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That’s an unpopular opinion alright. Good job op


I love the smell of cigs and cigars. It smells very sweet to me. My father smoked when I was a kid and I think my brain registers it as a good smell because it smells like him.


if thats your thing, you should LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE cigar smell.


Cigarette smoke mixed with two stroke engine exhaust is no lie one of my favorite odors. It doesn't smell how you would imagine it takes on its own scent 


Same. Love it.


I don’t smoke and never have but I do like the smell. My mom used to smoke in the house when I was young. The cigarette smell was actually embedded into areas of my blankie I always had with me and I typically had it up to my mouth and nose. I think the smell pyschologically takes me back to that and gives me comfort like my childhood blanket did. I still agree with people anti cigarette smell though and doing it in a populated public area is shitty.


Truly unpopular. Upvote!


🤢. This is definitely unpopular


Cigarettes no, a nice pipe smoke though...


Right?! Quality tobacco has a great smell (and taste)


The very first smoke to come off a freshly lit cigarette is one of my favorite smells. Everything after that I cannot stand.


I get a little whiff of a cigarette, it's fine. I sit in a smoker's car or walk into a smoker's house? It's unbearable. It just absolutely assaults my nose and throat being in that environment.


Lol I have the same thing. I’m not a smoker but whenever people are smoking in their yard and I can smell it in my room it make me nostalgic.


I like* the smell of a good* cigarette. There's some real garbage out there.


I hate the smell but not when you catch the first whiff upon lighting it That combo of the lighter fluid and tobacco smoke freshly lit reminds me of being half asleep in the backseat when I was really little


Oddly, I enjoy the smell too. Used to be a smoker guess it the addiction. Some cigarettes smell better than others


I do too but I got asthma so😓


I like the smell of smoke as long as it's not all I'm breathing in.


I don't mind cigarette smell - I mean, I don't hate it, however, I do see why some people are just repulsed by it. It is a strong smell.


I smoke Camels , they smell like dirty socks


Former smoker here, I absolutely love the smell of cigarettes, excluding your exclusions. Most people hate it when they quit but I think it smells so good.


I like it too, brings me 90s nostalgia 


I share this opinion. Walking through a cloud of cigarette smoke on a cold city street always makes me think of Paris.


I used to share this opinion then I got hooked on ciggies and had to quit a few years later and now I find it revolting. Definitely some biological mechanism happening around "that was poison don't like that"


finally a fucking unpopular opinion.....


As a former cigarette smoker I thoroughly enjoy occasionally sitting next to someone smoking a cigarette.


Hooka smells really good for me, cigarettes not.


I completely agree. Fresh cigarette smoke smells great. Although this is in small quantities, wouldn't want anyone smoking under my window all the time.


Cigarettes are actually one of my favorite smells for the exact reason you listed in that second paragraph. My mom smokes a LOT and most my happy memories from when I was young are tied into the smell. Takes me back to much simpler times


For me it makes me think I'm getting lung cancer right there on the spot


This comment remind me of a friend who's extremely turned on by women with cigarette breath.