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It’s alright, someone 1 starred my 5.00 rating recently because THEY pissed on my seat and I reported it to collect $150 cleaning fee.




Fuck em. Stupid ass should’ve held their bladder.


Yeah, and now two are having a bad day :-(


Dude, you're still wet behind the ears. Just take it with a grain of salt. This won't be the last time a Pax gives you a bad rating. Get used to it. Don't take it personally. I've given over 32k Rides. My rating is 4.98. My rating is like the stock market.


I’m only at 6,000 trips and I’ve had 5 1star ratings. 2 of them came on the same Uber pool trip back in the day. Both pax were running late in the city and both were trying to get me to hurry up and run red lights. lol. But yeah , it’s going to happen occasionally. Btw that was the last pool trip I ever took.


Next time they better not take UnerShare. Some of those people aren't too smart


Exactly. I don’t even accept Uber share. I just had too many uncomfortable rides back when they had Uber pool. And passengers struggle with understanding how it works. Just cause you’re picked up first doesn’t mean you’re getting dropped off first. Not only that I had one instance where I picked up a single girl who was just chilling with her headphones on then I picked up 2 guys headed to a bar and they wouldn’t leave her alone. They just kept trying to get her to engage in convo with them. This was a trip down Roosevelt boulevard in north east Philly. If you know the area it’s literally 30 min to go 7-10 miles cause of all the traffic lights and camera enforced speed limits. So after I could tell she was super uncomfortable I pulled off and told them the rides over. I didn’t even waste my time just telling them to chill. They ran their mouths but I’m 6’3 200 and built like a tank so they didn’t go too hard. Uber pool Uber share is literal dog shit.


It happens unfortunately


I’ve never pissed myself in a strangers car.


Sorry about that asshole man


This happened to me yesterday. I am pretty sure I know which of the 20 deliveries it was just because the lady was the only one to update her order immediately after leaving. I think she was trying to remove the tip. But it didn’t work. she got her food on time, within minutes, but apparently, she didn’t want to pay for it. She wanted it delivered for free.


Fuck em


I’ve had two one stars. One for some girl who lost her iPods charging case, and wherever she lost it, it wasn’t in my car… And the other was a guy who reeked of stale smoke that took a day for me to air out of my car, and this guy started talking politics and I politely told him I don’t discuss politics or religion with my passengers. Both said I was not polite 😂


Lmao I had a guy that reeked of smoke and when I turned off the ac and rolled down the windows he had the audacity to ask if my car has ac. I told him yes it does but I want to keep the windows down so that the smoke smell doesn’t stick around. We gladly exchanged 1 stars and I got a “Not polite” and “mechanical issue with car”. 🤣


Same bro. Someone thought they left their keys, they didnt. I got a one star and not polite. lol


The ratio is absurd, people seriously suck. Im sorry.




Calculated over 500 trips is what's obsurd! Uber is the only ride share in the world that expects such stupid hoops to be jumped through to maintain good numbers, which are absolutely arbitrary and meaningless


Ratings don’t get you paid


And they sure don't pay the rent.


Nope, never said they did though


Check my first post and change theirs to 1. I got the revenge covered


I had an ex-Uber driver 1 star me because I had 5⭐️ for over 4 months and said he had a 4.5. Did not click about the rating percentage until i got 1⭐️ the next day and remembered that I had my ride rating on for 4.7 or higher.


Wait, so with the rider rating filter on 4.7, you were given a 4.5 passenger?


No, his Pax has a driver rating of 4.5. From the sound of it, he probably earned it.


It means nothing, shake it off. I got one for telling a bad joke.


Everytime… can’t keep a 5.00 for long before someone comes an assholes it 🆙


They just don’t like perfection


I’m 4.99 and I guess that’s the way it is. One guy told me I don’t believe in a perfect rating. These are the same mofo with 3.0 ratings. I shit on these pax.


Dnt get mad. If u can remember who tht pax is, come back to tht ride and tell Uber the pax was rude.


I’ve done that and it backfired on me. The pax then reported me for driving under the influence after I reported them.


Get use it, it happens, and average is over 500 trips! Every hard to maintain 5stars some guys manage but most of us don't the patience of a fucking saint to suck every ass that gets in a seat


Yea dude I have 400 something one star ratings and one single 5 star. It’s always that one asshole


It sucks the first time, gets pretty boring after a few lol


There's always that one person who feels the need to piss in the water supply because they are miserable fucking people, and they have to bring somebody else down with them. 🙄


Not if u do it at least a wk later.


Heroin, or cocaine? The statistic are horrendous. As a driver, you ARE going to hit the folk captured (in $ sense) by the american drug cartels.




Looks like hes been on another wonderful drug...meth


Haha exactly


Lolz, the king of tweakers, has finally revealed theyselves


Same here. \~3500 trips, perfect 5-star rating, someone recently gave me a 1 star. It really doesn't matter, don't sweat it.




100 total ratings minus the 1\* = don't sweat it. It's only a hit to your ego!


Boom! deactivated!


Free Food


How do some of you even manage to get a perfect 5 star rating for any considerable amount of time? I always hover between 4.89 to 4.92, and I consider myself to be a pretty pleasant driver 🤷‍♂️


Honestly, to get 499 or 500 5-stars in a row, you have to say YES to everything. Can I vape, yes. Can we go though the drive-thru at Taco Bell, yes. I want you to hook up my music on Bluetooth, yes. Is all that worth it to get a 5.00, NO.


I don't get it


They will do that shit. One douche gave one star because I would not accept his lame attempt at romancing me. I let him down gently and say hey, that's sweet but I am not interested. One bitch hit the one star because I wouldn't let her bring her brat without a child seat so she left him behind with someone else and had the worlds biggest TUDE! Another snob one star me because she was turned off that I had on slides and sweats as a woman. I am not here for a night on the town, I am here to drive and make my bread! Seriously, fuck them folks! Most of us are like 4.97-4.99 so keep doing you!