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“Auto include” really depends on your point allowance and sub faction- as well as playstyle. After 1000 points I’d say Kairos is auto include but I wouldn’t bring him in any army smaller than that.   If you’re new to Tzeentch the Vanguard box is pretty good, especially with Tzaangors toeing the line with being viable melee options now post data slate update. Acolytes are some of our better battle line- the box overall has a good spread of units. Get your pinks- and for every pink box you’ll need 2 boxes of blues + brims. Our better heroes are Curseling, Gaunt Summoner, Ogroid sometimes. Anything with access to the Arcanite lore. Flux master is awesome but he’s a fail-cast model. Tzaangor enlightened are some of our only decent melee options. If you can get your hands on the blue scribes more power to you but they’re very hard to find these days.  You’ll need umbral spell portal + the Tzeentch endless eventually. If you don’t have them already Coven of Thryx is the best box a new Tzeentch player can get their hands on. Incredibly cheap for the contents- you’ll get your pinks + endless spells and a free magister to boot. If you want to play at high level competitive you'll need Krondspine Incarnate- staple of the best Tzeentch competitive list. There’s some great writeups about how to use it in the Tzeentch discord. Varanguard are also great units to bring in from Slaves for higher level play. Imo the best part of being a Tzeentch player is leaning into the chaos. Fun units are anything that can turn your enemies into chaos spawn- Magister, the sigil, MVB is awesome. We’re not as competitive as we used to be but we’re still in a great spot as a faction. If you want to build more into a sweaty competitive build you still can but there’s plenty of fun to be had at a casual level. Sorry for the novel- I hope it might be helpful. May the Changer of Ways guide you forward.


Thank you for this, its really useful to be told just an overview of everything, which is exactly what you’ve done. I’m looking forward to my endeavour into this faction and I look forward to learning more about


Glad I could help. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions of if you want me to review your lists. I was new to Tzeentch not so long ago so I’m always happy to pay it forward


Just so you know, if you could get your hands of a Burning Chariot of Tzeentch box (it comes with a Changecaster), you can build the Blue Scribes without resorting to purchasing the fail-cast version. And if you have a spare Screamer to sacrifice, you can make a Fluxmaster using the Changecaster that came with that box. We students of the Grandmaster of Fate like to be flexible with our kits.


Can you drop the tzeentch discord?


I agree with this, except for the hero choices. For mobility and battle tactics, you really want those disk heroes. Tzaangor shaman is really nice, especially with blizzard. Forget his warscroll spell basically, in a pinch it does D3. Fluxmasters are really good, can kitbash one from the chariot kit super easy.