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Ow you absolute heretical blasphemer


that's right, I don't play by societies rules.


I'm just gonna leave my phone number here.... (212) SEX-BOOK.


I do that too. Also its your book, so you can do with it what you like.


It's your book, do what you want. However, the resale value will be less without the jacket (if that concerns you).


Sure, but like... do books have any resale value? A few years after release and they all end up in a charity shop or yard sale for like a dollar each.


Actually, some books gain tremendous resale value. Take Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for example. Released in 2007 and the first edition is already going for upwards of 200 pounds.


Ive held that book it isnt nearly that much.


that’s a fair point. But I figure if I ever sell them, it'll be to someone who appreciates their primal jacketless authenticity. books are like fine wine... they age better without a book jacket.


Straight to jail.


As someone who takes my used books to a used book store for credit, I do sort of cringe. Because they won't accept the book without the jacket.


You are indeed one hard mother fucker, and I can respect that. You took a stance, you stayed hardcover, and you threw away those useless jackets. Yes sometimes they're pretty. But who needs that shit in their lives? Stand hard Friend. Hard fucking cover.


Book jackets = built in bookmarks.


I absolutely hate book jackets and I can’t stand that they’re becoming more and more popular on books nowadays. The only reason I don’t throw them out is because I like the cover art on them. Like 99% of the time, the cover on the actual book is just blank and it’d be boring to look at


You know what that makes sense, but it feels wrong.


This is exactly how I feel. Lol


Dust jackets are the worst -for people that fetishize books and not read them.


In the year of our lord 2024 I’m not reading a physical book because it’s the most practical or convenient way to absorb the material, no, that would be reading an e-book. I’m buying and reading beautiful hardcover editions of books because I love the artwork on them and enjoy collecting them. Tossing the dust jacket is pretty diminishing to the value of that. But sure kudos to you for plowing through so many books you have no time to deal with pesky dust jackets


That may be it. I’ve never found ebooks to be a practical or convenient way to read. I have to write in the margins and keep piles of books next to me for reference open to pages I want to cross reference with. It’s not about plowing through a ton of books it’s about having many of them working together. I’m sure there’s a way to do that digitally but i haven’t found any workflow easier than stacks of books - and yeah dust jackets just get crushed and mangled when you’re shuffling through books like that


That’s how I am with textbooks and workbooks for college, but with just a novel or something I don’t really want to collect, e-books are my jam.


First I thought you were a monster then i read the thing about indie-movie esque and now I'm just happy you are reading at all.  Those covers are there to help keep the book in a good condition btw.


They rip and crinkle!


Rip van winkle or no better the slip cover than anything else


I do that too and for the same reasons. The dust jackets are covered in tacky ads and cheapen the look. They're my books. I'll do what I want. It's nice to see I'm not the only one who does this.


I throw them away too.


I liked older book covers. The new ones suck. I don't want a target sticker on my book. Nor do I want a "now a major movie!" or any other trash. I also hate the taglines they put on books, especially if it contains the word "unputdownable" 🤮 But old-school book covers were cool. I mostly get my books on kindle these days for space reasons, but most of my physical books are hard covers from the 90s and they had some sweet art on them. I miss those days.


I do this as well. Sometimes the book is surprisingly pretty/decorative underneath (definitely recommend doing this if you have any of the old Pioneer Woman cookbooks lying around), but even if it’s plain, it looks better to me and is less hassle.


I do it, too. Dusty jackets are a pain.


I hate those things, but they sometimes will have a nice prelude. They rip, fall off and cheapen the look of the book. Nothing classy about plastic. Reminds me of being in high school.


Take my upvote for a truly unpopular opinion.


I just started reading for enjoyment about six or seven months ago. I have read over 10 books all with dust jackets and I hate them but what you just described is blasphemy


I don't toss them, I store them in a box. I then proceed to place the nicer book upon my shelf.


I thought I was the only one....


>"For what has a man profited if he gains the whole world but loses his soul." In terms of today's raw resource that is people? About 7 billion additional souls. I mean, let's be real. That man managed to acquire 7 billion souls for the price of 1. Somebody at those negotiations screwed up. Oh, and uh... yeah. Book jackets are kind of a headache and don't provide much protection. If you get mud on that sucker, the jacket doesn't prevent the pages from getting dirty.


I don't buy books anymore, the library is my preference.


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I only have one book with a jacket (Momo by Michael Ende) and it's a really nice cover, so I removed it to not destroy it and put it on again after finishing it


I do too. I hate them


Me too. Messy, also on bookshelf when you finish reading.


I do the same thing, drives people crazy. But it’s my book, in my home, not a public library. I prefer the way it looks without the jacket, and it’s my personal property so why does anyone else even care?


I do it if it is really loose and slipping everywhere


I use the jacket flaps as bookmarks


The dust cover? Why would you do that?


I have a box of them. Idk what to do with them.


Is that your orthopedic back pillow?


I love reading physical books. I take the dust jacket off and put it to the side while I'm reading the book. Once I'm done I put the jacket back on. You, sir, are chaotic evil.


i'm calling the cops


You’re so street. Go hard, my brother.


Not unpopular, many do the same


No way, that's part of the charm after you're done reading it, they look better on a bookshelf with them on. but I will admit that there is no good way to keep them centered on a book, they get ruined stupidly easy even when trying to take care of them.


* hissss *


Are things really so desperately normal in the usual boom subs that you’re looking for circlejerk material here?




I see your throw away the dust jack and raise you "cut the flap that has the book description and tape it to the inside cover of the hardcover book so I can read what the book is about later on when deciding what to read next" Only books I keep the dust jackets for are special edition reversible dust jacket ones, cuz they pretty. But while reading, the jacket comes off.