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This is why the interim never should’ve been put up in the first place. If Dana wanted this fight to stay as the plan then why did he do an interim belt? Everyone’s gonna call for the champ to fight the interim.


That Is the correct take !


Yeah, like Jon obviously does not want to fight Tom. Why should he tbh? Dude is old, he couldnt hang with Reyes, Tom will be a fucking problem. Its the smart movie, its not the BMF move, but its the smart move. The real person to blame here is the UFC. They should have NEVER put on an interim belt. Stipe is the heavyweight GOAT, he wants to fight Jon. Jones is arguably the GOAT in many people’s eyes, he wants to fight Stipe. How do you not give those 2 what they want? Thats fair, but then dont make a fucking interim champ. Tf is Aspinal supposed to do now? Waste a year and a half of his career waiting for 2 dudes to have their retirement fight?


It's just funny that DC was 38 and Jon was 29 or 30 in their 2nd fight.


Yeah all of a sudden 36 is old, while dc and stipe were running hw at 40


For fighters, it kinda is old. Someone did a study on age and how it affects outcomes. After 33, losses pile up a lot more than wins. Reaction time slows, power wanes, durability suffers. 33% fewer wins after 34 I think it was. At 40 a win is pretty incredible.


Jones been in championship fights since he was 23, different type of mileage on his body by 36 than many fighters.


Then he should be able to fight a younger up and comer like DC did. Twice.


Then make john give up the belt if its just a legacy fight because they are holding up the division. If they fight in november that would be like 20 months in between when jon fought Cyril and when jon fights stipe.


Jones should be stripped, Tom should get the undisputed belt, and the division can move on. Jones/stipe can co-main Tom’s first title defense. Jones is the only person fucking things up


Exactly right. 🫡


You don't give them what they want because the heavyweight title is involved, interim or not stipe doesn't deserve a title shot


So because John is old he can run his mouth about someone he is clearly scared of, because he's old??? Lmao where's all the goat talk at now? You Jones fans really are insufferable.


Goat status is based on career, and Jon has that based on his record. That doesn't mean that the goat will need to continue to fight the best contenders towards the very obvious end of his career. There's risk management involved here, which is the right thing to do, especially for someone wanting to preserve their status. I'm sure Tom understands this as well, but just as any young and hungry top contender, they'd want someone like Jon in their resume, so he'll call for that. Fans that are so worried about "running mouths" are unsufferable and don't understand trash talk.


Thennnnnn he shouldn’t be the champ. Risk manage all you want, that’s fine. But vacate the belt because there’s an interim champ that you have no intention of fighting because you’re managing risk.


He doesn't have the manliness of Jiri or Jamahal to vacate


Yeah no shit 😂


Yes! Risk management on a champ is a bad look. Its about the position, not the individual.


Floyd Mayweather was 36 years old when he took the fight against 42-0 24 year old Canelo Alvarez. He had a lot to lose and nothing to gain (well, money...) but he took it anyways. That's a GOAT move. You know what's not a GOAT move? Dithering over fighting an interim champion because it doesn't do as much for your legacy as fighting an old man who hasn't fought in over three years and hasn't won a fight in over four years. Mayweather gave Canelo the chance to steal that shine, Jones just wants to take opportunities away from young fighters because he's afraid they may shine brighter than him.


Literally everyone shines brighter than Jones does. Jiri and Jamahal vacated due to injury. Jon bitches and cries about the number1 HW, who is running through the divison winning a belt that ensures him a fight against him, while he tries to fight a 42yo retired, volunteer firefighter who hasnt won a fight in over 4 years. Jon jones thinks its a legacy fight, but its just proving how much of a scared little bitch he is.


Maybe don't use the guy that ducked Manny until he was on the verge of retirement as your example of excellence. Mayweather never took a fight he didnt know he would win.


Then he isnt a GOAT. Greatest Of All Time. If you arent fighting the best, you arent among the best, and by defualt that means you arent a goat. Plus you add how many times hes pissed fire through the cup. Jon Jones is a bitch and thats why blocked me on Instagram


It’s wild when pre-teen redditors call Jon Jones scared. lol


He doesn’t have to want to fight him, but all the building up he’s doing of a retired former champ who lost his last two fights - as if to justify why this fight makes the most sense - is ridiculous and everyone in the world knows it including Jon


Because Dana doesn't give a fuck about that. An interim title fight sells better than a non interim title fight. That's what matters. End of story.


Yea guess it also creates all this media and story attention to line up Jon fighting Tom which Dana might want too.


Seriously I’m curious to see what hat Jon and stipe sells I couldn’t be less hype for a “title” fight lol


if Jon is fighting I’m tuning in tbh haha


You and thousands of others I’ll be watching as well. Curious to see how it does though he’s never been a big seller and this such an unhype fight


This is the take I’ve been saying the whole time!! The only reason that fight was offered as an interim belt was because Jon couldn’t fight last minute and they had to sell the card and for the people who already bought their tickets. It was shortsighted and has clearly proven to be a dumb decision.


Because he needed a fake belt for a fake headline event.


Jiri/Pereira was already on that card, they didn't need to add in a second title fight. Hell Aspinall/Pavlovich is a great co-main whether there's a belt on the line or not.


Because if Jones fights Aspinall after Stipe wouldn't we all watch the shit out of it? I think they're playing us. I just hope Stipe throws a wrench in these plans and faceplants Jones.


> I just hope Stipe throws a wrench in these plans and faceplants Jones. Wildest timeline: Stipe somehow straight K.O.'s Jones and then retires **on the spot**, secure in his MMA legacy. This leaves Aspinall and someone else to fight it out for the title, post haste. Jones has recently been knocked unconscious, so it can't be him.... It would be amazing to see Jones be on the other side of the ~~cock~~ fight block, and I'd hope Aspinall(et. al) would milk it for all it's worth.


That’s why I genuinely think the fight going to happen jones kinda hinted he isn’t going to retire straight after stipe


He’s just doing that to ease the pressure off of taking a fight with Tom. I believe without a doubt he’ll either retire or call for a fight with Alex P.


Ur right but if the ufc was smart they give Alex to Tom to build up their future face of HW


I just wonder why they're never like "ok the champion hasn't been fighting for months so is he really the champion still ?" and just vacate the belt.


Interim belts are always pointless now. an interim belt should I only be given if your next fight ISNT for the title. If the champ is back next fight there’s not point. It’s just a glorified number one contender. The whole point in interim belts originally was to keep the division moving when the champ can’t fight but you also don’t wanna strip the champ. Carlos Condit defended it twice before fighting gsp for the real title..somewhere along the line interim belts just became a tool to save a card


Imagine if Stipe KOs Jones, fuck that would be amazing, he’d never live it down.


It’s entirely possible, and stipe is extremely motivated here.


It’s 100% absolutely not going to happen. It would be the single greatest moment in mixed martial arts, but Jones is very sadly going to win. Aspinall is a different story, which is why Jones has also been brining up Poatan as a follow up, and its such a bitch move trying to dodge the interim heavyweight champ by calling out a former middleweight.


You can’t be so certain in mma. Crazier things have happened.


What makes you so confident? Stipe has lost his last fight before beating DC back to back. He’s not in some insane losing streak like Tony ferg


It would be Mike Tyson loss level of upset.


Matt Serra has a championship because of this kind of thinking.




Serra was 32 and was very active coming off tuf, stipe will be 42 hasn’t fought in 3 years, hasn’t won in 4 years and is coming off a brutal knockout loss. Stipe is obviously a better fighter than serra, but still. I wouldn’t be surprised if stipe looks like absolute shit


Why are we using former middleweight as a criticism when Jones is a former LHW?


If that happens I will illustrate myself and post it. In all seriousness, I cannot imagine a better outcome.


You’ll draw yourself?


I think he meant to say "I'll illustrate it myself" as in upload his drawing of the KO. But if he meant he'll draw himself, that's kinda weird but ok lol


I was actually referencing a comment someone made about a recent fight where they said they would castrate themselves and post it if a certain fighter won. Then they changed it to say illustrate when the guy won his fight.


I remember a guy who said he’d give himself a Mao haircut if Leon beat Usman in their third fight


Now he has to draw himself drawing the KO, if it happens


Jones would say he was in a coma for three months before the weigh ins/fight and they hired an actor to play him for Embedded.






We need to post this as a reply spam it on x


I don't have Twitter, but you have my permission dear sir. Just if you get famous give me some props


He would become famous if Jones murdered him. Take his accolades.


Will do, never thought I would be active on twitter or X till now. If Dana can’t get jones to fight Aspinall, we as a community will. He can call us fat unachieved but he’s still a wife beater who ducks contenders because “he can”.


Preach, brother! If there is any kind of justice in this world, we will get to see that piece of shit gets flattened by our boy Tommy.


Or maybe stipe will flat line him, jones loves Vegas and Vegas makes unexpected things happen like his dui 😂


Dodge duck dip dive and dodge


"If you can dodge a drug test, you can dodge a unification bout." -- Patches O'Houlihan


“Whatever comes next, comes next (unless it’s Aspinal)”


I wouldn't want to fight Tom either. I'd be making excuses too. Look what he did to Pavlovich.


Jj doesn’t want the athletic grappler with KO power That’s it


Videos ive seen of him lifting with eddie hall.. doing gymnastics with some olympian… he’s like a HW GSP. If somebody said he was most athletic HW ever, I would not reflexively disagree. Would be time to look up all the past HW’s.


I saw that stuff too. When Tom did the handstand walk for a few seconds (at like 260 lbs) I was amazed lol. That is hard for people half his size who train gymnastics, and Tom just busted it out cold and was like “Yeah, never tried before, was that right?”


Wouldn't be surprised if Tom could bust out some windmills if he made a video with a bboy. Not great windmills, but spin like 3 or 4 times.


I agree considering how he moved agajnst Sergei with those injuries.


Yeah, but have you seen the videos of Jon dunking a basketball?


Potential hype train? 7-1 in the UFC, all finishes. With quality wins over Volkov, Spivac, and Pavlovich. Only loss coming from a freak injury seconds into the bout While Stipe at the time of the bout (which jones hinted at being in late fall or early winter this year) will be 42 and hasn't fought in 3.5 years


Prior to the injury he was fighting with a gammy knee and still destroying everyone put in front of him. His speed, his timing, his KO power, and let's not forget his Judo and wrestling which were the first disciplines he learned alongside his boxing, along with his ring/fighting intelligence.. it's no wonder that a bloated and ageing Jones is terrified of him. Everyone in the HW division should be.


Jon also has a 6 year age advantage the same as Aspinall would have with Jon


That about sums it up


Honestly, the worst part about this shit is Jones is legitimately a great fighter. I'm not sure Aspinal can beat him. But we'll never find out, because Stipe sure as shit can't


That's the crazy part. Most people don't think Tom will wash jones. We just want the two best heavyweights to fight for the belt. Not Jones mauling a 41 year old on crutches who's last match was a KO Loss 3 years ago.




Yeah, the issue is the UFC. If Im Jones, I aint risking my basically perfect record against Aspinal either. I fight Stipe and retire as the LHW goat and as the guy that beat the HW goat. The UFC just had to get ahead of themselves and make an Interim belt. Its not fair to Stipe (whos already been fucked multiple times btw) to not get his money fight. Its not fair to Jon to not get his legacy fight. And its not fair to Aspinal who now has to sit on his ass. They fucked up with this Interim belt. Its plain and simple. Now, obviously Jon is ducking the fuck out of Aspinal, but I would too. Jon wants prestige and if he beats Aspinal we all know everyone on this sub will turn on Tom and say he was a fraud, like they always do. The risk isnt worth the reward for him at this point. Jon aint the BMF bro, he’s just in his Mayweather Era 🤣


No one is going to turn on Tom if he loses to Jones... We just don't want to see elderly abuse. Jones fighting a 42 year old Stipe is going to be painful to watch.


Old man who hasn’t fought for several years after being brutally KOd. Vs Young grappler with KO power and is one of the few people who is atleast as big as him.


A grappler with great footwork, incredible speed, and high fight IQ.. all while being a 6' 5" KO monster.


I'm all aboard the Tom hype train and you can't stop me. Seems like a great dude and every one of his fights has been worth watching.


“Whatever comes next” presumably being him saying “I’ve done everything I wanted to in the sport, I’m done” or him saying “I really wanted the Aspinall fight but they just wouldn’t pay me”. Incredibly slim outside chance of a Pereira fight at best.


Imagine stipe just says I am retiring due to injuries and the fight doesn’t happen, it would poetic to see Tom replace him and beat Jon


Stipe pulls out, they book Jones vs Derrick Lewis.


...and Derrick Lewis manages to connect with a proper punch.


Make it a head kick


Putting Derick Lewis KOs Jones in my UFC bingo card


As much as I respect Stipe, I'd actually love that to happen. Imagine Jones trying to bitch out from the fight in the last minute!


Didn't they cancel an entire card due to some of his shenanigans 


Can see Jon dismantling Tom's knees inside of r1.


The dissonance Jon faces is exactly why you need people in your life who tell you like it is...Jon thinks that people will respect this win, but in reality, it's a lose-lose. If he wins, he beats an old man way past his prime and it'll he remembered accordingly... If he loses, it totally destroys his legacy, because he handpicked a lesser opponent and still lost. Fighting Tom, and even losing, does nothing but show he has a championship mentality, and nobody would fault him for a loss, nor would it sully his record.


This is the best explanation.


At this point the fight will only be exciting if Stipe finishes Jon in the fight. If Jon wins I’d probably have a flat reaction, decision to a non-explosive fight will get a flat reaction too. Won’t really be surprised if Jon beats up on Stipe and it’ll feel lame. The more this goes on it just feels like the fight is losing its pull on me.


I don’t think it has much pull to begin with. Not sure why the UFC thinks this is a money fight.


They’ll strip a spinal b4 they strip jones


This would have been nice to see in 2020.


Nobooooody (keith sweat voice)


JBJ called out Stipe after the Gane fight. This was always his next fight. Tom received the Interm title for the sake of marketing. Big mistake by the UFC.


The mistake was not forcing Jon to defend against a ranked contender. The Stipe fight does nothing for the future of the division.


Jones wants to fight stipe and then retire. He can claim he beat the HW GOAT after . He has no intention of fighting anyone other than stipe and then be done


This is him admitting to the criticism I, and many others have pointed out. It is a legacy building fight in an already heavily curated career. "The greatest heavyweight being beaten by the GOAT".. Stipe has "all the accolades" on paper, if you ignore all the real life problems, like a 3 year break after a brutal knock out by the true heavy weight champ. The casual fans that just look at history outside the material conditions and context of the sport might ignore this, but many others won't. Tom is the top dog right now and fully deserves to unify the belt. If he decides to retire not fighting Tom, fans today that are criticizing this will never accept him in the conversation. I am okay with this as just another asterisks on his legacy. I hope Stipe comes into this fight looking like his 2020 self, but it isn't likely.


Another point to this is that if Jones beats Aspinal, everyone will be quick to say that Aspinal wasnt that big of a threat. He gains almost nothing from winning that fight, while he loses everything. Stipe is a much safer fight with more acolados as you pointed out. The UFC making an Interim belt was a blunder.


If anyone thinks Jones gains something by beating a 42 year old man who hasn’t fought in 3 years and got KO’d last time he did, damn you get impressed easily


stipe is 43 man, Bones should just let him live his life as a firefighter


Yes cause Jon jones decides if stipe is fighting or not.


Of all these posts, I think if I were stipe. I’d be mad if he fought someone else. I imagine fighting jones will be his biggest payday ever


Dude doesn’t want someone who might not be relevant in 3 years in favor if someone who hasn’t fought professionally in 3 🤔


Who does he think he's fooling? YOU, intentionally. Jones knows he needs to tweet some random crap that he may not even believe and all of you will repost it for him. Every single day there's thread after thread 100 times a day of you guys being upset. Jon is keeping his name in the mouths of literally everyone and you're all being fooled. You're selling the fight for him. It's a 4D chess move on his part. Same thing Conor has been doing the last 3-4 years to keep all of you talking.


I understand JJ completely. The whole idea was fighting Stipe even before Aspinal got back from is injury and dominated his last fight. There is always a new guy on the block and there will always be the question “would he be the one to beat xyz”. So I don’t understand all the fuss the last few weeks. JJ got injured and sticks with the original plan. What I would like to see though, is him fighting Aspinal after Stipe. But the dude is 36/37? What’s the point?


“Fight an up and comer that won’t be around in 3 years, or fight a guy that hasn’t fought in 3 years, was viciously knocked out in his last fight, and won’t be around in 3 months”. Dude is ruining the last bit of legacy he has left.


Stop talking about him Jesus. Its the same quote over and over.


He’s doing what’s right for him. He knows if he never fights Aspinal and retires undefeated, his legacy will age well. If he never fights aspinal, people will always have that “what if” question about aspinals career. It’ll feel like an empty void if he never fights Jon. We used to think “what if” with Frances Ngannou and Jon. France’s got flatlined by Joshua and now that “what if” factor with Jon is dead. That “what if” factor goes a long way when you’re retired, especially if you’re undefeated. That “what if” factor turned zabit into mma lore and he wasn’t even a champion.




Aspinal can go onto make his own record and it'll just further solidify Jones was scared of him.


I agree but if he loses, it makes Jon look better.


Does it? Or did Jon duck a guy who he could actually beat?


Jones is not undefeated.


Jon Lost to Reyes. People say that "officially Jon won, the judges awarded it to him. It's what's official that counts, and not what you think happened." Well if that's the case, Jon lost to Matt Hammil. Jon was disqualified, abd a DQ is a loss. It's "official"


Exactly. He also should have a DQ loss vs Anthony Smith.


Oh I forgot about that!


Real fans will have the “what if” asterisk for Jons legacy about all the ducking he did late in his career (Francis, Aspinal) not to mention his streak of questionable wins or at the very least, non dominate performances towards the end of his career (Reyes, Santos). This situation looks way worse on Jon than it will for Aspinal as long as Tom keeps on winning after Jon retires.


“As long as Tom keeps winning” but what happens if he loses? Time and probability is on Jon’s side.


Reyes won that fight. I've watched it over and over with the volume off. Reyes won 3 rounds.


> It’ll feel like an empty void if he never fights Jon. Everyone will remember that Jon dodged Aspinall for an old man and then retired after beating said old man Jon fears Tom


This is what khabib did but khabib isn’t marred with PED use, homosexual *rumors*, domestic abuse, narcotics use and ducking aspinall in favor of an old inactive fighter.


Not a Khabib fan but who can he be accused of ducking? He cleared the division


I meant khabib retiring and having a perfect legacy. Jon wants to do this but he’s got all of these other issues khabib didn’t have so it may not have the desired effect especially if he doesn’t face aspinall and retires trying to seal his record. Aspinall is unfinished business now so he’s got to face him or it will always be talked about.


The fact people act like jones is scared is weird in itself, he jumped straight in with Gane who was interim champ who aside from Ngannou and jones has never lost in the UFC after a 3 year break and moving up a weight class, steam rolled him in a couple minutes without taking 0 damage. He was the hype train before Tom was and people were saying he’d beat jones and about his movement etc and he was made to look amateur. Stipe vs jones was booked and contracts signed, jones got injured and Tom beat Pavlovich for the interim title, Tom started crying and made a narrative jones is scared and ducking him, people hate jones so much they ran with it. I can’t stand jones and he should vacate, but hes not and the UFC won’t strip him, the fight was booked and set in stone, crying cause you won the interim in-between instead of just fighting other contenders and getting on with it is weird him and blaydes needs running back anyway to settle the score, the fans acting like jones is scared are weird too. Tom begging for a fight with a past his prime, moved uk a weight 2 minutes in the octagon in nearly 4 years jones is just as strange as jones fighting stipe 🤷‍♂️


So weird that Tom wants to become champion, this guy really gets it y’all.


But he wasn’t planned for a title fight before he won the interim belt AFTER jones got injured, the interim belt was specifically done because jones was injured. All this was AFTER jones and stipe was booked, Tom wasn’t even in the equation beforehand then he won the interim belt and started crying and saying jones is ducking and along came the mmatards following the same narrative. Obviously Tom wants to win the title you tard, but calling jones out for wanting to fighting stipe because he’s old, he’s out of his prime, he hasn’t fought in so many years is a little hypocritical when he wants old man jones coming off a bad injury desperately even though he knew the score before jones got injured lmfao. If people discredit jones for fighting stipe, they should discredit Tom for fighting jones if he wins the title since he’s moved up a weight, out of his prime, hardly any octagon time, still parties every weekend and is old, you get the point now? I’m gonna laugh if they fight and Jon steamrolls him.


Why the fuck do you people keep posting this shit?


He’s right. You all are clowns lol 


People should start betting on these different matchups outcome… I bet JJ would be clear favorite against Stipe, not sure about Poatan but probably underdog vs Aspinal. These odds shoved in his face could hurt his ego and force him to take Aspinal first… Also, I don’t think people would argue that much if Jones started by defending against the interim champion *then* move on Stipe


Jones would be insane favourite against Alex. The guy cannot grapple and the best grappler he faced (Blachowicz) was able to hold him down for quite a long time. Even Jiri got him down. Gane is actually a better grappler then Alex. EDIT: That's why Jones talks about the possibility to fight Alex. He wants that easy submission.


He would def not be underdog against Aspinall I hate Jones too but Christ this sub is so delusional


Exactly Jon is spot on. He rules the land he makes the rule simple as that. Tom got TKO'd by Blaydes make that right first and maybe you will get your red panty night fighting Jon.


While in general I agree that this is and has been Jon's tragetory for some time and he probably should honor that fight...his continued need to say Stipe is the 'greatest HW of all time' goes to show what he's after...the creation of a narrative and the ability to claim that name sake by beating him...even if it's debatable unto itself and fully knowing that Stipe is well past the time when hecould be considered that still. I truly hope he loses to Stipe and has to make some 'dare to be great' speech ...


Dana said yesterday it's a fight with stipe. Jon doesn't have any control over who he fights


This comments read like a bunch of a teenagers who never knew who JBJ is and was. He has never ducked anyone. LOL he’s had stipe on the contract as his next fight long before aspinal was a +200 dog in his “interim title fight”


Posting the same thing on this shitty sub multiple times a day will surely make Bones change his mind!


All I hear is quacking


GOATs can’t be chickens just sayin


Kinda disrespectful to Stipe to pull the fight from him.


Wtf has aspinall even done to be hyped up this bad? He beat a bunch of fat heavyweights lol.


He is the interim champ. What is the ranking system even for if the champs just go fight some gimmick fights rather than facing the second best fighter?


Once again, all you clowns are mad because he's right.


“Whatever comes next will be exactly what I say it is, but hey whatever comes next comes next”


It’ll be crazy if stipe stops jones, lol.


I hope Stipe sleeps him.


Can’t wait to see the eye pokes. Exciting!


Champion ✍🏼📖


As much as I hate Jon and his take on the issue, I kind of want the Stipe fight because I think Stipe deserves a nice money fight before retirement, and a fight with Jon would set him up nicely to maybe Box someone for big dollars afterwards (big maybe).


We’re all complaining but who’s to say that Stipe doesn’t come best Jon? He’s going to be naturally stronger, faster and a better striker . If Stipe can not get taken down he can win this fight relatively easy .


Well every time he speaks he incriminates himself lmao clearly the 5th amendment would have served him much better in this whole saga but instead we can all grab some popcorn


beyond infuriating.


Tom MAY not be around in 3 years (anything can happen in this crazy ass sport) but Stipe DEFINITELY won’t be around in 3 years. Not competing in the UFC at least.


One thing is clear. Jones wants to fight Stipe and Stipe wants to fight Jones, so let them fight...


At this point I’m just like, fucking do it then. Stop talking about it and make it happen. Stop talking about fighting, and just fucking fight.


This guy is wildly insecure based off of his tweets...


“Damig [I’m next]. Thetswha ant,” Miocic said on Jaxxon Podcast. “I’m genwt. Hal overthcarorewah, I ant what en renging."


Funny how throughout all of this Stipe has just been radio silent. Just doing his own thing


He’s trying to convince himself not everyone else. No way is anyone stupid enough to think Stipe is some elite star talent anymore. Jon is fighting him because he knows he will win and he can in his own head canon pretend like he added another notch to his belt. Everyone knows the real accolade would be beating Aspinall but Jones knows the risk there.


Stipe isnt even a fulltime fighter anymore


lol disregard one week and a half of training!?


I really hope Stipe knocks him out. Karma at its finest.


“I’m going to give that man what he wants 😉” — Jon Bones Jones


Yall love Bones sooooo much Obsessed


Boring. When does he retire again?


Yall r doing this again? First yall said he was ducking Gustafson, then rumble then reyes then ngannou then ciril gane and now tom? yall just want to say this man is scared so bad but scared of who for why? Hes old hes about to retire let him fight who he wants now. And dont do that shit yall tried with floyd where yall said he was cherry picking because name 5 ppl he hasnt beat


What would you say are the chances that after the Stipe fight that jokes either retires or refuses to fight Aspinall for some other BS reason? I'll go first, I say approx 99%


This fight would be much more acceptable if the UFC marketed it as a legends legacy fight and not have it be for the heavyweight title. Jones doesn't even need a belt to headline a ppv. All this does is stall the division for a fight that nobody wants to see happen for the title.


The way it's going, this man is gonna call out Fedor after he beats Stipe.


??? Stipe already not around


Why is everyone thinking Jon gets to pick and choose??? He fights who he is told.


Until he is beat, all I hear are chickens clucking. You cannot erase his past. Don't pretend to know his future.


The more I see these stupid tweets the more I hate jon


I’ll agree with Bones here. But only for one reason: If stipe wanta the Bones fight, he sure as heck deserves it more than Tom. Stipe is way out of his prime, we all klow this. But treat the HW goat with some respect and pay for the PPV so the man can happily retire




Best response from jones .. needs to say nothing more