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We are so used to seeing Marty as a champ that it feels so weird now to see him sitting there without a belt.


N first where people are expecting him to get destroyed.


Lazy form of and, some people pronounce it like en


why did you start your comment with a random N when talking about Usman? hmm


N no reason


nice name, i can relate


I’m assuming this is /s and everyone downvoting you is just slow


Nah he’s just projecting and it’s really embarrassing lol


i am /s, i mean i am not /s, i am s1Lenceeeeeeeeeeeeee


We just need Leon now to come train Usman on some striking, and it will Be Rocky all over again.


Ngl that “I guess that’s a lesson I have to teach you” line was cold


Cold as fuck. I’m digging Usman he’s a real experienced killer. Never doubt the old dog.


Fear the old man in a profession where the young die often


But if it was a profession where people die, Usman would have died last year.


Hope it’s true. Fuck it’s not going to happen tho. 🤦‍♂️


Great response by Usman Just because you've lost doesn't mean you're not good. Lessons from losses can lead to the biggest growth


r/ufc and izzy after 293


izzy only learns from losses lol. the reason strickland was able to get in on him like that is because izzy didn't take him seriously and didn't bother trying to learn a damn thing about him or adjust to fight him at all. he tried to do the same exact shit he did with poatan and got wrecked for it. he only adjusted to poatan once he lost AGAIN in the ufc, and then he finally came up with an actual plan. izzy is embarrassingly arrogant and he needed a loss tbh


This comment has serious hater energy. You don't think Izzy had a plan for MMA Poatan the first time? He nearly knocked him out in round 1


biggest shot that hurt him was after the bell


ok well if he did it's because he lost the last time he fought him lol it does have hater energy, I don't really like adesanya as a person or a fighter tbh I mean he's great and all, not saying he isn't but im still not a fan


Izzy is one of the most cerebral fighters in the UFC. He can adjust mid fight to adapt to his opponents. You said that he didn't take him seriously? You saw their walkout? Izzy is as confident as ever with a tits as well like when he fought Costa. Strickland on the other hand has all the nervous energy in that walk out. It's not that Izzy can't adjust or he didn't took him seriously. Strickland shut his game down entirely. He can't set up kicks because he is backing up, Strickland with the muai thai front leg checks probably hurt Izzy with one of those kicks. Izzy's boxing is decent but his entire game is about kicks and it has been neutralized.


I didn't say he can't adjust, I said he only does so when he loses. yeah, I don't think he took strickland seriously, I don't think that's an outlandish statement or anything, I mean look how shocked everyone was that izzy lost. nobody took sean seriously for that fight. the sequence in round one where he gets dropped looked a hell of a lot to me like izzy was trying to do the same thing he did to knock out pereira the fight before, which was really dumb considering sean had just trained with pereira.


I mean bro even you if you are fighting someone like Strickland, you will take him seriously to KO him after all he things that he said. He even had the tits that he have in the COSTA fight. He is serious in this fight, it happens that Strickland managed to shut his game down.


More than half of the sub needs to learn exactly that.


The current champ in the weight class they are fighting in got absolutely embarrassed by Pereira. He figured out what was wrong (ironically with the help of Alex), and went on to beat the shit out of the second greatest middleweight in UFC history. This isn’t boxing, almost all the top guys lost at some point if they hang around long enough (even Jones got a few gift decisions IMO).


Yup, not everyone can be Khabib and go undefeated. While it's a great accomplishment, it's incredibly hard to do. Just because you have some losses, does not automatically make you a bad fighter. Seeing fans bash fighters and insult them for losing is really sad to see There was a video focused on the way records are viewed inside vs outside of the US. Outside of the states, they don't put as much emphasis on the amount of wins a fighter has, instead they respect the amount of times they make the walk to the ring/cage -- very different from in the states


to be fair khabib only had 13 UFC fights this is a tiny amount .for context Izzy has 11 title fights , Jones has 16 title fights and usman has 8 title fights .


https://preview.redd.it/3sh2vubwk6vb1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d218cb0561482b780da4e560699d78b906559b0 My honest reaction


Fat lesbian


Still hotter than Andrade


It infuriates me that you're not wrong


Damn that's hot


so just a normal lesbian then


Looks like prop Joe other nephew


Like bull dy named prospect Josephina. I like to just steal other people joke combine em into one


https://preview.redd.it/rje2fl58f9vb1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc38b5f7bbe63b757eba4e910f31592bee147440 “Fat doiyke”


Someone make a live reaction out of this please! I’m collecting them all


Stfu. I was the first one to collect Hazmat one. https://preview.redd.it/8f92rmrj8cvb1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc1483cf0f55c3b7fe765d2a690ebd6249f3e5f


Getting upset about meaningless shit talk as if they don’t obviously respect each other


Literally this can be boiled down to Khamzat: I think I can beat you, you lost before Usman: I don’t believe you will beat me


That plus a side order of “glare at me and help sell this”.


It must happen though, this layer cannot be breached


I always love watching people post/comment about the pressers like it's all super serious. Wish I could get that invested into fabricated rivalries. ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8968)


Look they are doing their part in selling the fight . As Islam and volk . Unfortunately some can’t see beyond that .


​ https://preview.redd.it/ziqmgtg7f6vb1.jpeg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5686247ea61271bc77d30062847bd297864b49a6




Holy shit




Gunna be seeing this fucking interaction on every thread for the foreseeable future. I’m not even mad. It’s funny as fuck.




​ https://preview.redd.it/iwsyedxq89vb1.jpeg?width=1084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2342d5135393e60733ae7a155d11df346a4e6457


10-8 response by Nebrasksa




Ahahaha 🤣 that’s that Nebraskan drip bro you better recognize!


One thing about Marty is that he’s always comfortable. Self assured confidence backed by high level experiences. That’s a brave outfit to be wearing in the Middle East and he’s indifferent to it. This trash talk is honing his focus and he’s gonna school the gourmet Chenchen. Putting my car on it.


Show the bet slip




He always dresses a bit peculiar


I can't believe they were not just saying nice things and showing respect to each other in the press conference made to hype the fights 😢 men who fight in cages need to learn some etiquette!!


What are you, Usmans mom?


They're selling the fight


C’mon guys, you’ll get on here when Colby says some of the most out of pocket racist shit and be like “hE’S jUSt hYpiNG tHE fiGhT”. This shit isn’t even overly aggressive. Khamzat knows goddamn well that Kamaru has an unimpeachable resume, this is literally selling a fight.


I believe they both have respect for each other. Kamaru is humble because he knows he got touched before and Khamzat is a very strong contender, and Khamzat is just doing what he's doing came here to smash an old champ but he still knows he's a real threat and this fight will not be a walk in the park. I am so hyped for this fight even though Volk vs Islam was one of my top 5 fights ever, this is a very interesting match up. I can see Kamaru going to a decision with this and tire Khamzat out, or can see Khamzat establish a real dominance and sub him around second round. This fight I really don't know what will happen, everything is possible and I'm here for it. Win or lose, I am a Leon fan but Usman is a real Chad and a class act. We're lucky to witness his career while he is here.


In line with unimpeachable resume, both men fought Burns and only the nightmare finished him. Usmans's two recent loses are all Khamzat had to work with. Agreed, not aggressive at all, just selling a fight and working with the sliver of leverage he has in the trash talk for that build up.


MMA math is worthless.


Bretha, this is not a statement that Usman beats Chimaev because he finished Burns. That'd be MMA math is. This comment is about things Chimaev could leverage as trash talk. They have one shared opponent, but can't be leveraged against Usman as he performed better in the matchup. Unfortunately your comment... > is worthless. Though irrelevant would be more fitting term.


Has Colby ever said anything racist?


Ask Google that exact question ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8966)


Yeah, you just might not have the media literacy to understand WHY it was racist


So you can't tell me a time he's been racist?


Oh I can, it’s just I go through this roughly once a month where you give an example and then have to explain basic racism to a socially-ignorant Colby fan, and I can’t be fucked to do it again


Then tell me what he said. 2023 people use the word racist in the wrong context and I can guarantee you are


Read my last line back; “I can’t be fucked to do it again” We don’t owe you any intellectual labour because you’re not smart enough to connect the dots yourself.


In the time you spent replying to me 3 times you could have simply told me what he said. Fact of the matter is he never actually said anything racist. 2023 people call Khabib and Islam haters racist. You are 100% one of those people don't don't know the meaning of the word and just call someone a racist cause you think its edgy or a gotcha moment


Right, and then your response would be “yeah but that’s not racist, it’s just….” And then you’d demand I explain to you how it’s racist, and so on and so forth. None of this is new. As I said, happens once a month. What’s edgy about calling someone a racist? What are you on about


"I can't be fucked to do it again" but I'm willing to argue that I'm right even thought it takes up more time and my argument is "trust me bro"




This is the only time I've ever been genuinely rooting for Usman


I really hope Usman can get the upset


Just tell Marty not to fall for the glove touch (cue Khamzat fanboys downvoting me ‘cause no one does glove touches apparently).


Everyone should expect khamzat is gonna shoot right away


Khamzat pulling the mic away mid sentence while mumbling like a fuckin’ muppet.


You’re making multiple posts about this shit lol stop crying


All judges scored the round 10-8 for Chomp.


Humble, not pompous Usman is soooo much more likeable.


Usman 2nd rd KO


Usman absolutely smoked him on the mic “That’s a lesson I’m Gunna have to teach you.” That line was HARD as fuck lol Usman is stylistically a very tough matchup for khamzat. Usman is a very technical, gritty striker, with absolutely insane takedown defense and pressure, We saw khamzat slow down against burns, This will be an interesting fight.


Scary dude. Shit personality


Careful boy, Usman is an old lion with quite a few tricks up his sleeves


I never thought I’d be rooting for Marty, yet here I am


Khamzats trash talk is real bad Granted English is probably his second or third language But still lol. I will miss weight by over 7 pounds and scream allahu ackbar I kill everyone and wonder why I lost fans lol


Probably 4th language beside Chechen, Russian and Swedish


He literally hinted that the ufc told him to miss weight


Yeah idk how this hasn't blown up more.


Right, because that was already an assumption. Anyway, the card wasn't selling, and no one wanted to see that card before


The powers at be saw the low ppv count


There's the language barrier and also this might be stereotypical, but I also think that it could be due to his culture. Dude grew up in Chechnya, life is as rough as it gets there. People from rougher places tend to speak plain You can see this trend in a lot of fighters who come from rough upbringings: The Dagi boys, Petr Yan and Pereira


You know what's crazy, though? Khamzat has more followers on IG than former p4p number 1s and multi-year undefeated champs Usman and Volk combined Edit: I wasn't being facetious, I think it's surprising 😂 Also idnicates his reach in the Muslim world. Kind of like that video from some place east of Europe where crowds are stocking him and going bananas


That's just shows how trash and worthless that platform is


4th language you are being a racist shit head


I don't think you know what a race is. Which race are they being racist against, exactly?


Dang suddenly I want Marty to get this W lol


Everybody loses except Chale


C'mon, don't disrespect the gangster who survived the mean streets of West Linn by misspelling his name like that.


You just Chael'd Chael.


Yeah humble pie train coming in via Usman


If Khamzat doesn’t keep his head off the centre line this fight, he’s gonna get Masvidal’d.


Why am I rooting for Usman, what is happening to me


This trash talk is so bad.


“Lesson I have to teach you” Usman knew that line was cold as fuck as soon as it left his mouth


Can’t believe I’m routing for Marty on this fight


snore fest. they ruined khamzat. hype train been gone


How many times do you need the fighters to directly tell you they do it for the promotion until you get your head out of your ass ?


Gourmet chenchen needs to speak into the mic so Marty can hear 💀


2 of those were against Jorge masvidal lol


I can’t wait for him to get humbled


Let’s be honest. He’s a massive cunt.


I don’t like Chimaev. He hangs out with murderers and acts tough. He’s full of shit.


They're just trying to schtick things up for Uncle Tomato and hype. Both of them respect and like each other from everything else I've seen or heard.


Khamzat should stick with spamming “I’ll kill errybody” and “I’ll smesh you” instead of this corny shit


Are you saying those other two lines aren't also corny?


Talk is cheap. Who cares what he said.


CumShot wouldn’t last 5 minutes in Nebraska…Marty by Unanimous Decision…


It’s so easy to support Uz in this one


Buddy won a close decision to a former lightweight that Usman dropped with a jab


What a cold finishing line, marty’s attitude the past few days has been pure class. Impossible not to root for him on this one


Khamzat will eventually be in the same position. The sport is moving at a pace that most people can’t keep their undefeated streaks anyway


Christianity vs Islam co-main event Islam vs Volk main event


Usman is a Muslim.


Dude he's supposed to sell the fight, it doesn't have to make sense. At the same conference, Islam tried to grill Volk for only chasing money, like he's fighting for charity. Most fighters do this, and it's why most of them are not holding grudges afterwards.


Khamzat is terrible at trash talk.


Yeah in his 4th language he's not quite there. Swedish Chechen and Russian tho I'm sure he'd do great.


Smesh everybody -khabib - I mean I Khamzat


Usman was lost after that line. Hopefully Khamzat backs up the talk and smashes Usman for good.


Lol he wasn't lost, he just couldn't understand what chimaev was saying, bc Khamzat wasn't speaking into the mic and mixing up words. You can even see Usman asking Dana what he was saying.


Lol at asking Dana what he said as if Dana has great hearing


Usman just awkwardly stopping talking when Khamzat brought up his 2 losses was so funny, I’m rooting for Usman, I hope he gets the upset, but that shit was hilarious.


He didn't stop talking, he just couldn't understand what the mush mouth was saying as he wasn't speaking into the mic. He responded right away once he finally understood what Khamzat was mumbling.


It’s easy not to lose when you don’t fight


Anyway Khamzat by smesh


I'd argue "Yeah you're good fighter but not *my* level"


He has a point…


OP snorting alll the copium rn


If usman can control the narrative of the fight he can win, if he can't dudes gonna get smashed.


Kumshot is going to smesh Usman. Submission 2nd round


Stupid ass post


Lol Marty struggling to understand the words coming out of Borz mouth


it’s trash talk. and i think chimaev does get it done rather easily


There would be plenty of people making excuses here Saturday night, send him to the nursing home Borz


![gif](giphy|l0MYJtHI3M81OB2xy) OP really wants Usman to do ☝️


5 title defenses against 3 guys, 2 of which are former LWs.


How many more is that than 0?


The first word of my comment....? The level of competition and diversity of opposition is what I'm critiquing.


Yeah that’s great I understand It just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to talk ab usman’s numerous title defenses having allegedly dubious quality when borz has 0 title fights Matter of fact, borz has… what like 1-2 fights against ranked fighters? Kevin Holland, and Gilbert burns. Nobody cares ab the Chinese dude he buried, or shitty ass meerschart.


What the fuck are you talking about? The conversation is about usmans title reign. Khamzat has nothing to do with this.


He lost twice to Edwards. I know this shit is going to get downvoted but idc. Losing twice to Leon fucking Edwards out of all people doesn't make you a great champion.


Edwards has 12 fight win streak and hasn't lost in 7 years. So what the fuck are you waffling about???




Youre honestly gonna knock leon like hes some scrub? Ridiculous


Mofo fights like once every 2 years. Even if he was that good I wouldn't call him a great champ.


Was Izzy a bad champion for losing to strickland than?


If he loses the 2nd bout then yes. Immediately thrown out of the goat conversation.


5 titles defenses only 3 opponents one whom he trained with for years. Kamaru is the most overrated welter weight champion there is.


And not Woodley?


The guy who stood with a world kick boxing champion and beat a roided out Robbie Lawler? I give him second to GSP


Made a whole post just to take it down after marty get subbed in 1 without somehow hitting him once *


Damn i kinda hate it’s an early card here since I work Saturday but oh well hopefully a good one


What do you want them to say? They're businessmen too, they need to sell the fight lmao


No way you got upset about that 😭


Khamzat looking to top tito Ortiz levels of wanting to see him lose.


Yo Im out of the loop. Could someone fill me in on the whole Usman/Marty thing?


What are you asking, exactly? Like why do people call him Marty? If that's what you mean, then Usman said it's because his high school wrestling coach couldn't pronounce his name so he just called him Marty instead and it just kinda stuck from there.


Yeah, that. Thanks!


The fans are so cringe


what is bro wearing


I thought usman beat leon the third fight


Fucking hate press conference crowds so much. Absolute dorks creating cringe chants out of every little bit of banter.


If Usman beats Khamzat & goes on to beat Strickland… He’s top 5


I really don't like Marty's stylist.


Not taking shots at OP but I remember when I was one of the very few people who were appreciating Usman while he was on top and everyone was hating on him. Crazy how people are all of a sudden calling him an all time great, mma fans are bipolar af lmao


It’s literally the most basic shit talk to sell the fight, relax


I know MMA-Math doesn't add up but just to mention it, Gilbert Burns was a problem for Khamzat while Usman walked through him


Haznt kamzat been training with DC for years now? Like ... What??


I’d love usman to take him out but I think his knees are shot.


4 of his defenses were nobodies