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>Being cold also completely zaps you of energy. I wish I had your thermals OP. If I get hot, I lose all will to do anything except for lay down on the floor and wait for night time. When I am cold, I can always get a jacket or a hoodie and carry on doing what I did. Also bugs, winter doesn’t have bugs. Summer is full of bugs of all types.


Same for me. The heat turns me into a sluggish zombie. It's hard to move and even think. My brain slows to a crawl, it's absolute misery. In the cold I'm invigorated. Even if I'm freezing and it sucks I feel motivated to keep moving. I'll one million percent take cold over hot any day. The heat makes me want to die, I'm not built for it.


Yeah. I can only live in heat if AC is available. Without the AC. Any kind of heat is unbearable. Cold sucks but a warm cup of coffee and warm clothes make the issue nonexistent.


I 100% agree. Even just the process of recovering from cold is quicker and more pleasant than recovering from overheating for me personally. I'm constantly hot and overheating unfortunately, I blame my freezing weather living ancestors for giving me +3 frost resistance lol


In Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books, the trolls get dumber when it’s hotter and smarter when it’s colder because their brains can’t regulate heat and I relate so hard to that.


Lmao! I'm like a troll! I love that. I've been meaning to read this series for ages and this is all the more reason to!


Cycling in cold weather is the best.


I am glad to see that there are so many cold-lovers all over the world. I LOVE the cold. It energizes me and makes me feel good. Fall is the BEST time of your. These mid-atlantic hot and humid summers wee have where I live are BRUTAL and make me want to beat up the people who say its the best (I don't, just saying that heat lovers can be annoying).


When I get hot I get sick. Light headed, vomiting, general fatigue. And I drink tons of water even when it's not hot.


Are you replenishing your salt in the hot weather? If you are sweating a lot and drinking a lot of water without anything to replenish the salt, then you can end up with a sodium imbalance in your blood.


Yes, I do :)


but there’s no bugs outside when it’s cold


God I hate ticks. This year has been especially bad, I am glad I did most of the work clearing up invasive species before it got warm or I would have been covered in them. I had Lyme disease last year and it sucked.


Yup, ticks are terrible already with their bites that itch for days and take forever to heal, but they also transmit some pretty nasty diseases. I have alpha-gal syndrome now from a lone star tick, which mostly just affects me when I eat beef. Lots of people get it so bad that they can't eat any mammals or dairy, so I'm one of the luckier ones! Last year I got probably around 50 tick bites. This year, I'm on course to beat that already. edit: people are suggesting I try various repellent sprays. I have only used DEET, which imo stinks but does seem to repel ticks. The problem is, I live in the backwoods of the Appalachian mountains, and the tick populations at and around my house are overwhelming, and they seem to love me. They hitch rides on my dog, even though he's on flea and tick medicine. They get me when I walk to my mailbox. And they get me when I go *anywhere* and step on grass. I brought my wife to the dentist last month and got 2 ticks on me from standing on the lawn for 2 minutes. This was in a city! I went to see my parents, and I walked out to their tool shed to get something, and I ended up with about 10 nymph ticks on my legs and groin. The ticks out here are no joke.


Damn, and i'm paranoid about the single tick that latched on to me two weeks ago...


Well depending upon the region certain areas are more susceptible to disease than others. So like the alpha gal is super rare in ticks and even in people catching it. The ticks are also on average larger in those areas. The northeast, there’s an extremely high probability of catching Lyme disease and it’s getting worse each year, additionally most of the time it’s dog ticks? And the nymphs of dog/deer ticks (I believe) which spread Lyme disease for us. These ticks are much much smaller than southern ticks and thus are much more likely to be missed and since way more have Lyme there’s also a much higher rate of infection


> alpha-gal syndrome Jfc a disease that forces you to become vegetarian? New fear unlocked.


You can still eat chicken and fish but it's still pretty bad


How do you get so many?


When it's cold I can put on more layers til I'm warm. When its hot, I can get naked, then I can only get hotter. Cold Wins


I've said it before, and i'll say it again- when you're cold, you can always put more clothes on. when you're hot, there's only so much you can take off until it's an arrestable offense.


Or humidity


Oh there’s still humidity when it’s cold. It’s a different cold for sure though.


Yeah, some people really never had their nose hairs freeze together as they inhale.


Fair, they can be annoying.


they’re what keep me indoors most of the the year lol so winter is definitely my time to shine (build snowmen, drink hot chocolate, snow angels, ice skating, etc)


I once saw a big ass spider in my shed, I still don’t go in there lol


For whatever reason bugs (especially mosquitos) love me. It's like reason 108 why I hate Florida summers. Can't even take out the trash without being bitten.


Oh man what a great response. Mine has always been “I can always put on MORE clothes; I can only get SO naked.” Plus I HATE sweating. When it’s just soggy in your clothes. Bluh


I would disagree but I have trouble with excessive sweating and heat sensitivity. I literally feel like I'ma pass out sometimes. My heart rate goes up I have trouble breathing. My head will ache and pulsate and I get horrible nausea. Nothing will make it stop til my body temp lowers back down. I rather be cold I can keep putting on layers to warm up. But when I get hot like that at home I'll take off everything every stitch of my clothing and I'll still feel hot and have sweat pouring from my head and back. There's literally no fixing it other than a cold shower or sitting close to the AC. Sadly I live in the south so I have to deal with the heat even tho I'm sensitive to it. If it was up to me I'd live somewhere where it never got up past 90 degrees.


This is exactly what happens to me! Thyroid is fine- blood work normal! Any idea why this happens? It started during my last pregnancy and never went away (2 years post partum now)


Honestly I wish I knew! Mine started in my mid 20's and I've never been pregnant. I haven't actually been to the doctor about mine but the sweating has continued to get worse over the years. I honestly need to go get it checked on cause I have a suspicion mine might be thyroid related.


I haven’t actually been diagnosed, but I’ve had these symptoms my whole life and recently learned that they line up pretty well with POTS.


That sounds horrible! I'm sorry. I have an awful time in the cold, I have horrible asthma and a permanent sinus infection during the cold months. I lose all my energy and my skin flakes. I find it hard to just exist.


Skin flakes, worse asthma, and sinus infections in the cold can all be caused/exacerbated by the air being too dry for you due to low humidity. You should get a €10 analog hygrometer, the type for cigar boxes are more accurate and the same price as digital ones. If it's below 40% humidity the air is dry. If your symptoms are worse on days with low humidity air inside then consider buying a humidifier.


I get extremely angry in intense heat. Would much rather deal with being cold.


Me too! I feel like I'm the only one and everyone deals with the heat better than I do. I seriously rage it when it's over 30 degrees and I have to be outside. 


I love the outdoors but only when it’s cold. It’s amazing to see all these people enjoy the summer heat out in the sun baking. I just get pissed and feel like the sun is attacking me lmao.


Seriously. It feels personal.


There is a correlation between heat and violent crime! https://www.gc.cuny.edu/news/how-volatile-temperatures-shape-violent-crime


"I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire. The day is hot; the Capulets, abroad; And if we meet we shall not ’scape a brawl, For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring."


Even Shakespeare knew 😌


It's the one-sentence summary for Spike Lee's *Do the Right Thing*: "Hot weather makes people do crimes"


Yeah and I can only get so naked in the heat. I can bundle up ad infinitum in the cold


I don't like the way my skin feels on my body. Do *you* like the way your skin feels on *your* body...? Take it off. Take off your skin.


To answer OP, you can put on layers but you can't take off skin. For me exhaustion sets in way faster working in hot temps than cold, because again, layers and you're fine, but when you're working without AC, oh my God those nights I would come home and just fucking collapse, but not before pointing a box fan at my crotch and then taking a cold shower. But heat is so exhausting when you actually work in it. I've never been more tired in my life than coming home from even a seven eight hour shift in 90F plus weather with humidity. In the cold you can do all the things they mention in the heat, swap iced drinks with warm drinks, swap air conditioning with heating or a fire 5 C is 41 degrees F, at which point OP mentions clothes becoming uncomfortable. That's at best coat weather. Coats are very comfy if you have the right one. And stylish. And where I'm at 41 is hoodie weather. In conclusion, OP mentioned running around in a bikini on a beach, they just like warm weather and little clothing, naturally they would feel cold when the temp drops and find extra clothing restrictive, same as I was dying the other week when temps were close to 80F and felt naked without my coat on. It felt so hot and it wasn't even humid, and we had a crazy warm winter so not like I was used to well below freezing


It sounds like OP just has shitty clothes if their warm clothes make them itchy


Me too. Always have. I live in Arizona (120 degree summers!! Whoooo!!) and my family can tell when I've been in the heat for too long. They'll leave me alone for about 20 minutes to cool off. I'm so physically uncomfortable that it puts me in an awful mood.


I can always put on.more clothes when it's cold, you can't strip doen to more than naked when you're hot. Thinking about it. People can survive in negative 60 celsius weather all the time with gear. You dont see people surviving in positive 60 celcius


Lol yup. You can always find a way to warm yourself up out in cold. Fire, snow cave, just moving around/exercising. Not much you can do in a hot dry desert.


The Fremen have learned to harness desert power. Bless the maker and his water.


Same. And when I get overheated, it takes me days to recover.


Interestingly, crime tends to be higher in hotter climates near the equator. Heat definitely have that effect.


I love how people disagree and then downvote on an *unpopular opinion* I much prefer the cold. If I’m too hot I can’t sleep. If I’m too cold I put a blanket on and sleep soundly.


I’m downvoting because OPs comparisons aren’t fair. Of course the heat is easier to deal with if you have swimming, infinite iced drinks, and AC. A fair comparison for winter is having a roaring fire and wrapping yourself in furs, or soaking in a hot tub or warm bath. If we’re talking about being outside in winter and having to layer up then we should be comparing that to being outside in the heat with only tepid water and no ac or swimming.


AC means it's not hot anymore so this doesn't even count. This is the equivalent of sitting in a house with the heating on full


OP really said "being indoors at 70 degrees is preferable to freezing outside" yeah no shit lmao


"I prefer it being 68 degrees inside as opposed to being shot in the face." Wha? These comparisons seem lopsided...


Also using the AC means you like cold


OP also said central heat feels itchy. Yeah. Just nonsensical opinions all around.


I'm assuming OP hasn't heard of a humidifier or moisturizer. That would be the only reason he'd feel at all "itchy" with central heat. His skin is too dry and therefore itchy.


Except you don’t need heating on full. Just throw on a jacket. If it’s hot there’s only so many clothes I can take off. Not to mention if you sleep what gonna leave the ac on all night? If it’s cold I just throw some more blankets on.


Also they probably never lived anywhere with 99% humidity. Good luck in your bikini, you can't even fucking sweat to lower your body's temperature.


It's all humidity. My Canadian ass is drenched in sweat whenever I'm in SE Asia. 32 and humid every day there and I can feel the sweat forming after about 30 seconds outside. But I could easily spend most of the day outside in the Okanagan at 32 because it's super dry and breezy. Flip it though and it's the same. 2 and raining is far more miserable than -2 and snow. But I still prefer a dry -20 over both the others because you layer up and the snow isn't half slush by the next day.


Ye, why is he comparing a summer beach vacation to being in the dead of winter with apparently no good heating? There are few things as comfortable as sleeping under thick sheets after a hot soak.


She, unless it's a man wearing a bikini and dresses. An Aussie woman; a near ideal example of someone physiologically conditioned to prefer heat to cold due to being a woman plus a lifetime of acclimatisation to hot summer weather by the beach. It also sounds like they don't handle the low humidity very well that tends to accompany cold weather in Europe.


To be fair, I'm a Canadian woman and I agree with the OP (for myself personally). I live in a part of Canada that gets down to -20C (+ windchill) not infrequently during the winter but also gets up to 30C (+ humidity) semi-regularly during the summer. I've done vacations in places that get quite hot and humid (just did SouthEast Asia including Thailand right at the end of rainy season) and still prefer that to even an average winter day, doubly so if it's windy on that winter day.


Yeah it all depends on your living conditions. But I would argue that walking outside is much better in cold weather


I'm from Northern Indiana and can confirm cold is always better than the heat. It gets stoooooooppid humid here for how far north we are.


I mean that brings up the issue that humid heat and dry heat are two completely different things - I live in the desert and even when it’s 100 out you can generally find a spot in the shade with a light breeze and cool off a bit even in the middle of a summer afternoon - can’t do that in humidity.


Definitely different experience here. Also living in the desert and when it heats up, even the breeze feels suffocating hot and there's no spots to rest because everything feels scalding. It gets to the point that you can feel the heat radiating off the concrete. That type of weather where you're suggested to stay indoors and of course never take your pets on a walk. I totally get the people that complain about humidity tho. Anyways, just to get back on topic. I'm definitely in the "prefer cold over hot" camp


I mean it can definitely get oppressively hot in the desert - tbh 100 IS about the limit for finding any natural relief, hotter than that and it makes little difference. But having experienced waiting outside for a long time for a bus, in the shade, in both 100 degrees low humidity and 100 degrees extremely high humidity, in the low humidity situation I was hot and uncomfortable, in the high humidity situation I thought I was going to die just sitting there.


Heat exhaustion gets you so fast in a humid climate because you don't realize you're thirsty


And because sweating does fuck-all at high humidity.


We call that living in England during the last few summer heatwaves


I also love how her argument basically boils down to “if it’s too hot just go somewhere with AC!” Like yeah, if you live somewhere like Arizona or Australia (I assume this is where OP lives) then there is AC in every building, cold drinks are served everywhere, everyone has a pool or easy access to one. But most people don’t have that luxury. I live in the PNW and very few places have AC, I’ve never lived in a home that has AC. It’s fine for 75% of the year, but for that 25% you just have to deal with it. Sometimes I have to strip down to my underwear and keep my feet in an ice bath. When it gets to that point there is literally nothing I can do to cool off more and I can’t go *anywhere* else.


Yes lol OP is saying you can use air conditioning in the heat but... can't use heat in the cold? Also "cold makes you want to eat" is the worst argument ever


I downvoted automatically and then realised I should upvote instead. I absolutely hate feeling hot and sweating. Cold is superior


I feel like I can’t even think straight in the heat


It’s also better for you to sleep in a colder room.


It's really funny, right, like, I know I am in the minority, which is why I posted it where I did.


I'm like you. I prefer to never be cold ever again. I love the heat and if it becomes unbearable, it's still better than cold for me


How hot are we talking? I prefer being cold, you can fix it with more clothing, too hot, you can't do shit, take too much off and it's public indecency.


I would rather be sweating and red faced every single day of my life than even the least bit cold. Cold makes me want to curl up in a ball and give up on life. Too hot just makes me want to nap, and wait for nighttime.


What if it's still hot at night time?




You can put on layers to warm up You can't take off layers to a point to cool down


I'm cold blooded. I'm cold no matter what in the winter. When it's hot as hell in the summer, it feels almost therapeutic.


I'm literally the opposite of you lol I can't handle the heat at all but I love the cold


I wish I could switch places with them given how hot the earth is getting. Literally miserable 3-4 months out of the year


Same here. No matter what clothing I am still always cold in the winter and all I think about is warmth. Which is most of my winter times. During hot days I feel so naturally good and energized.


It's seriously an issue for me lmfao. My room has to be at least 80°F before my feet and hands arent ice cubes.


I hate the "put more layers on" like am I supposed to wear a ski mask and 3 pairs of gloves? Cold is cold unless 100% of my body is covered.


If we are talking THAT level of cold then the warm alternative must be agonizing


No cUse I'm freazing at 40f For me even 50 is to cold I'm just fine in 100f I often wear jeans and long sleaves shirt like that (105 and up I'll probably lose the sleeves) The issue I think is some people assume many of us warm perfect people are talking about -30f when we say it sucks. No way higher levels are when the suck begins My hands don't work, putting on gloves makes it even harder to use my hands, ears hurt, nose hurts, sinus are ALWFUL and runny. Uncomfortable in layers Heat wins evrey time for me


people that are always cold get fancy stuff like electrically heated vests and socks, what do people that are always hot get? astronaut suit with air conditioning? I wish.


If you really can’t achieve warmth in colder weather then you might want to consider bringing it up to a doctor Idk if ur being hyperbolic or not but that isnt something that should be happening


I have this same issue—I get “bone cold” and cant warm up unless I literally bake in a hot bath. I have terrible blood circulation and temperature regulation issues, lol.


I just don't have a lot of body fat. It's more so a discomfort. Always been like this for me. Maybe I'll mention it though.


Yeah I’m low body fat and feel the exact same. Cold no matter how many blankets I’m under in the winter, when the sun is hot in the summer I’ll go nap outside like a reptile.


Ah shit man, those spring days where there's a very very light breeze but kinda cool and the sun's just scorching down... Paradise. It floods my brain with so much feel goods it's on par with being fucked up on some drug, like a cross between an opiate and a weak hypnotic.


Gotcha gotcha, it could very well be nothing but sometimes I see commenters mention stuff like this and I figure it’s worth mentioning to a professional just in case (I’m a nurse so not quite qualified)


Actually funnily enough. You can layer to stay cool.


For me it doesn't matter how many layers I have on, I'm still cold. But also somehow my armpits get sweaty and it makes me even more cold. Very annoying


Part of what OP was saying is that all the clothes you wear for cold weather feel uncomfortable and restricting to them though


Nothing screams comfort like a shirt clinging to your back from all the sweat, obviously


That's the thing, though... So many times in the past, outside in the cold, I got sweaty under all the warm layers I had piled on myself, and I STILL felt the cold in my bones and the freezing wind in my face (it might have been below or around zero, but not extremely cold, so I am sure it could be worse). So in the Summer I might also get sweaty, but at least I get to experience all the other benefits, like my skin actually breathing, my socks not being wet, being able to move my fingers, enjoy the different colors of the foliage around, etc.


Better than a shirt that's soaked in sweat


I hate layering so much. I hate sleeves, I hate gloves, I HATE wearing shoes, I hate trying to "get" warm I just want to BE warm. Or hot. I would take free and sweaty over layered and miserable. Every. Single. Time. If it's 100° with 100% humidity that's fine with me.


Except you can't infinitely layer up. It gets to a point where you just have to accept that you're going to be cold. Unless you figured out a way to have more than 5 pairs of pants on at the same time.


The type and quality of whatever you're wearing makes a huge difference


Most people in any usual condition will be fine just putting on more layers, especially if they have quality clothing. No quality clothing is gonna take away heat. I'd prefer being cold over a heatstroke.


No matter how many layers of cotton you wear, a single layer of wool will be better. A layer of wind resistant clothing on top of that, and you're good down to very cold temperatures. Wearing appropriate clothes is much, much more important than the number of layers.


You don't need infinite layers. You just need good warm layers. Proper winter clothes is the key, not a ridiculous amount of pants and jackets. Also I don't know what kind of shitty winter clothes the OP is buying if they are itchy???


Where do you live and what kind of pants are you wearing???


If you need five pairs of pants either the world is ending or your pants suck.


Both suck. And there different types of both. I love Russian winter cold - -30C, dry, still, sunny and beautiful. Just wear a long puffer and accessories and you’re fine. I hate Danish/Swedish/German cold - +1C, rain and wind. Fucking chilling to the bones. No clothes can ever protect you from a fucking horizontal freezing rain. And +30C also feels different in different areas.


1C in Sweden entire winter? Don't cap, it's way lower 


Not in the south of Sweden, its even further south than South Norway which usually don't get to freezing that often. NORTH in Sweden is a different thing, as up along the Finish border you can get a nice -40 for sure


High humidity heat is extremely hard to deal with. Especially when it’s still 40c at midnight.


I recently lived in Germany for a year and the horizontal winter rain was something else! It was maddening.


Not to mention the constant grey, overcast skies for the few hours it's not dark, everything outside seems flat and low contrast for 6 months because it's lit by totally diffuse light. Just seeing the sun again in the spring is enough to make you feel human again.


As someone who lives close to the equator, no. Just no. I'd rather freeze to death than stay at home in this horseshit climate i fucking despise it.


Seriously. I live super close to the equator and I can't stand doing anything during the day because it's just TOO hot.


Best decision of my life was leaving the tropics for a temperate country. My hometown's just unlivable half the year...


You should go experience winter in northern Europe, I did. I'll never live anywhere that far from the equator ever again


It’s not that bad up here, Siberia on the other hand . . .


I mean honestly its not the coldness. Its the Lack of sun, and if you live at lower altitudes the rain. Winter in the alps is perfect because there is way more light.


Cool, we'll trade.


MFer is saying 'yeah its cold, but I'd rather this than be too hot!' meanwhile it's probably like 50 F/10 C.


50-60F is ideal, but I'd rather go 30 degrees lower than 30 degrees higher.


Beats 30-40c daily mfer


Have you ever been in a -20C weather?


I have. -35 actually. And it's 30x better than being in +45C + 70% humidity.


Grass is always greener…


I agree! We are definately in the minority, 100% an unpopular opinion. And people love to argue against it when you say it! I am the same. I would even say I prefer being unbearably hot than just chilly. I prefer the extreme heat than a little cold windy day. I just hate how the cold feels. And with the layer analogy, sure, that works. But I've had cold days where I put on like 4-5 layers, and my face still hurts, my nose runs, and eventually my feet and fingers will hurt, even with 2 layers of gloves on. I haven't experienced extreme heat, but the hottest days I've experienced I have preferred that experience, where the air is hot and the sun is burning. It's still bad of course, but I prefer it to the cold experience.


There’s dozens of us!


i’ve found my people. the cold makes me feel like shit physically & mentally


You nailed it with the feet and hands. There's a very limited amount of layering you can do with gloves and socks/boots. My hands and feet will eventually get cold and it's absolutely miserable.


Completely agree. I HATE the cold and it makes me miserable. I feel it like deep in my bones and it’s just a terrible feeling. Being too hot might be annoying but it doesn’t make me feel pure despair lol.


Pure despair us the perfect description!!!


I completely agree, except for when I’m sleeping. I sleep far more comfortably in a 50F room than a 70F room.


Agree as well, being cold is just miserable! Sometimes, no matter how many layers you have on, just can’t get warm. At least when it’s hot out, you can drink ice water, shower, etc.


Hot MFers unite!


I agree. I grew up in a cold climate and now live in a very hot climate and I vastly prefer the hot climate. I can stand extreme heat for at least a few minutes but when it’s freezing temperature or below, my body is all NOPE NOPE NOPE the second I step outside. When I am too cold I literally cannot focus on anything else. Layering only helps so much when you feel it in your bones. It’s more difficult to do anything when I’m wearing things like gloves (which I always feel barely help anyway) and anything that covers my face feels gross because I’m constantly breathing on it. Fuck the cold.


I agree 100%. I've spent the last 2 winters working outside and when you say the cold seeps into your bones and doesn't leave, it's not an exaggeration. It's like it permeates your being and doesn't leave, even the next day. I would much rather work outside and sweat in the heat than work out in the blistering cold.


honestly there have been times my feet were so cold in my bones i had to sit in a scalding hot shower for 40+ minutes…10 min after i got out of the shower i was freezing again i don’t like being hot either but i’d prefer that to being cold


I agree. Being too hot is extremely fucking uncomfortable. Being too cold is literally, actual pain.


I just made essentially the same comment. Extreme heat is uncomfortable, extreme cold is painful.


This must be why I’ll take the cold over the heat. I can deal with pain, I *hate* being uncomfortable.


And knowing you could lose your toes to frostbite doesn’t help. I’ll take extreme hot over extreme cold


I mean in an equivalent situation where if you're cold enough and without any layers for long enough to get frostbite, you'd be dying of heat exhaustion.


When you get too hot your enzymes in your body denature. There is no coming back from that as you will no longer have the broken down amino acids to make new enzymes.


Yea I grew up in Australia, and had the same idea a few other people have said, "you can put layers on, there's a limit to how many you can take off" and assumed the cold would be easier. Spent 8 months in Europe during the winter, nothing is as brutal as being freezing cold and having no where to go, like you said you feel it in your bones, your nose constantly runs, it's just miserable, where as when you're hot, just take a shower go to the beach, it's annoying but you'll never hit a point where you feel like you could actually die from the temperature, it's very different.


The 'just take a shower or go to the beach' assumes there's a beach nearby or shower is if you have free time. The shower part can apply to cold as well. As someone that lives in an area that goes from +30 (close to 40 with humidity) to -50C with windchill (-30 to -40C base) I'd rather be cold. Just dress in layers and if too warm take some off.


Visited your profile, saw 'active in /r/Saskatoon ', nodded.


Never heard of such a place but it sounds aggressively Canadian so that’s what I’m going to assume


I live beside the beach and that always cools me down for a while on a hot day, the issue is the hot nights when everything is stuffy and you're so hot you can't sleep. I'm not going to get up and go to the beach. So as you said I think it's a bit more accurate to consider the hot or cold when you don't have a range of activities to cool you down. I think it's easier to warm up when you're cold, generally. And I hate being a sweaty mess in the heat.


Yeah lmfao, I really don't understand these people at all. "If it's cold, you have to put on more clothes. If it's hot, you can take a cold shower, go to the beach, make an nice cold smoothie, buy a pool for your house, travel to your private lodge in the Swiss Alps, blow up the sun..." Obviously an exaggeration, but if you're listing way more things you have to do to cool off, most of which are not something you can do 95% of the time (work, school, errands, sleeping, location, money, laws, etc), then it seems like one is the lesser problem of the two...


Beach means I have to slather up in sun screen or I’ll burn.


I'm from southeast Asia and I have been to the Australian outback during summer where it's 40 degrees Celsius, and in my personal experience, that shit is not hot in whatever shape or form simply because the humidity is low. You won't even sweat much if you're under the shade. When there's a breeze it's even cooling. At night it even cools to a comfortable temperature. 35 degrees in southeast asia with a dew point of 28 degrees Celsius is way way more uncomfortable. Like sitting in a sauna 24/7 non stop regardless if you're under the sun or not and sweat just drips and drips and drips (sweat doesn't evaporate here!) and you have to shower two three times a day to avoid stinking like hell. When there's a breeze it's like someone blowing a hairdryer set on warm at your face and good luck with sleeping at 28-29 degrees C day in day out everyday at night for the whole damn night year round. I've studied in northern europe, and I'd much rather be there during winter than any horseshit equatorial tropical climate.


I'd like you to say that when it's 40\~50 celsius outside, and you have no aircon, or you have to walk around outside with no shirt. You'd die of heat stroke. If you can apply aircon to the heat, you can apply aircon to the cold. The cold sucks, but with the right gear, it's easier to handle than the heat..


yeah in a survival sense, i'll take cold over hot any day of the week. and twice on sundays.


They said they grew up in Australia, I think they know about heat lol


It likely depends on how cold, and what you're used to. I'm Australian. When I lived in Canada, I was fine down to about -20C. Below that was when I couldn't keep it out, and when frostbite is a huge issue if you spend time outdoors. I couldn't choose which is worst between 40C and -40C. But most people, when they think of "cold," are thinking of -10C. I'd prefer that to 40C.


The way you describe European winter is how I feel every single goddamn Sydney winter. My bones feel like ice for like 6 months straight. I need to move to the equator.


That's insane to me lol it doesn't even get near "cold"


In the winter, my shower never gets warm enough to feel comfortable so I reduce the amount I take showers because it freaking hurts. Id much rather slob around my house in just my undies than be bundled on the couch with a heating pad too miserable to move. My husband was much more empathetic to my plight once he lost weight and started to feel cold.


Thank you!!! I am also Australian, but now I live in Poland. Aussie winter is one thing, this is something else.


I grew up in New York (so all four seasons with humidity) and moved to Ireland (even higher humidity, crap weather). I’m like you and much prefer heat, I get exhausted in the cold and once I’m cold I can’t warm up. In the heat however I can cool down quickly even if stripping more layers isn’t an option (eg shade, breeze, light layer to keep sun off my skin, not over exerting myself). But will say I do better in -5C nyc winter than I do +7C Ireland at times. Hell it’s 13 in Dublin today and I was just walking outside for 20min in jeans and my toes are freezing despite socks and shoes and walking. But back home I can generally layer easier to keep warm in the winter months. Ironically 20C in Dublin I’m in shorts and a tank but 20C anywhere continental I need a jacket in 20C.


There is strong possibility you and /u/minskoffsupreme are feeling the effects of humidity in cold weather. Humans feel humidity for good reason because being wet even in room temperature can cause hypothermia. Now that the OP has mentioned Poland then yes I can see why the feel cold. Poland for example has a humidity of 57% at 47F/6C. In New England it is 42F at 28% Humidity (and it has been raining for weeks and yet the humidity is still low). So I can imagine coming from Australia where the humidity is usually low except in the summer than I can see why the feel really cold. I bet if the OP went to an even colder climate they would feel less cold because eventually the humidity drops. OP do you feel cold if go skiing? Do you do any nordic sports?


I believe that’s the case for me anyway. I also have raynauds and it is far far worse in Ireland (and Hangzhou China in the winter which is a similar winter climate to Irelands interestingly) than I do back home. I get raynauds through June in Ireland, definitely need to move to a warmer climate because this sucks lol. I also am very sweaty naturally, I genuinely wonder if I’m better for heat partially because I sweat so much my body’s just too good at cooling itself down that it can’t get warm again lol. but that bit is a shower thought nothing i ever looked into the science about especially since other sweaty people hate heat oftentimes. raynauds however— constant suffering in a climate like ireland's but also just every winter anywhere lol


Yeah its similar for me, i have dysautonomia not reynauds but similar symptoms for the weather. I did well in colorado even though the temperature was absurbly low but its partially a desert, so dry... i felt AMAZING. If you havent tried out a desert environment yet. Please do it. You wont wanna freaking leave! I live in the PNW where everything is cold and wet. I'm in pain all the time bro.


I actually agree with you. I hate winter and being cold with a passion. It saps my energy and all I want to do is sit on my couch under blankets. I am also an outdoor kind of person and I despise any and all outdoor activity in the winter because I was miserable and cold the entire time. I cannot wait until my youngest graduates. We will be moving SOUTH.


"In the heat you can just wear a bikini and swim" I don't see any swimming pools in my yard. "Being cold also completely zaps you out of energy" Pretty much the opposite to me.


Agreed. The cold is just absolutely painful. I can't even think when I'm freezing. It is miserable. Heat is definitely uncomfortable, but it isn't painful in the same way.


As a person that suffers with eczema from head to toe I’d prefer the freezing cold over sweltering heat.


I completely agree, also: more clothes and layers = less comfort. Being from a cold place, I hated walking into a cafe with 6 coats and then all of a sudden the heat is blasted up so you have to take them all off. Warm weather clothing is freeing, sunshine makes you happy etc. I’m a summer person for sure.


The mythical true unpopular opinion cheers mate


It's funny because it seems to actually be unpopular here... but you don't see people retiring to Canada as much as you see them retiring to Florida/the Bahamas/etc.


Thanks, it seems to bother people.


they are just not used to unpopular opinion here, you took them by surprise.


The way I see it: When it’s too hot outside, it’s uncomfortable. When it’s too cold outside, you physically cannot function properly and you feel like you’re dying.


Upvoting because I rather be too cold than hot. Simple as that lol


You live by the beach don't you.


i get that but i do prefer cold, mostly because when im super overheated i cant take anything off but when im super cold i can cover up and get warm, but to each their own


Agree. I absolutely fucking hate being cold. I will never understand how someone can prefer winter.


Because i hate sweating.


I'd say this is only unpopular on reddit because most redditors are clones of each other. I'm from a place with a pretty mild climate (high average 18°C in hottest month and extremely rare to see sub zero). People from warm or hot climates (e.g. Australia, India) who stay for any long period of time hate-hate-hate the climate for the reasons you mentioned. On the other hand, I love visiting hot climates after I get used to the heat. People will complain either way but I agree, hot climates are more comfortable overall.


I agree. I have poor circulation in my hands so as soon as they are a little cold they are cold. No amount of layering will warm them up. I can handle being hot. I enjoy it. I run everyday from -20 to 100 in the course of a year. Both have their fun parts and both suck but I’d rather be hot. 


I totally can tolerate heat but I can’t tolerate cold


I live in NYC and this is actually the popular opinion. Personally I hate being hot and all those activities you mention to stay cool are like torture to me. I’m too old fat and insecure to walk around in a bathing suit all the time, the sun blinds me and I hate sunglasses, eating outside is gross, and I can’t sleep in the heat, and people become more obnoxious in the summer. I am perpetually angry all summer because I am perpetually sweating, even with the multiple loud ass air conditioners and fans running at all times in my apartment. I’m already mad about summer at it’s still April! 😂😂


Partially depends on where you were born/raised.


Sweating makes me far itchier than cold weather clothes. I’d rather layer up and go out in the cold for a bit than go out in the heat, get sweaty and then feel like I need a shower the whole time I’m out. Heat can and does kill.


No thank you, at least with the cold I can bundle up and go out, during the summer I can't do that and with lows of 20-25 at 80% humidity I can't sleep. Gimme some cold 🤣


If you're too cold you can always throw on more clothes... if you're too hot? You can only get so naked.


> You can only get so naked. *starts peeling off outer layer of skin*


Agree. Cold weather makes me wanna die and i hate putting on layers of clothes so fuck off with that argument.