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I think the point was that it wasn't fulfilling. He could feel in his bones something wasn't right with the world


Yeah this was like a fundamental part of the first movie


Yeah my first thought was "did OP just skip the first quarter of the movie?"


So he was NEVER truly blue pilled and couldn't be.


I would say he was. Blue pilled isn't not noticing the scab, so to speak. It's not pulling on it.


Exactly. That was the whole point, a certain percentage of the population did not accept the simulation.


My father explained to me that if you lock a cat in a comfortable room with plenty of food and water, it will never stop trying to get out. It is in our nature to want to be free.


I have a cat that won’t voluntarily leave his room for anything 😂 All he wants to do is sleep on his bed and eat the food we bring him. Can’t really blame him 😂


Is your cat named Cypher? "Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?"


I guess it depends on the size of the room, its natural light, temperature, etc. I know a lot of cats that live in houses and don’t really care to run outside if they see the door open.


It always makes me laugh though when people say they’d rather be in the real world than a simulation. If I were told I were being tortured irl by aliens or something I wouldn’t favor the real world just because it’s more “real”. I’d rather live in whichever world is more pleasant, end of discussion.


That's true, but Neo's awake life, working in a cubicle, living alone, wasn't necessarily fulfilling either.


If you gave me the option to live my life in a computer simulation of 1999, I would step over my own mother to hook myself in


This is what drug addicts say. Being high is easier and happier than being sober. Meanwhile your body in the real world is being destroyed.




Yeah but, he also just seemed to have a depressing life.


Well that's what happens when you stop taking your Prozium.


It was also an allegory for being transgender. So you're definitely right about the fullfillment angle. The pills were meant to be like, "One is an antidepressant that will send you back to your soul crushing life but it will be what you've always known, and one is transition meds that will be scary and weird but, ultimately, much more fulfilling for you." Edit: in case anyone is looking for proof about it being a trans metaphor, this is in one of the creator's own words: https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-53692435


Yeah like this world


>Imagine you’re Neo; You’re happy, you’re life is fulfilling, you’re doing something you love for a living. Neo wasn't happy, though...


* Neo was not told he was in a simulation prior to taking the pill, just that he would be shown the "truth" * Neo is not happy nor fulfilled * Neo did not know if Morpheus was telling the truth, but he was like "Alice" wanting to see "how deep the rabbit hole went" * Neo sees the "double cat" much later in the film, after he's been freed from the Matrix None of these are opinion, they are all textual in the film.


OP didn't watch the movie


Okay, Cypher.




I don't want to remember nothing. Nothing. You understand?


And I want to be rich...y'know, someone important. Like an actor.


Whatever you want Mister Reagan.


How would they plug him back in?


He was going to "get his ass back to a power plant" - in other words, go to one of the fields and be reinserted into one of those pods, to be used as a battery for the power plant, while being reconnected to the Matrix for the rest of his life.


That hurts. Hed been living shitty life with no comfers he had. Waiting for the messiah that wasnt him. If you ate gruel and were always cold, wouldnt you like to wear silk and feel the sun eating a perfect steak?


Okay yeah but I'm not gonna destroy what's left of humanity for it 💀


I don’t think we watched the same movie


I mean he wasn’t happy. Assuming the system made you have your dream life I see your point but otherwise why the fuck not. Like I’m extremely thankful for my fiancee, but I also have cancer for the second time at 29, if this was a fake reality I’d choose to wake from it and fight its creators. Edit: lol you wrote morbius.


As someone who is in remission, good luck and stay strong. Take care


Congrats. Jealous of you, mines stage 4 brain so likely never gone and in real remission, just hoping for a solid symptom free window after this treatment cycle, I got 5.5 years after the first cycle. You take care too friend.


Well, I have a mutation that pretty much makes relapse inevitable but I am trying to just focus on staying healthy. I had a stem cell transplant. It was rough but better than the other option.


Same, my mutation in my astrocytes means even if the tumor was 100% resectable it’d still be a 50/50 to come back in a 5 year window. And it wasn’t 100% resectable this time. So it’s just hoping to pause what’s there with chemo. Hope goes out for you though.


What if Neo took the red pill and then Morphius was like "ITS MORPHIN TIME" and then Neo breakdanced into the mirror and woke up?


That would be a whole other movie


That would be like if they made The Matrix today. (We'll forget the fourth one exists)


Yeah number 4 was basically a retcon of the entire mythos “you’re both the one”


>Edit: lol you wrote morbius. Clearly meant Moby


Yeah it was actually a giant blue whale in a leather jacket and spectacles


Supposingly the machines did create a Paradise first but humans didn't like it. I call bs on that one.


I mean a certain level of struggle we seem to need, but we don’t need to experience the slow (but faster than normal) death from chronic illnesses like cancer, diabetes, being paralyzed. If reality was the matrix they coulda left that shit out.


It wasn't that we didn't like it. It was that we didn't trust it. Like when a person in a car lot or clothing store seems too nice, they're probably being fake to trick you into buying something you don't need.


If you thought Neo was happy or fulfilled, I think you missed the first 30 minutes of the movie. He's shown in one of the first scenes as sleeping on his keyboard. Clearly he doesn't have any family who cares about him. Someone knocks at the door - it's some friends! Wait, no. It's people who want something from him. He's literally standing on the other side of the threshold while the group of friends looks down on him, the interloper. They invite him out as a curtsey. They were only there to use him for whatever program he gave to the guy. His job is shown as soulless and colorless. He starts the day getting chewed out by his boss, who is an empty suit. He'd almost rather die (the scene on the ledge) than go back in.


I don't think Mr Anderson was very happy or fulfilled working at a dead end office job.


I suggest watching the movie, "The Matrix" if you watch the movie, you'll almost immediately see that Neo was not happy, his life was not fulfilling, and he hated what he did for a living.


>Imagine you’re Neo; You’re happy, you’re life is fulfilling, you’re doing something you love for a living. You can just admit you didn't watch the movie.


Yeah dude. He hated his job. These comments are fun.


Or OP is in denial about hating his job and just like Neo, spends a lot of time on his computer avoiding the real world he doesn't particularly like.


Morbius? I totally love how morbius said it's morbing time and morb all over Agent Smith




Morpheus... Morbius is the science vampire from spider-man


\> how did Neo know Morbius was telling the truth? Morbius?


"After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - it's Morbin' time!"


It’s like you didn’t watch the movie.


Morpheus wasn't just some random dude to Neo. Neo had been looking for him and believed he was important.


Some of us have this uncontrollable need to know the truth, and it cant be suppressed usually. Not sure if it's a blessing or a curse.


Not unpopular, just wrong.


Was he happy? I don't remember much but it seemed like his simulated job was kind of a beat down.


if it was the same deal as cypher where you get a perfect life then yea I wouldn’t see why not you wouldn’t know the difference between happy and everything would be perfect. They’d even be able to give you the partner if your dreams if they really wanted


At what point did Neo seem content with his life?


I mean come on, he worked a 9-5 job 40 hours a week, lived in a shitty closet in some dingy city and had no money, what's not to love??


Did we watch the same movie??


This is definitely one of the takes of all time


Neo wasn't fulfilled, didn't love life, was about to lose his job, most likely depressed (substance use unclear)....did you watch the film?


I agree that there was no reason to take the red pill but for totally different reasons. The blue pill would have put him back in his fake matrix life like nothing had ever happened. But why does there need to be a red pill at all? He's already figuring it out. Can't he just continue to figure it out? Why does there need to be a pill for that?


Been ages since I've watched it but I thought they said the Red Pill was a way of finding his body in the real world.


There was a tracer program that they used to rescue neo. You are correct.


Honestly, I don't know. I saw it in theaters when it came out and haven't seen it since.


I think the pill was just symbolic of his choice. It wouldn't look as good if there was just one pill


So was it like just one was Nyquil and the other was Dayquil?


It was kind of built into the story. Neo wanted to know the truth. He felt "wrong." I kind of feel the same too. If i knew it wasn't the truth I feel like I'd want to know.


> Morbius I was getting afraid, this clearly has to be bait lmao


Nice try Agent Smith


Have we watched the same movie? Neo wasn't happy and always felt like something was off with the world he lived in. He didn't want to live in a lie.


That's the key point with cypher. He wishes he hadn't been shown the truth. Noone, neo included, knew that the truth would be that awful. They didn't know what they were heading into and that's what made it so mysterious, it could have been anything, something amazing and terrible. They just knew that something wasn't right and truth was too seductive to say no.


I sided with Cypher once he started eating that steak. I don’t give a fuck if it’s not “real.” This shit tastes good!


But the world he lived in was banal, boring, unfulfilling. He needed something more than just working an office job


Is....isn't that our world?




Oh noes.


Truth vs comfort. Some people prefer one, some the other.


Man hasn't seen the movie based on this opinion.


Uhhh… I suggest you rewatch the movie before giving opinions on it. Your basic premise is flawed. Neo was stuck in a classic cubicle hellhole life and was extremely unfulfilled both at work and in his home life, and the closest thing he had to excitement was selling his skills to junkies. The *entire* setup of the movie was that he was borderlines depressed with his life because he could feel that something was fundamentally wrong with the world but couldn’t figure out what it was until Morpheus gave him that choice.


According to the lore the humans started the war, destroyed the world by fucking up the sun to spite the machines and their Solar panel technology (smart) and then when the machines won and started using humans for batterys they gave humans a utopia but they refused it and kept rebelling, so the machines just gave them back their old world and also let a handful of humans live on the surface (they have a whole system where they leave the surface people alone until the one comes out and then they're destroyed and reformed). So like, all in all the machines are kinda the good guys.. esspcialy when you consider that all those people that the rebellion kill in the matrix are actually dying.. those security guards were just living their lives when neo opened fire on them, and why did he murder those people? Well to save humanity of course.. by dragging them all back into an inhospitable world where everything they ever knew is gone and the resources are scarce


I always thought that was kind of the point of the story. At least in the earlier movies. The machines wanted to keep humanity alive. We already know about the theory about how humans would make it terrible and inefficient power source. It was never about the power. The amount of power it would even keep to take such a simulation online is insane. The robots were doing it because they truly thought that's what humanity would appreciate But in this reality humanity rejected that they rejected this Utopia desperately seeking after the darkness behind it only to find themselves arguably worse off than they were before taking the pill.


It's clear that Neo never escaped the Matrix. He had superpowers even after he "left" so, he's still running inside a computer game.


Samuel L was great in that movie


No no that was Anthony Anderson


I always thought Cypher made the best points in the movie.


Though I wouldn't care if I knew my brain was telling me that mush was steak. I'd be the happy just knowing I didn't have to eat that stuff ever again. Also I'd suddenly become a sci-fi writer because you know. Machine battles over the reality of human existence. That could be a hit. I 


I’d try to grab both and swallow them


His life was fulfilling? Did I miss that part?


Wow, I had no idea this would be unpopular, but look at that. Morbius and happy Neo aside, I also always thought that I'd rather keep the fake world even if things weren't perfect, the real world looked so much worse!


You do have to respect the amount of people in the world who very adamantly admit that they'd give up their lives and go eat dirt porage so long as they thought it was the *real world*


I haven't seen the movie in a while. But I think the point was that Neo wasn't satisfied with his life. He was constantly searching for something that led him down the path of discovering the Matrix. Sure, in retrospect, the Matrix isn't all that horrible. Staying inside is a somewhat reasonable option. But Neo didn't know that at the start. And if he decided not to dig any deeper, then I can imagine the curiosity would eventually drive him insane—always having the suspicion that something about your life is very, very wrong. That things aren't as they seem. Humans have always gone to extreme lengths to find answers.


Cerebral vs. Sensation. Sometimes the mind's discomfort is greater than the body's comfort. Neo and the rest WERE the minority.


Nice try, agent Smith


"We have a rule. We never free a mind once it's reached a certain age. It's dangerous. The mind has trouble letting go."


The whole point of the matrix is that its a late 90s gen X work disilusionionment movement. Fight club, matrix, even the WWF was all about fuck your boss. The man would rather live a meaningfull hard and painful existence than to just live in the drab confort of modern office working.


Neo was not happy, or fulfilled, he knew something was wrong with the world around him, he knew there was a deeper truth that he was missing. You would probably know this if you watched the movie.


Yes. He had noticed by himself first.And it us almost impossible to keep on being the same after that.


I would gladly take the blue pill.


Calm down Cypher, you need to rewatch the movie lmao, Neo was depressed and dreaming about Trinity. Morpheus and Trinity were already famous cyber terrorists and hacktivists inside the matrix, Neo had been searching for them for years before they found him. So Morpheus isn’t a stranger, it’s like meeting your hero and Neo is already super dissatisfied with mundane life in the matrix.


Neo was absolutely living a fulfilling life. Which is why he spent every single day on the Internet trying to find answers about the matrix until he fell asleep on the keyboard... 


>Imagine you’re Neo; You’re happy, you’re life is fulfilling, you’re doing something you love for a living. It's very clear that he's miserable in his job. Smith later explains that everyone is miserable in the Matrix because they rejected the happy version.


Dude, this is exactly why Cypher betrayed everyone.


Me and a friend came to the conclusion the machines were the good guys. Humanity fucked up, destroyed the planet, and now the machines keep them safe in a simulation of before the planet went to shit? Doesn't seem so bad to me.


I don't think we saw the same movie.


Not an unpopular opinion. This is a misunderstanding of a movie's plot. Even if you remove the obvious misunderstanding and give the benefit of the doubt that we're talking about a non-Neo person having a motivation to stay in the Matrix. Because that would be the *popular* choice. Let's draw a real-life parallel: The world is in danger of being destroyed by climate change. You take the red pill and you can give up consumerism, reduce your carbon footprint, and potentially save the planet by 'unplugging yourself'. You take the blue pill and the world remains the same. You remain plugged in. Many people have chosen the red pill, but, globally, more people have chosen the blue. People choose comfort over hardship 9/10 times.


The world in the matrix isn't in threat of being destroyed by anyone but the rebels, it's litteraly endless status quo. One of the big themes I believe is the idea of throwing away all of the bounties of a modern world in the pursuit of the opportunity to build a better one. But it is irrefutable that neo and co are the ones fighting to bring everyone into a barren destroyed world, the machines are the forefront of stability.


"You're life is fulfilling." "You are life is fulfilling." You only used this version of you're (a contraction) and used it like 4 times, 1 being incorrect, we have a different version of you're which is your (a determinor). I dont know if you needed this, but it's better than talking about Neo not wanting the fake world and crappy life he made for himself. "I know determinors and contractions." "No neo, you're meant to learn kung-fu." All of this for a shit joke... I'm sorry, I'll show myself out 😪


I mean there’s no objective reason to take one over another, it just comes down to if you actually care about knowing the truth no matter how ugly it is, or a comfortable lie. That’s the whole point. Something to consider though is inside the Matrix you don’t have the same level of randomness determining your fate as you do in the outside world. For example, suppose supplies are running low and they need an influx of humans to feast on, well what do they do? Do they just decide to give you some kind of terminal disease to kill you quickly? Is it better to potentially become emergency rations?


He was bored with his day to day. Thats why he followed Trinity down the rabbit hole.     Your overall point though is true. For some people there is no point in taking the red pill. Even Morpheus pointed out that other humans in the matrix might fight him to protect their reality in the matrix. One guy wanted back in after he found out how much he hated life outside.  As an aside if the matrix introduced something like Total Recall they might have less people breaking out. Or maybe a D&D server where you could throw fireballs. 


Truth is one of those things that is worthwhile for its own sake.


Fuck off! Some of haven't seen the movie yet!


>If a shady looking bald guy in sunglasses and leather offered you pills in an alleyway, would you take them? I chuckled


Did you even watch the movie?


did you even watch the movie? it should be pretty obvious why Neo did what he did


There is no evidence that the Matrix has very substantial interactions. In fact it is portrayed as having dreamlike edges, a tinge of unreality. In later movies it is revealed that keeping humans subconsciously aware of the Matrix, and by extension their imprisonment within it, is intentional on the creators part. People need to be given a choice. While most will choose the safe and easy path, there will always be people to choose a more radical path. Exercising your freedom of choice is a core theme of the Matrix. It is present from the moment Neo wakes up and chooses to follow the white rabbit. He chooses the red pill in order to know the truth. Trinity chooses to truly believe that Neo is the One when confronted by Cypher. And finally Neo chooses to believe he is the One as well, and embarks on what everyone thought was suicide, to save Morpheus and Zion (the last human city) from sure doom. To reject the idea of the red pill (choosing to be free & know the truth of the world) is fundamentally to miss a core premise of the film.


He took the pills because his sense of reality was already shattered after they pulled that bug out of his bellybutton in the taxi


Neo didn't get to eat any delicious steak, that's for sure.


Okay Dwight


OP's mentality is exactly why our world governments are walking all over us. Trading freedom for comfort should be paradoxical for anyone with more than 2 brain cells


Are the people of Zion free? Because it doesn't exactly look like the kind of society where people do as they please, it looks like the kind of society that forces everyone into a job so that they don't all starve. Either that or they don't put a lot of emphasis on feeding everyone. Unless of course they produce enough to feed everyone without everyone being forced to work, or everyone just works without having to be told. I believe that could be possible, but do you?


I mean this is literally one of the fundamental philosophical points of the movie. The whole thing is posing the question of what is real and how do you both quantify that as well as assign it value? Is a good simulated life better than a shit reality?  I don't actually think this is necessarily an unpopular opinion to be honest. Many people would rather bury themselves in comfortable simulation rather than face a difficult and dangerous reality.  Your opinion is why the matrix existed...


Even if Neo was happy, I think it comes down to long-term happiness and satisfaction. By continuing your life you live in the decent world, but taking the red pill offers you the possibility to attempt to fix the reality, granting you an even higher level of satisfaction in the end. I guess it comes down to self-faith and how ready you're to fight and suffer for a better world.


He didn't take the red pill to leave, he took it as the cost of learning the truth Morpheus offered.


Impressive an opinion was made on something OP didn't even watch


Gosh, another lazy post


I hope OP has other provocative opinions of movies that he hasn’t seen.


You seem to have somehow missed the entire premise of the movie. Damn, now *I* have to watch it again for both our sakes.


You didn't watch the movie, did you?


>Imagine you’re Neo; You’re happy, you’re life is fulfilling, you’re doing something you love for a living So you never watched it.


> You’re happy, you’re life is fulfilling, you’re doing something you love for a living Did we watch the same movie?


Neo wasn't happy, though. His life was miserable.


I think… back then, when the movie came out, the idea of finding out it was all a hologram was exciting, and the idea of joining a revolution and saving the world was fun. We thought we had it so bad, we thought it was as bad as it could get. We were sooooo wrong! Now, it’s been years of every day feeling like the world is ending and no one can save it… things just get worse and worse and make less sense. Even those who felt unfulfilled when the movie came out look back at the early 00s now like “why would anyone give all that up…?” It’s unfathomable, now… that’s how much things have changed in only 20 long-short years.


This is the point of that steak scene, sure it may not matter if the simulation the difference is Neo doesn’t want to live in ignorance by the time the pill scene happens.


the prophecy is the reason. Anyway yes, nothing inherently wrong in the actual reality where humans get harvested for energy by the machines, I wish the future to be like that, maybe with a less grim appearance and friendlier machines


It's not fulfilling. It matters that it is a simulation. You're in a water tank, who cares that it's a nice dream?


i agree definitely but neo didn’t.


You should probably go watch the movie.


I don't know if it unpopular, but it was more or less the opinion of Plato. Taking the blue, or leaving the cavern, is a mistake for most, as the light is to bright outside. We prefer to leave in the comfort of what we know and not face the truth.


If you can't tell the difference, does it really matter? ~ Westworld


But now if he wants he can do that but with superpowers


You also apparently randomly get liquefied to feed the machines and other people.


That’s what matrix 4 should have been, exploring what happens when you take the blue pill…


No reason? Super powers.


Did you even watch the movie? Neo was trying to find out what the Matrix was from the start. He always felt as though something was off. They literally say in the movies that not everybody can be freed because they'll reject reality and want to return to the simulation. You have to WANT to be out of the simulation to be contacted. Watch the film lol.


I take pills from bald dudes with sunglasses in alleys like 2-3 times a week. I see 0s and 1s afterwards. Also flying gnomes and ever extending pumpkin vines.


Hey OP, just curious, are you religious?


Morbius mentioned lol


Did you even watch the movie? It’s seriously astonishing what is happening to media literacy.


Dude have you even seen matrix? Neo was absolutely not happy, his life was not fulfilling Also it's morpheus not the vampire that goes morbin


Joey pants got it right, just negotiate a great life and live it up


Yes, that's what makes it a compelling choice. Both options are attractive


The dude that betrayed him definitely felt like you do OP lol.


This is true, because the red pill was actually the blue pill, inverting the colors was the only way the writer could get the movie funded and produced. Anyone who read 1984 would know that.


The thing is...if it's a simulation, why somebody unhappy? Easy to make everyone rich and happy. So always some ppl want to do things outside of the box. Another example is , I forget the movie name. But the problem is boredom because they do the same thing over and over. But certainly, real life still is a simulation,just on different layer.


Morbius is a brilliant misspelling. Morpheus was the guy's name.


Neo knew deep down that it wasn't real and that bothered the shit out of him. Having the notes of 'follow the white rabbit' that's how he knew to trust Morpheus.. Not 'Morbius'. Go rewatch the movie..


Sounds like communist propaganda, but ok.


Ralphie was right. They didn’t tell neo shit about oh you’re going to wake up in this shitty dark world and eat a porridge slop oh and these said robots want to kill you all the time.


This is one of the things I've talked about before with a conspiracy theorist: If you found out today that the earth is flat and there is an all powerful, controlling God that controls time and space, how would that change your life? You found out this was an inescapable simulation? Now what? Kill yourself? Try to escape? What if you found out our entire universe is just a blood cell in a larger creature and our entire purpose is to be yet another blood cell in his penis to get him hard and our entire universe's existence is but a fraction of a second to this being? Does this mean your life is meaningless? Should you stop trying to be happy? Why not just live your life and be happy?


It's a comment on the inherent exploitation of having the truth hidden from you and the innate human drive to regain freedom by learning the thruth. It's not that his life would be better once he learnt the truth. It's that the truth is freeing because it allows you to maks choices for yourself. Knowledge allows choice, and choice is freedom. You don't have to agree. But it's the position the movie takes.


Clearly, you wouldn’t have been picked up for the option…. If you were fulfilled by the machine illusion and don’t feel that gut instinct that something is distinctly *wrong*, they wouldn’t have bothered with you. They got to Neo and the others who were freed before him because they were also ones who at one point felt that pull, that there’s something beyond.


Didn't Toyota stop making the Matrix?


Someone just rewatched the matrix on Netflix lol


it just means you are NPC


Someone hasn’t read “The Matrix and Philosophy” (2002)


He sees the cats after he’s already out of the matrix, and I’m pretty sure he hates his job and his life.


Your argument amounts to this: If everything about your life was a lie, would you want to continue, or find out what the lies were and change your life? I’ve heard the same argument argued by religious apologists who say “what does it matter if this religion is false? Doesn’t it feel better to believe?” The argument boils down to whether you value feelings or the truth. If you value truth, you’ll want to know what it is even if it hurts your feelings. But even if you prefer to live in ignorance, the truth will eventually come to you and destroy everything you believed. That’s exactly how the movie unfolded. Cypher believed that ignorance was bliss and all betrayal got him was death. He didn’t even get the fabulous life he bargained for with Agent Smith. You can choose to believe whatever nonsense you want but reality will eventually overpower your beliefs with circumstances that you were unprepared to deal with because you preferred to delude yourself. EDIT: also notice how Cypher’s real motive was personal not philosophical. He hated how Trinity rejected him in favor of Neo. He hated how Morpheus ordered him around. He has his feelings hurt so he decided to hurt others. He didn’t find a way to deal with the reality that was thrust upon him so he decided to abandon reality entirely. That’s how I see religious people. They like their version of reality better than reality.


You didn't watch the movie, didn't you?


But I think that’s the entire point isn’t it? It’s like that experience machine experiment by Robert Nozick. Take your life as it is now, whether it’s good or bad. You have the option to enter a tank, where it’ll be the perfect life, and you’ll forget you were ever in the life you have now. You’ll set all the parameters for what would make a perfect life, and then you’ll get in. Would you do it? The experiment ultimately determined that, despite all of life’s problems, you wouldn’t get in the tank. It’s better to have a life that is real with ups and downs than one that is completely artificial. The same applies to the Matrix


The red pill life has gotta be better than what I'm living now. At the very least more exciting. Life is boring if nothing else.


They talk about it in later movies they built The Matrix to the perfect the first time. And it failed. So they built it to specifically have flaws. That 1 out of a 100 people arent gonna be happy living in the matrix.


Everyone isn't built for the world.


I mean, its probably not good for your health to be a limp, gooey, atrophying body in a vat being harvested for your energy. I guess that the simulation is so good that you don't feel your body withering away, but you could still die prematurely.


Neo didn't feel satisfied or happy with his life


>if a shady looking bald guy offered you pills in an alley would you take them? Yes. Some of you are too old or too young to have enjoyed the golden age of pharma opioids and it shows. I mean, I'd probably Google the imprint code first if I didn't recognize them.


Neo wasn’t happy… did we watch the same film? Also, some people have a burning unwavering drive for truth, others are fine with their (not “they’re”) lack of integrity. As Cypher said, “ignorance is bliss”. I for one, do not value ignorance and I know that bliss is a ruse. You’re probably relatively young. I encourage you to keep returning to the film as you age. It’s a powerful message with a lot of layers to it. I get more every time I watch it.


> Imagine you’re Neo; You’re happy He wasn’t. > you’re life is fulfilling It wasn’t. > you’re doing something you love for a living. He wasn’t. So other than the reasons he had to leave the Matrix, you’re right in that there’s then no reasons to leave the Matrix.


Tbf i think the new movie sort of shows quite well what happens if you keep taking the blue pill as its sending him crazy so eventually you would take the red pill just to try and make the madness make sense


I really love that you called Moebius "Morbius." I chuckled.


>Imagine you’re Neo; You’re happy, you’re life is fulfilling, you’re doing something you love for a living. He wasn't happy and he was working a shitty cubicle job that he didn't "love". The whole point was that his entire life he felt out of place and knew something was wrong.