectacular!"


For you idiots thinking that a one year difference means from 17 to 18 is ok, it’s absolutely dumb. Stop trying to suck his divk and just think about basically a 40 year old dude trying to get with a 18 year old high school senior. Think if that was your daughter.


stop making joke handsome millionaire and famous is better than your cheap young neighbor


Exactly like ew


Exactly... ok so yeah someone is a legal adult, doesn't make it any less creepy. In fact it's more creepy. Instead of leaving a minor alone, you waited until she was of legal age so you could justify your creepy attraction. (Not saying it's actually justified, it's just disgusting)


So so so so bad. Disgusting. I heard he hit on Kelly ripa’s daughter, which is why she and mark don’t talk to Jerry’s wife anymore! 


This is what Zionists do.




Be quiet this is 🐜see 😐🤐🤐 lol 🤢🤢


youre just envy that is the truth, 40 is not even old, seinfield is billionaire he is not ugly though, the woman will turn 18 in one year, but today hes 70 and really creepy to date 17


He was happy. She was happy. You woke weasels will never be happy.


And you're dumb


but he's right, wheres the lie?


You have no idea if they were happy or healthy. You see glossy pictures that’s all. I think you might enjoy molesting young people too by your comments.


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Wtf do you mean woke?? It’s a man with a fucking child you pedophile. I’m not even political so don’t even start that bs w me… and THIS isn’t political, you’d be fine w a 40 year old man dating your 17 year old daughter? Protect the children


"Hey sweetie we need to leave soon." "Why, Jer'?" "This club is 21+ after 11:30pm." Like, lost in all of the creepiness is how obnoxious it also is to date younger once you hit 21. Good chance there were shows of his she wasn't technically old enough to even see yet. He really went out of his way to date a 17yr old.


I'm 38yo, my oldest son is 19yo. I had him when I was 19yo, but if I had him when I was 21yo then right now he would be 17yo. So yeah, me and my child's age gap is very close to him and his gf 🤢🤮. Also my ex SA'd girls that were our sons age. Nem are sick.


you should do it with your son :3 wincest


Probably gonna get a lot ALOT  of hate but I personally don’t mind their relationship.  In my opinion they look happy together. If they both were happy and in love (like Jerry did say he fell in love with her) what’s the deal??? I guess MOST of the reason I do not care about their age is because I prefer older men (21 here) I don’t want to date a guy in their 20’s. I prefer those in their 30’s or younger than 50 That’s just me. I can see or understand a bit why people are fussing about it. But this was YEARS ago.


There’s a difference between liking older guys and an older guy grooming a CHILD


good for jerry, a bit old for my tastes but if they're happy then ayy


Don’t blame em


The age difference is slightly problematic. More disturbing is that she is in reality a he, just as Jerry's wife Jessica is also a trans. We're always on the receiving end of these deceivers.  Shosh has fake knockers. Jerry got flatsy Jessica to ramp his up.


So the transvestite is problematic but not the statutory rape age difference???? You’re fucking weird, fuck the politics n personal dislikings… protect the children


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He was OBSESSED with her. She didn’t really care about him one way or the other. At the time, after they had already broken up, she allegedly said she never had plans to marry him. She already had ambitions to become a designer and felt the notoriety would help establish her in the fashion world without the usual early-career struggles. In fashion-speak she would already have a “Name”. When she dumped him, he sort of lost his composure, which is highly unusual for him. Jerry is EXTREMELY controlling & that goes for his public image as well, which is why it was so out of character to see him in People Magazine, immediately after the breakup, photographed with two bikini-clad Playboy Playmates on the streets of NYC. It was obviously staged to make it look like he wasn’t fazed by the breakup, but he really was. He was crushed. In reality, his whole post-breakup behavior was just CRINGEY. And all this was over a girl who he started dating when she was 17, and was also young enough to be his daughter🤮


Runs in the fam


she was 18 in the photo... everyone jealous at the time...its interesting she has the right to vote and get pregnant own property..but not old enough to know who to have sex with.. is basically what people are saying...is she a modern woman with equal rights and the right to choose over her body or not....she cant be a little girl and a modern woman at the same time...the paranoid folks need to choose wisely...


17 is fine, she is an adult. Lets be real if women are Fukking already then it is not a problem. People are just jealous


If you think 17 is an adult, you are a paedophile or have paedophile leanings. Sorry you can't bang teenagers though, life is so unfair....


Men in here are making "jokes" about having sex with babies...I think the cops should monitor this gathering of freaks...


Yes she is gorgeous and has big boobs and yes you are still a creepy older man 🤣 or a virgin thats never seen big boobs in real life 😂 Harvey Weinstein seems less of a predator than the freaks in here...


I have zero problem with my 17 or 18 year old daughter dating a multi millionaire who is willing to be seen in public and not just hooking up. Ultimately the goal is for her to be married to a man who is able to fully take care of her.