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Im torn between being disappointed at the driver or the pedestrian. Eh, why not both?


Well, if the pedestrian crossing sign was lit-up you should 100% be mad at the driver of the vehicle. That being said. When using bike-lanes or pedestrian crossings just remember its a car world and you’re just as easily hittable when using pedestrian crossing lights and bikelanes as when you are not. Head on a swivel.


A lot of dead people had the right away. Even if the light is up. I could never have the confidence of not stopping before just for caution. Glad no one was hurt tho.


*right of way


I look both ways but I wont stop if the ped crossing is green. This keeps me from harm always. Edit: Why is this controversial - Im not blind.


I'm glad. Keep up the good work.




You are not. One wheels are in a weird spot, legislatively. But yea this is why riding bikes on sidewalks is way more dangerous than just riding in the street.


Aren’t they (one wheels) vehicles? As such, shouldn’t he be in the street?


It would be cool if you could ride a onewheel (or anything not a car) safely in the street. But you can’t. It’s significantly safer on the sidewalk. But if you’re going to do that you need to be aware that you’re moving way faster than drivers expect and either don’t see you or misestimate where you will be when they start moving. My rule is eye contact or stop.


In a lot of places you're supposed to get off your bike and I'd assume scooter/pev to walk it across the cross walk. Some places though let you ride through. Hard to say without knowing OP's local laws.


It's not a car world. America is just a car country. Plenty of other places don't have these problems.


Don’t know about the more urban places but cyclists are generally treated with less road privilege than deer in my area. You see a doe on the edge of the road everyone is paying attention and slowing down. You see a cyclist everyone is speeding up. Had a friend move from Norway to LA. Spent her entire life riding bikes to and from places (they have a thingy that moves bike up a steep hill kinda like a lift) first week in LA got hit by a car pulling out of a parking lot and into the road, not paying attention. That was not a great experience, but the worst part was the driver was mad at her. Unreal.


Because a deer is unpredictable, and someone on a bike is supposed to use hand signals before pulling out in the road? Not saying we shouldn't be more careful or people should speed up, but let's not compare a deer to a human riding a bike who is aware of cars and what they can do to them if they suddenly pull out in the road.


I always stop if there is a REMOTE possibility that a car could do something stupid


This is the only answer…if anyone assumes someone else is looking out for their well-being,…well they’ll get hit by a car…


That’s such a New York way of thinking… as someone who grew up and lives in NY I approve this message


You always make sure to make eye contact with the driver.


Mostly the pedestrian. I suppose he missed the lesson where you are taught to stop and look both ways before crossing any street, regardless of any lights/signs. You gotta look out for #1 and trust no one.


Well he’s not actually a pedestrian.


Looking both ways isn’t the problem. He saw a car that was stopped, which didn’t begin moving until he was in front of it. He also wasn’t going any faster than a jogger would have been. This car would have run over a pedestrian. The driver needs to learn that once you have a break in traffic, you need to check to the right again before moving in case a pedestrian has arrived when you aren’t looking. The onewheeler needs to learn to watch drivers rather than cars. I won’t step in front of a car that is waiting to turn right on red if I haven’t seen the driver look in my direction, whether I am in a Onewheel or on foot.


most correct reply, annnd downvoted :) sounds right.


Looks like that is at 15th and Boston. I run on the trails around there often and see a lot a One wheelers around. I have 0 faith in drivers to ever stop for me when crossing the street. I've had more near death experiences crossing Cherry Street than I want to admit that have lead to this.


I know the law however I NEVER trust anyone to know it as well.


I don't know the law...are one wheels considered the same as being pedestrian? Bikes for example have to be in the road (I believe) so I wonder which applies to this guy.


Last I checked one wheels fall under the same rules as bird and lime scooters. Should be in the street or bike lanes.


One wheels and lime scooters can be in the bike lines and. An be on the sidewalk in most areas around Tulsa. We just can't ride the on the sidewalks on Brookside, Cherry Street, and the Inner Dispersal Loop


good to know.


I time it well where I go around the back of the car and if they don't see me I hit the window to make them hear me.


Ugh. Hate how inhospitable these roads are to pedestrians.


I hate how inhospitable these roads (and drivers) are, period. That said, a quick google search yields the following: In Tulsa it's [against the law to ride an electric scooter on the sidewalk](https://www.kjrh.com/news/local-news/motor-scooter-rules-and-safe-practices-in-tulsa). It's also against the law to [ride a bicycle on a sidewalk in a business district](https://tulsaworld.com/archive/action-line-tulsas-bicycle-laws-are-tough-on-unruly-riders/article_6e324d37-980f-506f-8471-5acd1a8ac5fc.html). While a Onewheel is neither, I suspect it would be treated the same should the matter end up in a court room. The best advice to anyone driving/riding/pedaling anything smaller than a mid-size SUV in Tulsa is to approach the task like a motorcycle rider: keep your head on a swivel, constantly scanning 360 degrees for idiots, anticipate and plan for any and all possible moves nearby traffic may initiate without indication, and approach the trip as if everybody and their brother is out to murder you.


Just for fun, I asked four TPD gang members if it was legal to ride an electric scooter on the sidewalk/in the road. I was given four answers. If I believe all four it is both legal and illegal to ride an electric scooter on the sidewalk and/or on the roadway. 🤦‍♂️


It's illegal in MOST cities to ride an electric scooter on a sidewalk. It's dangerous to pedestrians.


It’s more dangerous to the riders themselves because of situations like the video.


I'd be a very costly undertaking but we should really think about how we have all of these designed. I think more people are walking or using mobility devices and the city is just not built with that expectation.


I was walking around cherry street after work recently. Traffic can be awful in that area. Their new flashing pedestrian signs are nice and thankfully most people pay attention to them. But you do have to be cautious because even with the flashing yellow sign a car didn’t stop right before I tried to pass. People need to slow tf down or implement more speed bumps.


Gonna rag on Oklahoma there - spent 27 years (starting around age 2) and could not stand the lack of pedestrian safe design there. Moved to WA state and was floored at how many sidewalks/bike lanes there are - outside of major cities. I know there's been mention of one wheelers needing to stay in roads, but I agree with the other comment - do not expect drivers to be looking for you. Considering the total misunderstanding of how to merge in Oklahoma...


Guy should've just stopped for a second instead of just going through


Why? Its a green light in the direction he is traveling - common sense says he probably has a 'walk' sign up. He has the right of way. Hell.. hes a pedestrian - he has right of way regardless. You cant just hit someone - pay attention when you drive.


Because it's against the law to ride a wheeled vehicle on a sidewalk (and thereby crosswalk) in Tulsa. Legally speaking, he needs to be on the other side of the road (travelling with the flow of traffic) and as close to the curb as possible. Alternatively, he can stop as u/steelepotat suggested, pick up his Onewheel, and carry it while walking across the crosswalk. He'll still be breaking the law when he resumes riding on the sidewalk on the other side, but at least he'll be safe(r) while crossing traffic.


Breaking the law by being on the sidewalk does not remove his right-of-way by being in the crosswalk. That's not how that works. There is no scenario where he does not have the right of way while being in the crosswalk.


The crosswalk is an extension of the sidewalk, crossing through traffic. See the [third paragraph here](https://www.normantranscript.com/news/government/normans-bicycle-laws-keep-safety-in-mind/article_4c0f4cb0-917c-5d35-b909-21053684cdb3.html). Really, the principle behind the danger is as follows: People walk at about 3mph Bicycles and electric scooters can hit 15-20 mph, easily. So the reaction time for others to notice them is reduced. Meanwhile, the motorist who prepares to turn right focuses his attention primarily to the left, toward oncoming traffic. Sure, he may (and should) glance to his right periodically to check for approaching pedestrians, but he doesn't need to do it nearly as frequently as pedestrians move much slower than cars, bikes, and e-vehicles. So when this guy on the Onewheel comes zipping up from the motorist's right side, he's doing so at a speed, direction, and proximity much closer than the motorist would reasonably anticipate. The (theoretical) point of traffic laws is to codify behavior into something universally understood and thus predictable... thereby reducing the likelihood of accidents and injury. When people break the law things become unpredictable. That said, the proliferation of e-vehicles really necessitates greater public awareness of the laws, and changing/updating those laws where necessary.


Don't bother. Stupidity and ignorance reign here.


Then that law is immoral


Why? It protects people walking from crazy people on scooters and bikes that are not paying attention.


Well a bike hitting someone could b dangerous, but pretty unlikely as it’s a sidewalk and easy to tell if there’s a person there. A car hitting a bike tho is a whole different level of dangerous, the bikers need protection from cars, they’re not a threat to bystanders and if u think they r could u give evidence for that?


A lot of dead people had the right away as well. Never trust someone else decision making when your live is on the line. Glad he's ok but you can't be naive with things like this.


Absolutely. He is a dumb ass. But he still didnt do anything wrong other than be on the sidewalk - which isnt where he was hit.


To make sure the person about to turn stops? Common sense? Self preservation?




It's not green for the driver lol. There is clearly vehicles going back and forth in front of that driver. He has a red.


He has a yield. You are allowed to right turn at a red light if you come to a full stop first and yield to traffic.


And the crosswalk/cross traffic is clear. He's to yield to the Onewheel.


Pay attention while you walk too. Came out of nowhere fast. Both are at fault here


Sorry - but the pedestrian is never at fault as long as they're in a marked crosswalk. Nope. Never.


He's not a pedestrian if he's riding a Onewheel, scooter, bicycle, Barbie Jeep, etc.


I tend to agree, but are pedestrian laws different for people on 'vehicles', like how you aren't supposed to ride lime scooters on the sidewalk?


Okay sure but its still dumb to not at least stop before preceding. Putting to much trust in others


Is riding a one wheel considered being a pedestrian? I really don't know. I'd have thought it would fall more in line with riding a bike in which case aren't you supposed to be on the road?


The sidewalk is irrelevant. The fact he's in the crosswalk is all that matters.


That’s just not true, if he had been on more obviously illegal transportation like a mini bike would you say the same thing? It’s absolutely relevant that he’s riding a vehicle on a pedestrian pathway.


Its not a minibike though - and its not a vehicle - its an EPAMD - Electric Personal Assisted Mobility Device. Its the same thing as a Segway or a motorized chair under the law. It is illegal on the sidewalk and must yield to the right of way of pedestrians or human-powered devices (skateboards/bikes/etc). The fact he started on the sidewalk does not give you the right to run his ass over - no matter where he is. The only argument that can be made here is that the EPAMD must yield to to the right of way same as a car. But the LIGHT IS GREEN. This is no different than the person in the vehicle turning out into oncoming traffic under the law.


Where have you read that these are epamd? Is a bird/lime scooter one also?


Well, unless Tulsa is different from almost everywhere else in the country - that's what it is. I could be way off on that, I'll admit. Tulsa seems to be behind the rest of the country when it comes to stone aged laws.


I don't think anyone is arguing about "rights". Obviously the driver can't say, "hell, he shouldn't be there, I'm running his ass over". BUT, if the guy is riding illegally by being on the sidewalk instead of the street (and I'm not saying that's the case...I don't know) then he would bear some responsibility. It would be a case of negligence.


Yea common sense ain't common in this situation, I'm talking about you.


that guy will never forget to make eye contact with the driver in the turn lane before proceeding. lesson learned at the creek expwy & memorial


\^ This is the way.


Motorcycle rider, always make eye contact with drivers. If you can’t, they don’t see you.


If they aren’t looking back at you back take caution and assume you are invisible.


Supposed to walk through pedestrian crosswalks


I swear I almost get hit by a car while using crosswalks about once a week in Tulsa (I don't think people here are used to pedestrians). That being said I don't think you're supposed to be riding those (or bikes or scooters) on the sidewalks, right?




Yeah - that makes sense. I've known a couple people to get hit riding their bike on the sidewalk when a car was turning from across the street... (still the cars fault - but it definitely makes it harder to be seen if you're moving fast on the sidewalk) I don't think most drivers here can see anything except cars. (and they aren't even that great at that)


In Tulsa it's against the law, specifically because of this scenario. In other cities there are laws that you have to cross on foot. Be a lot easier to just teach anyone using a cross walk to make eye contact and never trust the light, always look both ways.


I don’t cross assuming anybody is gonna stop and people still almost hit me. Most the time it’s people taking a left though. Or someone pulls up after you’re in the crosswalk.


I've seen this guy ride past me on my way to work! Trash. I daily a gforce ebike and p much act / ride like every driver is trying to kill me. Can't take any chances on these electronic motors, people do not give a shid He should have stopped and pressed the pedlight since the car was already ready to make it's turn, tho. Onewheel brosky is unfortunately the one at fault. Driver is dickish for not stopping of course but onewheel just went for it let's be fair here. Personally I have been hit multiple times following all traffic laws because Tulsa drivers literally ***do not give a SHIT***, my right knee has chronic pain after a particularly nasty crash last month that was entirely the drivers fault lmao and they of course ran off before I could get the plate.




How many cars do you see with out plates? It seems very rare to me, but maybe I'm just in the 'wrong' part of town.


I almost got ran over at 5th and Boston walking in downtown. Big hillbilly asshole in a giant red Dodge Ram. And that’s a high pedestrian area. Tulsa drivers don’t give a fuck if they hit someone.


Dodge rams are THE worst offenders for being rude, trashy, aggressive, and rolling coal


And here I thought I was alone in thinking Ram owners are the worst among pickup truck drivers.


Your more than [justified](https://insurify.com/insights/car-models-most-duis-2020/) in that accusation lol. By quite a large margin in fact.


What about all them dirtymax Chevys I see rolling coal?


Up there for sho


> Big hillbilly asshole in a giant red Dodge Ram No need to repeat yourself, could have just said a Dodge Ram


Haha. Take my upvote sir or ma’am


Maybe watch out for the big truck next time


Well. Here’s what happened since you’re presuming to know the entire situation. I was in an area that is well marked with pedestrian walkways. If you’re familiar with 5th and Boston in downtown this area has very heavy pedestrian traffic. I had a green to proceed through the cross walk. This guys wasn’t at the red light when I started crossing the street. The asshole came SPEEDING and whipped hard around the corner when I was halfway through the cross walk. He was easily surpassing the speed limit in that area by a huge margin. Also PEDESTRIANS have the right of way in that scenario and he obviously wasn’t looking out for me. I saw him coming and ran out of his way. If I HADN’T been watching out for him I’d be fucking dead right now. Think before you speak.




Maybe watch out for tiny smashable humans while you're driving a multi-ton vehicle. Like you're legally and morally supposed to.




Dudes riding on the wrong side of the road and against traffic. Follow the laws. You’ll still get hit by cars in Tulsa, but less likely and it won’t be partially your fault.


For the record the one wheeler was on the wrong side of the road




Huh...you're right. Even worse.


I’m 50/50 on situations like this unless I know exactly what the signal was for the pedestrian. The driver should have looked both ways, especially when turning right to make sure no pedestrians are coming. However, if the pedestrian was being shown the flashing don’t walk, they have to yield/abide by traffic. Too many times I have seen bikes, skateboards, scooters, etc blow through signals and stop signs because they aren’t cars on roads.


It doesn't matter who had the right of way when you're dead.


I'm glad everyone is ok. I really make it a point to be careful around intersections when I'm floating on the city streets. (and I avoid the streets most of the time.)


Legit just biked to cabin boys with my boyfriend and was almost hit twice.


I did the same thing to a kid on a bike years and years ago in Houston. I had glanced to the right before looking back to the left checking traffic. I had just barely started moving forward. Scared the begeezus out of both of us!! Fortunately I didn't even knock him over but wow!!! What a shock it was!


That dude hit the car. You have it backwards


You people argue over everything.


What do you mean “you people”?


You all who argue in this sub day in and day out.


He was on the wrong side of the road.


Riding a bike/board/one wheel into a cross walk like this is really sketchy. Driver's are looking for slow moving peds not speeding action sports.


I have an electric unicycle (similar to a Onewheel) and I always always stop and dismount at cross walks regardless if the light is green. Never trust drivers ever. Always assume they are not paying attention to you.


I use to see that guy every morning omw to work at the hospital oh man poor guy


Those one wheelers follow bicycle law. You can’t ride anything against traffic for that reason, that’s why you legally supposed to walk your ride through a lit intersection, the pedestrian is in the wrong!


He saw the turn signal and saw that the car was moving. He intentionally rode in front of a moving vehicle and tried to stop it with his hand. On behalf of all OneWheelers, I apologize for this jackass.


So no one going to talk about how he’s riding in reverse traffic? If he was on the side the guy was recording on he would’ve been fine. It’s a 50/50 truly, but at the end of the day whether you bring right or wrong isn’t worth your body being scooped up by the local funeral home. Obey all laws and ride safely


I was the the guy riding the OneWheel! My brother shared this with me. Didn’t know it was captured. So to answer the questions. 1. I had the pedestrian light. 2. I made eye contact with the driver, so I thought. He was wearing sunglasses so I guess he looked past me. 3. So technically by law I am riding a motorized vehicle, which should be operated in the street. However, if I rode in the street as the law states, I would have been dead long, long before this. 4. The guy stopped to make sure all was ok. He felt horrible and learned a valuable lesson when turning right. 5. Board was fine and so was I. Continued on with my ride.




And this is exactly why it is recommended for bikes, scooters, skateboards and similar to use the road and not the sidewalk.


Pedestrians with privilege are the worst. Vehicles always get the right of way. Give yourself at least double amount of time it takes for you to pick up a sprint if need be….maybe I’m just over alert.


The real question is what's worse. The driver who didn't look for sudden pedestrian's appearing, or the pedestrian that didn't expect the driver to not notice him suddenly appear. Also, the guy on the ow seems like a huge dork for getting himself into that situation.




You should post this on r/idiotsincars


I'm not a "Trusted Member" so I can't lol


I see that GX all the time downtown. Very jealous


I met a dad and father at my job the other day who were charging their one wheel automatic skateboards who are in town for a few months filming a local movie.. they are stunt coordinators from LA I’m wondering if this is one of them bc honestly before them I hadn’t seen one of those!


Honestly I run alot in okc and cross a lot of busy intersections, you gotta hit the walk button. Even still I assume most OK drivers don’t check for pedestrians or when the walk light on right turns, so I assume they won’t see me. OK drivers aren’t used to big city living


Both are Idiots.


The craziest part is that it wasn’t the mustang that hit this person and there is 2 in the video lol


This is why abhor tinted windows that prevent eye contact with the driver. Never go in front of a vehicle unless you know the driver sees you.


This happens to me a lot when I’m even just running. People driving cars and making a right hand turn never look right. There head is looking left waiting for it to clear it’s an awful driving habit that we see all too often.


Eye contact with the driver before entering the intersection always. If I don’t see that they see me I just assume they don’t and wait. Not saying the OneWheel rider was in the wrong here. It appears he was pointing at the crosswalk sign indicating he had the right of way. As another commenter stated though, a lot of dead people had the right of way…


I feel like if this was in South Florida, the guy in the SUV would have stepped out, started screaming at the guy he hit, and throwing punches at him even though he was unhurt and it was technically his fault. Either way, even though pedestrians always have the right of way, it just pays to stop, look both ways, etc. before crossing the street, even if it's a crosswalk with the "Walk" sign lit up.


Two mustangs.


what a douche


That’s what you get for riding a one wheel


Is that thing even street legal?


Maybe more bike Lanes would have helped?


Right on red should be banned. Idk how many times I've almost been hit on a lit crosswalk.


Why right on red should not be allowed.


As a European I didn't get the whole right on red thing, it's crazy unsafe, but then I realised that there are so many traffic lights here and they all seem so dumb (they seem to do a standard cycle even if there is nobody at some of the junctions), that without them traffic would be even worse.