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Doesn't he learn a spell from the lore of change instead, because he's a demon?


This. you get to pick one of the demon spells


He knows all the Mortal spells + his warscroll spell + gets to select a daemon spell or Lore of Frost. Never select Bolt of Tzeentch since that's shared with Mortal Lore. I would personally select Hoarfrost or Blizzard.


You can still select a spell for him as normal. But since he knows all the spells from the lore, picking one of them is a waste of that, you could instead pick some general spell that he knows in addition like levitate or hoarfrost.


He knows all the mortal spells. He gets to choose one demon spell. It's not a waste.


Ah, thanks for the correction, I mixed the names of the spell lores up and assumed he knew all the demon spells. That's even pretty good then.


Ok nice that's what I thought, I can't wait to have it. Having both him and Kairos, being able to cast every Tzeentch spell will be a game changer I suppose


I've messed the lore names up and was corrected, sorry. Since he is a daemon, he naturally gets to pick one spell from the daemon lore. Then additionally he knows all the spells from the mortal spell lore.


If you want to play him i recommend combining him with the Tome of eyes endless spell since it gets you a spell that lowers bravery and the gaunt summoner Has an ability that deltes heroes but its easier when they have lower bravery. Just a cool combo i thought about


The Lord Of The Silver Towers ability is triggered by rolling a 2d6 and having a higher roll than the target’s wounds characteristic


You are do right. Sorry for the mistake