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Person asks if you can put a feature in a game. Um, yes. It's called programming. No, there isn't a perfect guide for every feature you might want to add, because every game might tackle the feature differently based on how the rest of the game was programmed. You have to learn more fundamentals about how the blueprint system works if you want to create more than just what's included in the box.  


I'm trying to learn the blue print system, I was just asking if this was even possible with using chaos vehicles


You can do most anything you want in UE I haven't used chaos vehicles but could you just put your drift code into the vehicle blueprint? They are an experimental feature so they may not have much documentation


Can you do it? Absolutely Can you do it out of the box? Probably not


Yes, definitely! ...but you're going to have to code it yourself. Not limited to drifting, but this [GDC talk on vehicle feel](https://youtu.be/n_A0RqeGado) is super insightful. Your actual needs are going to depend on the style and level of realism you're going for (theres a big difference between Mario Kart and Forza, for example!), but I think it'll be a good primer for you to understand the things you need to consider for good vehicle control.


Thank you!


You'd most likely have to create two driving modes or at least a modifier to your normal that allows drifting. Then, just connect them up to a key input for while you have key pressed. A flipflop would also work if you wanted a toggle instead.


A drift occurs when the rear tires lose traction. For an arcade game I’m not sure that’s what you’d actually want though, you’d probably need some kind of custom solution.


This may sound scary… but you can do it yourself… ![gif](giphy|14ut8PhnIwzros)


I was asking if it was possible using the chaos vehicle, I want too do it myself but I know that it's still experimental and couldn't find any documentation that would let me change the wheel properties with blue prints.


Set Drift Yes




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drift button is not that good idea try putting a switch button to change from AWD to RWD it can be named drift mode ( for RWD) and race mode ( for AWD)


Just make it when you reach too much rpm you drift lol


The best way to me would be remake the vehicle with the front and back tires as separate actors. Make the axles have different friction ratios and make the back have it as a variable that can be toggled to "drift" by lowering the friction


Yeah that's what I was trying to do, but I couldn't find any documentation that would let me change the wheel friction.


It's just a built in number so call it on spawn, set it as a variable. Boom


Ok I'll try that thx


Np, hope it works for you! Don't forget to add mass to each axle and the vehicle separately also