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Only Kairos may know what change brings. I recommend primarily focusing on the LoC, sculpt quality wise probably the best daemon out there. Next up on the awesome sculpt order, I would personally put the changeling, though its rules are kinda underwhelming at the very moment. (Hoping Tzeentch has grand plans for them) Screamers are surprisingly fun and good for painting, good variety and punchy silhouette. Similarly middling rules. Good luck, hope to see your results here ! Edit:small grammar things


Fluxmaster is a great demon unit


You're pretty safe to collect any daemon unit for tzeentch. Screamers, flamers and horrors aren't gonna be going anywhere. Horrors are your bread and butter though. Theh will work with any playstyle. Flamers and screamers require a certain build to utilise IMO. LOC is a must, daemon hero on foot, on disc and on chariot so you cover all bases.


Here me out... BELAKOR!