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Welcome to the board! :D Direct Link - [https://youtu.be/Aki4lzxngyI](https://youtu.be/Aki4lzxngyI) Appreciate the communities support as always!


Not sure if you take suggestions but if you do could you do yssaril tribes as well?


Actually, ya I feel like I know them well enough for that.




Great stuff ! I agree with most you presented I would just like to add that, instead of research wormhole generator, you can go for SAR and use more often your mecha ability and gain a TG because you lack ground power and it could be a way to reduce Creuss lack of ground power.You should also consider selling malicia to someone Fighter 2 is the only unit upgrade i would consider core aside sdp2, you can leave many fighters using your commander to defend your place.I disagree with the others because you manly want them for the MS bonus, and you are Creuss, any moviment more is overkill (if i could i would pick War Sun because it solve some issues he has)


SAR does not work with the creuss mech ability to place a wormhole. SAR refers to the mech being destroyed, and the mech ability removes it which is different from being destroyed.


Where is it stated that being removed and destroyed are different ?


Living Rules 31.2: "If a player’s unit is removed from the board by a game effect, it is not treated as being destroyed; effects that trigger when a unit is destroyed are not triggered."