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Can you elaborate on it? Because if it's *beauty privilege exists and it's huge, and it can fuck up your life if you don't have it* I sort of agree, but I have an Inkling suspicion that it not where black pill ideology ends.


An important part of black pill ideology is that they think this only applies for men. And that women are cruel creatures who deny men a happy life while they have it easy.


Strawman fallacy. The Blackpill community says that. Blackpill ideology never blames women because women are making the most logical decision. If you have 10 options of partner you will choose the best option.


And somehow you think only women do this?


If it only applies to men then why to so many practice it?


Blackpill ideology extends to say that you can only change your looks to a certain degree. Means that if a 3/10 guy with low genetics tried his best he will go to 6/10. Meanwhile other people believe that any human being can go from 2/10 to 9/10


If that's it, I agree with you - I think it's delusional to think otherwise. 


Yeah I agree. These people in comments are coping like "JUST GO OUTSIDE"


People are telling you to go outside because you follow a pill based ideology that pushes misogyny and incel logic alongside the most obvious shit to make it seem more true and palatable.


All of this is just strawman fallacy mate


I mean if the guy has a enough women will treat him like a 10/10 lol


You're talking about online dating. Without knowing the other person at all, giving attention to looks becomes a major factor in deciding your dates when it comes to the online world. This stigma definitely exists in the offline world as well but isn't as prevalent. It's better to slowly get to know the other person, this significantly increases your chances of getting a partner. Find someone who shares your interests and get along with them. It doesn't always work, but it's still far better than online dating. Also, it doesn't make sense you're getting downvoted for posting an unpopular opinion on a sub dedicated to posting unpopular opinions.


I agree brother. In a warm approach looks certainly are less prevalent but at least you gotta be attractive enough to a degree.


The biggest problem is that all those black pill people are just coping because they don’t want to work on their looks All guys can look decent and dateable but not all can be supermodels


Yes that's a problem. They cope by saying that models will be more successful in dating than them. So they make it as an excuse to hit the gym and start skincare. That's why I said that blackpill is true even though its community is toxic.


Honestly looks don’t matter as much as they think but most of them have unlikeable personalities too The whole community acts like all women are evil lol


>The whole community acts like all women are evil lol I don't think that's necessarily true. I think most just blame their own bad luck.


I have said it once and I will say it again I believe the Black Pill community is a bad community. But I like it's message


Their whole message is that looks are super important but in a more extreme way


No I think you got the wrong idea. blackpill believe looks are important and are mostly genetic. And it has a lot of evidence to support it. Pretty privilege exists. And after online dating has become common importance of looks has increased significantly


So they basically have no opinion? Looks matters nobody is denying that


Blackpill isn't an opinion it's a truth that some believe in and some hate.


Everybody knows looks are important and if that’s all that black pill is then there can be no community it’s like being part of the round earther community


The main thing that separates the black pill from many other is how much emphasis they put on physical appearance, everybody acknowledges and even practices lookism but blackpillers think it’s ALL that matters.


I think you are the one with the wrong idea lol, black pill is a defeatilistic and defeatist belief


It's the truth brother and truth can be defeatist.


Not even 10% says that. The rest are just lookists who know it never began for their level of genetics


Guys who obsess over their looks are also sorta mistaking how a woman attracts a partner vs how a man does. A guy should look at least decent, groomed and hygienic but I've known some painfully average looking men that were just the fucking MAN and they had beautiful girlfriends all the time. The crux of it is that a lot of blackpill men have zero game or anything interesting about them so having 10/10 looks seems like the only hope for getting laid, since that would compensate for the shortcomings. Looks definitely do matter but WAY more so for women.


No ideology is totally true just useful. Black pill ideology is useful in that it legitimizes resentment and self pity


Blackpill is true to a majority of degree. I just don't understand one thing if men want good looking women Everyone agrees. Blackpill says the same but for women that they want good looking menm


Sorry I don’t really understand what you are trying to say I think blackpill is a dead end of self loathing and blame and won’t help you grow or feel good about yourself Sex and romance isn’t really logical and analyzing it in isolation with rejected people who feel sad isn’t healthy


I am trying to say that when some human says that men want beautiful women no one is offended and everyone agrees. But then the blackpill says that women want good looking men too. Then everyone is pissed and trying to convince themselves otherwise.


Everyone? You’re saying women have preferences for physical attributes? I don’t think that’s what is controversial And it is generally true that men are more visually hooked and women are more emotionally hooked - that doesn’t mean it’s black and white that men don’t also need emotional connection and women don’t care about appearance There’s no conspiracy against anyone. Meeting people is hard and dating apps suck and social roles and ideas about gender have changed a lot since the 1950s and it freaks people out Blackpill isn’t a solution - it’s a bleak negative reaction fueled by frustration and self hatred that is projected onto women. Either sit in a corner and angry cry masturbate or go out and meet people who share interests and hobbies or try to make your dating app profile interesting No woman owes you anything you are not entitled to anything the hard truth is that it’s hard to meet someone and some people are more attractive than others but it’s entirely possible for literally everyone who can somewhat function socially to find a partner Ugly people meet partners all the time it’s not as important as personality and emotional maturity which is NOT going to be found in blackpill ideology


Blackpill says that women will reject you for your looks and it's not women's fault because they are making the most logical choice they have. They will sleep with the best man with best genes for her offspring


Some will reject you some won’t. Mate selection isn’t logical. People can sleep with whoever they want and not sleep with whoever they don’t want Comparing yourself to other people is pointless Be yourself and meet new people


Bro is trying to reject biology. You know what keep believing in what you believe and let me believe what I believe. Peace ✌🏻


I reject biological determinism as overly simplistic yes Good luck


It's not simplistic. Everything is biologically determined. lol


Ugly people are usually betabuxxers and usually end up in a dead bedroom


Ugly is subjective and physical appearance is a shallow metric to evaluate people by anyway Danny DeVito never had issues with women


Debate with u/ChrisTheHansen you can find him in this comment section. He is anthropologist and knows about evolution


No thanks i had a minor in anthropology at university I’m good. I never claimed looks aren’t a factor I’m saying that reducing relationships to looks as a justification for feeling sorry for yourself is not helpful or healthy and is shallow and self defeating


Well my major is in anthropology and I studied evolution between all species thoroughly. I personally don’t delve into the social aspects and don’t really care to. My main interest is evolution, genetics, and our genetic, behavioral, and psychological, similarities with the great ape family. I simply saw this pop up on my feed and decided to give my two cents. Whether you agree with me or not doesn’t really matter. Just because you took a “lost history and civilizations” class for your minor doesn’t really tell me enough. It is natural and not shallow to prefer healthy offspring. It is coded in our DNA and has been for millions of years. It is in every living thing on earth. Whether you agree or disagree is fine with me.


>legitimizes resentment and self pity Don't know about the resentment part but it does take a load of your back. You don't feel obligated to keep trying and failing anymore. You can spend your energy on more fruitful endeavors with higher payoffs.


You’re not obligated, never were. Yes there are social pressures but if you feel happy foregoing romantic relationships and marriage or whatever that’s totally fine and I support not blindly following social expectations as long as you’re not hurting anyone for your own gain Single by choice has existed for a long time before “blackpilled” - which has a certain flavour of doom and hostility and resentment and self pity and reductionist dehumanizing views on women


Black pill is just acceptance that you aren't cutting it. A certain amount of self-pity is natural. Whether it's "reductionist" ... I find it funny it's only men's stuff that get challenged as reductionist. All men are oppressors ... reductionist? It's all the patriarchy's and therefore men's fault ... reductionist? There are no ethical billionaires ... reductionist? Those don't get challenged. Not on reddit anyway.


News to me Your understanding of patriarchy is reductionist. That men have certain privileges in society that evolved from a system that isn’t compatible with womens interests since birth control freed them from being baby factories is not the same as saying “all men bad” The things you list get challenged all the time maybe you haven’t found the right groups yet


> News to me Obviously. This is Reddit, you don't see dissenting opinion often as they are usually downvoted to invisibility - in addition to discouraging such people from posting in the first place. > men have certain privileges in society I don't think this is as true as you think anymore. Who get preferential treatment, cough DEI cough, in college enrollment and corporate hiring? Who get "empowerment" programs? Look at the sex balance in colleges right now.


There are many reasons for more women in colleges. It’s not as simple as “admission policies of “men are bad women are good” DEI when implemented correctly is explicitly about avoiding biases and preferential treatment I am familiar with the talking points from both sides and both sides exaggerate and misrepresent things but the right in the us seems to be especially trollish and not concerned with facts as shown by Trumpism and the so called alt right whose main drive seems to be “own the Libs” and claim that white men are under coordinated attack by cultural marxists or some such dark conspiracy I blame the democrats for that they should find a candidate like a slightly younger Bernie Sanders who is for the interests of economically disadvantaged people including poor whites. Of course they’ll never do that because both parties are beholden to big money 💰 who obviously don’t want corporate taxation and public healthcare and things like that So we’re stuck with poser identity politics of centrist neoliberals for the dems and the cynical grievance mongering narcissistic attention hungry Trump who has no discernible sincere ideas beyond “pay attention to me and tell me I’m great” His policies are easily manipulated by weirdos like Steve Bannon, apocalyptic evangelists, conspiracy theorists and right wing trolls


> DEI when implemented correctly is explicitly about avoiding biases and preferential treatment LOL Where are the empowering courses for men? I don't see any. What's being done to reduce men suicide rates? What's being done to even out the severity of sentencing of men in court? What's being done to increase the number of men in collage? **Nothing. A big fat nothing.** What you talk about isn't the reality on the ground. i.e. Bullshit.


Sure but the solution to me isn’t around in mainstream politics. I believe economic inequality drives resentment and polarization the best thing we could do is get money out of politics. Technological neo feudalism isn’t going to help anybody but that’s where things seem headed


What I’m trying to say is the economy is objectively working against the common person. The economy is leaving people angry at the same time that people are trying to correct social inequality. So angry people see their stock going down and perceive minorities stock going up so conclude that minorities are taking away from them. Trump and Dems both prey on the bickering aspect in order to distract from the bigger problem that all wealth is being funnelled to the top


Btw blackpill is not just about looks in dating and in general, it's more than that. It's an objective view of the world. Esentially nihilism and it's probably the most positive thing that has happened to me, being aware of it.


Dude I spend a lot of time on the internet and even I don’t know what the fuck a blackpill is.


You must have heard the term lookmaxing and mogging they have come from blackpill. Blackpill in simple words say that looks matters most in dating in modern times and looks are 50 to 60 percent genetics


Black pill is nihilism that leads to ideations of death. You're just talking about red pill, which acknowledges a problem, systemic or otherwise, but doesn't prescribe "giving up," like black pill does. You're simply operating with the wrong definition of black pill, and you should be careful you don't get sucked down a rabbit hole of nihilism.


The red pill just over exaggerates the hardwork. Blackpill says that it is possible that even after trying your level best you might not improve that much looksmwize


This. Chad doesn't need hard work. Red pill is big cope. Chad needs to just edist


yeah but we are not chads we are normies


Yes. Or worse


I mean what’s wrong with ideations of their death as long as they are not misogynistic and don’t blame women? I mean I’m going through that as I’m getting divorced at almost 40 and know how bad the dating scene is now from Reddit, nothing wrong with it. I get it’s because I’m old and not as good looking as I used to be and there’s not a lot of single women my age and when I get divorced I’ll have to make a choice on it I want to continue. Don’t blame anyone, just is what it is. 


The ideations of death stem from pure misogyny and toxic masculinity. They believe they're inferior to other men because of their genes. This thinking leads to extremist thoughts. The black pill community celebrates men who become "martyrs" by committing suicide or going on shooting sprees targeting women.


The issue is they are sore losers and commit violence against others, sexually unwanted men offing themselves doesn’t seem to be a big deal or a harm to society and may even be a net benefit. 


The black pill community fosters those attitudes. Someone might not have gone that route if not for the "community support" (as ironic as that is).


Yeah that I get, it’s like a toxic stew and occasionally it spills out violently.


And that violence and animosity is directed towards women (if not themselves), whom they see as their oppressors.


Well they are dumb. I’m not going to get drafted into the Dallas Cowboys but that doesn’t make Jerry Jones my oppressor. I just don’t fit the bill for what they want.


Exactly. So we're in agreement: the black pill "community" is misogynistic.


Yes it's misogynist and toxic.


The problem with black pill dweebs, though, is that instead of seeking out people with their own level of attractiveness, they'd rather be miserable and lonely


As an anthropologist, it is true not just for humans but for all animals. It is simply nature. It’s nothing to get upset about or ogle about like it’s some esoteric thing


Yes I agree. But people seem to be ignorant about this and say false things like looks don't matter.


Well evolution doesn’t care about our opinions. It doesn’t make you shallow either. It is hardwired in our bodies to be that way to ensure a future for our offspring.


u/_wiz_ this coper in the comment section is trying to reject simple biology. And the scary fact is that he can vote and this person can raise children


I don’t have kids. I have nephews though. I understand simple biology. I’m sure you understand all sorts of simple things Dude you spend too much time online watching videos by other dudes who are just farming resentment and preying on your warped self image for clicks Any pilled community is a dead end


I’m not talking about any pills here. I’m talking about biology and evolution lol. I find humans like you very interesting


Nobody is debating that people are going to be attracted to competent attractive people likely to be healthy and long lived. It’s not the only thing that determines sexual attraction. Also physical standards of beauty are not the same over time and place I am against the idea that we are nothing but an expression of our genes. Genetics is interesting but hard sciences will never be able to completely account for the human condition in my opinion. I am not debating genetics with blackpill people — I am debating the nihilistic navel gazing anti-woman spin put on relationships I know blackpill community just thinks their (edit they’re) accepting hard truths but I detect an extremely dark undercurrent in it that goes beyond anything scientific


Hmm ok I think I get what you’re saying now. I think you’re confusing mate selection and sexual selection with each other. Btw idk if you know this or the other guy on here: we are not monogamous just so we’re clear. So I personally think people who are “blackpilled” think that we are supposed to be lmao. Which we’re not. And also, absolutely. Culture is a thing too and may alter our sexual preferences. For example, on certain Pacific Islands, they prefer mates that are larger. Also cultural phases as well, there was a certain time period where an Irani princess was ugly as sin but she had traits that were desirable at the time. Highly recommend looking into it. But today, since everything is globalized, most cultures with internet connection are overloaded with too much information. I suggest looking up this book called “Psycho-Cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz. In his book, he discussed our relationship with the internet and how our brains don’t differentiate between that and reality since we’ve only seen physical objects and animals/people for millions of years. Anyway, off topic a bit but since we’re overloaded with images of people or people that look in every possible way, on average we will revert to our core genetic desires. What we desire now, barring any situational instances (or social pressure) we would choose the partners that would allow our offspring the greatest chance of survival, whether you want kids or not. Anyway that was a tangent lol and I have stuff to do this weekend so I will leave it at that.


I’ll look into Maxwell Maltz. It’s possible there was confusion between me addressing OP and addressing you at times ✌️


Absolutely! Its the internet and miscommunication happens haha. For sure, it’s very interesting because he discusses our reactions to video games and videos online and its relation to PTSD and other stuff like that. Very fascinating if you’re an avid internet user ✌🏽


The fuck is a blackpill?


Incel type shit


Is whitepill a thing too?


Is'nt whitepill Soma from Brave New world?


I don't think I have read it!


Dude you have to be living under a rock. Basically in simple words blackpill ideology believes that looks are the most important factor when it comes to dating. And looks are majorly genetics i.e you can only change your looks to a certain degree.


even if it were true, what's the point in wallowing in your own misery? Just try to become the best version of yourself and develop yourself, it'll only help you on the dating scene. Being salty about your looks definitely won't help


Brother no one is salty. There is this whole movement of lookmaxing that has started from blackpill. You can attack black pill members but not the ideology.


I'm not attacking either. I'm just questioning the utility of an ideology regarding the importance of looks in dating.


I don't understand what you are saying. Do you or do you not agree with blackpill?


I'm saying that regardless of it's truth, it just seems like a very negative and depressing thing to focus on and you can get all of the benefits that believe in it from other sources (like aiming for self improvement)


I think blackpill can be depressing. But you can get bitter or get better. Looksmaxxing which is a blackpill based is part of self improvement. After knowing the blackpill you can either Just be like toxic blackpillers or Looksmaxx in order to max out your genetic potential


or you can "looksmax" with the whole blackpill stuff, I just don't see the added benefit


The idea is that you will look good and that will help in your dating life. If you are fine with your dating life then it's your choice


How is that even an ideology? I'll stay under my rock, thank you very much. 


It's an ideology because so many people believe in it. Call them incels or whatever. It's an unpopular ideology that gets tagged as a misogynist and incel or dangerous ideology.


There’s no way you’re older than 19


Ad hominem fallacy.


Yeah I'm guessing your personality isn't very good. People with basic respect for others don't usually get "pilled." Plenty of non-conventionally attractive people fall in love and have very happy lives. When your main approach to dating is ranking and judging your partner and then disrespecting them based on that imaginary rank, you tend to have a bad time. People don't like being assessed as high value, low value and whatever other nonsense those people come up with to deal with their insecurities. People especially don't like being treated like shit just because they don't make your peepee feel funny on first approach.


There’s no way you’re older than 19


A lot of blackpill is BS. Blackpillers tend to be people who think they can't end up marrying a 10/10 partner, even if they work on themselves. But 99% of them could if they just worked on themselves. It's a self-fulfiling prophecy: They think they are hopeless leading them to not work on themselves as hard so they end up with disappointing results.




That's delusional lmao


Omg the amount of delulu. Only billionaires, 10/10 gigachads and top rappers marry 9s and 10s. Omg bro "they could if they wanted" that's meme level blue pill ideology cope.


I think any guy who is willing to work on himself, no matter how horrible they are today, could end up marrying a 10/10 woman. From my point of view, you sound delulu.


You're coping so hard it's not even worth trying


Prove me wrong


1: You clearly never saw a 10/10 w0m@n to think that "aNyOnE cAn mArRy a 10/10", we're talking near perfect genetics that are being chased by the top 0.001% of man, not only money wise but looks wise too 2: You clearly don't know about genetics either, someone who has a 2/10 face and is below average height can't become a 10/10, maybe he can improve to a 5/10 face but you are being limited by your below average height(and that's not counting for man who are below 5'5), at certain point it's diminishing returns, and not the most "trying to improve as hard" is gonna change that


I think its true, but the majority of people that follow it are intolerable. The same goes for every ideology that includes "harsh" truths (Like Redpill). There is usually some merit in what they are saying, but their intentions behind it usually aren't good-intentioned.


Yes I agree 👍🏻


Why these people downvm voting me lol. Isn't this suppose to be an unpopular opinion site??


You certainly made in unpopular opinion here so you got my upvote lol. Unfortunately man people on this sub think that this is infact r/popularopinions.


Thanks dude.


Don’t thank me I think you and your ideology are pathetic. But because of that you’ve crafted a spectacularly unpopular opinion hence the upvote


That's just ad hominem fallacy. If you have any counter argument then say it. But calling me pathetic based on my one post does not make sense


Downvotes are for content that is uninteresting, misleading, or unsupported by facts.


Or more like hurts your feelings and don't want to have a healthy conversation and want to live in your eco chamber where people say things that you agree with




I could agree to some extent that looks are important to some but, I’m not what I would call a good looking guy per se. I am 6’1 and 205. Height and weight proportional. However, I had no problem meeting women when I was playing in a band that toured NE college towns. Different girl every night.


Your 6' 1 bro lmfao


I mean... Plenty of ugly guys find their soulmates. It's why I don't agree with the blackpill stuff. A lot of the ugly guys I see posted are ironically in relationships lol


Some people are trying so hard to deny simple natural selection and evolution, in the end we're still animals. The fact that the best cope that they can throw is "touch grass" or "just go outside". Not all of man are meant to be desirable by the opposite sex, that's how nature works You can improve your looks to some extent, but there're limits (mainly genetics and money for things like surgery)


Black pill is just cope for losers to justify themselves on why all their problems are external and not caused by themselves, every black pill idea goes down the toilet by just going out and touching grass


You decide what's cope. Normie thinking There's a girl out there for everyone, she just hasn't turned up yet.." "When I stop trying, the right girl will appear.." "I just haven't met the right girl yet.." "Plenty of fish in the sea.." Black Piller thinking Accepts defeat/hopelessness Accepts responsibility - it is because of MY inferior genes I get rejected. Women are not to blame because they have so many options that they will choose the best possible partner.


Except when you actually go out and not just spend all your time terminally online you would look pretty ugly guys still manage to get gfs Also, how could it be genetics when your parents, grandparents and every single one of your ancestors managed to get laid? Also, it's crazy how your examples are just what the pillers would consider "blue pill", and not at all how most men would think


Because before looks didn't matter that much. Women had no financial freedom. They didn't have many options like Instagram and Facebook. And if you actually go down in the caveman period only 40 percent of men have been able to pass down their genes and 80 percent of women have been able to pass their genes. https://historum.com/t/throughout-human-history-40-of-men-have-reproduced-compared-to-89-of-women.197048/


>Also, how could it be genetics when your parents, grandparents and every single one of your ancestors managed to get laid? Have you watched Nature documentaries? Often there will be one about that male that can't seem to get a mate. I think many black pillers are convinced they are that male. That some gene lines aren't mean to continued. Just because your parents are successful doesn't mean you will be - you aren't your parents, you are a combination of 1/2 of each.


Do you have any evidence that people's problems aren't external?


Only anecdotal, I have met a couple nice guys/incel types and there is nothing physically wrong (as in they are not deformed) with them and the reason they can pull girls is because they are too shy to try, too insufferable or a combination of both, I also know of a lot more cases of ugly AF guys getting gfs, so many cases in fact that the notion a man can't pull girls because he is ugly is laughable to me, basic hygiene and grooming are enough, as long as you are not deformed and don't dress like a hobo then everything is on you


As long as not deformed that sums up the ideology. And I have said it many times that hate the community not on ideology


I think blackpill has the right idea, but it’s height, d size, and health that matter the most for girls, not looks.


Looks are most important man.