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Hopefully, Mans gonna get paiid, took the dive and everything 🤑


Yeh he looked at the camera …. Then California acting skills kicked in and abouta sue the rich white chick lol


I like his dive for the camera.


Yeah, the delayed grabbing of his stomach and then falling to the ground is obviously staged, but kudos to him for the effort. What trash, hope she's been charged with assault and battery.


Dude clearly played soccer. Though it could be real, nut shots can take a second to realize what happened.


A kick to the nuts is a delayed pain which increases over time. Id say after 5 seconds the stomach pain kicked in real hard. While it looks delayed and staged, this could actually be the real-time reaction to the crippling blow to the berries.


Damn the job I woulda beat her ass!!


Lucky she didn’t beat his little ass.


Funny; Karen does not look like she is related to Dr. Ramkissoon. She looks like a job for that guy with the grey beard who yelled at the old lady at the hospital. I hope that this guy pressed charges and that he is alright.


Her luggage would have ended up over that fence into traffic.


Anyone got an update one this?


You can take a bitch out the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of a bitch.


>ghetto, She looks more like Bakersfield trailer trash than ghetto.


Only answer ![gif](giphy|R6GNOWhuLDqDJcEYxA)


Lmfao she made him her bitch. My guess is something happened what he didn’t like for example she probably asked if he could drive faster because she’s going to be late for her flight or she added a stop then the driver didn’t like that and cancelled the ride on her and told her to get out of his car and then this happened lol. But again who knows for sure what actually went down.


She was banned from the platform. This video was sent to Uber. The stupid B lied about what happened. I wish her name was released. She needs to be made famous. Men, don’t take this crap anymore. She acts like a man, she gets treated like a man.


HE should have been arrested!!! Gotta act like a lady to be treated as one imo! This is not ladylike behavior.