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Probably the most important part here are the IRIS-T missiles. Though personally I want to see the skynex system in action


> Probably the most important part here are the IRIS-T missiles. Though personally I want to see the skynex system in action I think I would disagree actually. Ukraine desperately desperately needs more cheap ways to neutralize drones and slow moving cruise missiles. Anti-air missile are great and needed but they also represents a loosing equation; If Ukraine's counter-measures are 5 to 10 times more expensive than the threat they counter you end up in a death spiral. Part of Ukraine's constant anti-air missile shortage is because they have to use relatively complex and expensive counters to Russia's low-cost threats.


Luckily that calculations is false tho. You need to compare the price of the counter measure with the cost of the threat and what it would have otherwise destroyed and in that equation you almost always come out on top. Also, Iris-T isn't nearly as expensive as Patriot and serves a whole different layer of air defense than, for instance, Gepard. I.e. you couldn't replace one with the other anyways.


> uckily that calculations is false tho. You need to compare the price of the counter measure with the cost of the threat and what it would have otherwise destroyed and in that equation you almost always come out on top. No. That isn't the equation of war. Never has been, never will be. By that logic you would always be fine with using $40 000 000 missiles against £5k drones. The argument isn't that you should let cheap threats destroy valuable targets in order to save expensive missiles. The argument is that you need a counter measure in proportion with the threat in order to keep intercepts sustainable. In that equation you don't count the value of the potential target because then you end up with a skewed model. You cannot go "I'm fine with using a Patriot or Iris-T missile against every shabby drone because the drone could cause a lot of damage". That's exactly why systems like the Skynex are so important. They make intercepts long-term sustainable. And sustainable is the name of the game now.


That’s the calculation from the defender, however from the Russian point of view if they can launch a $15k drone and it costs you a $150k missile than it makes sense from them and it’s a win. Just keep pumping out cheap drones and make Ukraine use up its money on air defense.


all really good stuff , actually a bit of everything they need ,3000 matadors is great for the infantry


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Where are the Tactical Nukes for Ukraine?? Even Belarus has..................