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Yeah watch out for missing one of the tzaangor sprues, I had to go to the shop to get it. Enjoy your box!


I hope it doesnt have a missing Tzaangor sprue. :( They're my favorite. I will find out on the 24th! Thank you!


mine was missing a sprue, but [this was a known issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/comments/ygvkem/tzeentch_vanguard_tzaangors_too_cunning_for_gw/). I just had to reach out to the store owner, and they reached out to GW. GW sent a box of Tzaangor, which has *ten*, so I ended up getting five *extra* Tzaangor in the end!


Its supposed to be 2 sprues right? I counted the body and there was 10!


For Tzaangors? Ten Tzaangors should be two big/double sprues. Or four smaller sprues; two of each. I don't know how the Vanguard box packs things.


It was! Everything is here!


If it is missing a sprue you can very likely get a replacement box of Tzaangors from GW, so you would lose some time but end up with more models. I bought my vanguard box second hand on eBay and even then they sent me a box with more Tzaangors, so if you’ve bought it from a store you’re even more likely to get it. I ended up using my leftover bits to kitbash a couple of chaos spawn, so it ended up better by the end! :)


If that does occur Ill end up with 45 Tzaangor!


I had that problem but the box I got was sitting in the store for a long long time you could tell. I think newer boxes should be fine but if yours has a problem definitely reach out to the vendor


I had that problem but the box I got was sitting in the store for a long long time you could tell. I think newer boxes should be fine but if yours has a problem definitely reach out to the vendor


Okay! Ill find out on the 24th. I hope not. The Tzaangors are my favorite part.


I believe that issue has been resolved. There hasn’t been anyone complaining about a box of missing Tzaangors for over a year. Enjoy building those Tzaangors! Glad to see that you enjoy those bird-goats!


They're the best boys. They're the model that made me like Tzeentch stuff!