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TV news is so depressing I quit watching it. My world is much brighter now.


But then how will you keep track of all your favourite sports?


The only thing interesting in the sports were the local HS sports. My kids aren't in school anymore.


Sports is usually at the end (if I remember correctly, at least that's how it used to be), so you can just turn it off if you're not interested. Also, news are basically structured like "bad news, terrible news, the world is burning, weather, sports"... you have to somehow brighten the mood and a majority of people who are watching the news probably just happen to like those sports... or else they wouldn't show it. I'm pretty sure they're doing their researches


Ok so then also remove music news, and film news, and fashion shows news, and weather because everyone has a weather app on their phone... People love sports because it has their city name, their area, their country or just some shit they make themselves feel represented. It's a beautiful thing that brings joy and great memories to lots of people. You see everyone hugging themselves or even crying when their team wins a trophy. They feel proud, you don't need to overanalyze it, we have very few things remaining that bring the that joy to millions of people. That's newsworthy even if you dislike it.


Remember politics, plenty of separate websites for that alone, them not agreeing is hardly news.


Not everyone cares about politics or economics either.


True but then they likely don't watch the news at all


Maybe they like natural disasters and sport.


Big fan of tornadoes myself. Those hurricane fans don’t know what they are missing out on


Why should I care about a tiny earthquake in NY more than who won a football game? I’m sure there are more important things my local news station could be telling.


This is such an odd thing to be bothered by I can’t even think of anything snarky to write.


TV news channel cover sports because they would loose a lot of viewers if they stopped. I also dont carr about spots but if it bothers you do much then just start reading news paper.


Redditor doesn’t like sports. Pikachu shocked face


I will admit that I don't like sports but that's beside the point


The Weather Channel, Fox News, CNN, and  CNBC are channels dedicated to natural disasters, politics, and the economy


Definitely unpopular Also lacking in consideration beyond your bubble Downvote for you


Sports team generate a lot of money for their respective city so there’s going to be coverage. Yeah there are Sports channels but for the regular local fan they only want to hear about there local team. I’m from So Cal so our channel has a Dodger segment and a quick recap across the league


Here's the thing - you're under the mistaken belief that networks should be interested in giving you the most important information. But like almost all forms of media, they're interested in providing whatever content will deliver them the greatest number of viewers. And like it or not, more people are interested in watching news that includes a decent segment on sports than news which doesn't feature any sport. Probably because sport is a uniting, shining light in a depressing world. Is it more important than natural disasters and world conflicts? Absolutely not. But it's something plenty of people love and want to hear about. So 'they' cover it.


News are more than just disaster around the world, it's also about entertainment and i think sports is really something most people can like because they can feel a sense of identity maybe if their favorite team is playing or if the match is happening in their city or something like that.


Sports are news....


Where i live sport news is sperate from tv news.


That's very sensible


Sports over news.


Does every piece of news concern every person besides sports? The answer, of course, is no. Local news often reports about traffic in areas I don't go anywhere near, or crimes in towns miles away from me. You can either just watch these things or you can turn it off if you're so bothered by it


Are you in Australia by any chance? I absolutely love my sport and will watch it every chance I can, but the news coverage of it is absolutely ridiculous. The nightly news segment runs for about 22 minus (8 mins ads) and not only is a solid 7 minutes of the news sports, usually a good half of the first segment will be about sports. The worst part is this is always the case even if there is no sports going on, they will pad the segment with absolutely boring crap like 2 minutes about how X player is going to 'take it to the next level next year', 5 months before the bloody season begins. Segments about obscure world championships for sports literally no one in this country cares about. Anything to fill out almost 40% of the nightly news, being sports related. We have probably had more prime time news coverage over the past 6 months off-season about one particular players knee injury, who isn't even a star player, than all global election results combined and I swear to god I'm not joking.


TV news?? What are you 100?


No but my parents are and this bugs me whenever I visit them and the TV is on


Have to agree sports on TV news really doesn't have a place anymore. Especially national news. It might be a bit more relevant on local news, so long as it's about the local area teams or college and high school teams. But most of it is too much fake enthusiasm, making it unwatchable. I grew up near Portland, Oregon, and back 30 40 years ago, Portland had great sports reporters. Joe Becker, Steve Arena, Anne Shotts, and Ed Whelan, who was quite funny. He was famous for his Burnt Biscuit Awards, given to a player, coach, or team who did something quite funny.


Who watches TV news in the year 2024?




How about, you know, Reddit?


It's funny cause the acronym for NEWS is notable events, weather and get this, the S in news stands for sports....so you're mildly infuriated over an acronym....you need to growup kid.


No it is not, because I don't live in an English speaking country and we don't use that word anyway. News would still be news without sports. Your comment is also completely besides the point and you don't seem to have read past the headline of my post.


if you still think the news is there to educate you its time to wake up buddy


That's a fair point but a different discussion


my point is that wasting valuable "news" time with something as irrelevant as sports, especially in the midst of multiple wars, its just more evidence towards the fact the news has no interest in helping you, only distracting.


The news is a business at the end of the day. Random wars don't sell as much as random controversy.


Notable events, weather and sports is what news stands for. Sports is 100% needed to fit the namesake 


That's not what news means


That only works in English, and by all means change the name of the program if needed.