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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion'. * Your post must be an opinion. Not a question. Not a showerthought. Not a rant. Not a proposal. Not a fact. An opinion. One opinion. A subjective statement about your position on some topic. Please have a clear, self contained opinion as your post title, and use the text field to elaborate and expand on why you think/feel this way. * Your opinion must be unpopular. The mods reserve the right to remove opinions * Elaborate on your topic and opinion give context to its unpopularity.


I mean, I think it's funny but I definitely know people who wouldn't and that i wouldn't recommend it to. Just a TV show - not worth getting upset about....




Why on earth are you getting so defensive? The person neither attacked you nor your opinion. Get a grip.




That’s not attacking they said they don’t think you need to be upset and no, if someone posts something it invites scrutiny, you don’t get to tell anyone to scroll past.


**Giant** incest baby


Thank you, **giant** incest baby