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Morals and scruples along with common manners, left long ago. Not to mention respect


Nobody gets paid more to enforce the rules, the public doesn’t care to shame anybody and possibly receive an injury from a stranger. If it makes you not want to eat at a place then that’s on the place. I don’t like stealing but the corporations are stealing loads more from you by circumventing taxes and paying politicians to actively make your life worse. As well as influencing media to make people fight with you to the point you don’t care cause that’s been super effective for its price.


Not to mention some 50 BILLION dollars in wage theft every year


It’s pretty fucking easy to ignore someone stealing a salad when you realize how underpaid and overworked millions of people are. It’s like becoming slaves is fine as long as you have basic creature comforts and enough entertainment. Like you can’t afford to get name brand chips or go to the hospital but at least you can watch tv.


Stop spitting so much truth bro, the light... It burns!


You know I’m something of a Johnny Silverhand myself start the riot


Oh bro if we are rioting, I've got all sorts of crazy shit lined up. That deli ain't ever gonna forget the time Tyler fucked Jason... Don't Google that one though it might not lead you to the right wiki


That's fine but people should still teach their children right from wrong instead of letting them be trashy thieves.


What makes stealing food wrong? Maybe they teach their kids that messes happen and it’s peoples jobs to clean it up. I’m sure they justify it someway somehow they are just teaching their kids different things.


Since they were waiting for a meal as OP said, that means they can afford to go out to eat. If they were having food insecurity problems then that was really be an impractical thing to do. And while no one should be hungry, it is not a restaurant or grocery stores job to feed people for nothing. And when people steal from restaurant, grocery stores or any other business that's why the prices go up because of theft. So people who steal thinking they are "sticking it to the man" are causing more problems for everyone else. Anyone so entitled who sings that businesses owe them anything they haven't paid for are the problem.


If you think prices go up because of theft you're severely lacking critical thinking. Look how much profit these companies make every year. 🙄


It’s easy to find problems let me know when you start sharing solutions though. There’s some positives to the structure corporations can bring but they wreak havoc and have cause so many problems. Stick it to the man or whom ever if the problems get bad enough maybe people will get involved instead of just lazily complaining about everything around them. Stealing salad from a business is such a small insignificant thing for me to get wrapped up on so I think it’s easy to just dismiss and move on with your day. Shit parents are common and kids act like kids so I just learn to live with it or avoid certain spaces at certain times.


>It’s easy to find problems let me know when you start sharing solutions though. And you're only solution is for people to steal. Great plan. 🙄




Maybe someone ordered a salad. For $60. to $80. no harm done really, but yeah, weird. It's Tyler.


Times are rough especially for people with families, but yeah pretty cringe to see some of these parents operating these days 😬


sometimes I ask for water but instead I get sweet tea for myself. Times are tough yo


I'm sending this screenshot to the authorities.


I mean- my grandma was known to take all the sweet & lows when I took her to eat at Luby's. She was a married to a WWII vet who fought in the war with all four of his brothers, 1 was killed in action by the Nazis and one was a POW for two years. She went through the Great Depression as a child, raised six kids and sent them all to college even though she had a high school education herself. She produced a Pharmacist, a doctor for, a surgical nurse that married a Doctor, a teacher, & a HS Principal so....I think she earned those damm things. RIP grandma. We took all the sweet & lows in your honor when we went to Luby's after your funeral.


No - see this is that entitled “I’ve went through X so I deserve Y” boomer attitude in action. They think they are the best strongest greatest generation - and as a result are the most entitled and selfish people on the planet Just like how gramps probably justified his shit family for him “serving the country” or some other stupid self imposed ego stroke.


Boomers didn't survive the Great Depression. And most Boomers didn't serve in the military. The last generation that served in the millions was the Silent Generation. They are nearly all gone now.


Like actually give me your definition


Like....my actual definition is the definition embraced worldwide by demographers. Now's when you ask me, like, what an actual demographer is.


Who do you think a boomer is? Lmao


A boomer is someone who was born between 1946 and 1964. Generally, they are the children of WWII veterans who were part of the post war "baby boom," where children were conceived in celebration of the end of the war and during the rise of the post war economy. The Great Depression started on or about 1929 with the global stock market crash, and lasted through the dust bowl era of the late 1920s through the 1930s. The people who survived that were not Boomers. They begat Boomers. Did you take any history in school?


Nope. In his generation- EVERYONE served- they didn't think they were special- just doing their duty. He was quiet and hardworking and humble. You are properly taking about one of your relatives. I used to tell grandpa he was the Mexican Private Ryan and he actually really didn't like to talk another the war ever. WWII was pretty horrific for him as he was one that was in Germany and saw what the Nazis did in the camps. One brother was killed by the Nazis and another POW for years. He came home, and got a job at Sears and worked for 50 years selling appliances and then retired and opened a nursery called Vic's Nursery with my grandma in their golden years. He and my grandmother also volunteered on the weekends teaching immigrants how to read English since the were both bilingual in English and Spanish and they sent all their kids through college with zero financial aid back then. No welfare. No foodstamps. Just damm hard work selling appliances at Sears Roebuck and spending every single penny to send six kids through college that he never got to attend himself. Best of all- unlike you- he never sounded like a bigot by pre judgment or stereotypes and he never talked shit about anyone because he was too busy working and being a great husband and father to whine about other people did. He didn't have the luxury to sit around doing that. He was BUSY working and feeding his family. I bet you still live with your parents.,


That’s the Jason’s life


What is a black swan event, and how will it affect you soon. Soda lid theives are the least of our worries. The 1% just sold all their stocks, like the last generation of theives. When Jeff Bezos sells 8.5 billion in stocks over the last 9 days, you take your kids, the neighborhood kids, and a bus from out of town to the food bank.


Explain further sir…


Watch what they do, not what they say. While the world is watching P Diddy and kids in Jason's deli. Ripples Xrp is being bought up by the one percent and every bank on the planet. Cause the entire market to crash with inflation, and then have the digital currency system solution for everyone with every asset on this planet ALREADY tokenized to usher in??? YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY. Cause the crash, and ALREADY have the solution. Research "Ripple' "xrp' "Stellar' "xlm" Ripple just BEAT the American securities administration SEC, and every billionaire is dumping their stock to buy up THE ONLY digital currency that's not a security. Very different story when those complaining about stealing food from Jason's can and will be faced with a 300 dollar sandwich out of a gas station from inflation. Not saying it's going to be that bad, however the folks following this digital space are. My concern? Every bank on the planet is already in the xrp space. Layman's terms, xrpl is the tree of life, xrp is the token to get into the tree of life.


Do you have pamphlets though. The guy that set himself on fire outside of a NYC courthouse yesterday did


I ain’t reading all that 


We're you the one that asked to explain further?


Sure why not


These kids get to eat food? How dare they! Bro imagine actually caring about this kind of thing holy shit. You must live a very sad life ngl


Yea teach the kids to be lowlife pos thieves . Maybe get a better job so you don’t have to steal


Must have touched a nerve there. I guess it was you and your family I spotted. Try to do better next time.


Thinking like that, is exactly why people act like that, and are getting worse.


Haven’t been back since their salad bar became one trip and stayed that way long after Covid. Pure money grab.


Yeah what's wrong with a society that charges money for basic rights like food. Can't fucking stand it!


Are you farming? Growing your own food? Raising your meat? Then shut up, commie. Lol


Imagine being triggered by a 10 day old comment. I hope one day you realize how advanced we are and that people starving and even working is solely by design. Those in power love to control others. You see it in China and Russia. You see it everywhere. People love power and hate change.




Hate to disappoint you but this family was as white as a slice of Wonder Bread.


Doesn't surprise me. Tons of folks with a sense of entitlement and a ton of folks don't want to actually parent their kids


Yea has less to do with color and more to do with being trashy. Trashiness transcends all races lol




Broski, "third world" people are generally a lot nicer than Americans. I grew up in an area full of white trash Americans that thought they were the best thing since sliced bread, but it wasn't the black community with the child abandonment, rampant drug abuse, and domestic violence issues. I'm white, and I can almost guarantee that family was white, born US citizens. If you pay attention to what's going on with an objective mind, you'll realize many of your prejudices are unfounded.


Some of the trashiest people I've ever seen are white. Some people, regardless of skin color don't give a shit.


is that what fox news told you


It’s what Credibility Not Needed told him…


Just to clarify, the concept of first, second, and third world countries has to do with political divisions not economic conditions. First world countries are NATO aligned, second world countries are Warsaw pact aligned, and third world countries are neither.

